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Jagannivas P
05-09-1938 ,  Guest lecturer, University of Madras

International Conference to celebrate Sri- Rainānujai 1000 Birthday – Speech.

Invited to speak at FOSWL – cupatino – calipsnia on siddhānta ( Birth of Siddhānta)

Bachelor – B. Pharmacy,  University of Madras, 1962

M.A. Vaisanavism ,  University of Madras, 2003

Ph. D, Vaishnavism,  University of Madras. 2010

General Manager, Heimz india P.Ltd.,  1994-1996

General Manager – GSK goals  1993- 19994

Divisinal Sales Manager – Sonth  1986- 1993

Reginal Menager – Sonth  1985-1986

Anea Sales Mauaja – TN+AP  1975- 1985

Medical Represenlātive GSK Pharma  1962- 1975


President – Probus club – Sonth.

Editional board member – Nrisimhapriya English FOSWL club membership.

Artists Anonymous Dramatics – Banglore


Calurvarnyam – Booklot.

Glimp of Philosophy – Series-1

Glimp of Philosophy – Series-2.


  1.  Darwin’s Theory of Evlolution and Dasavatara
  2.  Draupadi
  3.  America – AKarma Bhoomi or Bhoga Bhoomi?
  4.  Karma Yoga
  5.  Law of Karma
  6. Spirituality is not for the young – a myth or reality
  7.  Sthitaprañja
  8.  Management and Spirituality – a Case Study
  9.  Samsara – Vidyananda or Visayananda or Dharmananda
  10.  Post Karma Yoga – A note
  11.  Artha-Pañcala – A Doctrine of Vośitadvaita
  12.  Catuḥśloki
  13.  Gitārthasaṅgrah
  14.  Śri Saṁpradāya Pariśuddhi
  15.  Aṣtaśloki
  16.  Caram śloka
  17.  Glorious features of Śri Lakṣmi based on the Śrisūktam
  18.  Imprtance of days – Śaraṇāgati Gadya
  19.  Iśāvāsyopaniṣad – last four Mantra-s of the Upaniṣad
  20.  An Introduction to Śrivaiṣṇavism
  21.  Śri- Vacanabhūṣaṇam
  22.  Satsaṅgāt & Puruṣakāra – Adopted from Subhāṣitāni
  23.  Śrīman Nighamāntha Mahādeśikan
  24.  Term Puruṣa explained based on the Puruṣasūkhtam
  25.  Tiruneḍuntānḍagam
  26.  Contribution of Śri Rāmānuja to Inerreligious Harmony
  27.  Karma Yoga – a brief note
Books by Jagannivas P
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