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    The book contains papers presented at a workshop on “patient-physician relationship,” organised by Jadavpur University, by thinkers from various disciplines like religion, philosophy and law discussing medical ethics, consent and confidentiality, gender-related differences, etc.

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    Patient-Physician Relationship by: Ratna Dutta Sharma, Sashinungla, Original price was: ₹480.00.Current price is: ₹432.00.

    The papers presented at a workshop on ßpatient-physician relationship,û organized by Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University, have thinkers from various disciplines like religion, philosophy and law discussing a range of issues involved in patient-physician understanding. The concept is viewed in the modern context as well as keeping the indigenous thought tradition in mind. The papers examine the nature and limits of the patient-physician relationship, issues relating to medical ethics, the working of consent and confidentiality, and the link between law and medicine. They look into the role of culture as a determining factor in the patient-physician relationship and the impact of religious beliefs and values on the relationship. They stress the need for a harmonious and balanced relation between the patient and the physician and importance of communication in patient-physician relationship. The experts specially throw light on feminist concerns about medical practice, such as the need for treatment referring to gender-related differences, and examine the way individual characteristics of doctors and patients affect the way they relate to each other. They emphasise on patients being educated and enlightened to be able to exercise their rights. The volume will prove interesting and informative to medical practitioners and researchers as well as general readers.

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    The research studies the problem of personal identity, dealing with the nature/source of the problem, the approach of traditional/modern philosophers and its proper analysis. It finally shows that bodily continuity is the primary criterion of personal identity.

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    Personal Identity by: Prafulla Kumar Mohapatra Original price was: ₹450.00.Current price is: ₹405.00.

    One of the most discussed of current topics in Philosophy of Mind is the problem of personal identity — the problem of what, if any thing, makes a later person the same person as an earlier person. The book is a rare attempt to analyse the problem in its various aspects and develop a theory by way of answering the questions involved. It divides itself into three parts dealings with (1) the nature and source of the problem; (2) how it has been approached by various philosophers, traditional and contemporary; and (3) what a proper analysis of it will amount to. The theory that eventually issues out of this analysis is that bodily continuity is the primary criterion of personal identity and the claim of memory as the sole, or even primary, criterion is definitively disallowed. The ideas of disembodied existence and survival, which imply and rest upon the primacy of the memory criterion, are shown to be what they are, i.e., intelligible only in a secondary sense. Of special interest to philosophers is the finding that the problem at issue is a problem of criterion and not of defining personal identity and also an interesting and original trichotomy between definition, criterion and necessary condition.

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    Exploring the link between persons and values, the work delineates the concept of ‘moral personhood’. It studies personhood with respect to animal consciousness and artificial intelligence and admits to levels in the application of personhood to human and non-human beings.

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    Persons, Mind and Value by: Sugyan Kumar Mahanty Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹135.00.

    Persons, Mind and Value focuses on the link between persons and values: and as values are linked with the mentality of the subjects, relevant features of mind have been brought to focus.Philosophical accounts of personhood have often been used for building normative ethical theories and persons have usually been thought of as moral agents, responsible for their actions done with freedom. Against the backdrop of this, the authors have attempted to delineate the concept of moral personhood which, they argue, is built on spirituality and moral commitment. Although morality is not entirely a matter of pure rationality and moral agency requires self-transcendence and spirituality, the book nonetheless brings out a stricter sense in which moral personhood applies to beings who are rational moral agents. Persons’ being rational as well as spiritual beings implies that they be moral beings.In course of the defence of such concept of moral personhood, interesting contrast has been made between personhood vis-a-vis (higher) animal consciousness on the one hand and artificial intelligence on the other. And illuminating allusions are made to the possibilities of ‘non-human persons’ and ‘human non-persons’ which inevitably lead to conceiving personhood admitting of degrees or levels in its application to human as well as non-human beings. However a firm defence is given to the theory that moral personhood cannot apply to beings who are not even minimally rational.The book is an excellent exercise in analytic elucidation and will immensely benefit students, researchers and anyone interested in moral philosophy and philosophy of mind.

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    The volume throws light on various issues and problems in classical Indian philosophical tradition concerning the structure of language and meaning, particularly referring to the theories and philosophies of Bhartrhari and Nyaya and Purva-Mimamsa philosophies of language. It also involves the contemporary western perspective in the course of analysis.

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    Philosophy of Language in Classical Indian Tradition by: K.S. Prasad Original price was: ₹850.00.Current price is: ₹765.00.

    Philosophical query into the working of language has occupied an important place in the rich tradition of thought in India since the ancient times. This book throws light on various debates in classical Indian Philosophical tradition concerning the structure of language and meaning. Papers in this book have been arranged in four groups basing on their thematic composition. The book begins with the general issues relating to language as figured in classical schools of Indian philosophy. Papers dealing with the semantic structure of language as discussed by Bhartrhari in his Vakyapadiya follow this. The next set of papers is related to some of the important semantic notions of Nyaya philosophy of language. In this respect notions like sense, reference, proper names, meaning, etc., have figured in for discussion. The last set of papers is concerned with the import of sentences wherein papers dealing with Purva-Mimamsa are included. One of the significant features of this volume is that some of the issues and problems in Indian Philosophy of language have been approached from the contemporary Western perspective with a view to explicate and evaluate them in a better way and this would be of considerable interest to scholars and students of philosophy, particularly those involved in the study of classical Indian philosophy.

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    Noted Indian philosophers present an open-minded evaluation of Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language from fresh perspectives to bring out its contemporary significance. They examine Wittgenstein’s theories on the limits and structure of language, operationalism in philosophy of language, idea of a private language, necessity of mathematics and logical truths, and grammar of the language of emotions.

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    Philosophy of Wittgenstein by: Ramesh Chandra Pradhan Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹450.00.

    The book is open-minded evaluation of Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language from fresh perspectives to bring out its contemporary significance. Including papers presented by noted Indian philosophers at a naional seminar, it examines the special place of WIttgenstein in the development of philosophy in the West in the twentieth century. The papers offer an in-depth critique of Wittgenstein’s theories on the limits and structure of language, operationalism, in philosophy of language, idea of a private language, necessaity of mathematics and logical truths, grammer of the language of emotions and language as a liberating force. Throughout the attempt is to analyse Wittgenstein’s contributors vis-a-vis Indian philosophical thinking and trace and the similarities between him and Indian thinkers. The work, for instance, includes a detailed study of Wittgenstein’s notion of silence and its affiliations with silence as interpreted in the Nyaya system and identifying the common factors in Gandhi and Wittgenstein’s approach to western civilisation. It also presents a radically different understanding — from what is traditionally understood of the Wittgensteinian concept of picture. The work will prove immensely useful to scholars concerned with linguistic representation and meaning in general and Wittgenstein’s contributors to philosophy of language in particular.

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    How important was environment in the ancient times as depicted in the Puranic literatures has been discussed in detail in this book.

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    Purana Sahitya mein Paryavaran Samrakshan by: Nanjala Rathore Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹270.00.

    How important was environment in the ancient times as depicted in the Puranic literatures has been discussed in detail in this book.

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    This book studies the way both Hinduism and Christianity have related sacrifice to the reality of the whole cosmos including the material universe Þ the Vedic view is seen as the best example of creation through sacrifice and the Christian cross as that of redemption through divine sacrifice.

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    Sacrifice and Cosmos by: Greoge Praseed IMS Original price was: ₹750.00.Current price is: ₹675.00.

    In Hinduism, yajna has been at the centre of Vedic thought and practice, epic and Puranic literature. The Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita add new dimensions to it through their spiritualization and interiorization and raising tapas and bhakti into sacrifice. The concept of sacrifice has been transformed into an ethical, spiritual and political value by Tilak and Gandhi in modern Hinduism. Christianity’s interpretation of the mission of Jesus as a true, non-ritual sacrifice resulted in the gift of salvation to the world. The volume presents a deep understanding of the concept of sacrifice which is a central thought in Hinduism and Christianity. It studies the way the two traditions have related sacrifice to the reality of the whole cosmos including the material universe. The Vedic view is seen as the best example of creation through divine sacrifice, and the Christian Cross as that of redemption through divine sacrifice. The cosmic dynamism of the Eucharistic sacrifice is revealed through a study of four theologians. In this painstaking work sacrifice is examined as a complex universal phenomenon which has many-sided and multifaceted religious connotations. Thus it discovers the complementarity and interconnection between Vedism and Christianity. The book presents a new approach to study of religions and religious concepts. It would prove useful for scholars of religious studies.

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    This book offers a comprehensive account of child labour and child abuse in almost the entire South Asia. The state of child labour in the neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka vis-a-vis India, and possible remedies to the problem form part of this study.

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    Saga of Agony and Shame by: M.S. Bhattacharya Original price was: ₹280.00.Current price is: ₹252.00.

    In this book Dr M.S. Bhattacharya offers nothing less than a comprehensive account of child labour and child abuse in almost the entire South Asia. It began with the days of the Raj when newly set-up industries and plantations started employing children on a large scale to augment production which continued for a long time until trade union movements and resultant labour legislations restricted the employment of children in the factories and plantations. The state of child labour in the neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka vis-a-vis India, the economy of child labour, its socio-cultural roots, the treatment of children in the ancient world and possible remedies to the problem form part of this study. Further, in this book child abuse and juvenile delinquency, two inseparably linked phenomena have been discussed with a rare sense of aptness. This intensely directed study has mapped, perhaps for the first time, the problems of child labour, child abuse and juvenile delinquency with absorbing details.

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    The contributions in this volume deal with contemporary debates in Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Action and Moral Philosophy. Some of them relate these current debates to questions raised by ancient Greek and Indian philosophers regarding the nature of self-knowledge and moral agency.

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    Self-Knowledge and Agency by: Manidipa Sen Original price was: ₹850.00.Current price is: ₹765.00.

    Inquiry concerning the nature of self-knowledge has been one of the fundamental concerns of philosophy from its very inception. The enterprise of providing an adequate account of self-knowledge is closely related to questions regarding the role of humans as subjects of experience and as agents of actions. This collection of essays purports to address the problem of self-knowledge and agency by focusing on: a) the epistemological questions, and b) the relationship between the epistemological issues, and issues centering on agency and morality.
    The contributions in this volume not only deal with contemporary debates in Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Action and Moral Philosophy, some of them relate these current debates to questions raised by ancient Greek and Indian philosophers regarding the nature of self-knowledge and moral agency.
    A whole range of questions regarding the nature and status of first-person epistemology, its connection with questions concerning consciousness, intentionality, rationality, agency, personal identity, and morality are discussed in the twelve essays in this volume written by philosophers actively engaged in research in these areas. These essays provide accounts of the complex manner in which human beings understand and describe themselves as well as engage with the world.

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    An in-depth study of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s life, his social and economic philosophy, contribution to social justice, his struggle for rights of weaker sections in society, and his thoughts on the legal system of India, particularly human rights and equality of all peoples.

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    Socio-Legal Philosophy of Bharat Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar by: Umakant N. Netragaonkar Original price was: ₹580.00.Current price is: ₹522.00.

    An in-depth study of the thoughts of Babasaheb Ambedkar on the social, economic and legal system of India, this book examines the relevance of Ambedkar’s thoughts today when societies have disparities and are going through conflicts. It deals with aspects of Ambedkar’s life, his social and economic philosophy, contribution to social justice, and his struggle for rights of weaker sections in society.
    The volume deals with the social condition and political rule in the pre-Buddhist era and later till the sixth century ce, the origin and flourishing of the caste system in ancient times, and untouchability. It explores the meaning of some basic terms like “justice”. It views the Constitutional provisions regarding ensuring equality of all peoples and abolition of untouchability and explains how Ambedkar helped to establish the Constitutional rights of the SCs and the STs and the backward classes. A special focus is on the reservation issues and the judicial stand on them. It showcases the Supreme Court of India’s reinterpretation of Ambedkar’s vision and philosophy of social justice in its decisions concerning reservation. It throws light on the new concept of social justice that the judiciary has emphasized over the decades with stress on positive human rights.

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    The volume examines the triangular relationship and conflicts among the Indian princes, the politicians and the British over the channels of communication, interference in administration, succession to throne and the collection of import duties. The book also explores the honours system of titles and salutes, which played a central role in princely India.

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    Sovereignty, Power, Control by: John McLeod Original price was: ₹620.00.Current price is: ₹558.00.

    In Sovereignty, Power, Control, John McLeod uses the princely states of the Western India States Agency (now in Gujarat) as a case-study to examine the triangular relationship among the Indian princes, the politicians of the states’ people’s movements, and the British. He argues that the princes were motivated by the desire to safeguard their sovereignty; the politicians by a quest for a share in power in the states; and the British by a policy of maintaining control. McLeod first analyses the conflict among the parties over the channels of communication between the princes and the British, the collection of duty on imports at state ports, and the existence of numerous small states in Gujarat. He then turns to British interference in the princes’ affairs over the issues of minority administration, maladministration, and succession to princely thrones. Finally, he explores the honours system of titles and salutes, which played a central role in princely India.

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    The book comprehensively studies aspects of Thai political life, religion, art and literature emphasising the role of Buddhism in influencing the Thai culture. It analyses Buddhist art styles pertaining to sculpture, stucco decoration and paintings in different periods of history and surveys schools of art and stupa-building.

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    Thailand by: Kanai Lal Hazra Original price was: ₹1,000.00.Current price is: ₹900.00.

    The book is a comprehensive study of different aspects of Thai political life, religion, art and literature with the emphasis on the role of Buddhism in influencing the Thai culture and way of life. Showing how Thailand has a unique blend of a glorious past traceable to very early times and remarkable modernisation attempts, it traces, under political history, the earliest dynasties of kings and their battles and wars to found empires and cities down to more recent political developments in particular, its loss of territories to the British and the French in the nineteenth-twentieth centuries, its relation with other nations and its economic scenario. Reflecting deep scholarship and quoting extensively from ancient and modern scholarly works it looks into the rise and development of Buddhism referring constantly to inscriptional evidences and archaeological studies. Focussing on a detailed analysis of the growth of Buddhist art styles pertaining to sculpture, stucco decoration and paintings in different periods of history, it takes up a survey of the schools of art and stupa-building while revealing how the Thai art form is based on ideas borrowed from India, Sri Lanka and Cambodia. In an interesting attempt, the author undertakes a discussion of the Thai tamnan (stories/legends) of the distant past: historical works by Buddhist monks and accounts relating to Buddhist images, relics and institutions.

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