Ever Green Shelf Life (354)

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    In this book eminent archaeologists, philologists, anthropologists and historians re-examine recent research and existing theories upon the nature of the interrelation between the two most ancient prehistoric cultures of the South Asian subcontinent: the Indus (Sindhu) or Harappan Civilization and the Vedic Civilization.

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    Sindhu–Sarasvati Civilization: New Perspectives by: Nalini Rao 3,600.00

    Sindhu–Sarasvati Civilization: New Perspectives. A Volume in Memory of Dr Shikaripur Ranganatha Rao is a compilation of the papers presented at the International Conference on the Sindhu–Sarasvati Civilization: A Reappraisal held in Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, during 21-22 February 2009. Here, eminent archaeologists, philologists, anthropologists and historians re-examine recent researches and existing theories upon the nature of the interrelation between the two most ancient prehistoric cultures of the South Asian subcontinent: the Indus (Sindhu or Harappan Civilization) and the Vedic Civilization. The scholars touch upon areas of consensus and contentions, with a tentatively conclusive interdisciplinary understanding about the pluralistic culture and shared identity of the two riverine cultures between 3000 and 1500 bce.
    They rightly swing the balance of the argument away from the archaic and now exploded Aryan Invasion Theory to the well-grounded Vedic Sarasvati milieu as the home of the Harappan Civilization. Thus it opens a new window to the cultural content of the prehistoric period of the subcontinent.
    The eminent personalities that have contributed include Ashok Aklujkar, Shiva G. Bajpai, Giacomo Benedetti, R.S. Bisht, Edwin Bryant, Michel Danino, Subhash Kak, Robin Bradley Kar, Nicholas Kazanas, Mark Jonathan Kenoyer, Prem Kishore Saint, Jim J. Shaffer, Diane A. Lichtenstein, Shrikant Talageri, Lavanya Vamsani as well as Sundara Adiga, S.R. Rao, and Nalini Rao.
    This volume is poised to evoke keen interest among archaeologists, researchers, historians and students of history and archaeology.

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    The book conveys the basic principles and allied information on sitar and its music, and vividly deals with gharana, especially its contribution to the existing and traditional Indian classical music, conveying the instrumental aspect of Indian music in relation to sitar playing along with other main musical aspects such as ragas, tals and Senia gharana.

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    Sitar and Its Music by: Pandit Debu Chaudhuri 252.00450.00

    Sitar and Its Music is a revised and enlarged edition of a much sought-after reference book on instrumental music, appeared as Sitar and Its Techniques, in 1981. It is a serious attempt to convey the basic principles and allied information on sitar and its music, keeping in mind its absolute usefulness for the students who want to learn sitar and our great tradition.
    The book vividly deals with gharana, especially its contribution to the existing and traditional Indian classical music. It conveys the instrumental aspect of Indian music in relation to sitar playing, largely benefitting the students of music, especially that of sitar. It also brilliantly covers other main aspects of music such as ragas, tals and gharana. The book is a blend of theory and practice, and an attraction to those who are about to step into the magnificent world of sitar. Its text is easy to read, language is simple, and explanation is elegant.
    This book will be a great asset for every student of Indian music and those who plan to learn and know about sitar and classical music, explaining its theoretical and practical aspects.

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    The work it two volumes explores the physical and emotional interaction between Siva and Parvati as represented in sculptural works in the Indian subcontinent and examines a host of images supported by classifications of Siva-Parvati figures in texts like the Saiva Agamas and iconographic studies of the past decades. The images are related not only to religious beliefs but also iconographical.

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    Siva-Parvati and Allied Images by: Thomas Eugene Donaldson 7,200.00

    The work explores the physical and emotional interaction between Shiva and Parvati as represented in sculptural works in the Indian subcontinent. In two volumes, it examines a host of images supported by classifications of Shiva-Parvati figures in texts like the Shaiva âgamas and iconographic studies of the past decades. It surveys an astounding sculptural diversity of Shiva-Parvati icons particularly forms of seated or standing Umasahita-murti, standing Alingana murti and Tantric forms of the deities. The images are related not only to religious beliefs but also iconographical research — for instance, linking depiction of figures in certain postures and areas to their places of origin. With numerous charts, it highlights iconographical peculiarities, distribution and popularity, and identifies similarities and differences over periods of time and areas of making. Referring to sculptural collections in museums and private acquisitions, the painstaking research examines the sculptor’s technique of combining aesthetic harmony and beauty with the sacred in ontological symbols as of Umamaheshvara. There is a detailed mythological background concentrating on the individual character of Shiva and Parvati in their mutual relationship; their marriage and conjugal life; explicitly Shaiva motifs where the major concern is with the all-important Lord Shiva; and the physical and emotional interaction of Shiva and Parvati as man and wife. An entire volume is devoted to reproduction of the rich representative sculpture studied through more than 570 black and white photographs and over 160 colour plates. The volumes will prove useful for scholars of Indological art and art connoisseurs as well as general readers.

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    The Sivastotravali is a collection of hymns composed by Utpaladeva, the great mystic and philosopher of non-dualistic Kashmir Saivism, and the Paramaguru of the illustrious Abhinavagupta. This book brings out the English exposition, for the first time, of the hymns by Swami Lakshman Joo, the renowned scholar of Kashmir Saivism.

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    Sivastotravali of Utpaladeva by: Swami Lakshman Joo 536.00896.00

    Utpaladeva (late 9th–early 10th century) was a great philosopher of the School of Recognition of non-dualist Kashmir Shaivism, who established its philosophy on a solid basis with his Ishvarapratyabhijna Karikas (Verses on the Recognition of the Lord), and with three philosophical works, the Siddhitrayi. He was the predecessor (Paramaguru) of the great Abhinavagupta. But at the same time he was a mystic of bhakti as we find it here expressed in his Hymns Shivastotravali. For him, bhakti and advaita were not opposed to each other but complementary.The Shivastotravali is a collection of verses and hymns which are an expression of intense bhakti, longing for the Lord, and the mystical experience of the author and his non-dual union with Shiva. They were arranged in 20 chapters or Stotras by his disciples. Of highly poetic quality, these verses belong to the greatest mystical literatures of the world. Swami Lakshman Joo, the last Shaivacarya of Kashmir (1907–1991), combined in himself the great scholar of the tradition of Kashmir Shaivism, who taught and expounded its texts time and again to his disciples and to scholars from all parts of the world, and the perfect yogi who had an intimate experience of the spirituality contained therein. He had a special love for the Shivastotravali and expounded it many times in different languages (Kashmiri, Hindi and English). His edition of the Shivastotravali with Kshemaraja’s commentary and his Hindi translation remains the standard text. In the present volume his exposition in English is brought out for the first time.

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    This volume addresses descriptively the key thoughts in Vedanta, Uttara-Mimamsa and Purva-Mimamsa, Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya-Vaisheshika, and Vaisheshika systems. It reveals that Indian religion and the major philosophies of the land are well connected with the character of the inhabitants of India.

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    Six Systems of Indian Philosophy by: F. Max Müller 540.00

    The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy by Friedrich Max Müller is a goldmine of comprehensive account of six major systems of Indian philosophical thought. It addresses descriptively the key thoughts in Vedanta, Uttara-Mimamsa and Purva-Mimamsa, Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya-Vaisheshika, and Vaisheshika systems.
    The book seriously focuses on one major finding that Indian religion and the major philosophies of the land are well connected with the character of the inhabitants of India. The originators of these six systems left no uncertainty as to the exact position which each of these philosophers occupied on the great battlefield of thought. Max Müller quite analytically approaches every system with full dedication and brings out the crux of all these thoughts. He revitalizes these systems and presents to the entire world the quintessentials of Indian thoughts.
    This volume is also an effort to rejuvenate the lesser-known systems like Purva-Mimamsa, Nyaya, Vaisheshika and Yoga. This comprehensive volume should cater to the needs of all who operate in the domain of Indian philosophy.

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    The book unveils the ancient Indian society in all its variegated evolutionary expressions across 2500 years to explore the sociological orientations of the Vedic Samhitas, Brahmanas, Upanisads and other Sanskrit works besides Buddhist and Jaina works.

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    Society in Ancient India by: Sures Chandra Banerji 585.00

    It is a fascinating, meticulously documented study unveiling, for the first time, the ancient Indian society in all its variegated evolutionary expressions across about two-and-a-half millennia: since the Vedic times (c. 1500 BC) — with a beautifully well-knit account of its religions and cultic practices; economic paradigms; polity and statecraft; educational set-up; customes, manners, etiquettes; food habits, drinks, dress styles; sports, pastimes, modes of recreations; sex life and sexual morality; casteist hierarchies; attitude towards women; and its crimes, punishments and legal codes. Epitomising a lifetime of Dr. Banerji’s research on ancient India, the book vividly captures all different articulations of sociological import from a whole body of traditional writings: both sacred and secular. Again, it turns out to be the first ever study to singly explore the sociological orientations of the Vedic Samhitas, Brahmanas, Upanishads, Kalpasutras, Vyakaranas, Puranas, Smritishastras, Tantric texts, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, Kautilya’s Arthashastra, and many other Sanskrit classics — besides Buddhist and Jaina works in Pali, Prakrit and Apabhramsha languages. With highly informative appendices, extensive bibliographic references and a glossary of technical/unfamiliar words, the book holds out enduring appeal to both scholars and discerning readers.

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    This book is notable as an encyclopaedic record of literary, socio-political, religious and philosophical data that throws light on the cultural history of the Deccan in early medieval India. It discusses Somadeva, his age and gives a synopsis of Yashastilaka, throws light on Jaina dogmatics, religious poetry, moral and religious stories and myths and legends.

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    Somadeva’s Yashastilaka by: Krishna Kanta Handique 1,080.00

    Yashastilaka by Somadeva, composed in ce 959, is a Jaina religious romance written in Sanskrit prose and verse. It is notable as an encyclopaedic record of literary, socio-political, religious and philosophical data that throws light on the cultural history of the Deccan in early medieval India. This volume presents a critical study of the work, providing a comprehensive picture of the life and thought of the time of Somadeva. It begins with a discussion on Somadeva and his age and gives a synopsis of Yashastilaka. it examines the Yashastilaka as a prose and a religious romance, a socio-political record and as an anthology of Sanskrit verse. The book discusses various philosophical doctrines in Indian thought. With many detailed references and footnotes, it reveals the Yashastilaka as a work that expounds the cardinal teachings of Jainism. It throws light on Jaina dogmatics, religious poetry, moral and religious stories, and myths and legends in the process of examining the work. The volume also has supplementary notes incorporating the results of studies on Somadeva’s relations with the Vemulavada Calukyas and the locality in which he wrote his masterpiece.

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    This book elaborates the glory of the story of ßSri Somavarû and meticulously details the nuances of Monday fasting in English and Hindi. Shiv Chalisa and Sri Shiv-Panchaksharastotram are also given.

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    Somvar Vrata-Katha by: Unknown 45.00

    This book elaborates the glory of the story of ßSri Somavarû and meticulously details the nuances of Monday fasting in English and Hindi. Shiv Chalisa and Sri Shiv-Panchaksharastotram are also given.

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    This volume encapsulates the advice of Krishna to Arjuna at the Mahabharata battlefield, through the poetic narration of Vedic seer Vasistha in Yoga-Vasistha, which is different from the traditional one found in Mahabharata. It melds together the wisdom of two great epics — Bhagavad-Gita and Yoga-Vasistha — providing unparalleled access to the great truths and insights of yoga and liberation.

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    Song of the Lord by: Swami Veda Bharati 176.00288.00

    Arjuna’s predicament of fighting and killing his own kinsmen and gurus in the Mahabharata War, and Lord Krishna’s advice and thus the former’s enlightenment are well known. Moving away from the traditional Mahabharata narration, Yoga-Vasishtha presents a different narrative approach by the Vedic seer, Vasishtha — about the Krishna–Arjuna dialogue — to his pupil Rama as if it would happen eventually in the remote future.
    While the Bhagavad-Gita accounts for Krishna’s teaching of eighteen forms of yoga in 700 verses, Vasishtha narrates sixty stories in more than 28,000 verses, making Yoga-Vasishtha as one of the lengthier and most lyrical philosophical discourses in the world. In the course of the narrative, Vasishtha summarizes how to attain liberation, the essence of the Bhagavad-Gita, in seven chapters.
    This lucid translation of Mokshopaya, a section of the Yoga-Vasishtha, encapsulates the message of Krishna, through the poetic narration of Vasishtha. Arjuna experiences the dissolution of his ignorance, overcomes his attachments and arrives at a point of freedom. The author, by choosing to highlight the story of Arjuna from two sources, has melded together the wisdom of two great epics — Bhagavad-Gita and Yoga-Vasishtha — providing the reader with unparalleled access to the great truths and insights of yoga and liberation.

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    This book deals extensively with the sleuthing techniques of telepathy, clairvoyance and psychometry. When soul-psychic sluething is applied extensively, it will minimize troubles and traumas, corruption, and terrorism in the civilized societies. It incorporates the views of Taoist and Confucius, and of the modern psychologists giving a new dimension to soul-psychic sluething.

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    Soul-psychic Sleuthing by: Nandlal Vanvari 333.00630.00

    Soul-psychic Sleuthing will help us bring peace, harmony and welfare of society we live in. When it will be applied extensively, it will minimize troubles and traumas, corruption, and terrorism in the so-called civilized societies.
    The Hindu scriptures talked of atma-manthan (soul-churning) because it is only atma, i.e. soul which being one with the Universal Consciousness, knows the truth, which in turn can reach the best solution. Truth shall win. This enforces the application of the Soul-psychic Sleuthing.
    There are many techniques of the soul-psychic sleuthing. However, this book concentrates only on three of these — telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychometry. Based on Taoist and Confucius wisdom texts, and the views of the modern psychologists, this study provides in detail the methods to develop these talents. Presenting the sleuthing practised by seers and mystics, psychic readers and trackers, telepathists, consultants in their areas and others, it delves into each of the three techniques in-depth.
    The soul-psychic sleuthing needs reason, courage, majesty, morals, ethics, values and a tranquil mind besides the absolute purity of thought and intention.

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