Cultural Studies (148)

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    Chhau is a confluence of classical and folk traditions, having its foundation in martial arts. This second part begins with the art of fighting and then proceeds to survey the historicity of Seraikela, Mayurbhanj and Purulia styles along with the performing style, present-day branches, its condition with the information on the artists and institutions that continue to practise this art form.

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    Bharatiya Chau-Nritya by: Badari Prasad 3,420.00

    Chhau dance has an unbroken relation with the essence of Indian culture. This dance form that flourishes in the forest-areas of Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal has already attained widespread acclaim, internationally, as an art. By its distinct confluence of the classical and folk traditions, this art form has carved a niche for itself of being counted as the dance of the traditional and classical discipline. It is based on the foundation of martial art techniques. The most striking features are the multi-coloured, splendid, artistic and attractive masks and magnificent headgears that form part of the decoration and costume design. It consists of dance movements called as nritta-karanas as described in Bharata’s Natyashastra and hand gesticulations as found in Nandikeshvara’s Narityashastra, and is also endowed with varied regional movements of folk forms. This dance form depicts movements of day-to-day activities, gaits of animals and birds, and symbolic gestures accompanied by the war-drums and music giving an experience of the sweet fragrance of the regional music forms. The plot is generally drawn from the Ramayana, Mahbaharata, and various other Puranas and poetry. It is thus a combination of a rich tradition of artistic creativity that has naturally attracted the mind of all age-groups at the national and international arena.
    The author has collected authentic information by visiting those places where this dance form is traditionally taught and practised. The author has met the teachers of chhau dance, the designers of masks and costumes, and spent time to gather information to be made available in a single place. In the present text, chhau dance has been presented for the first time elaborately with indepth and authentic details. Along with the presentation of the historical and cultural aspects of chhau dance, its performing aspect, content of plot, costumes, physical gesticulation, instruments and instrumentalists, regional styles, the three distinct styles of chhau — its history, folk tradition and other details — are elaborated in nine sections. The 200 photographs in this edition reiterate the richness of this art with greater authenticity and thus prove to enliven this traditional art form.
    Vol. 1 ISBN: 8124606463, 9788124606469
    Vol. 2 ISBN: 8124606471, 9788124606476

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    This book drives one to the commendable social dignity that women adored during the Vedic period. The values of women were considered holy and pure. Literatures from Vedic period to the British rule glorify women and treat them with high esteem. Brahmavadini Gaargi, Durgavati of Gondavana, Rani Lakshmibai and Ahlyabhai, the towering personalities India, serve as the role model for Indian women and those who are engaged in women studies.

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    Bharatiya Samskriti men Striyon ki Sthiti by: Soti Virendra Chandra 198.00

    Respecting of women was prevalent in Indian culture ever since the Vedic period. The life values of women were considered holy and pure in those times. In the literature pertaining to Ramayana, Mahabharata, Upanishads, Buddhist, Middle Age and the British times, the highly respectable status of women is clearly shown. How differently were the women viewed at various times in different eras? Which were the women who made a special place for themselves in the different fields of life? In this context we remember Brahmavadini Gargi, Rajmahishi Durgavati of Gondvana, Queen Ahilyabai, Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi, and some other women for their special contribution in maintaining the high status of women in Indian society.
    Portraying the position of women in the ancient period and comparing them to the present times when life is full of struggles, this book becomes a valuable tool for the scholars engaged in women studies and also for the people specializing in Indian traditional culture besides the general readers.

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    In Hindu Society, Yama is considered the God of Death who is feared. Indians, do not dread death, but instead consider as their body part. This book gives in detail the study of death and its effect on society. The search goes to its roots in the most ancient times.

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    Bhartiya Paramparao mein Mrtyu ki Avadharana by: Gian Giuseppe Filippi 360.00

    Yama, in Hindu mythology, is the eschatologist and god of death. And is, thus, dreaded. Even in today’s India, there is a fearful hesitancy, if not conscious avoidance, of any talk about him. Yet, paradoxically, the phenomenon of death does not evoke a similar fear in the Indian psyche — accepted, as it is, a natural event, a part of life: just like poverty, sickness and old age. Here is an insightful, at once compelling exposition of the phenomenon of death, based on plurimillennial tradition of the Hindus — which, despite the affirmation of Western attitudes in certain elitist sections of the urban society, has endured since the times of the Vedas and Indic Civilization. Exploring, contextually, the age-old Indian view of mortal existence: from the very moment of an individual’s conception to his/her journey to the Kingdom of Yama — through the major phases of birth, growth and ageing, Professor Filippi unveils a complex network of sentiments, beliefs, scriptural references, customs, hopes, ritualistic practices and much else — relevant to the “great adventure” of death. Notwithstanding the sentimental undertones of the mrityu-theme, Dr. Filippi’s work outstands for its rare scientific objectivity. It has grown from years of his rigorous research effort involving not only his extensive studies of Indian literature: classical and modern, but also his interviews with Indian samnyasins, brahmanas, relatives of the dead, and the persons living around the cremation grounds. Together with visual material, bibliographic references, and a glossary of non-English terms, the book holds out as much appeal to the general reader as to the specialist.

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    Borobudur by: Caesar Voute 4,680.00

    Borobudur was constructed during the eighth century as a guide to the Noble Path of the Buddha. Born from silence and unfolding into the serenity of the other shore, it expresses the glory of Indonesia’s awareness and creativity, the smile of her plastic forms over the centuries as well as her travels along the edge of thoughts that cross the endless corridors of memory.

    Though the Western world rediscovered this magnificent structure almost 200 years ago, this sacred place nonetheless remains seated in its enigmatic depth, engulfed in vaporous illusions, waiting for someone to find the base simplicity of its Truth. This book is a catalyst and invites adventurous minds to find new directionJs by bringing into focus the vast universe of the Borobudur in order to cultivate the Way to weeding out error. The questions posed or solutions offered herein are like water and waves: different yet identical in essence. They stir discussion.

    One of the special contributions of this book lies in its correlating the cyclical movements of the Sun and Moon with the numerical symbolism of Borobudur. The authors cite the magical effect of the Sun suddenly appearing out of the volcano Merapi and empowering the Borobudur-mountain with its radiant energy in poetic imagery. This magic moment of satori or enlightenment echoes the experiences of the unknown Shailendra monarch who had commissioned the monument’s construction and the inspiration that made the architect envision this Buddhist wonder.

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    This book is the first-ever effort to gauge Buddhism’s impact on socio-economic life under the Palas in Bengal and the Bhaumakaras of Orissa.

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    Buddhism and Socio-Economic Life of Eastern India by: Bimal Chandra Mohapatra 450.00

    With the revival of Brahmanical Hinduism sometime around the fifth century ad, Buddhism had been dying out in India. But, paradoxically perhaps, in Bengal and Orissa, it saw not only its resurgence, but also a spell of its climactic glory — for the rulers of these Eastern Indian regions, during eighth-twelfth centuries, were the devout adherents of Buddhist faith. At the secular layers, the Eastern Indian society of the times, as elsewhere in the subcontinent, was going through a period or transition: from the ancient to medieval. This book looks at the status of Buddhism in Bengal, Orissa, and their peripheral regions in Eastern India during 8th-12th centuries ad. Yet, more significantly, it is the first ever effort to gauge the impact of Buddhism on contemporary socio-economic life, ruled by the dynastic families of zealous Buddhists, namely, the Palas in Bengal (ad 750-1199) and the Bhaumakaras of Orissa (ad 756-c.950). Contextually, Dr. Mohapatra evolves indepth, analytical perspectives on pre-medieval religion, society and economy in Eastern India — drawing on wide-ranging sources: both primary and secondary. Supported by relevant visual material, extensive bibliographic references, and a glossary of non-English words, the book is invaluable to the students/specialists of Buddhist studies and Indian history.

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    This book offers a fresh exposition of the Buddhist theory of meaning (apohavada) against the backdrop of Indian linguistic thought and shows how this theory is positioned vis-a-vis current issues and assumptions in language. Consists a very useful glossary.

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    Buddhist Theory of Meaning and Literary Analysis by: Rajnish Kumar Mishra 495.00

    For over two millennia, language has been one of the prime concerns in nearly all philosophical systems of India: Grammar, Mimamsa, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Jaina and Bauddha which, in turn, not only have shaped the Indian perception of vak, but also constitute the essential background to study the major concerns of language that have been taken up in the subsequent phases of philosophical-linguistic developments. Rajnish Mishra’s book offers a fresh, in-depth exposition of the Buddhist theory of meaning (apohavada) against this stupendous backdrop of Indian linguistic thought and also tries to show how this time-honoured theory is positioned vis-a-vis the current issues and assumptions in language. Surveying the evolution of apoha across the ages — specially in its four kindred perspectives, viz, the Abhidharmika, the Sautrantika, the Yogacara and the Madhyamika schools of Buddhist philosophy, the author sets out, on its basis, a cognitive-epistemological model for literary analysis and illustrates as well the applicational aspects of this model with meticulous analysis of Wordsworth’s poetic masterpiece, ‘Tintern Abbey’. Based, as it is, on wide-ranging primary sources, including the Buddhist philosophical-epistemological texts in Sanskrit, the book sheds altogether new light on the Buddhist theory of meaning and, simultaneously, argues against the fallacies that have cropped up around its latter-day interpretations. A work of specific contemporary relevance to the ongoing post-structuralist debates, the book also carries a comprehensive, highly valuable cross-referential glossary of ‘conceptual’ Sanskrit terms.

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    Original inhabitants now living as refugees in their own land — this is the plight of Kashmiri Pandits now. This book describes the life, customs and traditions of the half-a-million people of this community, and their march from medieval times into the modern age.

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    Cashmere Kashir That Was by: S. Sapru 198.00

    India is a land of communities, and Kashmiri Pandits are one of them. Though they are the original inhabitants of the Kashmir valley, famous the world over for its beauty and learning, they are living in their own country as refugees since 1989 due to religious persecution, ethnic cleansing and terrorism — their only fault lay in their religion, Hinduism. This book describes basically the life and times of the half-a-million people of this community living in peace and harmony with nature. It also delves into the march of the people from medieval times into the modern age and the impact of transport and communication technologies that opened a window for information flow into the valley cocooned for so long due to the high mountains all around. Customs and traditions are described in a changing scenario brought about by the introduction of the English language in the late 19th century.

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    This volume addresses the wisdom of yoga with a practical approach. It unveils yoga in its true sense. Yoga is not meant for doing, but for being; being in our real nature, being in complete communion with the Supreme Consciousness, i.e. Truth, Bliss and Consciousness, enabling one to celebrate his life.

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    Celebrating Life with Yoga by: Ajay Bhardwaj 356.00

    This volume addresses the wisdom of yoga with a practical approach. While many people think of yoga simply as a series of postures and breathing exercises, which is only a part of the vast yoga wisdom, it unveils yoga in its true sense. Yoga is not meant for doing, but for being; being in our real nature, being in complete communion with the Supreme Consciousness, i.e. Truth, Bliss and Consciousness.
    Yoga helps one to discover oneself “who am I”? And the moment we know who we really are, every moment of life becomes a celebration. Yoga is thus the key to celebrating the life festival. Giving an introduction to the origin, history, traditions and different paths and aspects of yoga, the book authoritatively answers the basic questions: how can we apply yoga in our personal, family and social life?, what are the causes of suffering?, how can we live a stress-free and blissful life? and how can we attain the supreme goal of life, i.e. Self-realization, God-realization?
    As the book is designed to conform to the course contents of yogic science of Indian universities, it will be of great use to students, academicians and yoga aspirants alike.

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    This book makes an in-depth study of the history of evolution, penetration and growth of nagasvaram into the cultural moorings of south India. It makes a systematic study of nagasvaram from different perspectives, its accompanying instruments, its relevance in temple festivals, marriages, the traditions associated, its prevalence and acceptability among south Indian states. It also introduces the all-time great maestros of nagasvaram.

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    Celestial Nagasvaram by: Geetha Rajagopal 1,080.00

    Nagasvaram, world’s loudest non-brass acoustic instrument, is known as mangala vadyam (auspicious instrument), and raja vadyam (king of all instruments). This popular wind-group musical instrument is well known all over the south Indian states, more specifically in Tamil Nadu. Its origin is associated with the Thiruvarur Temple and its legacy continued all through the Pallavas, Colas, Pandyas, Nayakas, and Marathas. It has imprinted its sheen on all the rituals, especially, on the temple festivals and marriages.
    This book makes an in-depth study of the history of evolution, penetration and growth of nagasvaram into the cultural moorings of south India over a period of 800 years. It makes a systematic study of nagasvaram (myths associated with it, its making, types, etc.), its accompanying instruments, its relevance in temple festivals, marriages, the traditions associated with nagasvaram, its prevalence and acceptability in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala, in addition to Tamil Nadu where it rules the roost. It widely introduces the great maestros of nagasvaram, for whom it was a nishkama karma.
    Kings, temples and mathas were the promoters of this blissful instrument. At present this artform faces severe challenges from the all-pervasive Western musical instruments. The author suggests ways and means of how to maintain the legacy of nagasvaram live, and the need to preserve the rich heritage of our musical tradition for the benefit of our posterity to realize the Supreme Bliss in their life.
    This book, rare of its kind, will enthrall those who are keen on instrumental music, especially the faculty, students, and professionals in the field of music, religion and art.

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    This book makes an in-depth study of the history of evolution, penetration and growth of nagasvaram into the cultural moorings of south India. It makes a systematic study of nagasvaram from different perspectives, its accompanying instruments, its relevance in temple festivals, marriages, the traditions associated, its prevalence and acceptability among south Indian states. It also introduces the all-time great maestros of nagasvaram.

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    Celestial Nagasvaram (PB) by: Geetha Rajagopal 720.00

    Nagasvaram, world’s loudest non-brass acoustic instrument, is known as mangala vadyam (auspicious instrument), and raja vadyam (king of all instruments). This popular wind-group musical instrument is well known all over the south Indian states, more specifically in Tamil Nadu. Its origin is associated with the Thiruvarur Temple and its legacy continued all through the Pallavas, Colas, Pandyas, Nayakas, and Marathas. It has imprinted its sheen on all the rituals, especially, on the temple festivals and marriages.
    This book makes an in-depth study of the history of evolution, penetration and growth of nagasvaram into the cultural moorings of south India over a period of 800 years. It makes a systematic study of nagasvaram (myths associated with it, its making, types, etc.), its accompanying instruments, its relevance in temple festivals, marriages, the traditions associated with nagasvaram, its prevalence and acceptability in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala, in addition to Tamil Nadu where it rules the roost. It widely introduces the great maestros of nagasvaram, for whom it was a nishkama karma.
    Kings, temples and mathas were the promoters of this blissful instrument. At present this artform faces severe challenges from the all-pervasive Western musical instruments. The author suggests ways and means of how to maintain the legacy of nagasvaram live, and the need to preserve the rich heritage of our musical tradition for the benefit of our posterity to realize the Supreme Bliss in their life.
    This book, rare of its kind, will enthrall those who are keen on instrumental music, especially the faculty, students, and professionals in the field of music, religion and art.

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