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    The book explores the ethical foundations of Gandhian economic order and discusses their relevance to the modern times. It also compares Gandhian economic ideals with those of classical thinkers and the modern scholars. The economic ideals and practices of Gandhi are centred round two fundamental principles – truth and non-violence. Gandhian thought, economics and ethics go together.

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    Gandhian Perspectives on Economics and Ethics by: B. Sambasiva Prasad Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹540.00.

    The book explores the ethical foundations of Gandhian economic order and discusses their relevance to the modern times. It also aims at comparing Gandhian economic ideals with those of classical thinkers like Adam Smith, John Ruskin and Karl Marx, and the modern scholars like Kumarappa, Schumacher, Amartya Sen and John Rawls. The Indian and Western influences, along with British imperialism, have shaped Gandhian economic philosophy. The economic ideals and practices of Gandhi are centred round two fundamental principles – truth and non-violence. Gandhian thought, economics and ethics go together. There is no distinction between them. The relation between economics and ethics works both ways. Gandhian economics is service economy. It is based upon selfless service and altruism. It transforms economics from positive science to normative science. Gandhian economics is not pure economics. It is holistic in nature. To Gandhi, economic questions cannot be isolated. They are interrelated with social, political and religious matters. Gandhian economics is man centred, not money centred. The notions of swaraj, svadeshi, bread labour, aparigraha, trusteeship, sarvodaya, constructive programme, decentralized economy, critique of industrial civilization and economy of permanence are discussed, under the backdrop of Gandhian economics. Finally, an estimate of Gandhian economic order is presented. Economic transformation is possible when there is a change from economic man to Gandhian man; if not, Gandhi’s dream of economic order will remain as a pipedream.

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    Historical Geography of Orissa by: J.K. Sahu Original price was: ₹1,300.00.Current price is: ₹1,170.00.

    The region of Orissa, from the point of view of studies in historical geography, has always remained a challenging area, not least owing to its vast and complicated history, varied geography and intriguing sources. Though the historical geography of this region has been considered for analysis in the past, it has only been featured as a chapter or in a section as part of a larger whole. Thus, this work is perhaps the first attempt to present a comprehensive research study of the historical geography of Orissa.
    The author, guided by long research experience, culls material from all available sources — literary, epigraphic, etc. — to subject the theme to a systematic analysis that leaves not a facet of the subject unexplored. He describes and delves into the ancient, medieval and modern periods of historical growth to underline the historico-geographical significance of various kingdoms and places of importance that emerged, flourished and disintegrated at different times — as Kalinga; South Koshala; Odri, Utkala or Toshala; Trikalinga; and the many Mandala states. He studies the physical features of the area, the mountain system of the Orissa state and its rivers, with a view to showing how they have shaped its history. The transport and communication routes in the region since ancient times are retraced to reveal the region’s strong cultural and economic foundations among other things.
    This book, from first to last, unfolds a wealth of interesting and useful information. Complete with an exhaustive bibliography, index and maps of Orissa, the book can immensely aid further research works on the subject.

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    This memoir deals with the varied aspects of Mughal numismatics, be it the problem associated with Mughal coinage, Akbar’s monetary system or his religious and economic policies, providing liberal education in the history of Mughal period.

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    Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics by: Shahpurshah Hormasji Hodivala Original price was: ₹895.00.Current price is: ₹805.00.

    This memoir contains twenty-four scholarly articles that are remarkable in many respects. First, the author’s extremely accurate knowledge of the Persian historians of India and that of the European travellers has enabled him to bring together a series of studies into this volume, which is an exhaustive list of all references bearing upon Mughal coinage. Second, it addresses all the problems related to Mughal coinage thereby putting to rest half of the controversies that have engaged numismatists during the past a half century. Third, it sheds light on Akbar’s monetary system and religious outlook, while providing liberal education in the history of Mughal period. The historian and the student of economics should find stores of valuable material in this memoir.

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    Evidences suggest that India and Indonesia were in trade relations for many millennia, starting from 3500 bce. Indonesia got all three religions — Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam — from India. There were ups and downs in their relations. This volume vividly talks about topics that foster(ed) mutual relations such as culture, religion, language, traditions and education.

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    India Indonesia Legacy of Intimate Encounters by: Gautam Kumar Jha, Son Kuswadi, Original price was: ₹750.00.Current price is: ₹675.00.

    Evidences suggest that India and Indonesia were in trade relations for many millennia, starting from 3500 bce. Suvarnabhumi (Sumatra) is mentioned in Jatakas, Indian epics and Mahavamsa, though there is no sequential documentation of it. The trade relations paved the way for Bali importing Indian pottery, priests coming from India and getting absorbed into the Indonesian society and the Indian traders and priests marrying the locals and settling there, thus spreading Hinduism and Indian culture throughout Java, Bali and Sumatra. Indonesia thus got all three religions — Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam — from India.
    The historical and civilizational relations continued till the sixteenth century ce. The Western colonization drive of Asian countries broke this long-stood relationship. Coming to the twentieth century, Indonesia and its leaders were highly inspired by the anti-colonial views of Indian leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel and Rabindranath Tagore, and India extended her moral support to the freedom struggle of Indonesia. But during the post-colonial era, the bilateral relations between both the countries were incoherent. The Look East Policy of India in the 1990s rejuvenated the relations and Indonesia became one of the greatest allies in fulfilling India’s South-East Asia Policy.
    The scholarly articles in this volume vividly talk about topics that foster(ed) mutual relations such as culture, religion, language, traditions, education and so on, keenly drawing the attention of policy makers, trade analysts, cultural enthusiasts, investors, among a wide range of audience.

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    The book deals with the critical issues and challenges of rural India and suggests ways and means to bring it into the nation building. With traditional wisdom, it mixes innovative solutions for better rural life. It can entice rural investors and be a good reference for students and teachers of economics and sociology.

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    India’s Rural Transformation and Development by: Thomas G. Fraser Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹450.00.

    This book, a collection of updated articles presented in an international conference on India’s ‘Rural Transformation and Development: Issues, Processes and Direction’ organized by the Cordia Group of Institutes and Sanghol community on 17-18 November 2011, talks about the criticality of different issues and challenges that the rural India faces and suggests ways and means to bring it into the nation-building exercise.
    No country steadfastly grows without tapping its rural potential. Over 750 million people live in the Indian villages and there is a desperate need for them to get empowered in education and skills, and with state-of-the-art infrastructure, financial support and guidance, better agricultural methods, energy/gas generation technologies, communication network, and by introducing and training on village and eco tourism. All stake holders — the Government, NGOs, banks and self help groups — have to play a pivotal role in ensuring sustainable rural development without losing the charm and the quintessential look of the villages. The visionary Inaugural Lecture by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, former President of India, is igniting and the icing on the cake.
    The articles are authoritative, and few case studies, add value to the content. Concepts like Community Radio are of great interest. This book will help people who want to do investment in rural areas, students of economics and sociology, those in rural researches, and for those who have an “urban heart”.

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    Mediaeval India under Mohammedan rule (712-1764 CE) by: Stanley Lane-Poole Original price was: ₹700.00.Current price is: ₹630.00.

    The immemorial systems, rules and customs of Ancient India were invaded, subdued and modified by a succession of foreign conquerors who imposed new rules and introduced an exotic creed, strange languages and a foreign art. Their invasion started with the raid of the Muslim Arabs in Sind and with the arrival of the Turks under Mahmud the Iconoclast at the beginning of the eleventh century, India entered upon her Middle Age. This volume talks about the Indian history of over a 1,000 years, from 712-1764 with the raid of the Arabs in the Sind to the decline of the Moghul empire, featuring the Turks, Persians and Afghans (Moghuls) and specifies that the age-old Indian life outlived the shock of the new ideas, religion and culture that were imposed on India’s polity. India never assimilated the foreigners or their ideas. Barring Akbar the Great, that too at a minuscule level, no one could make much influence on them. Therefore, these foreigners remained essentially as an army of occupation among a hostile or repellent population, making the history of the Mohammedan Period more of a chronicle of kings, courts and conquest than of organic or national growth, stimulating and instructive.

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    These volume aims at exploring certain philosophical truths relating to the syntax and the semantics of the language. The essays are written from the Western and Indian philosophical perspectives such as that of Descartes, logical positivists, Quine, Davidson, cognitive scientists and of Navya-Nyāya, Vaiśeṣika, R̥gveda, Vedāṅga, Mīmāṁsā, Vyākaraṇa and Vedānta.

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    Philosophical Explorations in Mind and Language by: Sadhan Chakraborti, Gangadhar Kar, Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹540.00.

    The theme of this collection of essays emerges from the area of interface between mind and language. The volume aims at exploring certain philosophical truths relating to the syntax and the semantics of the language we think in and the language we use for a purpose.
    These essays are written from the Western philosophical perspective as well as from the Indian philosophical perspective. The philosophical research pursued by the contributors of this volume extends to the Indian schools of Navya-Nyāya, Vaiśeṣika, R̥gveda, Vedāṅga, Mīmāṁsā, Vyākaraṇa and Vedānta.
    On the Western counterpart it covers the philosophical researches of British empiricists, Descartes, logical positivists, Quine, Davidson, cognitive scientists, linguists like Chomsky and others. Serious researchers in the area of syntax and semantics either in the Western tradition or in the Indian tradition will have important materials relevant to their research in reading this collection.
    Students of philosophy, linguistics and cognitive science, and general readers interested in the areas of syntax and semantics will benefit immensely from consulting this collection.

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    The book attempts to apply postmodern hermeneutics in the study of language, i.e. the theory of meaning and interpretation of the life-world in human knowledge and understanding. Four types of hermeneutics  – philosophical,radical, critical and deconstructive – are discussed and analysed under postmodern hermeneutics.

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    Postmodern Hermeneutics by: S. Panneerselvam Original price was: ₹900.00.Current price is: ₹810.00.

    In the background of structuralism, poststructuralism and postmodernism, contemporary philosophy has taken a new turn. These three important movements gave rise to new social theories, which influenced the literary and cultural criticism, the new concept of writing, theory and discourse. Postmodern hermeneutics examines the significance of language, text and their interrelation in the context of the above theories.

    The book is an attempt to apply postmodern hermeneutics in the study of language, i.e. the theory of meaning and interpretation of the life-world in human knowledge and understanding. Four types of hermeneutics such as, philosophical hermeneutics (Gadamer), radical hermeneutics (Ricoeur), critical hermeneutics (Habermas) and deconstructive hermeneutics (Derrida) are discussed and analysed under postmodern hermeneutics. All the above thinkers have been influenced and at the same time critiqued the contributions made by the great phenomenological masters like Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. Postmodernism gives a new way of understanding hermeneutics by rejecting metanarratives, thus creating a new type of discourse, which was not hitherto seen or examined by previous forms of philosophizing.

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    This volume makes a comparative study of the different values and approaches, philosophized and propagated by Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo not only for the social, moral, political and spiritual life of Indians, but also for the benefit of the entire mankind.

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    Regeneration of Values by: Dr. Sushmita Bhowmik Original price was: ₹995.00.Current price is: ₹895.00.

    Regeneration of Values: A Comparative Study of the Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo reflects upon the different concepts of social, moral, political and religious values philosophized and propagated by Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo.
    Both these two great thinkers of nineteenth-twentieth century India tried to reconstruct the social, moral, political and spiritual life of the entire mankind through the revival of the ancient social and cultural values of India. However, the means adopted by them towards such regeneration of values were different in many respects. Here an attempt has been made to make a comparative study of their concepts of the different values as well as the approaches taken by them.

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    This book showcases popular medicinal and edible plants, collating the findings of more than 300 research and review articles, scientifically validating the traditional beliefs of their medicinal and health-care efficacy.

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    Science of Validation of Medicinal and Edible Plants for Cure and Good Health by: Haokholet Kipgen, Dr S.K. Vettivel, Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹495.00.

    The interest in medicinal plants and edible plants of medicinal value is fast growing, worldwide. Though the classical textbooks on Ayurveda, the Indian traditional health-care system, provide detailed and authentic information on these plants’ medicinal and heath values, there lacked scientific validation. Recent researches have shown that these plants cure many a disease or arrest the onset of many chronic diseases including cancer, and incredibly contribute to human well-being, sans any side effect.
    This volume thus showcases popular medicinal and edible plants, collating the findings of more than 300 research and review articles, scientifically validating the traditional beliefs of their medicinal and health-care efficacy. It should be of immense use to scientists, medical professionals, heath-care industry and the actual users.

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    The book discusses the fundamental aspects of the comparative study of religions such as its origin and development, its nature, conditions and problems and also its method. The modern trend points to an interreligious dialogue or encounter in the sense of mutual understanding of religions as “human involvements”.

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    The Comparative Study of Religions by: Dilip Kumar Roy Original price was: ₹595.00.Current price is: ₹535.00.
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    This volume presents the translation and interpretation of thirteen principal Upanisads such as Brhadaranyaka, Chandogya, Taittiriya, Aitareya, Kausitaki, Kena, Katha, Isa, Mundaka, Prasna, Mandukya, Svetasvatara and Maitri along with the outline of the philosophical wisdom inherent in these Upanisads. It also features the recurrent and parallel passages in these principal Upanisads and the Bhagavadgita.

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    The Thirteen Principal Upanishads by: Robert Earnest Hume Original price was: ₹1,350.00.Current price is: ₹1,215.00.

    Upanisads are an authoritative compendium of Indian metaphysics. They represent the earnest efforts of profound thinkers of early India to solve the problems of origin, nature, and destiny of man and the universe, more technically the meaning and value of knowing and being. They are replete with sublime conceptions and with intuitions of universal truth. These Upanisads sets forth two opposing theories: one of mundane life and the other relating to a life that is in search of the Supreme Reality and man’s ultimate aim.
    Though, traditionally, 108 Upanisads are well known and subject to various studies, there are around 200 Upanisads in toto. Of them, this volume contains the translation and interpretation of thirteen principal Upanisads such as Brhadaranyaka, Chandogya, Taittiriya, Aitareya, Kausitaki, Kena, Katha, Isa, Mundaka, Prasna, Mandukya, Svetasvatara and Maitri along with the outline of the philosophical wisdom inherent in these Upanisads. It also features the recurrent and parallel passages in these principal Upanisads and the Bhagavadgita.

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