Literature (148)

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    The book presents the text of the Ganapati Upanisad — dealing with the worship of äsvara and revealing the nature of the ultimate Reality — along with its transliteration in Roman script, followed by a detailed commentary — a critical analysis on its meaning.

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    Ganapati Upanisad by: Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati 162.00

    The Upanishads represent a glorious religious-philosophical thinking that is at the core of the Indian tradition. An important Upanishad is the Ganapati Upanishad, found in the concluding part of the Atharvaveda, which deals with the worship of ä÷vara and reveals the nature of the ultimate Reality in which everything resolves. The book presents the text of the Ganapati Upanishad along with its transliteration in Roman script which is followed by a detailed commentary on its meaning that takes up each line for critical analysis. Beginning with a general discussion on the Upanishads, their association with specific Vedas and their main purpose, Swami Tattvavidananda examines the nature of the Cosmic Power and the universe, propitiation of God, the purpose of living, concepts of ananta, ananda and others as explained in the Ganapati Upanishad. He explains the derivative roots of many words so that the concepts may be better understood by the readers. The commentary, in a language that demystifies esoteric concepts, includes many cross-references. The book will be extremely useful to scholars of Vedantic thought and Indian religious and philosophical traditions as well as general readers.

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    Gita Govinda of Jayadeva by: Dr. Sharda Narayanan, Sujatha Mohan, 1,169.00

    Gita Govinda, a drsya-kavya of Jayadeva, a twelfth-century Sanskrit poet, due to its deep foundations in devotion and exquisite intrinsic beauty, is the most desired in the music and dance of India. This erotic poem, through its three characters in Radha, Krsna and the sakhi, portrays physical love as a metaphor for divine longing of the individual soul to have its union with the Supreme.
    The volume in hand presents the primacy of the language in linguistic and literary theories as the vehicle of thought, along with the performing arts background and technical aspects of dance that complement Jayadeva’s composition. It also deals with a setting for the Gita Govinda in terms of its historical context, time, cultural influences and relevance in the arts.
    It addresses each and every verse of Gita Govinda with translation and literary notes. Also, it showcases the uninterrupted text in Devanagari along with Romanized transliteration. In a nutshell, the book brings to us a magical world of dance and music through the eyes of a Sanskrit scholar and a mature, expressive dancer in Sharda Narayanan and Sujatha Mohan, respectively.

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    It makes one travel through the horrible, fraught and turbulent world of human trafficking wherein innocent children and women are entrapped, sold and forced into flesh trade by a well-knit network of mafia gangs. It also brings into limelight the pity world of hijras, the victims social apathy and prejudice, and their sexual exploitation at the hands of many.

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    Gulam Mandi by: Nirmala Bhuradia 356.00

    Gulam Mandi revolves around the life of its two protagonists – Kalyani and Janki. It makes one travel through the horrible, fraught and turbulent world of human trafficking wherein innocent children and women are entrapped, sold and forced into flesh trade by a well-knit network of mafia gangs. In its quintessential, the story brings forth the myriad colours of human nature – hate, rejection, betrayal, apathy, ecstasy, opportunism, pure love, sex, expectation, trust, empathy, hope, rejuvenation and so on.
    Kalyani, a beauty queen, fears ageing and childbirth and is jealous of her own young daughter. Janki, who comes from an oppressed class and had a turbulent childhood, faces rejection from a few people, but finds shelter in Kalyani and Gautam, but, of late, destiny plays its tryst with her life. Finally, she finds solace in Mohan.
    It portrays the uneven world of the exploitors, who usurp and violate the victims, and the victims who are the sufferers and cannot normally escape the clutches of their perpetrators to rebuild their life. It also brings into limelight the pity world of hijras, the victims social apathy and prejudice, and their sexual exploitation at the hands of many. Here is a clarion call to the society on the ills that it has been afflicted with!

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    Historical Geography of Orissa by: J.K. Sahu 1,170.00

    The region of Orissa, from the point of view of studies in historical geography, has always remained a challenging area, not least owing to its vast and complicated history, varied geography and intriguing sources. Though the historical geography of this region has been considered for analysis in the past, it has only been featured as a chapter or in a section as part of a larger whole. Thus, this work is perhaps the first attempt to present a comprehensive research study of the historical geography of Orissa.
    The author, guided by long research experience, culls material from all available sources — literary, epigraphic, etc. — to subject the theme to a systematic analysis that leaves not a facet of the subject unexplored. He describes and delves into the ancient, medieval and modern periods of historical growth to underline the historico-geographical significance of various kingdoms and places of importance that emerged, flourished and disintegrated at different times — as Kalinga; South Koshala; Odri, Utkala or Toshala; Trikalinga; and the many Mandala states. He studies the physical features of the area, the mountain system of the Orissa state and its rivers, with a view to showing how they have shaped its history. The transport and communication routes in the region since ancient times are retraced to reveal the region’s strong cultural and economic foundations among other things.
    This book, from first to last, unfolds a wealth of interesting and useful information. Complete with an exhaustive bibliography, index and maps of Orissa, the book can immensely aid further research works on the subject.

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    History and Development of Mathematics in india: Samiksika Series 16 by: Dr. Ramakalyani Venkatraman, Sita Sunder Ram, 810.00

    The experiences and knowledge from our past are recorded in manuscripts which have been handed down to us over several thousand years. The Government of India, through the Department of Culture, took note of the importance of this vast tangible heritage and, in order to preserve and conserve as well as to make access to this wealth easy, established the National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM). In order to disseminate the knowledge content of manuscripts, the Mission has taken up several programmes such as lectures, seminars and workshops. The Mission has published the proceedings of the above-said programmes under the following series: “Samiksika” (on conservation), “Tattvabodha” (comprising lectures based on manuscripts delivered by eminent scholars), “Samiksika” (research-oriented papers presented in the seminars), “Krtibodha” (transcribed and edited texts prepared at advanced level manuscriptology workshops conducted by NMM) and “Prakasika” (publication of rare, unpublished manuscripts). The present work, Samiksika-16 comprises the proceedings of the conference on History and Development of Mathematics held in the Samskrita Academy, Chennai in collaboration with the National Mission for Manuscripts.

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    Indian Folklore by: Ganeshji Jethabhai 405.00

    “India is well-known for her cultural and literary traditions, which are normally alien to the West of the twentieth century. Her wide literature is a huge treasure house. So also are her folk tales which showcase her cultural milieu. For generations, the legends of India remained vigorously active by transferring from lip to lip in the absence of any print medium, and this book is an English translation of ninety-three tales selected from a Gujarati volume, “KautukamÀÒÀ” or “Bodhavacana”, which appeared first in 1885. This book is expected to give an insight to the then West into the cultures, customs and traditions of the East through its folk tales. It will promote a larger acquaintance of the West with Indian moorings, resulting in a heartier appreciation of, the native thoughts and native customs, the practical wisdom and ripe experience. It shows considerable skill in shifting and arranging the rude materials collected from many sources and in investigating half-forgotten local chronicles of wit and humour. It also satirizes the faults and extravagances of the then Indian village community to a certain extent. The book should make an interesting and amusing reading for the English-knowing people interested in Indian folklore.”

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    The title of the book Indian Philosophical Wisdom: Some Glimpses itself signifies its importance. Indeed, philosophy is involved in every sphere of human life — literature, creative art, culture, etc. The author in her zeal to unravel the precious accumulated wisdom of Indian philosophy delved in its treasure with different approaches — historical, analytical, comparative, etc. An attempt has been made in this book to expound Indian philosophical systems and to analyse critically their logical implications.

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    Indian Philosophical Wisdom by: Mukta Biswas 810.00

    The title of the book Indian Philosophical Wisdom: Some Glimpses itself signifies its importance. Indeed, philosophy is involved in every sphere of human life — literature, creative art, culture, etc. The author in her zeal to unravel the precious accumulated wisdom of Indian philosophy delved in its treasure with different approaches — historical, analytical, comparative, etc. An attempt has been made in this book to expound Indian philosophical systems and to analyse critically their logical implications.
    This work consists of twenty-seven articles both unpublished and published in journals and from different academic forums aimed towards making a documentation of discussions on various systems of Indian philosophy, Upaniṣadic and Yoga philosophy in particular. This could be a ready reckoner on the subject for young and enterprising students and scholars who possess innate inquisitiveness to unearth the sagacity enshrined in Indian philosophy.

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    The book contains the original texts in Sanskrit, Roman transliteration and detailed commentaries on the Ishavasya and Mandukya Upanishads, explaining the basic message of the Upanishads Þ Brahmavidya or the science of the Absolute Þ in different ways, the questions asked in each being different.

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    Isavasya Upanishad and Mandukya Upanishad by: Swami Muni Narayana Prasad 162.00

    The volume contains a detailed commentary on two important Upanishads, the Ishavasya and the Mandukya.
    The Isha Upanishad states straightaway what Brahmavidya is. It clarifies three different paths in human life: two leading to final liberation and unconditioned happiness and the third leading to the demonic world of darkness and sufferings in life.
    The Mandukya Upanishad, which is also the shortest Upanishad, states concisely what Vedanta basically teaches (“Everything here indeed is Brahman”), how everything is to be conceived, and how it is to be equated with aum. It explains how the monosyllable aum condenses within itself Brahman or atman, the substance in all the worlds.
    The volume gives the original texts of the Upanishads in Sanskrit, their Roman transliteration and a commentary for each. It explains the basic message of the Upanishads — Brahmavidya or Atmavidya or Vedanta or the science of the Absolute — in different ways, the questions asked in each being different. It takes a fresh look at the Upanishads keeping in view all modern developments of thought in science as well as philosophy. The work will interest scholars and students of Hindu philosophy and religion.

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    Professor Filippi explores the Indian view of mortal existence — from an individual’s conception to his/her journey to the Kingdom of Yama — with rare scientific objectivity — by unveiling a complex network of sentiments, beliefs, scriptural references, customs, etc.

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    Jada Bharata’s Prasnavali by: Pranati Ghosal 135.00

    Prasnavali, a less-known yet important treatise, ascribed to Jadabharata, poses fifty-two fundamental questions on Monistic Philosophy. Novelty of this book lies in its question-answer technique provided for both teaching and propagation of Advaita Vedànta in an easy way. In spite of being small in size, the work covers almost all the important topics expected to be known by a devotee or a learner. There may be different groups of scholars and students of Vedanta affiliated to various mathas who long for finding proper answers to the queries that arise in this field from time to time. Jadabharata earnestly took up this uphill task through this treatise. Thus he deserves a special credit for creating interest in Advaitism among the people belonging to the community of both the learners and devotees.

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    This is the first-ever English translation of Narasimha’s Kadambarinataka and its critical evaluation. It highlights the play’s importance in Sanskrit-Prakrt literature of medieval India and compares it with the kavyas of classicists like Sudraka.

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    Kadambarinataka of Narasimha by: Hideaki Sato 540.00

    It is the first ever English translation of Narasimha’s Kadambarinataka. And also its first critical evaluation, highlighting not only its high importance in Sanskrit-Prakrit literature of medieval India, but also how this fourteenth-century play compares favourably with the masterly kavyas of the classicists like Sudraka, Kalidasa, Bhavabhuti and Rajashekhara.
    Kadambarinataka is essentially a dramatic version of Kadambari : an internationally celebrated novel/romance of the seventh century, authored by the legendary Bana and his son. For over six centuries, it has remained unacknow-ledged and unnoticed owing to the prevailing prejudice against the whole range of Sanskrit-Prakrit literature that came to be written after the 10th century or so. Though the play saw its only printed edition in 1936, it was not studied in perspective nor has it so far been translated into any language. Dr. Hideaki Sato retrieves Kadambarinataka from the centuries of oblivion, offering this literary masterpiece, in two parts, to English-knowing audiences the world over. Part One, in the nature of a critical introduction, focusses on Narasimha: the author, his times and his writings; together with insightful analyses of his nataka’s sources, plot structure, language, style, innovative elements, and how far it has deviated from Bana’s Kadambari. Part Two comprises the English rendering of Kadambarinataka which, based directly on its two manuscripts available today, also carries extensive textual notes.

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