Vedanta Anvikshiki...
Vedanta Anvikshiki
Science and Philosophy in Contemporary Perspective by: Girish Nath Jha , Sukalyan Sengupta , Bal Ram SinghThis volume features thirty-one well-researched articles and resonates the current expectations from Vedanta in a fast-changing world. It discusses and debates among reputed and erudite scholars the Vedantic traditions and their scientific and contemporary relevance to the society across the globe.
ISBN: 9788124608975
Year Of Publication: 2017
Edition: 1st Edition
Pages : xv, 600p.
Bibliographic Details : Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23
Weight: 1000
Ancient Indian thought system, well known for its relentless argumentation on varied contentious issues, paved the way for maturing deep philosophical thoughts, and scientific and technological inventions. This volume Vedanta Anvikshiki, Science and Philosophy in Contemporary Perspective, which resonates the current expectations from Vedanta in a fast-changing world, is the proceedings of the 21st edition of International Congress of Vedanta organized by the Center of Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth during 11-13 July 2013.
The volume presents thirty-one research papers from reputed scholars on wide-ranging topics like metaphysics, knowledge and hermeneutics, science and technology in ancient texts, interpretation of key texts, digital libraries, yoga and ayurveda, spirituality and science, interfaith dialogue, Indian cosmology and psychology, Vedantic pedagogy, history, culture, social systems, corporate world, governance, music and consciousness studies. These papers present vast treasures of Indias knowledge systems and offer potential for multidisciplinary research.
It would be of immense value to the students and scholars of Vedanta, and would stimulate them for more discussions and debates on Vedantic traditions and their contemporary relevance.
Editorial Note
1. Intentionality and Reflexivity of Consciousness : Advaita Perspective
Adarasupally Nataraju and Munmun Chakraborty
2. Liberation, Immortality and Life after Death : A Comparative Analysis of Vedanta and
Islamic Philosophy
Afzal Ahmad
3. The Theory of Causation in Advaitavad
Arup Jyoti Sarma
4. The Metaphysics of the Beyond
K. Srinivas
5. Concept of Time, Space and Mind in Yogavasishtha
Mamta Tripathi
6. The Advaita Concept of Contentless Cognition : Some Problems
Raghunath Ghosh
7. Vritti (Psychosis) in Advaita Vedanta
Shankarji Jha
8. Maya as Mulavidya in Kevaladvaita of Shankara and as an Ontological Reality in the Bhakti
Vedanta School of Swaminarayana
Smit Gadhia
9. Reality as Ananda : An Upanishadic Exposition
Surjya Kamal Borah
10. Advaita Vedanta ki Vyapakata
Somanath Nene
11- Drishtisrishtivadah
Viveka Karmakar
12. The Return of the Missing Creative Couple
Jeffrey Armstrong (Kavindra Rishi)
13. Call for Shuddhi : Vedantic Model of Purification
Bhuwan Kumar Jha
14. Vajrasuchikopanishadi Brahmanatvanirdharanamukhena Pratipaditam Brahmatattvam
Arnava Ghoshal
15. Influence of Advaita Vedanta on Sanskrit Rasa Theory
Arijit Gupta
16. Agricultural Science in Sanskrit Literature with Special Reference to Krishiparashara
Daya Shankar Tiwary
17. Jambudvipa : Scientific Interpretation of Sanatana Dharma
Ravi Jatavallabhula
18. Physical Sciences in the Rigvedic Maruts : Generators of Speech and Force Incarnate
Soma Basu
19. Vedantic View of Kalidasa and Deep Ecology : With References to Abhijnanashakuntalam
Baldev Ram Khandoliyan
20. Shrimadbhagavadmahapuranasya Vaidikopajivyam Puranavaishishtayancha
Harish Chandra Kukareti
21. Jyotishayurvedashastrayoh Angangibhavah
Suman K.S.
22. Sanatsujatiyam
T.S. Haragopal
23. Consciousness under the Phenomenological Microscope : Shankaras Position
Alok Kumar
24. Dasabodh : A Classic Spiritual Text that Underlines the Importance of Vedas and Vedanta
Prashant Balkrishna Kulkarni
25. Brihadaranyakopanishadi Svapnatattvam
Palash Ghosh
26. Understanding Vedanta Applying Phonosemantics
Pramod Kumar Agrawal
27. Indic Non-Dual Traditions and Monotheism Contrasted : Necessity for Dialogue between
Dharmic Traditions
Laul Jadusingh
28. Interfaith Dialogue between VedÀnta and Christianity on the Concept of Liberation
Gaichuimeilu Palmei
29. The Notion of Harmony : Vedanta Perspective
R.P. Singh
30. Advaita Vedanta in Socio-Political Practices of Mahatma Gandhi
Ved Mitra Shukla
31. Everpresent State : A Scientific Solution to Our Individual Peace and Global Peace
Shashidhara Gangaiah