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Sanjay Kumar Shukla

Sanjay Kumar Shukla (B. 16th November, 1964) has done his graduation and post graduation from University of Allahabad. He has been awarded Ph.D. degree by Banaras Hindu University for ‘Kant’s Copernican Revolution and its Epistemic Implications’ and D. Litt. degree is conferred by University of Allahabad for ‘An Enquiry into Second Copernican Revolution in Husserl’s Phenomenology’. He has to his credit more than six dozens of serious research papers published in the leading journals of philosophy and anthologies. He has authored five books namely ‘Kant’s Copernican Revolution’, ‘Revolution in the Philosophy of Edmund Husserl’, ‘Philosophical Reflections : Exploring Classical and Recent Issues’, ‘Dārśanic  Cintana Kei Vividh Āyāma’ and ‘Modernity and Postmodernity Debate : Related Issues and Challenges’. He has edited three books entitled ‘In Defence of Metaphysics’, ‘Critique of Justice’ and ‘Vedānta Darśana Kei Āyāma’. Apart from that, he has also translated Kant’s Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical sketch into Hindi language as ‘Shashwat Shanti’. He has also contributed for the Encyclopedia of Hinduism published by Rupa and Company, New Delhi in association with Indian Heritage Research Foundation (U.S.A.). His areas of keen interest and specialization are Kant, Husserl and applied philosophy. He is at present Associate Professor in Philosophy Department, Ewing Christian College, an autonomous constituent postgraduate college of Allahabad Central University, Allahabad.

Research Articles in Journals :

  1. An Enquiry into Kant’s Copernican Revolution (pp. 10-20), Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Volume XXI, No.-2, April 1994, ISSN 0376-415 X.
  2. Pramana Samplava and Pramana Vyavastha (pp. 83-98), Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Volume XIV, No. 2, January-April 1997, ISSN 0970-7794.
  3. Vakyartha Vicara- Bhartiya Yatharthavadi Darsanika Sampradaya Kei Visesa Alokya Mein (pp. 61-71), Samaj Dharma Eva Darshana, Volume 3-4, October 98- March 99.
  4. Svatantrotara Bhartiya Darsanika Cintana (pp. 107-18), Darshanika Traimasika, Volume 1-2, January- June 1999, ISSN 0874-8849.
  5. An Enquiry into Second Copernican Revolution in Husserl’s Phenomenology (pp. 14-27), Darshana International, Volume XXXIX, No. 3, July 1999, ISSN 0011-6734.
  6. Saksi- Its Nature, Role and Status in Advaitic Tradition (pp. 575-87), Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Volume XXVI, No. 4, October 1999, ISSN 0376-415X.
  7. The Nature and Significance of Gadamer’s Hermeneutics (pp. 73-79), Journal of Bihar Philosophical Research, 2004.
  8. Bhartiya Darsana Kei Bhavi Svaroop Ka Vislesana (pp. 75-82), Darshanika Traimasika, Volume (1-4), January-December 2005, ISSN 0874-8849.
  9. Kant Kei Vicara Ka Samkalin Bhartiya Darsana Par Prabhav : Anusilan Evam Pariksana (pp. 3-14), Paramarsha, Volume 26, No. 1-2, December 2005- May 2006.
  10. Asangjnanatamaka Nitisastra Ka Darsanika Vimarsa (pp. 32-40), Sandarshana; Joint Issue 27-28, 2005-06, ISSN 0970-7794.
  11. Interpreting Husserl’s Phenomenology as a Second Copernican Revolution (pp. 15-33), Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Volume XXIII, No. 4, October-December 2006, ISSN 0970-7794.
  12. Vaiyaktika Ananyata Ki Samasya Ka Tulnatmaka Jnanamimamsiya Paridrsya (pp. 1-6), Darshanika Traimaika, Volume 4, October-December 2006, ISSN 0874-8849.
  13. Jnana Evam Niscitata : Antarsambandha Ki Mimamsa (pp. 25-29), Samdarshana, July 2007-June 2008, ISSN 0970-7794.
  14. The Critical Analysis of Kantian Epistemology (pp. 61-68), Darshanika Vimarsha, Volume- 1, 2008.
  15. Pramanantarabhava Prakarana Ka Tattvamimamsiya Ayama (pp. 111-17), Darshanika Traimasika, Volume 3, July-September 2008, ISSN 0874-8849.
  16. Jeevan Loka Ka Darsanika Mahattva (pp. 41-51), Darshanika Traimasika, Volume 3, July-September 2010, ISSN 0874-8849.
  17. Husserliya Phenomenology : Dwitiya Copernicasiya Kranti (pp. 63-82), Unmilan, Year 25, No. 1, January 2011, ISSN 0974-0053.
  18. Pradyogiki Darsana Aur Heidegger Ki Takniki Nastikta (pp. 60-76), Unmilan, Year 26, No. 2, July 2012, ISSN 0974-0053.
  19. Acarya Sangam Lal Pandey Ki Gahan Jnanamimamsiya Drsti (pp. 15-26), Darshanika Traimasika, Volume 3, July September 2013, ISSN 0874-8849.
  20. Ethical Implication of Devatma Philosophy (pp. 8-14), Sandarshana, Volume 35 : 2013-14, ISSN : 0975-0835.
  21. Jnana Kei Svaroop Evam Paribhasa Ka Pariksana (pp. 53-65), Darshanika Traimasika, Volume 3, July-September 2014, ISSN 0874-8849.
  22. Adhunikta Evam Uttaradhunikta Antarsambandha Kei Jnanamimamsiya Sandarbh (pp. 58-71), Unmilan, Year 29, No. 1, January 2015, ISSN 0974-0053.
  23. Philosophical Contributions of J.L. Mehta : Some Reflections (pp. 77-97), Anviksiki, volume XI, December 2015, ISSN2231-3680.
  24. Epistemological Issues in Modernity and Postmodernity Debate (pp. 185-95), Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 36, No. 1-4, February 2016, ISSN No. 0376-415X.
  25. Philosophical Contributions of Ranade (pp. 154-67), Dialogue, Volume 17, No. 3, January- March 2016, ISSN 0973-0095.
  26. Philosophical Contributions of Professor J.L. Mehta: Some Reflections (pp.72-86), Dialogue,  4 April, June, 2016, ISSN 0973-0095.
  27. Nature and Possibility of Religious Tolerance (pp. 196-201), Madhya Bharti Journal, Vol. 71, July – December 2016, ISSN 0974-0066.
  28. Professional Ethics for Bureaucracy (pp. 191-203), Madhya Bharti Journal, Vol. 72, January-June 2017, ISSN 0974-0066.
  29. Manushya Kei Svaroop Ka Gandhi Evam Sri Arvinda Kei Darshan Mein Vishleshana (pp. 94-106), Cintana Srijana, Year 15, Vol.-1, July-September 2017, ISSN 0973-1490.
  30. Theo-Cosmological Issues in Gandhian Thought (pp.126-134), Dialogue, Volume 19, No.1, July-September, 2017, ISSN 0973-0095.
  31. Anekantavada : Siddhanta evam Vyavaharika Nishpattiyan (pp. 5-16), Darshanika Traimasika, Vol. 4, October 2017, ISSN 0974-8894.
  32. Nature and Implications of Radhakrishnans Idealism (pp.102 122), Dialogue, Volume 19, No, 2 October-December, 2017, ISSN: 0973-0095.
  33. Upmana Ka Swaroop Aur Svayattatta (pp.171 184), Paramarsha, Volume 35, No. 1-4, May 2018, ISSN: 2320-4443.
  34. Metaphysico-Epistemological and Ethical Issues in Post-Modernity (pp.142 160), Dialogue, Volume 19, No.3, January -March, 2018, ISSN: 0973-0095.
  35. Problem of Mechanism and Teleology in Kantian Philosophy (pp.178 185), Madhyabharti, Volume 74, January-June, 2018, ISSN: 0974-0066.
  36. Perpetual Peace : Kant ka Rajneeti Darsana (pp.27 45), Unmilan, Volume 2, July-December, 2018, ISSN: 0974-0053.
  37. Daya Krishna’s Philosophy Of Integral Pluralism (pp. 1-28), Intellectual Link, Volume 7, July, 2019, ISSN: 2321 – 4082.
  38. Comparative Philosophy : Recent Indian Philosophical Trend ( 45-53), Dialogue, Vol.21 No.2, October – December, 2019, ISSN : 0973-0095.
  39. Multiculturalism : A Model of Peaceful Coexistence (pp. 40-49), Dialogue, Vol.21 No.4, April – June, 2020, ISSN :0973-0095

Research Articles in Edited Book :

  1. An Enquiry into Teaching Profession’s Ethics (pp. 166-74) in Applied Ethics, Prof. A.P. Dubey, Northern Book Center, New Delhi, 2004, ISBN 81-7211-1525.
  2. Hindu Dharma as Panacea for Environmental Crisis (pp. 115-22) in Readings in Environmental Ethics, Dr. D.C. Srivastava, Rawat Publications, New Delhi, 2005, ISBN81-7033,893-X.
  3. The Ontological Dimensions of Pramanyavada (pp. 399-404) in Understanding Philosophy : Eastern and Western Perspectives, Prof. Manjulika Ghosh, Sundeep Prakashan, New Delhi, 2005, ISBN81-7574-154-6.
  4. Anuprayukta Nitisastra (pp. 341-60) in Bhartiya Darshana Kei 50 Varsha, Prof. A.D. Sharma, Vishvavidyalaya Prakashana, Sagar (M.P.), 2006, ISBN 81-88289-15-9.
  5. Compatibility of Faith and Reason in Religion (pp. 179-87), in The Place of Faith and Reason in Religion (Samvada Series-3), Sri Karshni Vidya Bhawan, Varanasi, 2007.
  6. The Project of Modernity : Re-examined (pp. 112-21) in Modernity and the Problem of Cultural Identity, Prof. A.P. Dubey, Northern Book Center, New Delhi, 2008, ISBN 81-7211-2475.
  7. The Nature and Purpose of Comparative Religion (pp. 52-59) in Perspectives on Comparative Religion, Prof. Gauri Chattopadhyaya, Vishvavidyalaya Prakashana, Sagar (M.P.), 2008, ISBN 81-88289-30-2.
  8. The Dialogue between Law and Morality : Some Reflections (pp. 47-52) in Issues in Applied Ethics, Dr. Vinod Kumari, Satyam Publishing House, New Delhi, 2009, ISBN978-81-907304-6-4.
  9. Pracin Bhartiya Dharmika Mainsha Aur Paryavarana Cintana (pp. 383-95) in Dharma Aur Paryavarana, Volume III, Krishna Ram Bishnoi, Daya Publishing House, Delhi, 2009, ISBN 81-7035-5982.
  10. Bauddha Dharma Mein Paryavarniya Cintana (pp. 84-91) in Bauddha Sansparsa, Dr. Madhu Jain, Buddhist Study Center, Sri Ram Svaroop Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Bareilley, 2009.
  11. Ecofeminism : A Viable Solution for Environmental Crisis (pp. 105-12) in The Nature and Application of Values : Social Harmony and National Integration, Prof. H.S. Upadhyaya, Department of Philosophy, Allahabad University, 2010.
  12. The Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo (pp. 123-30) in Sri Arvind Ki Cintana Yatra, Dr. D.D. Pandey, Shekhar Prakashana, Allahabad, 2011, ISBN 81-89570-03-X.
  13. Kantian Idealism Revisited (pp. 197-210) in Dimensions of Philosophy, Prof. R.C. Sinha, New Bhartiya Book Corporation, New Delhi, 2012, ISBN81-8315/80-9.
  14. Buddhist Ethics : Some Reflections (pp. 41-45) in Bauddha Sansparsh, Dr. Madu Jain, Shekhar Prakashana, Allahabad, 2012.
  15. Ecological Perspectives of Jainism (pp. 93-102) in Environmental Ethics : Indian Perspectives, Prof. S.P. Pandey, Department of Philosophy and Religion, B.H.U., Varanasi, 2012, ISBN 978-81-924291-0-6.
  16. Philosophical Implications of Sri Aurobindo’s Lilavada (pp. 97-107) in Sri Arvinda Ka Sadhna Path, Dr. D.D. Pandey, Shekhar Prakashana, Allahabad, 2012, ISBN 81-89570-19-6.
  17. Culture, Cultural Diversity and Multiculturalism (pp. 71-78) in Philosophical Perspectives on Multiculturalism and Pluralism, Prof. D.N. Yadav, Shekhar Prakashana, Allahabad, 2012, ISBN 81-89570-11-X.
  18. Ethics of Legal Profession (pp. 527-36) in Dimensions of Applied Philosophy and Ethics, Prof. A.D. Sharma, New Bhartiya Book Corporation, Delhi, 2013, ISBN 81-8315-212-0978-81-8315-2129.
  19. Ethical Dimensions of Medical Profession (pp. 42-48) in Issues in Ethics and Applied Ethics Series, Volume : 1, Shiv Nath Prasad and Dr. Avinash Kumar Srivastava, Concept Publishing Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi 2015, ISBN 13 : 978-81-8069-9771.
  20. The Need of Ecosophy in Technocratic Society (pp. 167-73) in Issues in Ethics and Applied Ethics.
  21. Epistemological Issues in Modernity and Post-modernity Debate (pp. 72-82) in Rationality, Science and Theology, Prof. D.N. Yadav, Darshana Publication, Bhagalpur, Bihar, 2015, ISBN 978-81-929114-9-6.
  22. Enquiring Nature and Rationale of Professional Ethics (pp. 342-63), in Anuprayukta Nitishastra : Vividh Ayama, Dr. Vijay Kant Dubey, New Bhartiya Book Corporation, New Delhi, 2016, ISBN : 978-81-8315-287-7
  23. Sangam Lal Pandey : Depth Epistemology (pp. 331-349) in Adhunik Evam Samkalin Bhartiya Darshanika Cintana, Dr. Nandini Singh, Neeraj Book Center, Delhi, 2020, ISBN : 978-93-83625-68-0

Research Articles in the Proceedings of Seminars and Conferences :

  1. An Advaitic Appraisal of Naiyayika Concept of Vyapti (pp. 114-19) published by Philosophy Department, Gurukul Kangri Vishvavidyalaya, Haridwar, July-September, 2000.
  2. Yuktideepika Mein Purusa Kei Svaroop, Astitva Evam Bahutva Ki Siddhih (pp. 55-60) published by Philosophy Department, Gurukul Kangri Vishvavidyalaya, Haridwar, October-December, 2001.
  3. Techno-scientific World-view and Environmental Ethics : A Philosophical Analysis (pp. 377-86) in the proceeding entitled ‘Spirituality, Science and Technology’ published by Indian Philosophical Congress, New Delhi, 2002.
  4. The Relevance of Practical Vedanta in Contemporary World (pp. 73-78) in the proceedings of U.G.C. sponsored National seminar on ‘Contemporary Challenges : Role of Practical Vedanta’ published by U.G.C. Central Regional Office, Bhopal, 2006.
  5. Darsana Ki Prasangikta Ka Darsanika Visleshana (pp. 146-49), in the proceedings of Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh Darshana Parishad published by Philosophy Department, Govt. M.K.B. Arts and Commerce College, Jabalpur, 2007.
  6. A Critique of Radical Humanism (pp. 19-23) in the proceedings of I.C.P.R. sponsored National seminar on ‘Philosophy of M.N. Roy and Narendra Dev’ published by Philosophy Department, M.M.H. College, Ghaziabad, 2007.
  7. Mulya-Svaroop Ka Tattvic Vivecana (pp. 104-8) in the proccedings of U.G.C. sponsored National seminar on ‘Mulya Cetna Evam Iske Vividh Vimarsa’ published by Philosophy Department, Govt. M.K.B. Arts and Commerce College, Jabalpur, 2008.
  8. Globalization and Multiculturalism in Contemporary Perspective (pp. 57-68) in the proceedings of 8th. International Congress of Social Philosophy, (ICSP) published by Department of Comparative Dravidian Literature and Philosophy, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, 2009.

Books (Authored/Edited) :

  1. Kant’s Copernican Revolution (pages 243) published by Snigdha Publication, Allahabad, 1999. Peer reviewed in JICPR, Volume XIX, No. 2, April-June, 2002 by Prof. Laksminarayan Lenka, Department of Philosophy, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
  2. Revolution in the Philosophy of Edmund Husserl (pages 312) published by Satyam publishing House, New Delhi 2005, ISBN 81-88134-39-2 1. Peer reviewed in JICPR, volume XXIII, No. 3, July- September, 2006 by Prof. Archana Barua, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT, Guwhati. 2. Peer reviewed again in JICPR, Volume XXV, No. 4, October-December, 2008 by Prof. S. Paneerselvam, Department of Philosophy, Madras University.
  3. In Defence of Metaphysics (Edited) (pages 422), Vishvavidyalaya Prakashana, Sagar (M.P.), 2008, ISBN-81-88289-32-9.1. Peer Reviewed in Darshanik Traimasika, Year 54, volume IV, October- December 2009 by Prof. R.P. Pandey, Philosophy Department, Raipur University. 2. Peer Reviewed in JICPR, Volume XXVII, No. 2, April- June 2011 by Prof. Bijoy Barua, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT, Delhi.
  4. Critique of Justice (Edited) (pages 389), Philosophy Department E.C.C., Allahabad, 2009.
  5. Philosophical Reflections : Exploring-Classical and Recent Issues (pages 369), Satyam Publishing House, New Delhi, 2009, ISBN 978-93-80190-08-2.
  6. Darsanik Cintana Kei Vividh Ayama (pages 237), Satyam Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010, ISBN 978-93-80190-54-9.
  7. Vedanta Darsana Kei Ayama (Edited) (pages 607), New Bhartiya Book Corporation, Delhi, 2013, ISBN 978-81-8315-211-2.
  8. Modernity and Postmodernity Debate : Related Issues and Challenges (pages 198), Satyam Publishing House, New Delhi, 2014, ISBN 978-93-83754-28-1. Peer reviewed in Philosophical Papers (journal of the Department of Philosophy, University of North Bengal), Vol. XI, March 2015 by Prof. Debashis Guha, Department of Philosophy, University of Allahabad.
  9. Shashwat Shanti : A translation work of Kant’s Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Analysis (pages 88), Prakrt Bharti Academy, Jaipur, 2021 ISBN: 978-81-945617-9-7.

Apart from this, articles like Anubhava, Jnana Karma Sammucyavada, Trsna and Viksepa contributed in Encyclopedia of Hinduism published by Rupa and Company, New Delhi in association with Indian Heritage Research Foundation, U.S.A., 2011.

Books by Sanjay Kumar Shukla
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