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    The book addresses the major concerns of India’s policies relating to the Indian Ocean that need to be viewed to ensure the security of maritime borders to facilitate international trade as well as strengthen the comprehensive security of the country from various sources of threat.

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    Evolution of Maritime Strategy and National Security of India by: Sugandha Original price was: ₹1,100.00.Current price is: ₹990.00.

    The volume takes up concerns that need to be viewed to ensure the security of maritime borders to facilitate international trade as well as strengthen the comprehensive security of the country from various sources of threat. It first gives a description of the Indian Ocean Rim countries and their historical background, the geo-economic and geo-strategic importance of the Indian Ocean as well as its many aspects like weather and minerals, and India’s maritime and security strategy. Taking up the political dimensions of maritime security, it deals with important topics like the International Law of the Sea, Maritime Law, India’s policy, maritime boundaries and India’s maritime disputes. The economic aspects of India’s maritime security are covered in detail. It also analyses the power struggle of the major powers in the Indian Ocean. Extensive in its coverage and analytical data as well, it covers the Indian Navy and armaments and other armed forces with reference to the Indian Ocean security, the foreign policy of India with respect to Indian Ocean Rim countries and the futuristic directions of its maritime strategy in great detail. The volume contains figures including maps and graphs which ably support the text. The book is an in-depth study of India’s maritime strategy and its link with national security and therefore is sure to interest scholars and students involved in research in this field.

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    This book focuses on the proper analysis and understanding of ‘humanism’ and its implications on, and applicability to, the present social scenario. It discusses suitable models of humanism for effective social structuring.

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    Facets of Humanism by: S.C. Panigrahi Original price was: ₹225.00.Current price is: ₹203.00.

    When the humanistic world view had its beginning in Protagoras’s declaration that man is the measure of things, it was very soon condemned as a subjective, individualistic doctrine — without being understood. Yet, since the importance of humanism in the making of a meaningful, value-based society can never be overlooked, humanistic ideals kept trickling in over the years in both Western and Indian philosophical speculations; and it came to be increasingly realised that nothing unhuman can be of interest to man and nothing human can be alien to human thinking. However, ‘humanism’ now-a-days has become somewhat of a cliche, so much so that almost everybody engaged in some sort of intellectual exercise claims to be a humanist. What is required, therefore, is proper analysis and understanding of ‘humanism’ and its implications on, and applicability to, the present social scenario. With this objective, this book has focussed on the various aspects of humanism and the authors have attempted to carve out suitable models thereof for effective social structuring and nation building. Readers will benefit by the indepth analyses of the concept in its multifarious dimensions and its application to various aspects of intellectual discourse. Facets of Humanism will be of immense use to students and researchers in philosophy and the social sciences.

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    The book is an in-depth study of the socio-cultural life of the Mising tribe of Assam. It studies the factors influencing their material culture, traditional life pattern, art and craft activity et al. and tries to analyze the impact of modernisation, acculturation and urbanization faced by them.

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    Folk Culture of the Misings of Assam by: Ashok Sarma Original price was: ₹1,100.00.Current price is: ₹990.00.

    The book is an in-depth study of the socio-cultural life of the Mising tribe of Assam, the second largest among the plain tribes of Assam. Studying their oral narratives, it deals with the factors that influence the material culture of the tribe and delve, broadly, into their folk art, craft, architecture, costumes and ornaments and food. It examines the way their traditional life pattern and legends, myths and tales are interwoven in aspects of their artistic and cultural life, painting and sculpture, specific preoccupations as that of doll-making and the tradition of swastika emblems, for instance. Dr. Sarma studies a vast range of their art and craft activity: weaving and embroidery, designs depicted, cane and bamboo works, wood works, metallic tools and other implements, earthen pottery, aspects of building, traditional cooking process and food types and preservation. He, significantly, tries to analyse the process of modernisation, acculturation and urbanization the Misings are undergoing and the impact of these factors on the tribes people which is resulting in, among other things, erosion of their traditional life and folk culture. The work will interest students and scholars of Indian anthropology, sociology and specifically of folk cultures and traditions. General readers will also find the work extremely interesting and informative.

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    The work examines adoption of handicrafts as an occupation by artisan women of Kashmir to contribute significantly to their families and the society in spite of problems of earning livelihood in a patriarchal society. Based on empirical data, it deals with their socio-economic background, the way they cope with their duties at home and those of their profession, and their aspirations and rights.

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    Forgotten Identities by: Salima Jan Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹450.00.

    The contribution of women to sustenance and survival of cultures and civilization, as such, has assumed new proportions in the last century or so, with women engaging themselves in a range of activities for livelihood in urban centres. Their contributions have, however, largely gone unacknowledged due to various factors. This study attempts to address this aspect by focusing on the role of urban women in the handicrafts sector in Kashmir. Dr. Salima Jan examines how the artisan women, in spite of difficulties of earning livelihood in a patriachal society, have adopted handicraft as a household occupation and are contributing immensely to family and society. Based on empirical data obtained from survey and presenting case studies, the work examines the socio-economic and educational background of artisan women before delving into aspects, such as, the nature of work done by them, their wages in different handicrafts, their control over these and the conditions under which the women have opted for the role. It analyses the manner in which the women cope with their dual roles — involvement in household chores as well as employment in handicrafts — and deals with their individual aspirations and rights in this context — i.e., their say in decision-making in families and their perceptions of job satisfaction and changing role of women. This research effort would be useful to researchers and scholars engaged in a range of sociological disciplines but, particularly, associated with sociology of work and gender studies.

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    This book examines two paradigmatic figures: Gandhi — Mahatma or Father of our Nation, and Gutierrez — Father of Liberation Theology. The probe expounds the meaning of liberation, by citing the areas of agreements and differences between them. Consequently they come about as mutually enriching.

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    Gandhi and Gutierrez by: John Chathanatt, S.J., Original price was: ₹990.00.Current price is: ₹891.00.

    This book examines two paradigmatic figures, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Gustavo Gutierrez, both involved in the struggle for liberation in their respective contexts. The former successfully led India’s freedom struggle against the British, evolving in the process a unique paradigm rooted in the religious perceptions. He was called the “Mahatma” as well as the “Father of our nation”. The latter attempted to reflect and articulate a theology of liberation in the context of the exploitation prevalent in Latin America, and has been rightly called “the Father of Liberation Theology”. As we grope today for non-violent, harmonious and effective ways of social transformative action and conflict resolution in a world torn by violence, strife and enmity, a comparative study and a mutual conversation of these two paradigmatic figures can offer enormous insights. This is attempted here in the hope of identifying some features of an economic-political ethics and thus move toward a clearer paradigm of liberative transformation in the Indian context.
    The probe shows us the meaning of liberation and the foundational bases of the liberative agenda so as to assess their adequacy, coherence and comprehensiveness of the paradigms used. Areas of agreements as well as points of differences between the two authors are closely looked at. It is found that there are areas at which Gandhi and Gutierrez meet. There are also differences in their social analysis. These differences are significant as they affect their prescriptions for action. There is here a fascinating comparison between the Ahimsatmak Satyagraha of Gandhi and the “Drinking From Our Own Wells” of Gutierrez. Finally, it is shown that both the thinkers and their systems stand not in opposition to one another but mutually enrich to produce an adequate paradigm of liberative transformation applicable in our contemporary context especially that of India.

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    Retrieving a range of Gandhi’s social, economic, moral, spiritual, cultural and political ideas from various sources, this work gauges the relevance of Gandhi and Gandhism in the dehumanized, fragmented world of moral decay and unbridled consumerism.

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    Gandhian Philosophy by: Gummadi Veerraju Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹495.00.

    Gandhi (1869-1948) held no political office. Yet he could arouse the conscience of an entire subcontinent! A lean, frail, ‘half-naked fakir’ — armed with a wooden staff and simple dignity of a human being, he fought against the greatest empire, the world has known. It was just the moral grandeur of his soul which enabled him to fight against brute power, in any form, even vanquish it. “Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this in flesh and blood walked upon this earth”, said Professor Einstein of him. A saint, social activist and political philosopher, unlike any other known in the twentieth century, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi held out a “message” which, based on ‘‘a series of his experiments with truth’’, touched upon every domain of human life: social, economic, moral/spiritual, cultural, political. Retrieving a range of these ideas from a variety of sources, this book tries afresh to gauge how far Gandhi and Gandhism are relevant in this dehumanized, fragmented world, perched dangerously on stockpiles of all-devastating arsenal; or in this age of distrust, moral decay and unbridled consumerism; or yet again when seen against today’s aggressive/retaliatory attitudes, or against the growing cult of violence. The book is not just a revalidation of Gandhian philosophy, but a reminder as well, suggesting how in his abiding solutions alone: with their eloquent underpinnings of truth, non-violence and service of humanity, lies the hope for mankind in this conflict-ridden world.

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    Contemporary relevance of Gandhian economic thought, focussing on Rural Industrialization, and its suitability as a panacea for extant economic problems by critically analyzing various Gandhian approaches along with his vision of “Gram swarajya” forms the central theme of this work.

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    Gandhian Vision of Rural Development by: Ashaben Lallubhai Patel Original price was: ₹460.00.Current price is: ₹414.00.

    The contemporary relevance of Gandhian economic thought with special focus on the rural industrialization forms the central theme of this book. Policies related to planned economy after Independence have not brought the desired changes. Uncontrolled, unplanned and un-regulated industrialization and urbanization have led to many disastrous consequences. In view of this, the book explores the suitability of Gandhian model as a possible remedy for the various economic problems in developing societies. Thus, various Gandhian approaches have been critically analysed with regard to rural and farm development, utilization of human labour and their skill, development with equity, decentralized development, his vision of Gram Swarajya etc. The book also brings out the various facets of the different voluntary organizations working in this area and their constructive contribution. The book, undoubtedly, is a meaningful contribution to the study of Gandhian economic thought. This will be very useful to the students at under-graduate and post-graduate level. This would also serve as a reference book for researchers, Gandhian and Sarvodaya institutions. This will be quite helpful to decision makers in framing and implementing agricultural, industrial and environmental policy.

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    The book examines the gompas of Tibet for their organizational aspects and their role in continuing Buddhism in Tibetan history by performing multifarious functions and institutionalizing the theory of Buddhism so that it could transcend time and space. Consulting rare manuscripts, it also scrutinizes contribution of gompas to study of astronomy, astrology, medicine, and art and architecture.

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    Gompas in Traditional Tibetan Society by: M.N. Rajesh Original price was: ₹400.00.Current price is: ₹360.00.

    The importance of the gompa or the Buddhist monastery in Tibetan history cannot be overemphasized: it was the institution that enabled continuity of Buddhism in Tibetan history by performing multifarious functions and institutionalizing the theory of Buddhism so that it could transcend time and space. Here, a scholar in religious studies, Dr. M.N. Rajesh examines the gompas of Tibet from a holistic perspective, focusing largely on its organizational and functional aspects. The book begins with a survey of the gompas’ Indian origins, viewing the mahaviharas as a prototype of the gompas, and studies contextualization of the gompas in Tibet wherein is described its relation with the superstructure — the society. Consulting many old works and some rare manuscripts, the work analyzes the working of the monasteries — their hierarchy, rules and rituals, role of the lamas, office of the abbot and other positions of authority, and recruitment and initiation of novices. It also elaborates the contributions of the gompas at different levels — socio-economic and political — which helped pre-modern Tibet to acheive a high degree of development over the centuries. It takes up for detailed scrutiny services rendered by the gompas in the field of Indic Studies — astronomy, astrology and medicine, and in education and art & architecture. The book, with an elaborate index and a glossary of Indic terms, will be valuable reference work for scholars and researchers, in Buddhist studies and those interested in Tibetan history.

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    The book studies, in two volumes, the traditional concept of Hindu marriage as a sacrament, analysing the validity of the reasons for incorporating the provision of divorce in the Hindu Law. It discusses divorce laws in the global perspective and analyses statutory divorce in Hindu Law.

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    Hinduism and Divorce by: Hari Dev Kohli Original price was: ₹1,200.00.Current price is: ₹1,080.00.

    The book is a detailed study (in two volumes) of the traditional concept of Hindu marriage as a sacrament, analysing the validity of the reasons for incorporating the provision of divorce in the Hindu Law. Relying on a variety of original and secondary sources -the juridical literature of ancient texts like the Vedas, Dharmasutras and works of eminent scholars on the subject, it first examines the status of women under Shastric law: her exalted position in family and society and the constraints imposed upon her. Showing how the concept of divorce is based on recognising marriage as a contract rather than a sacrament, this scholarly work discusses divorce laws in the global perspective and makes a detailed analysis of statutory divorce in Hindu Law, particularly the grounds for divorce and its statutory evolution. Dr. Kohli considers crucial concerns related to secularisation of marriage, the Western culture’s influence on the social upheaval in Indian society, and whether divorce is the solution to effectively address the social evils against women. Maintaining that Hindu marriage is still a sacrament despite inclusion of divorce-related provisions in the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, he recommends abolition of divorce laws for their disastrous results on the society or, at least, a review of these laws. Quoting from diverse original Sanskrit works and giving. their English translations as well for a better understanding of the modern law, the book will be extremely useful for law and Dharmashastra scholars and students and those interested in a study of the divorce laws in the Indian context.

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    Prof. Dash studies the tribals’ absorption into Hindu society and their upward movement in the jati hierarchy in medieval Orissa at the micro level. The author discusses the history of the Jagannatha cult by considering the folk tradition.

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    Hindus and Tribals by: Gaganendra Nath Dash Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹225.00.

    The complex process of tribal absorption into the Hindu society and the mobility of jatis in the varna scale has been keenly studied by scholars in the past under various labels — ‘Sanskritization’, ‘Brahmanization’ and so on; however, there has resulted a tediousness owing to use of the same old trends and methods of research. Hindu and Tribals is a trend-setter in this regard as it studies the workings of this process from fresh perspectives using new methodologies — of inter-disciplinary approach, for instance. Prof. G.N. Dash, a learned scholar in the field, studies the tribals’ absorption into the Hindu society and their upward movement in the jati hierarchy in medieval Orissa at the micro level. The author sheds some new light on the history of the Jagannatha cult by considering folk versions of this tradition. The salient feature of the work is its freshness in approach: its focus is on interaction of the socio-economic, religious and cultural forces and counter-forces unlike traditional historical works which primarily record the political events. Adopting a new methodology, it uses the concepts and tools of social sciences like ethnology to analyse historical data. Setting new trends in Orissan historiography, it emphasises the traditional account as a source material and seeks to discover the historical background of its evolution rather than its historical basis as such. Prof. G.N. Dash emerges with important statements that scholars and historiographers cannot afford to ignore: for instance, the strong possibility of tribal origin of the Sudha Suaras and Daitas (temple servants at Jagannatha shrine). With an extensive bibliography and index, this work is invaluable for further studies in Orissan historiography. Its well-researched statements and originality in approach would provide researchers fresh material and methods for study and extend young scholars the necessary motivation to adopt new methodological trends in research.

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    This work presents a study of the historical geography of Orissa. It uses literary and other sources to delve into the ancient, medieval and modern periods of Orissa’s growth and underline the historico-geographical significance of various kingdoms.

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    Historical Geography of Orissa by: J.K. Sahu Original price was: ₹1,300.00.Current price is: ₹1,170.00.

    The region of Orissa, from the point of view of studies in historical geography, has always remained a challenging area, not least owing to its vast and complicated history, varied geography and intriguing sources. Though the historical geography of this region has been considered for analysis in the past, it has only been featured as a chapter or in a section as part of a larger whole. Thus, this work is perhaps the first attempt to present a comprehensive research study of the historical geography of Orissa. The author, guided by long research experience, culls material from all available sources — literary, epigraphic, etc. — to subject the theme to a systematic analysis that leaves not a facet of the subject unexplored. He describes and delves into the ancient, medieval and modern periods of historical growth to underline the historico-geographical significance of various kingdoms and places of importance that emerged, flourished and disintegrated at different times — as Kalinga; South Koshala; Odri, Utkala or Toshala; Trikalinga; and the many Mandala states. He studies the physical features of the area, the mountain system of the Orissa state and its rivers, with a view to showing how they have shaped its history. The transport and communication routes in the region since ancient times are retraced to reveal the region’s strong cultural and economic foundations among other things. This book, from first to last, unfolds a wealth of interesting and useful information. Complete with an exhaustive bibliography, index and maps of Orissa, the book can immensely aid further research works on the subject.

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    The book analyses the social and cultural transformation of the people of Asia, particularly in Sri Lanka, China and Tibet brought about by Buddhist monks, missionaries and royal personages in a matter of centuries.

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    Impact of Buddhism on Socio-Religious Life of the Asian People by: Bhupender Heera Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹495.00.

    Buddhism is an ancient religion that spread across Asia in a matter of centuries and had a rare kind of influence on the social and religious life of the Asian peoples. The volume stresses on the social and cultural transformation brought about by Buddhism when the royalty in these countries adopted the religion and propagated it. It deals with Sri Lanka’s evolution into a stronghold of Theravàda Buddhism and China and Tibet’s contribution to the Mahàyàna and Tantrayàna Buddhist traditions. It takes up the royal patronage and zeal of missionaries, Buddhist influence on the social structure and personal names, impact of Buddhism on customs, lifestyle, food habits and spread of education and learning in Sri Lanka. It covers factors that encouraged spread of Buddhism in China, architectural and art works undertaken there, and the flourishing of Buddhist literature and missionary work under royal patronage in that country. The work captures the effect of Buddhism on Tibetan religious thinking and social life. It also discusses the later socio-cultural transformation of people of nearby countries owing to the missionary zeal of Buddhism in those countries. Throughout, the work refers to numerous legends and accounts for detailing the contribution of monks, missionaries and royal personages. The book will prove immensely valuable to Buddhist scholars keen on studying the evolution and impact of Buddhism in Asia.

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