Sanskrit Text (25)

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  • Manusmriti-Prachina Bharatiya Mulya evam Darshan (Part 2) by: Sushim Dubey $34.00

    “प्रस्तुत ग्रन्थ प्राचीन भारतीय मूल्य एवं दर्शन शृंखला के द्वितीय भाग है। मनुस्मृति प्राचीन भारतीय धर्मशास्त्र परम्परा का आधारभूत ग्रन्थ है। भारत का प्राचीन धार्मिक इतिहास सामाजिक संरचना, राजनीतिक मान्यताओं इस ग्रन्थ में जो प्रतिनिधिक वर्णन मिलता है।
    मनुस्मृति मूल रूप से आध्यात्मिक मान्यता परक ग्रन्थ रहा, जिसमें कालक्रमः से समाज.व्यवस्था, वर्णव्यवस्था एवं अनेकानेक बातें समाहित होती चली गईं। तथापि मनुस्मृति की सर्वोपरिता आर्यवर्त में सहसीरों वर्ष तक निर्विवाद रही। धर्म, कर्म, कर्तव्य, सूतक, प्रायश्चित्त एवं संस्कार आदि के लिए आज भी स्रोत ग्रन्थ के रूप में मनुस्मृति संदर्भ ग्रन्थ है।”

  • Natankusam by: Radhavallabh Tripathi $26.00

    Natankusa of an unknown author is a unique work furnishing a first-hand account of Kerala theatre as practised in the medieval period. It also provides vivid account of Sanskrit plays like Ascaryacudamani of Saktibhadra as taken up in performance. In his attempt at critiquing the contemporary theatre, the author makes a threadbare analysis of the practices of cakyaras – the actors of Sanskrit theatre during his times. Kudiyattam, the Sanskrit theatre of Kerala has survived in actual theatre practice for about one millennium. It is recognized as a world heritage. Offering a brilliant critique of Kudiyattam, the author of Natankusa raises fundamental questions with regard to the relationship between the sastra and the loka – the theory and the practice. The present edition of Natankusa is based on fresh manuscript material will go a long way with the students and researchers of classical Indian theatre and will also serve as a manual for the practitioners of Indian theatre according to Bharata’s Naṭyasastra.

  • Navcharvakkarikavali by: Sachchidanand Mishra $20.00

    “The philosophies in India evolved in the process of mutual rebuttal and confirmation. The Carvaka philosophy is very unique and well-marked among Indian philosophies as it is the only philosophy in India which corroborates materialism. The twenty-first century is the century of materialism. This philosophy known as Lokayata as well as Anviksiki is a logical system. In order to qualify to be a logical system it is necessary that this philosophy refutes the concepts of other philosophies and establishes its own concepts both on logical grounds. The philosophies such as Nyaya, Vaisesika, Samkhya, Jaina and Bauddha do the same; they refute the position of other philosophies on logical grounds and establish their own philosophy on the logical basis. But we observe this deficiency in the Carvaka philosophy as this philosophy is not developed in tune with the development of other philosophies for whatsoever reasons. Everywhere this philosophy appears only as a purvapaksa not siddhanta paksa. In this book there are redressals of the criticism of Carvaka philosophy by the celebrated philosophers like Dharmakirti, Santaraksita, Kamalasila, Udayanacarya and Visvanatha Nyayapancanana as well as their rebuttal from the Carvaka point of view. This book is a reaffirmation of the Carvaka philosophy on the basis of Carvaka concepts and logical grounds. This is an invitation to the philosophers for a dialogue. “

  • Navya Nyaya Philosophy of Language by: $20.00

    This book represents the philosophy of language in Navya-Nyaya, based upon an analysis of the “Verbal Suffix Chapter” (Akhyatavada) of Gangesha’s Tattvacintamani. Since this chapter elaborates what kind of verbal understanding is generated and discusses related issues, the book demonstrates the main features of that philosophy of language and serves as a good introduction to that. The analysis mainly deals with Gangesha, but in some cases it refers to Raghunatha. Since the book is an attempt to pursue philological exactness and philosophical analysis, it is hoped to interest not only Sanskrit scholars, but also philosophers in general.
    The book consists of four lectures. Lecture I clarifies Gangesha’s view of the meaning of the suffixes of a finite verb, which (meaning) is greatly disputed among the Navya-Nyaya philosophers, the Mimamsa philosophers, and the Grammarians. Lecture II investigates how Gangesha determines the meaning of words and illustrates that his method bears upon ontological categories of Vaisheshika. Lecture III deals with Gangesha’s “Five Definitions of Invariable Concomitance Section” (Vyaptipancaka) and elucidates the relation between meaning and the logical structure of the definitions. The lecture also provides diagrams as a tool to represent the structure. Lecture IV explains the realistic standpoint of Navya-Nyaya by clarifying the concept of the counterpositive (pratiyogin) of absence (abhava), or a thing whose existence is negated, focusing on empty terms or non-factual expressions such as “a round triangle”, “the present King of France”, “a rabbit’s horn”, and so forth. The lecture delineates how Udayana, Gangesha, and Raghunatha observed and, as the time passed, did realism thoroughly in language analysis.

  • Nitisataka of Bhartrhari by: Sugyan Kumar Mahanty $20.00

    Bhartrhari’s three unique compositions – Nitisatakam, Srngarasatakam and Vairagyasatakam – have been relevant for the last 2,000 years and above for their exclusively terse and epigrammatic character, and universally applicable teachings. The Nitisataka, although succinct and concise, is pregnant with the perpetual and everlasting doctrines, resulted from diverse experiences of life.
    Although it has hundreds of printed editions available with commentaries and translations published in many parts of the globe, still this edition has been prepared along with recently discovered Kasmiri Sarada text, supplemented by critical notes on variant readings found in a Sarada manuscript, for the very first time in last 400 years, i.e. ever since the printing editions came into existence.
    Most commonly accepted verses of the Nitisataka have been included in this edition, making a total of 111 verses, which is enriched with authentic translation and purports in Hindi and English.

  • Panchsidhantika by: Kedar Nath Shukla $20.00

    छठी शताब्दी के लब्ध प्रतिष्ठित ज्योतिषविद्‌ वराहमिहिरकृत पञ्चसिद्धान्तिका भारतीय खगोल शास्त्र का एक प्रमुख सैद्धान्तिक ग्रन्थ है। उस समय के उपलब्ध प्रमुख पाँच ज्योतिष सिद्धान्तों – पौलिश, रोमिक, वासिष्ठ, सौर और पितामह को संकलित कर इस ग्रन्थ को अठारह अध्यायों में प्रस्तुत किया गया हे। यें पाँचों ग्रन्थ और उनकी टीकाएँ आज लुप्त हो चुकी हैं। पञ्चसिद्धान्तिका में वर्णित विषयों में सौर एवम्‌ रोमक सिद्धान्तों पर आधारित अहर्गण की गणना, अधिमास, क्षय तिथियों की गणना, वर्ष, मास आदि के सूत्र प्रस्तुत किए गए हैं। ग्रहों की गति का विश्लेषण तथा पौलिश, रोमक एवम्‌ सौर सिद्धान्त पर आधारित सूर्य एवम्‌ चन्द्र ग्रहण की गणना-विधि भी प्रस्तुत की गई हे।

    वराहमिहिर पहले ज्योतिषविद्‌ थे जिन्होंने अयनांश अर्थात्‌ विषुव के स्थानान्तरण का शुद्ध मान दिया। इस पुस्तक में त्रिकोणमिति के ज्या के शुद्ध मान की गणना भी प्रस्तुत की गई है।

    पञ्चसिद्धान्तिका का यह हिन्दी रूपान्तरण निश्चित ही सैद्धान्तिक खगोलिकी के शोधकर्ताओं एवम्‌ अन्य पाठकों के लिए उपयोगी होगा।

  • Sacred Thread by: Christopher Key Chapple $60.00

    “Sacred Thread offers a visual and three-language presentation of Pataðjali’s YogasÂtra. These 196 short sentences form the foundation for the philosophy and practice of Yoga. One of six ways of viewing the world, this Darœana emphasizes human potential. Acknowledging the troubles caused by ignorance, egotism, addiction, and negativity, Yoga urges the cultivation of opposites: gentle behavior (ahiÚsÀ), truth-telling (satya), honesty (asteya), sexual restraint (brahmacarya) and avoidance of consumerism (aparigraha). Combined with practices of body, breath, and meditation, Yoga brings understanding and freedom. Working with the original Sanskrit text, the book renders photographic images to understand Yoga philosophy along with translation and explanation in English as well as Hindi. Without a syllable to spare, the Sanskrit text encapsulates the meaning of life and the possibility of freedom in four chapters: SamÀdhi, SÀdhana, Powers, and Freedom. The daily street life of India places the entire spectrum of Pataðjali’s wisdom on display. The authors have chosen from thousands of images to match Pataðjali’s glimpses of reality with what can readily be seen in Pune or Varanasi or Delhi. The English translation seeks to convey Pataðjali’s concision without adding too much explanation. The process of Yoga requires the quieting of thoughts. By letting the words stand on their own, a sense of connection emerges, conveying the thread of Yoga wisdom. Yoga is now studied and practiced in more than four dozen universities throughout India. The Hindi translation provides yet another bridge for comprehending the wisdom of Yoga. This book will be useful for the many people training to be experts in Yoga.”

  • Shakti Upasana by: Chaman Lal Raina $20.00

    “प्रस्तुत ग्रन्थ “शक्ति उपासना” का वैभव राजानक महेश्वर राज़दान ने सायुज्य याेग के लिए शारदा लिपि के अन्तर्गत 126 दिव्य-नामावली के गुंथन में समर्पित किया है। चिन्मयी भैरवी के इस महामन् त्र काे ईश्वरस्वरूप स्वामी लक्ष्मण जी महाराज ने 1934 ईस्वी से संजाेए रखा अाैर तत्पश्चात् उनकी परम शिष्या याेगिनी शारिका देवी जी काे प्रदान किया। तत्पश्चात् सुश्री याेगिनी प्रभाजी ने इसे संजाेए रखकर देवनागरी लिपि में प्राेफेसर पुष्पजी से रूपान्तरित करवाकर महती कृपा की है। शक्ति उपासना के अन्तर्गत इच्छा, ज्ञान, क्रिया, शक्ति के नादानुसन्धान का उच्चारण क्रमिक है। चिन्मयी भैरवी शिव तथा शिवानी का एकात्म भाव स्वरूप है, अतः ित्रक शास् त्र की दृष्टि में सर्वाेपरि है, क्याेंकि सर्वव्यापी शक्ति विद्या-स्वरूपिणी है। प्रकाश तथा विमर्श सनातन शक्ति का ही प्रसार है। यामी शक्ति विश्वात्मिका हाेने के साथ अमृतेश्वरी का रूप धारण करके भक्ति, याेग तथा दैवी सम्पदा की अाेर स्फुरित हाेती है। अाद्या शक्ति चिन्मयी भैरवी निरन्तर स्फुरण करती है। शक्ति उपासना में ित्रपुर भैरवी श्रीप्रदा ज्ञान के द्वारा ज्ञाता के रूप में तथा ज्ञेय काे एक सूत्र में पिराेती हुई अमृत का पान कराती है। देवी का वरदान एवं सन्धिनी–ह्लादिनी शक्ति की अभय-मुद्रा उमा से कामेश्वरिप्रिया का प्रसार ही है। भुवन-मालिनी का रूप धारण करती हुई माेक्षप्रदा अमृतेश्वरी साधक के लिए ज्ञानाङ्ग एवं मन् त्र दीपिका है। शिव तथा शिवानी का एकात्मस्वरूप जानना मृत्यु से माेक्ष प्राप्ति का शाक्त अनुसन्धान है। “

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    This book introduces Aryabhata and the Aryabhatiya to the new generations through an authentic English translation. It discusses Aryabhata as an innovator and the findings of Aryabhata on dashagitika, ganitapada, kalakriya and gola in great details, endorsing it as quite a genuine work.

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    The Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata by: Walter Eugene Clark $20.00

    The Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata is of great work in the annals of the history of Indian mathematics and astronomy. This volume is expected to give a complete translation (with notes) of the Aryabhatiya with references to some of the most important parallel passages. It is a brief descriptive work intended to supplement matters and processes which are generally known and agreed upon to give only the most distinctive features of Aryabhata’s own system. Many common places and many simple processes are taken for granted.
    The book vividly addresses topics such as dashagitika, ganitapada, kalakriya and gola in much details. Withstanding many a criticism from people like Brahmagupta on the theories of Aryabhata, this volume through the introductory chapter contends that the Aryabhatiya, on the whole, is quite genuine. It presents Aryabhata as an innovator, thus his difference from Smriti or tradition in his approach to many astronomical matters is fully justified. It also discusses a serious internal discrepancy in the Aryabhatiya about the stationary and revolutionary nature of earth.
    This book helps in introducing Aryabhata and the quintessential of Aryabhatiya to the mathematicians and astronomers of the new generations, for whom the original language Sanskrit and the old processes might be unknown.

  • The Buddhivilasini: Commentary of Ganesa Daivajna on the Lilavati of Bhäskaracarya II by: Dr. Ramakalyani Venkatraman $60.00

    This book, “The Buddhivilasini: Commentary of Ganesa Daivajna on the Lilavati of Bhäskaracarya II” is a version of the thesis, for which Dr V. Ramakalyani has been awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the University of Madras in 2018. Among the published commentaries on Lilavati, Buddhivilasini stands out for its characteristic treatment of the original work as Buddhivilasini contains more than hundred upapattis (Indian proofs) for almost all the rules of Lilavati. In the context of Buddhivilasini, upapatti is either a description of the process, numerical demonstration thereof, verbal explanation, reasoning utilising algebraic rules, proportion, examples or justification. This book consists of nine chapters. First chapter introduces the background relating to Indian contribution to mathematics. Second to eighth chapters consist of study of the upapattis on parikarmastakam (eight operations on arithmetic, fractions and zero), prakirnakas (miscellaneous units), misra-vyavahara (investigation of mixed units) sredha-vyavahara (progressions), Ksetra-vyavahara (geometry), Itara-vyavahara dealing with the khata (volume of excavations), citi (stacks), rasi (mound of grains) and chaya (shadows and gnomon), kuttaka (an indeterminate equation of degree one) and ankapasa, dealing with combinatorics. The translation of the passages in Buddhivilasini and explanations in modern notations are given with valuable remarks. Ganesa’s contribution to mathematics, style of commenting and his erudition are discussed in the last chapter. Six appendices, bibliography and index are given at the end. On the whole this is a valuable contribution to the historiography of mathematical literature in Sanskrit.

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