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This, an authorised reprint of an annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletin is highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
Ancient Indian polity took a new turn with the emergence of republics in the post-Vedic age. The history of republics covers the period from the age of the Mahabharata to the fourth century AD. Dr. G.P. Singh here comprehensively, yet incisively, studies the rise, growth and fall of republics in ancient India during the period. He has also dwelt upon the rise and expansion of kingdoms and growth and decline of towns, cities and various urban centres in different parts of the Indian subcontinent at length. The work traces the pattern and functioning of republican governments at the time of the Buddha (sixth and fifth centuries bc) Panini (fifth century bc), Kautilya (fourth century bc), Alexander (327-325 bc), the Mauryas (321-184 bc) the Sungas (184-72 bc) and the Guptas later. The research is based on the indepth study of the epics, the Puranas, and Buddhist and Jaina sources which are supplemented by Greek and Roman writings, Sanskrit literary evidence and epigraphic & numismatic discoveries. It delves deep into modes of expansion of territories, factors leading to urbanisation and urbanisation patterns, and town planning. It presents a picturesque description of the urban centres of north-western India primarily based on Greek and Latin sources and pays special attention to dates related to founding of republics and cities, their extent, their functioning as administrative and religious centres, the problem of their identification and references to them in works, and their place in the wider framework of ancient Indian polity. The book will be useful to scholars and students interested in the study of ancient Indian polity and urban history.
The volume examines the triangular relationship and conflicts among the Indian princes, the politicians and the British over the channels of communication, interference in administration, succession to throne and the collection of import duties. The book also explores the honours system of titles and salutes, which played a central role in princely India.
In Sovereignty, Power, Control, John McLeod uses the princely states of the Western India States Agency (now in Gujarat) as a case-study to examine the triangular relationship among the Indian princes, the politicians of the states’ people’s movements, and the British. He argues that the princes were motivated by the desire to safeguard their sovereignty; the politicians by a quest for a share in power in the states; and the British by a policy of maintaining control. McLeod first analyses the conflict among the parties over the channels of communication between the princes and the British, the collection of duty on imports at state ports, and the existence of numerous small states in Gujarat. He then turns to British interference in the princes’ affairs over the issues of minority administration, maladministration, and succession to princely thrones. Finally, he explores the honours system of titles and salutes, which played a central role in princely India.
This collection of A.K. Coomaraswamy’s writings expounds the Indian theory of government based on textual sources such as the Brahmanas and the Rigveda. It vividly talks about the relationship between the spiritual and temporal power, paving the way for community welfare.
A literary work built up with parallel citations is apt to grow in the compass of the author himself, from his encyclopaedic scholarship. This revised edition of one of Coomaraswamy’s most significant writings is now being issued by incorporating his own additions to the printed first edition of 1942.
The Indian theory of government is expounded on the basis of the textual sources, mainly of the Brahmanas and the Rigveda. The mantra in the Aitareya Brahmana VIII.27, by which the priest addresses the king, spells out the relation between the spiritual and the temporal power. This ßmarriage formulaû has its analogous applications in the cosmic, political, family and individual spheres of operation, in each by the conjunction of complementary agencies.
The welfare of the community in each case depends upon a succession of obediences and loyalties; that of the subjects to the dual control of king and priest, that of the king to the priest, and that of all to the principle of an External Law (dharma) as king of kings. The king is such by Divine Right, but by no means, an absolute monarch. He may do only what is correct under the Law. Self-control is the sine qua non for the successful government of others; the primary victory is that of the Inner Man.
The application is to the king’, the man of action’ and artist’ in any domain whatever. There is nothing that can be truly and well done or made except by the man in whom the marriage of the Sacerdotium (brahma) and the Regnum (ksatra) has been consummated, nor can any peace be made except by those who have made their peace with themselves.
The book explains the nature of war, its socio-economic and political aspects from the Vedic and Western perspectives, and how the moral and social ethical concepts are related pragmatically to the issue of war. The author echoes serious concerns about the ways by which the present-day global majors approach war.
War makes life miserable for both the parties involved, the invader and the invaded. No war is fought without losing men and material, stripping off societal life and political order. Simultaneously it contributes to the progress of the society and preserves the liberty and honour of a state. From the Vedic period of India and the epic period of Greece, we have records of wars, and deliberations on the logic, philosophy, politics, ethics, strategies (pre- and post-war) of war, and the ways of reconstructing the war-ravaged societies, paving the way for drastic social and economic changes.
This volume scans the Indian and Western views and approaches on war in the ancient and modern times. To understand the concept of war in ancient period, it analyses Rigveda, Manusmriti, Ramayana, Mahabharata and Arthasastra from the Indian parlance and the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle from the Western perspectives. It also makes an in-depth study on the war philosophies of modern Indian leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and S. Radhakrishnan, and Western philosophers like John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Georg Friedrich Hegel and Bertrand Russell.
The book also explains the nature of war, its socio-economic and political aspects, and how the moral and social ethical concepts are related pragmatically to the issue of war. The author echoes serious concerns about the ways by which the present-day global majors approach war.
It mainly tries to postulate an alternative explanation to the vratya-phenomenon correlated with the heterodox facets of Indian sovereignty. Thus, the work consistently offers a new historical interpretation of the rise of the so-called orthodox Brahmanic (Shrauta-) culture that is understood as a reform.
This volume stems from the three-year Research Project Traces of a Heterodox Concept of Kingship in Ancient, Medieval and Modern India financed by the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, developed by Cristina Bignami, Danila Cinellu, Ewa Debicka-Borek, Moreno Dore, Elena Mucciarelli, Chiara Neri and coordinated by Tiziana Pontillo. It mainly tries to postulate an alternative explanation to the vratya-phenomenon correlated with the heterodox facets of Indian sovereignty. Thus, the work consistently offers a new historical interpretation of the rise of the so-called orthodox Brahmanic (Shrauta-) culture that is understood as a reform. Moreover, it resorts to a large collection of ancient, medieval, and modern texts and documents, interpreted by means of philological and anthropological tools. In this manner, the Vratya problem is launched onto a interdisciplinary platform, in order to profit from a broad scenario as far as this issue is concerned.
The first section focuses on the vratya culture, as it can be reconstructed from old (and middle) Indo-Aryan generally marginalized sources, and from medieval and modern documents where this culture seems to have left some traces. The second section seeks to substantiate the polar opposition between orthodox and heterodox sovereignty, of which vratyas appear to be a capital example.
It is a comprehensive study of the defence policies, construction of forts, arms and ammunitions, commissariat, the espionage system, the rules of aggression and defence, the technical matters and war ethics, based upon a comparative study with the modern systems, and a thorough comprehension of Sanskrit, Sanskrit sources, and works like Silappadikaram, and Kural.
Differing from the existing studies on the warfare of ancient India; Warfare in Ancient India: In Historical Outline is a comprehensive study of the defence policies, construction of forts, arms and ammunitions, commissariat, the espionage system, the rules of aggression and defence, the technical matters and war ethics, based upon a thorough comprehension of Sanskrit and Sanskritic sources. This being done based on the existing and newly-explored sources. It also analyses the diplomatic and economic factors in aggressive designs, one of the major elements of the political history of early India.
This volume partially deals with the activities of the Indo-Aryans and their continuous struggle for survival against hostile environment in Indus Valley and their expansion towards the east along the major rivers of north India, leading to frequent invasions and attacks. Thus came the warlike traits of some major Vedic deities, ancient battles, arms and armour, chariots, forts, arrays, Jain war canons, and major weapons cited in the Mahabharata, Silappadikaram, Manasollasa, Kural, etc. as the main focus of the book. It also vividly addresses the war policies and tactics enunciated by Kautilya in Arthasastra and Manu in Manu-Smriti, and differentiations in their views on few aspects. The inevitable factors that led to wars survival, and domination and economic exploitation are also well dealt.
The book should enthuse the interests and spirit of all those who are into the study and research of history, warfare and ancient Indian culture mainly from the Vedic viewpoint.
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक भारतीय संघ निर्माण की प्रक्रिया में जूनागढ़, हैदराबाद, सिक्किम, मणिपुर, गाेवा एवं कश्मीर प्रान्ताें के अन्तर्निहित प्रतिराेध एवं समायाेजन की नीति का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन प्रस्तुत करते हुए इसकी केन्द्राेंमुखी एवं प्रान्ताेंमुखी प्रवृतियाें के साथ समायाेजी धारा का उद्घाटन करती है।
यह पुस्तक भारतीय संघ निर्माण की प्रक्रिया में अन्तर्निहित प्रतिराेध एवं समायाेजन की नीति का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन प्रस्तुत करते हुए इसकी केन्द्राेंमुखी एवं प्रान्ताेंमुखी प्रवृतियाें के साथ समायाेजी धारा का उद्घाटन करती है। स्वतंता के पश्चात् अाैपनिवेशिक सत्ता संरचना में अाये परिवर्तन एवं उभर रही सांप्रदायिक प्रवृतियाें के बीच विभिन्न समूहाें के पहचान संबंधी प्रतिस्पर्धी दावे, मांगाें के दबाव में उलझी विकास की राजनीति एवं दलीय तथा वैचारिक निष्ठा से उत्पन्न चुनाैतीपूर्ण परिस्थितियाें के बीच नेहरु सरकार से लेकर माेदी सरकार तक भारतीय संघवाद के विकास याा की यह पुस्तक गहन मीमांसा प्रस्तुत करती है। साथ ही साथ इस पुस्तक में भारतीय संघवाद के विकास याा में ब्रिटिश उपनिवेशवाद, पुर्तगाली उपनिवेशवाद, शीत युद्ध की राजनीति, संप्रदाय अाधारित जातीय पहचान एवं व्यक्तिगत महत्वाकांक्षा से प्रेरित स्वायत्तता बाेध की जटिल रणनीतिक समीकरणाें काे भी समझने का प्रयास किया गया है।
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक भारतीय संघ निर्माण की प्रक्रिया में जूनागढ़, हैदराबाद, सिक्किम, मणिपुर, गाेवा एवं कश्मीर प्रान्ताें के अन्तर्निहित प्रतिराेध एवं समायाेजन की नीति का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन प्रस्तुत करते हुए इसकी केन्द्राेंमुखी एवं प्रान्ताेंमुखी प्रवृतियाें के साथ समायाेजी धारा का उद्घाटन करती है।
यह पुस्तक भारतीय संघ निर्माण की प्रक्रिया में अन्तर्निहित प्रतिराेध एवं समायाेजन की नीति का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन प्रस्तुत करते हुए इसकी केन्द्राेंमुखी एवं प्रान्ताेंमुखी प्रवृतियाें के साथ समायाेजी धारा का उद्घाटन करती है। स्वतंता के पश्चात् अाैपनिवेशिक सत्ता संरचना में अाये परिवर्तन एवं उभर रही सांप्रदायिक प्रवृतियाें के बीच विभिन्न समूहाें के पहचान संबंधी प्रतिस्पर्धी दावे, मांगाें के दबाव में उलझी विकास की राजनीति एवं दलीय तथा वैचारिक निष्ठा से उत्पन्न चुनाैतीपूर्ण परिस्थितियाें के बीच नेहरु सरकार से लेकर माेदी सरकार तक भारतीय संघवाद के विकास याा की यह पुस्तक गहन मीमांसा प्रस्तुत करती है। साथ ही साथ इस पुस्तक में भारतीय संघवाद के विकास याा में ब्रिटिश उपनिवेशवाद, पुर्तगाली उपनिवेशवाद, शीत युद्ध की राजनीति, संप्रदाय अाधारित जातीय पहचान एवं व्यक्तिगत महत्वाकांक्षा से प्रेरित स्वायत्तता बाेध की जटिल रणनीतिक समीकरणाें काे भी समझने का प्रयास किया गया है।
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