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    Buddhism and Socio-E...

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Buddhism and Socio-Economic Life of Eastern India

With Special Reference to Bengal and Orissa (8th-12th centuries ad) by: Bimal Chandra Mohapatra

This book is the first-ever effort to gauge Buddhism’s impact on socio-economic life under the Palas in Bengal and the Bhaumakaras of Orissa.



ISBN: 9788124600559
Year Of Publication: 1995
Edition: 1st
Pages : 200 [+12]
Bibliographic Details : 21 B/w photographs; 4 Maps; Glossary; Bibliography; Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 25 cm.
Weight: 600


With the revival of Brahmanical Hinduism sometime around the fifth century ad, Buddhism had been dying out in India. But, paradoxically perhaps, in Bengal and Orissa, it saw not only its resurgence, but also a spell of its climactic glory — for the rulers of these Eastern Indian regions, during eighth-twelfth centuries, were the devout adherents of Buddhist faith. At the secular layers, the Eastern Indian society of the times, as elsewhere in the subcontinent, was going through a period or transition: from the ancient to medieval. This book looks at the status of Buddhism in Bengal, Orissa, and their peripheral regions in Eastern India during 8th-12th centuries ad. Yet, more significantly, it is the first ever effort to gauge the impact of Buddhism on contemporary socio-economic life, ruled by the dynastic families of zealous Buddhists, namely, the Palas in Bengal (ad 750-1199) and the Bhaumakaras of Orissa (ad 756-c.950). Contextually, Dr. Mohapatra evolves indepth, analytical perspectives on pre-medieval religion, society and economy in Eastern India — drawing on wide-ranging sources: both primary and secondary. Supported by relevant visual material, extensive bibliographic references, and a glossary of non-English words, the book is invaluable to the students/specialists of Buddhist studies and Indian history.


List of Illustrations
Orissa During The Bhaumakara Period (8th-10th Century ad)
Bengal and Bihar During the Pala Period (8th-12th Century ad)
1. Introduction
Historical Background
2. Position of Buddhism in Bengal and Orissa Prior to the Eighth
3. Buddhism in Bengal and Orissa
Pala Age
Buddhits Centres in Bengal
Bhaumakara Age
Buddhist Centres
Evolution of Buddhism
4. Society in Bengal and Orissa
Society Under the Palas of Bengal
Society Under the Bhaumakaras of Orissa
Contemporary Indian Society
5. Economic Conditions in Bengal and Orissa
Bengal During Pala Period
Orissa During the Bhaumakara Period
Contemporary India’s Economic Condition
6. Conclusion
Select Bibliography

Meet the Author
    Bimal Chandra Mohapatra, who holds Delhi University’s Ph.D, is a one-time Research Fellow of the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) and the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR).An untiring researcher, Dr. Mohapatra is currently working, in the Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi, on a post-doctoral project relevant to Comparative Religion. Which also involves him with the Taisho University and the Eastern Institute in Tokyo, Japan.
    Books of Bimal Chandra Mohapatra