Angela Marcantonio

Dr Angela Marcantonio is Associate Professor of linguistics at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. Her principle area of research, and teaching, is ‘historical linguistics’, with particular reference to the Indo-European and the Uralic language families, as testified by numerous articles and two major volumes: The Uralic Language Family: Facts, Myths and Statistics (Oxford / Boston: Blackwell (2002)), and Angela Marcantonio (ed), The Indo-European Language Family: Questions about its Status (Monograph series 55, Journal of Indo-European Studies, Washington DC (2009)). Angela is a member of the ‘Philological Society’ and the ‘Società Italiana di Glottologia’. She is also in the editorial board of Rivista di Studi Ungheresi, Vedic Venues and Journal of Eurasian Studies, and is a consultant for the Oxford English Dictionary.

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