Sociology (77)

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    Action, Freedom and Responsibility by: Subasini Barik Original price was: ₹750.00.Current price is: ₹675.00.

    This book, a work on human doing, analyses and applies three central aspects of human life – Action, Freedom and Responsibility – in the wide spectrum of the Philosophy of Mind. Reflections on these issues and their interconnections have a significant effect on the Philosophy of Value and application of ethical theories in practical life. This book even reconstructs the conceptual connection between action and freedom, on the one hand, and that between freedom and responsibility, on the other.
    It also puts the concepts of freedom and determinism to critical test and reinterprets them from different angles and perspectives. The conventional doctrine of karma, based on the teachings of the Bhagavadgātā, is relieved from its usual deterministic presentation and a logically reasonable explanation is offered.
    Human actions and human agency are central concepts in the philosophy of mind and action. Free will and responsibility constitute the bedrock of the moral life of the human agents and the book pinpoints that freedom is meant to undertake the goal-oriented actions. It is, therefore, focused on the enquiry into the various aspects of philosophy of mind, as well as the philosophy of value.

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    This volume takes up crucial problems faced by the old, suggests ways to address them and discusses the future scenario by viewing ageing and the aged in the context of increasing modernisation. The papers deal with intergenerational problems of the old, the environment’s effect on them and their nutritional status and health problems.

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    Ageing, Indian Perspective by: L. Thara Bhai Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹495.00.

    The old and aged in a society represent the bedrock of its existence: symbolising the past. They are the carriers of tradition, values and experience, the guiding light for the young without whom society is not total and lose its stability. And progress that a society makes, culturally and morally, is reflected in the way it treats its aged. This volume, comprising presentations at a national seminar on issues of ageing of current importance, takes up crucial problems faced by the old, suggests ways to address them and discusses the future scenario viewing ageing and the aged in the context of increasing modernisation. The well-researched papers, reflecting clarity in thought and language, deal with aspects like inter-generational problems of the old, the environment’s effect on them and their nutritional status and health problems. They examine how the age-old institution of the family and the newly-evolved concept of the old-age home cater to the needs and comforts of the elderly persons, with investigations into care of the aged in specific homes and institutions. They also focus specially on the plight of the poor aged and old women who are debilitated by the social environment and conditions as well. They study the priorities of action where the welfare of the aged is concerned, reviewing policies and programmes in operation including the National Policy for Welfare of the aged. The book would prove invaluable to scholars of gerontology and sociologists and be of interest to general readers as well.

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    The book consists of a series of dialogues about the Ao Naga world-view, their traditions, rituals and ethical norms, and their ideas of history and objects of veneration among elders of the Ao Naga tribe, Ao Naga intellectuals and scholars.

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    Ao Naga World-view by: Sujata Miri, Karilemla, Original price was: ₹625.00.Current price is: ₹563.00.

    The book, as the title says, consists of a series of dialogues about the Ao Naga world-view, their traditions, rituals and ethical norms, and their ideas of history and objects of veneration. The dialogue took place in specially organized meetings and participants were drawn from elders of the Ao Naga tribe, Ao Naga intellectuals and scholars, a student and a visitor from outside.
    The conversations that took place in these meetings were recorded and what appears in the book is a very lightly edited version of the recorded conversations. The philosophically interesting aspects of these conversations are the views expressed by various participants on the human condition, the ethical grounding of human life, the dividing line between life and death, and about their institutions for educating the young and dispensing justice.
    The book aims to achieve a twofold objective: (1) to secure an authentic articulation of the traditional Ao world through a dialogue between different Ao voices (an aim pursued very differently from the anthropologist’s participant observation), and (2) clearing the ground for the reflection of philosophical insights thrown up in the process of this articulation. The insights will be obvious to the sympathetic and discerning reader; the reflection is left to those who will read the book with serious philosophical interest.
    Sujata Miri’s paintings are an insightful addition to the dialogic explorations of the book.

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    Sociology, as a social science, is new to India. This volume in Hindi thus discusses the advent, teaching and development of sociology in India. It is an outstanding narration of advent and evolution of sociology in India and the major sociologists.

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    Bharatiya Samajshastra ke Parmukh Sampardaya by: Amit Kumar Sharma Original price was: ₹660.00.Current price is: ₹594.00.

    ‘Bharatiya Samaj Shastra ke Pramukh Sampradaya’ is a book in Hindi language that deals with the advent, teaching and development of Sociology in India.It is an original book that deals with the major Sociologists in India. This book divides the whole history of sociology in India into nine interesting chapters. This book is an outstanding narration of the advent and evolution of Sociology in India. For a long time there was a need of such a book in Hindi .This is a helpful book for the teachers, students and researchers in various colleges, Universities and research institutions. For the researchers in Hindi literature, Cinema and Culture this can be used as a reference book. This book is also helpful for the UGC. / NET aspirants in Sociology.

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    Sociology, as a social science, is new to India. This volume in Hindi thus discusses the advent, teaching and development of sociology in India. It is an outstanding narration of advent and evolution of sociology in India and the major sociologists.

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    Bharatiya Samajshastra ke Parmukh Sampardaya (PB) by: Amit Kumar Sharma Original price was: ₹380.00.Current price is: ₹342.00.

    ‘Bharatiya Samaj Shastra ke Pramukh Sampradaya’ is a book in Hindi language that deals with the advent, teaching and development of Sociology in India.It is an original book that deals with the major Sociologists in India. This book divides the whole history of sociology in India into nine interesting chapters. This book is an outstanding narration of the advent and evolution of Sociology in India. For a long time there was a need of such a book in Hindi .This is a helpful book for the teachers, students and researchers in various colleges, Universities and research institutions. For the researchers in Hindi literature, Cinema and Culture this can be used as a reference book. This book is also helpful for the UGC. / NET aspirants in Sociology.

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    This book contains 57 essays on the history of Kashi. They highlight the important religions, sects, factions of Kashi and their involvement in cultural traditions — social and economic.

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    Bhog-Moksha Sambhava by: Baidyanath Saraswati Original price was: ₹850.00.Current price is: ₹765.00.

    This book contains 57 essays on the history of Kashi. They highlight the important religions, sects, factions of Kashi and their involvement in cultural traditions — social and economic.

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    The Bodo, an ancient group of Northeast India, is resorting to a movement for autonomy. A section of the Bodo educated youth being thoroughly disillusioned with constitutional safeguards, like autonomy arragements, joined a secessionist struggle, which has not only radically transformed the character and substance of the Bodo assertion from autonomy to secession in terms of goals, but also the methods of achieving it, by showing prefernce to voilence. Tracing historical background of the Bodos, this book seeks to analyse the emergence of the NDFB, its supoort base, and its major demands and strategies to achieve them. It also examines the factors that persuaded the NDFB to adopt extermist methods for achieving its goals, the nature and extent of support for the NDFB’s demand for a Savereign Bodoland, the relationship of NDFB with the other Bodo organiztions and responses of the BTC, as well as Union and State Goverments to the demands of the NDFB.

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    Bodoland by: Hakhrari Original price was: ₹895.00.Current price is: ₹806.00.

    The Bodo, an ancient group of Northeast India, is resorting to a movement for autonomy. A section of the Bodo educated youth being thoroughly disillusioned with constitutional safeguards, like autonomy arragements, joined a secessionist struggle, which has not only radically transformed the character and substance of the Bodo assertion from autonomy to secession in terms of goals, but also the methods of achieving it, by showing prefernce to voilence. Tracing historical background of the Bodos, this book seeks to analyse the emergence of the NDFB, its supoort base, and its major demands and strategies to achieve them. It also examines the factors that persuaded the NDFB to adopt extermist methods for achieving its goals, the nature and extent of support for the NDFB’s demand for a Savereign Bodoland, the relationship of NDFB with the other Bodo organiztions and responses of the BTC, as well as Union and State Goverments to the demands of the NDFB.

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    The volume offers a fascinating study of ‘chanted narratives’ from different regions of India and parts of Southeast Asia. It explores the nature of orality and its various attendant aspects, like composition, performance, transmission modes, socio-economic context, and the relationship that exists between its performer and the audience.

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    Chanted Narratives by: Molly Kaushal Original price was: ₹900.00.Current price is: ₹810.00.

    Every region/community of the world has its sahre of oral creativity, in varying measures though. And, accordingly, has its own legacy of ‘chanted narratives’: epical, hostorical, mythical, romantic, or even ritualistic. Which have long survived in the collective memory of its people, having been handed down from generation to generation. Confronted, however, by the ‘cornucopian techno-centrism’ of today’s life, these oral narratives are on their way out everywhere — like many other vibrant cultural phenomena. Highlighting why we need to preserve this intangible heritage of mankind, the volume offers a fascinating study of ‘chanted narratives’ from different regions of India and parts of Southeast Asia. Essentially a multi-author work, it explores the nature of orality and its various attendent aspects, like composition, performance, transmission modes, socio-economic context, and the relationship that exists between its performer and the audience. Also addressing methodological issues concerning the existing definitions and terminologies, the authors argue for a paradigm shift in the academic discourse on orality and oral cultures. Carrying twenty four contributors of leading scholars from France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Nepal, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and UK, the book not only provides theoretical insights into the complex nature of orality, but sets out a rich repertoire of chanted narratives as well. Folklorists, anthropologists, historians and scholars of Indian cultures will find it a useful acquisition.

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    Cinema Through Rasa by: Prachand Praveer Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    Cinema Through Rasa discusses the important works of the world cinema in the light of Rasa Siddhānta of the Indian classical aesthetics. Rasa Siddhānta was first mentioned in Bharata Muni’s Nāṭyaśāstra – the ancient treatise on dramaturgy. This book catalogues the major cinematic works in the light of Abhinavabhāratī – a tenth-century commentary on the Nāṭyaśāstra by the great Kashmiri Śaivite philosopher Abhinavagupta. Further, it outlines the links between puruṣārtha, the cultural value system of life pursuits in Indian tradition, and aesthetics while citing examples from the works of major directors such as Orson Welles, Luis Buñuel, Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Andrei Tarkovsky, Alfred Hitchcock, Carl Dreyer, Charlie Chaplin, Sergei Eisenstein, Robert Bresson and Satyajit Ray.
    Using contemporary scholars’ interpretation of non-dualistic Kashmir Śaivism tradition, Cinema Through Rasa aims to serve as a tribute to Abhinavagupta’s genius, a commentary on important ideas such as rasa, nature of emotions, cinema and beauty along with a tryst with the masterpieces of the world cinema. The meaning of this book is summarized by this verse – na hi rasād r̥te kaścid arthaḥ pravartate – the medium of cinema, though modern, should be seen as resting in the power of rasa without which nothing makes any sense.
    This book is a translation of the original Hindi book Abhinava Cinema, which was first published in 2016. Abhinava Cinema was lauded as innovative, path-breaking and a must-read for students of literature and cinema studies by scholars and critics.

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    Cinema Through Rasa (PB) by: Prachand Praveer Original price was: ₹800.00.Current price is: ₹720.00.

    Cinema Through Rasa discusses the important works of the world cinema in the light of Rasa Siddhānta of the Indian classical aesthetics. Rasa Siddhānta was first mentioned in Bharata Muni’s Nāṭyaśāstra – the ancient treatise on dramaturgy. This book catalogues the major cinematic works in the light of Abhinavabhāratī – a tenth-century commentary on the Nāṭyaśāstra by the great Kashmiri Śaivite philosopher Abhinavagupta. Further, it outlines the links between puruṣārtha, the cultural value system of life pursuits in Indian tradition, and aesthetics while citing examples from the works of major directors such as Orson Welles, Luis Buñuel, Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Andrei Tarkovsky, Alfred Hitchcock, Carl Dreyer, Charlie Chaplin, Sergei Eisenstein, Robert Bresson and Satyajit Ray.
    Using contemporary scholars’ interpretation of non-dualistic Kashmir Śaivism tradition, Cinema Through Rasa aims to serve as a tribute to Abhinavagupta’s genius, a commentary on important ideas such as rasa, nature of emotions, cinema and beauty along with a tryst with the masterpieces of the world cinema. The meaning of this book is summarized by this verse – na hi rasād r̥te kaścid arthaḥ pravartate – the medium of cinema, though modern, should be seen as resting in the power of rasa without which nothing makes any sense.
    This book is a translation of the original Hindi book Abhinava Cinema, which was first published in 2016. Abhinava Cinema was lauded as innovative, path-breaking and a must-read for students of literature and cinema studies by scholars and critics.

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    Focussing on the ecological systems in the mountains, forests and islands vis-a-vis the hitherto-adopted modes of aggressive development, these articles underscore the urgency of changing the modern lifestyles, befriending Nature and returning to ‘wisdom tradition’.

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    Cultural Dimension of Ecology by: Baidyanath Saraswati Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹540.00.

    Urbanization. Industrialization. Market Economy. Technocentric Lifestyles. Degenerated Consumerism. Air, Water and Land Pollutions. These are some of the tell-tale expressions, recurringly surfacing in the concerns about ecological disturbances across the continents. Today, however, as we are headed for an ecological disaster, there is not only a growing awareness against the “cornucopian technocentrism”, but also a far-stretched disillusionment with the one-way exploitative, economic development. And even the national planners are being questioned: Can the law of a nation supersede the Law of Nature? Should the rights of the people be allowed to be destructively manipulated by the rules of power? Must the wisdom-tradition of our ancestors be shelved to accomodate the flagrant hypocrisies of the Planning tradition? As a part of the Unesco Chair activities at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, a Conference: 13-16 October 1995, New Delhi, involved some of the highly reputed scholars in a stimulating dialogue on the “Cultural Dimension of Education and Ecology”. Its presentations are now offered in two volumes: setting out independently the Cultural Dimension of (1) Education, and (2) Ecology. Focussing on the ecological systems in the mountains, forests and islands vis-a-vis the hitherto-adopted modes of aggressive development, the 15 articles here underscore the urgency of changing the modern lifestyles, of befriending Nature and, above all, of returning to ‘wisdom-tradition’. Also included here are case-studies highlighting the aspects of culture that are being lived in the day-to-day lives of people — even today! This collection is invaluable to environmentalists, social activists, economic planners, policy-makers, and cultural scholars working for the revival of traditional wisdom.

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    Here are essays on education, its current status, trends and problems in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Thailand focus on art in the age of science, education’s role in promoting peace and the Gandhian system of ‘basic education’.

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    Cultural Dimension of Education by: Baidyanath Saraswati Original price was: ₹700.00.Current price is: ₹630.00.

    Traditional education strives to expand the spheres of existence through social awareness (forming kinship with the entire world), cosmological awareness (expansion of the being by self-transformation), and technological awareness (relating creativity to the ritual enforcement of life). In contrast, modern education teaches a way of life, which is limited by self-centred consumerism, which allows man’s ego to establish itself as the conqueror of nature, which fragments people through competitive vocations and specialized technical professions. How do we resolve this deep dilemma between the traditional and modern systems of education? Or, alternatively, how can a sensibly worked-out system of education afford a symbiosis between ‘modernity’ and ‘wisdom-tradition’? Addressing this vital question, the authors here look afresh at the relevance of art in the age of science/technocentrism, the role of education in promoting peace and concord, Gandhian system of ‘basic education’ and, finally, how far India’s national concerns are reflected in its national policy on education. An assemblage of 16 education-related essays, this volume is essentially the outcome of a Conference on the “Cultural Dimension of Education and Ecology”, held in New Delhi on 13-16 October 1995 — as a part of the Unesco Chair activities (in the field of cultural development) at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts. It presents insightful perspectives on primary education, focussing specially on its current status, trends and problems in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Thailand. The volume will interest all those involved with education: whether as scholars, professionals, planners, or as reformers.

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