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Vedanta Science and Technology: A Multidimensional Apporoach

A Multidimensional Apporoach by: Girish Nath Jha , Bal Ram Singh , Sukalyan Sengupta

The multidimensional approach to Vedānta Science Technology extends the core scientific ideas of Vedānta to social, cultural, aesthetic and religious principles. The effort is to present a wide spectrum of intellectual discourse trying to discover fundamental scientific and technological aspects of Vedānta studies.



ISBN: 9788124609477
Year Of Publication: 2021
Edition: 1st
Pages : xv, 834
Bibliographic Details : Contributors: Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23cm
Weight: 1.280


Vedānta texts have been well known for their richness in fundamental scientific and technological principles with strong potential for research and development today. In fact, much of ancient India’s remarkable achievements in science and technology can be credited to Vedantic texts.
This volume – proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Vedanta held during 27-30 December 2015 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – features 53 scholarly articles from a wide variety of areas of study. The 22nd Vedanta was a confluence of scholars from various disciplines and the papers in this volume bear the imprint of an intense discussion that is usually expected from a good Vedanta seminar. Though the majority of the papers are in English, a few are in Sanskrit and Hindi as well. The papers are grouped under Vedānta Studies, Vedānta and Philosophy, Vedānta and Science, Vedānta and Culture, Applied Vedānta, and Digital Access and Search of Sanskrit Texts.
This multidimensional approach extends the core scientific ideas of Vedānta to social, cultural, aesthetic and religious aspects of studies, creating a wide spectrum of intellectual discourse and trying to discover fundamental scientific and technological aspects of Vedānta studies.
Being a worthwhile addition to Vedānta studies, this volume should invoke keen interest among all those who are deeply into it, be a student, a researcher or a common reader.


Preface v
1. The Contemporary Relevance of Vedāntic
Moral Principles
– Raghunath Ghosh
2. Is Madhu-Brahman the Gist of Vedānta?
– Asha Rani Tripathi
3. Vedāntic Pedagogy and Its Classical Relevance
– Chaitali Kanjilal
4. वैदिक शिक्षण-पद्धति की ḍासंगिकता (वर्तमान के सन्दर्भ में)
मंजु शर्मा
5. The Concept of Identity in Advaita Vedānta
– Tamoghna Sarkar
6. Vedāntic Model of Self-Management : With
Special Reference to the Chāndogyopaniṣadvākya
– Satyamurti
7. Legacy of Sāṁkhya Concepts in Śaṅkara’s
Interpretation: An Exegesis
– Kakali Ghosh
8. The Interpretation of Mithyājñānanimitta
in the Pañcapādikā
– Takahiro Kato
9. Citsukha’s critique of Universal
– Himani Vasudev
10. Emasculated Gods: A Study of Bisexual
Identities in Saptamātṛkā Iconography
– Aniruddha Kar and Soham Pain
11.प्रतीक: प्रतिमाया”च स्वरूपम् आगम”ाास्त्रनुसारेण
µ भास्कर-रायः
12. The Problem of the Ekajīva in Dr̥ṣṭisr̥ṣṭivāda
– Vivek Karmakar

13. Phenomenology of I-Consciousness in Advaita
Vedānta: Some Reflections of P.T. Raju
– K. Srinivas
14. Hermeneutic Perspective on Consciousness
in Advaita Vedānta
– R.P. Singh
15. On the Method of Tat-tvam-asi
– Krishnan Sugavanam
16. The Sphoṭa Theory in the Indic Philosophy:
The Ancient vs the Moder
– Pitambar Behera
17. औपनिजदिक सृज्टि चिन्तन
दृ प्रियंका उपाध्याय
18. Reflections of the Vedāntic Concepts in the
Mahābhārata: In Context of Brahman and Ātman
– Priyanka Pandey
19. उपनिजत्सु अमृतस्वरूपम्
दृ अमित कुमार दे
20. सो{हमस्मि: आध्यात्मिक और भौतिक जीवन का संयोजन
µ चन्दा कुमारी
21. Man: A Sophisticated Ape?: – An Upaniṣadic
– Shiva Rahman
22. Sense and Sensuality: Interpreting Tāntric
Practice with Existential Phenomenology
– Shiva Rahman
23. An Epistemological Analysis of the States of
Consciousness: The Māṇḍūkya Model
– Surjya Kamal Borah and Shruti Rai
24. The Concept of Tattvatraya in
Yatīndramatadīpikā: An Authentic
Compendium of Viśiṣṭādvaita
– Sundari Vishwanathan
25. The Seen and the Unseen Verities in
Tattvatraya Analysed
– T.K. Parthasarathy
26. मानमेयादिव्यवस्थायां “ांका तत् समाधानṬच
µ अर्णव घोजालः
27. An Endless Quest for Immortality:
Tagore’s Interpretation in the Light of Vedānta
– Gargi Bhattacharya
28. सम्बन्ध तत्त्व: “ाांकरवेदान्तीय विवेचन 382
µ विवेक “ार्मा
29. Cosmology and Psychology: Sāṁkhya-Yoga
and Vedānta Point of View
– Sanghamitra Sengupta
30. Contribution of Āryabhaṭīya to Mathematics and
Astronomy: Modern Perspectiv
– Daya Shankar Tiwary
31. Delineation of Consciousness in Vedāntic
and Siddāntic Traditions
– S. Rammohan
32. Science and Spirituality: Vedāntic Perspective
– Rupali Raghunath Wadekar
33. Upaniṣadic Thoughts on Epigenetics
– Om Prakash
34. श्रीरामकृज्णानां विज्ञानवेदान्तदि”ाा ई”वरस्वरूपपर्यालोचनम्
µ पला”ा घोडइः
35. Nature and Importance of the Means
to Liberation in Advaita Vedānta
– Sandhya Pruthi
36. आधुनिकविज्ञाने प्रश।ोपनिजदः योगदानम् 505
µ अनुश्रिता मण्डल
37. अथातो वेदान्तवर्णमीमांसा
µ रामसेवक दुबे
38. Reflections of Vedāntic Wisdom in
Indian Culture
– Chandan Kumar Chakraborty
39. Philosophy of Śrī Śaṅkarācārya:
Its Relevance to Present Age
– Chakradhar Behera
40. Aesthetic Vedānta
– Merina Islam
41. Caste System and Vivekananda
– Arup Jyoti Sarma
42. Vedānta and Music
– Gayathri Giris
43. Vedānta and the Varṇa System
– Manjushree Hegde
44. प्रस्थानत्रयीशंकरभाष्य में कर्म-सिद्धान्त का विशलेषण 615
45. Vedānta and Yogic Prāṇa-Vidyā
– Shashi Tiwari
46. Śrīkaṇṭha’s Śaivaviśiṣṭādvaita and Śaṅkara’s
Advaita: Review of Some Concepts
– T. Ganesan

47. Editing Unicode Devanāgarī Text
through Digital Braille Typewriter
– Diwakar Mishra and Bhartendu Pandey
48. Multimedia and E-Learning-Based Presentation
of Sanskrit Heritage Texts: The Case of
– Devendra Singh Rajput
49. Preservation of Science and Technology
Manuscripts of Sanskrit: A Technology based
– Devendra Singh Rajput and Girish Nath Jha
50. संस्कृत छन्द ि”ाक्षण हेतु छात्रें एवं ि”ाक्षकों के लिए
वेब-आधारित सहायक तन्त्र का विकास
µ रवि कुमार मीना एवं सुभाज चन्द्र
51. वेदान्त ग्रन्थों के अर्थनिर्धारण हेतु नियम एवं उदाहरण
संयुत्तफ़ विधि का प्रयोग करके संस्कृत सनाद्यन्त िṢयापदों की
संगणकीय पहचान एवं वि”लेजण
µ भूपेन्द्र कुमार एवं सुभाज चन्द्र
52. नियम एवं उदाहरण मिश्रित विधि से वेदान्त ग्रन्थों के
व्याकरणिक विशलेषण के लिए तिद्धतान्त पदों की
संगणकीय पहचान एवं वि”लेजण
µ साक्षी एवं सुभाज चन्द्र
53. उदाहरण-नियम संयुत्तफ़ विधि से संस्कृत िक्रयापदों का
अभिज्ञान, विशलेषण एवं रूपसििद्ध तन्त्र का विकास
µ विवेक कुमार एवं सुभाज चन्द्र

Meet the Author
Dr Girish Nath Jha is Associate Professor at the Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). He has an honorary appointment at the Center for Indic Studies as Mukesh and Priti Chatter Distinguished Professor at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA. Dr Jha has studied computational linguistics from JNU and from University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. He has publications from Springer Verlag, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Lambert Academic Publishing, among others, and is on the editorial board of a leading journal from Springer.
Dr Bal Ram Singh is the Director of Center for Indic Studies at UMass – Dartmouth. As a Professor of Biophysical Chemistry and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, and the Director of Botulinum Research Center, he has been conducting research since 1990, on botulinum and tetanus neurotoxins, and lately also on yoga, mind, and consciousness. He has published three books and over 200 articles. He is the editor of the Journal Light on Ayurveda and International Journal of Indian Culture.
Books of Sukalyan Sengupta

“Vedanta Science and Technology: A Multidimensional Apporoach”

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