1994-1995 University of Milan. She was awarded a Specialization scholarship by the Foundazione Confalonieri.
2000-2001 University of Milan. She was awarded Funding for a Research Project for Young Researchers as co-ordinator and scholarship holder.
2003-2004 University of Cagliari. She was awarded Funding for a Research Project (start-up for Young Researcher)
2012-2015 She was awarded Funding for a Research Project Financed by the UE and RAS as coordinator of an International Research
Since 1993 she has been member of the “Association Haliana Studi Sanscriti.
Since 1996 she has been member of the “Società Italiana di Glottopogia”
Since 2011 she has been member of the “International Association of Sanskrit Studies”.
1. Dore, M., Pontillo, T. rev. “Joanna Jurewicz, Fire and Cognition in the Rigveda, Warswawa: Elipsa 2010, 485p. Indologica Taurinensia 38 (2012), pp. 263-70.
2. T. Pontillo, “Devayana and Dyutana in some supposed proto-indo-aryan I fragments.” In: Proceedings of the 6th International Vedic Workshop, Kozhikode (Calicut), Kerala, 7th-10th, January, 2014,ed. Sh. Bahulkar, P. Vinod Bhattathiripad, M. Witzel [Forthcoming].
3. L. Sudyka, T. Pontillo, “Praised or Despised Tigr-Men in Sanskrit Technical and Non-Technical Literature”. In: Corss-Cutting Asian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Ed. S. Bindi, E. Mucciarelli and T. Pontillo, [2015 Forthcoming].
4. M.P. Candotti, T. Pontillo 2014, “Aims and functions of Vratyastoma-celebrations: A Historical Appraisal.” In: The Volatile World of Sovereignty: The Vratya Problem and Kingship in South Asia and Beyond. Ed. T. Pontillo, C. Bignami, M. Dore, E. Mucciarelli. D.K. Printworld 2015 [Forthcoming].
5. M.P. Candotti, T. Pontillo, “Panini’s zero morphs as allomorphs in the complexity of linguistic context.” In: Proceedings of the XI International Conference on the History of Language Sciences, Workshop “The Indian Traditions of Language Studies” ed. Jean-Luc Chevillard, E. Aussant. Bulletin d’Etudes Indiennes (ed. Nalini Balbir) [Forthcoming].
6. M.P. Candotti, T. Pontillo, “Is svabhava a strictly grammatical expression in the M? Notes on the early history of a philosophical terms.” In: Human person and nature in Classical and Modern India. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Roma, La Sapienza – Museo Nazionale di Arte Orientale ‘Giuseppe Tucci’ (MNAO) 14-15 marzo 2013. Ed. G. Milanetti, R. Torella, Roma 2014 [Forthcoming].
7. T. Pontillo, “Drona and Bhishma as borderline Cases of Pupils and Masters in the Brahmanical systematization: Some other Traces of the Vratya Tradition in the Mahabharata”. In Proceedings of the Fifth Dubrovnik International Conference On The Sanskrit Epics and Puranas (DICSEP 5), August 11-16, 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Ed. P. Koskikallio [Forthcoming].
8. M.P. Candotti, T. Pontillo, “In favour of a linear reading of the Ashtadhyayi: materials from the discussion on substitution.” In: XXX. Ed. J.E.M. Houben. [Forthcoming].
9. T. Pontillo, “The yugapad-way of using words, i.e. how a linguistic taboo became a crucial literary strategy”. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on the South Asian Languages and Literatures, Moscow, 5-7/07/2012. “Lingua Posnaniensis” 55, 2 (2013) [2014]. Ed. A. Davison, H.H. Hock, Liudmila Khokhlova, pp. 109-22.
10. T. Pontillo, “Where the sense is intended although the corresponding speech unit is not employed”: the ekasesa case. In: Proceedings of the 15th World Sanskrit Conference, Delhi 5-10 January 2012 (Vyakarana Session). Ed. George Cardona. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld 2013, pp. 107-43.
11. T. Pontillo, “Can the so-called ‘Identification’ be included among the narrative techniques of the Late Vedic Literature?”. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Narrative Techniques in Indian Literature and Arts, University of Calicut, 7-9 January 2010 – Jointly sponsored by University of Calicut, Kerala and Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), New Delhi. Samskrtakairali ISS NO. 2349-333X; KVV No. 9446872907, vol. II 2012, Department of Sanskrit, University of Calicut, Kerala, India, pp. 7-20.
12. T. Pontillo, “The Debate on Asceticism as a Permanent Choice of Life: Some Late Clues From Mahakavyas”. In: Cracow Indological Studies: History and Society as Depicted in Indian Literature and Art. Part II: Shravya. Poetry and Prose. Ed. L. Sudyka & A. Nitecka, vol. XIV Krakow, Institute of Oriental Philology, Jageillonian University, Institute of Oriental Studies 2013, pp. 1-21.
13. M.P. Candotti, T. Pontillo, “From commentary to paribhashas: Katyayana and Patanjali vis-à-vis Vyadi”. In: Meanings out of Rules: Definitions, Functions and Uses of paribhashas in Shrautasutras, Mimamsa, Vyakarana and Vedanta. Ed. G. Pellegrini, §4. Anthem Press: London, New York, Delhi, 2014. Forthcoming.
14. T. Pontillo, “The samastavastuvishayarupaka between shastric and literary tradition. The Questioned Separateness between Metaphor and Simile.” In: Stylistic Devices in Indian Literature and Arts. Ed. G. Boccali and E. Mucciarelli. (Quaderni di Acme, vol. 135). Milano: Cisalpino. Instituto Editoriale Universitario – Monduzzi Editoriale 2013, pp. 13-36.
15. M. Dore, T. Pontillo. What do Vratyas have to do with long-stalked plants? Darbha, kusha, shara and ishika in Vedic and Classical sources. “Pandanus”, 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Moriz Winternitz Seminar, 4 (2013) pp. 35-61.
16. M.P. Candotti, T. Pontillo. “Interpreting forms with markers: the morphological approach.” In: Indian Grammar, Philology and History (Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference, Helsinky, Finland, 13-18 July 2003, vol. 4). Ed. G. Cardona and M.M. Deshpande. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 2012, pp. 61-82.
17. E. Freschi, T. Pontillo, “When one Thing applies more than once: Tantra and Prasanga in Shrautasutra, Mimamsa and Grammar”. In: Signless Signification in Ancient India and Beyond (Cultural, Historical and Textual Studies of Religions). Ed. T. Pontillo, M.P. Candotti, Anthem Press: London, New York, Delhi, pp. 33-98, 2012 on-line.
18. M.P. Candotti, T. Pontillo. “The Earlier Paninian Tradition on the Imperceptible Sign.” In: Signless Significance in Ancient India and Beyond (Cultural, Historical and Textual Studies of Religions). Ed. T. Pontillo, M.P. Candotti. Anthem Press: London, New York, Delhi 2013, pp. 99-153, 2012 on-line.
19. T. Pontillo, Premise to “International Seminar Poetics in Indian Literature and Arts: Sanskrit and Tamil Codes, Cagliari, 20 September 2011. Annali Della Facoltà Di Lettere E Filosofia, pp. 9-10.
20. T. Pontillo, Once again on Vyakti-Vacane in Ashtadhyayi I-2.51: Shravanah/Shravana. “Rivista Di Studi Sudasiatici”, 4 (2010), pp. 97-126.
21. G. Boccali, T. Pontillo, The Background of the samastavastuvishayarupaka and its importance in early kavya. “Pandanus” 4/2, 10 ed. J. Vacek, Prague Czech Republik: Triton, pp. 109-38.
22. T. Pontillo, Late vedic Rupakas based on nature imagery: ritual identifications as a sort of alamkara-pattern. “Pandanus” 09 – Nature in Indian Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual at Charles University, 4-7 June 2009, Prague, Czech Republik, vol. 3/2, pp. 9-24.
23. M.P. Candotti, T. Pontillo, “The autonomous Process of Denotation: Katyayana and Patanjali on the Limits of analysis.” In: Tirthayatra: Essays in Honour of Stefano Piano, ed. P. Caracchi, A.S. Comba, A. Consolaro, A. Pelissero, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2010, pp. 41-61.
24. T. Pontillo, “When a magnificent city looks like a heavenly grove: the fluttering flags and pennants on the mansions in the Mahabharata, in the Ramayana and in Kalidasa’s work”. In: The City and the Forest in Indian Literature and Art. Ed. Danuta Stasik and Anna Trynkowska (Proc. Warsaw, Poland, 25-27 September 2008). Warsaw: Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, 2010, pp. 53-68.
25. T. Pontillo, The edible part of the rice in the Mahabhashya imagery: what are the husks of rules? What is a tantram?, “Pandanus 08” ed. J. Vacek, Prague, ed. Triton, 2008, pp. 79-96.
26. T. Pontillo, “Where the ascetics lead their life of austerities, there peace and beauty are: do the idyllic features of kavya-ashramas have any antecedents in the Mahabharata?” In: Kings and Ascetics in Indian Classical Literature, International Seminar, Università degli Studi di Milano, 21-22 September 2007, Proceedings, ed. M.P. Rossi, C. Pieruccini, s.I. Cisalpino, 2009, pp. 43-57.
27. T. Pontillo, The “attributes” of the sea as a “theme” in the Ramayana and in the Raghuvamsha: a lexical analysis, II, “Indologica Taurinensia”, 34 (2008), pp. 283-310.
28. T. Pontillo, The “attributes” of the sea as a “theme” in the Ramayana and in the Raghuvamsha: a lexical analysis, I, “Indologica Taurinensia”, 33 (2007), 291-317.
29. S. Novelli, T. Pontillo, rec. Studi in memoria di Eugenio Coseriu, a cura di V. Orioles, Udine 2003, “Aevum” 3 (2007), pp. 341-48.
30. M.P. Candotti, T. Pontillo, “The (in)separable parts of a plant in the Mahabharata imagery i.e. how nature may inspire a grammarian.” In: Pandanus, 07. Ed. J. Vacek, Prague, ed. Signeta, 2007 (Publications of Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Indian Studies), pp. 43-63.
31. T. Pontillo, “The names of fruits, roots and flowers included in Kalidasa’s works and the Ashtadhyayi rules IV.3. 163-67 with their Commentaries.” In: Pandanus ‘06. Nature in Literature and Rituals.” Ed. J. Vacek, Prague, ed. Signeta, 2006 (Publications of Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Indian Studies), pp. 161-76.
32. T. Pontillo, “A lexical study of the terms for the sea in the Ramayana and in the Raghuvamsha.” In: International Seminar “Love and Nature in Kavya Literature”, 22-25 September 2005, Krakow-Zakopane (Cracow Indological Studies, vol. VII), Krakow 2005, pp. 103-14.
33. M.P. Candotti, T. Pontillo, “Substitution as a descriptive model in Panini’s grammar: towards an opposition between fonological and morphological level?”. In: Atti del Secondo Incontro Genovese di Studi Vedici e Paniniani (Genova, 23 luglio 2003-15 ottobre 2003) a cura di di R. Ronzitti e G. Borghi, Le Mani, pp. 1-45.
34. T. Pontillo, Paola Rossi, “The sea-images in pre-Kavya Literature: the relationship between Mahabharata and Pali Buddhist canon occurrences.” In: “Pandanus 2003” Nature Symbols in Literatures, Prague, ed. Signeta, 2003. Ed. J. Vacek (Publications of Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Indian Studies), pp. 167-214.
35. T. Pontillo, review M. Deeg, Die altindische Etymologie nach dem Verständnis Yaska’s und seiner Vorgänger, Wurzburg 1995 (Wurzburger Studien zur Spreche und Kultur, 2), “Indologica Taurinensia” XVII-XVII (1991-1992) [2000], pp. 406-08.
36. T. Pontillo, The Background of the Puranic Etymologies, “Purana”, 37, 2 (1995), pp. 135-44, ed. All-India Kashiraj Trust, Varanasi.
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