History & Archaeology (179)

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    The book unveils the ancient Indian society in all its variegated evolutionary expressions across 2500 years to explore the sociological orientations of the Vedic Samhitas, Brahmanas, Upanisads and other Sanskrit works besides Buddhist and Jaina works.

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    Society in Ancient India by: Sures Chandra Banerji Original price was: ₹650.00.Current price is: ₹585.00.

    It is a fascinating, meticulously documented study unveiling, for the first time, the ancient Indian society in all its variegated evolutionary expressions across about two-and-a-half millennia: since the Vedic times (c. 1500 BC) — with a beautifully well-knit account of its religions and cultic practices; economic paradigms; polity and statecraft; educational set-up; customes, manners, etiquettes; food habits, drinks, dress styles; sports, pastimes, modes of recreations; sex life and sexual morality; casteist hierarchies; attitude towards women; and its crimes, punishments and legal codes. Epitomising a lifetime of Dr. Banerji’s research on ancient India, the book vividly captures all different articulations of sociological import from a whole body of traditional writings: both sacred and secular. Again, it turns out to be the first ever study to singly explore the sociological orientations of the Vedic Samhitas, Brahmanas, Upanishads, Kalpasutras, Vyakaranas, Puranas, Smritishastras, Tantric texts, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, Kautilya’s Arthashastra, and many other Sanskrit classics — besides Buddhist and Jaina works in Pali, Prakrit and Apabhramsha languages. With highly informative appendices, extensive bibliographic references and a glossary of technical/unfamiliar words, the book holds out enduring appeal to both scholars and discerning readers.

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    Socio-Literary and Cultural Study of Indian Society by: Indra Nath Choudhuri Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    The Socio-Literary and Cultural Study of Indian Society from Ancient to Modern is a search for India’s heritage: Hindu, Sufi and about Nationalism and India’s freedom from her colonial past. It is analytical but not learnedness. The author believes as Iqbal, the famous Urdu poet, said: “Transcend your reason because though it is a glow, it is not your destination; it can only be the path to the destination show.” People, both Indian and foreign, who want to understand Indian heritage from Ancient to Modern in a simple, agreeable style and friendly manner, is the author’s destination. In this volume, he has tried to demolish many myths like dharma is religion, Vedas are Śruti though the Almighty ordered six ṛṣis to write them down. A Hindu is just not emotional in mind, he also believes in analytic discussion (tarka). Upaniṣads are not just created by ṛṣis but also by a revolution unfolded by the students by barraging questions after questions.By explaining about the vitality of India and many other subjects, the book elucidates many things about the idea of India in an authentic manner. The readers will find here many varieties of theological explication, ultimately leading to the celebration of life while searching for the divine and realizing the self.

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    The volume examines the triangular relationship and conflicts among the Indian princes, the politicians and the British over the channels of communication, interference in administration, succession to throne and the collection of import duties. The book also explores the honours system of titles and salutes, which played a central role in princely India.

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    Sovereignty, Power, Control by: John McLeod Original price was: ₹620.00.Current price is: ₹558.00.

    In Sovereignty, Power, Control, John McLeod uses the princely states of the Western India States Agency (now in Gujarat) as a case-study to examine the triangular relationship among the Indian princes, the politicians of the states’ people’s movements, and the British. He argues that the princes were motivated by the desire to safeguard their sovereignty; the politicians by a quest for a share in power in the states; and the British by a policy of maintaining control. McLeod first analyses the conflict among the parties over the channels of communication between the princes and the British, the collection of duty on imports at state ports, and the existence of numerous small states in Gujarat. He then turns to British interference in the princes’ affairs over the issues of minority administration, maladministration, and succession to princely thrones. Finally, he explores the honours system of titles and salutes, which played a central role in princely India.

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    The book presents various stages of development of Mathura art from its earliest times and, in the process, gives a valuable account of the archaeological explorations and expeditions in the region since 1836.

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    Splendour of Mathura Art and Museum by: Ramesh Chandra Sharma Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    It is a treasure document enlightening the various stages of development of Mathura art from its earliest times. Introducing the socio-cultural background from the pre-historic times it furnishes a valuable account of the archaeological explorations and expeditions in the region since the first antiquity saw the light of the day in 1836. Indigenous by birth, the Mathura School of Art flourished on the banks of Yamuna, reached its pinnacle under the Kushana patronage, continued in the Gupta age followed by Medieval times, thus dominating the entire Northern India for more than five centuries leaving behind imprints to be followed by the succeeding art styles. The type of stone and style changed with time and it did get influenced by its contemporary School of Gandhara once, but its exclusiveness remained down the ages. Beside the analytical assessment of the folk art tradition of early terracottas and yaksha cult, Dr. Sharma brings to light for the first time the salient features of the evolution and development of Mathura sculptures on various themes including Jaina, Buddhist and Brahmanical. The book is an uptodate document of new researches, fresh arrivals and latest reorganisation of the Museum’s galleries. The coloured and black & white illustrations in this book speak of the display of rich Mathura art in the Museum. The Index to the Exhibits will facilitate in spotting the description of a specific object quickly. Important sites have been located on the City and District maps and situation of galleries and ancillary units of the Museum can be found on the Gallery Plan. While the visitors will find the book a very remunerative companion during the Museum round the scholars will equally be benefitted through the prolific research material it reveals.

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    This volume identifies and presents over one-hundred temples having more than one garbhagrha, categorized as dvikuta, trikuta, catuskuta, pancakuta, saptakuta, navakuta and caunsath. It features the temples in detail: their historical milieu, their iconography and the application of mandala(s) to their plans.

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    Temples with Multiple Garbhagrhas by: Fredrick W. Bunce Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    Hindu temples are raised to their deities. They are a means to acknowledge the deity and to enshrine his/her images. People honour and worship the deity. Within the Hindu pantheon, there is an array of divinities spread over three major sects Þ Vaisnava, Saiva and Sakta. All these sects have stemmed from the Vedic teachings and beliefs. Normally a temple is devoted to a single diety, having a solitary sanctum (garbhagrha), called ekakuta. In this volume, the author, through his serious research, has made a sincere attempt to identify, present and feature about one hundred temples with multiple garbhagrhas which are categorized as dvikuta, trikuta, catuskuta, pancakuta, saptakuta, navakuta and caunsath yogini temple.
    This book delves deep into the details of these temples: their historical milieu, their iconography, the application of mandala(s) to their plans and so on. It also attempts to correct those errors crept in the earlier studies of other researchers in understanding and detailing a few multiple garbhagrhas. The author has given a brief description of such temples and has made a sincere effort to provide a relatively precise scale rendering of those temples, in a size and format, commensurate with their importance.
    This volume can serve architects, temple planners, researchers, vastu experts and even historians as a sourcebook on temples with multiple garbhagrhas.

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    The book comprehensively studies aspects of Thai political life, religion, art and literature emphasising the role of Buddhism in influencing the Thai culture. It analyses Buddhist art styles pertaining to sculpture, stucco decoration and paintings in different periods of history and surveys schools of art and stupa-building.

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    Thailand by: Kanai Lal Hazra Original price was: ₹1,000.00.Current price is: ₹900.00.

    The book is a comprehensive study of different aspects of Thai political life, religion, art and literature with the emphasis on the role of Buddhism in influencing the Thai culture and way of life. Showing how Thailand has a unique blend of a glorious past traceable to very early times and remarkable modernisation attempts, it traces, under political history, the earliest dynasties of kings and their battles and wars to found empires and cities down to more recent political developments in particular, its loss of territories to the British and the French in the nineteenth-twentieth centuries, its relation with other nations and its economic scenario. Reflecting deep scholarship and quoting extensively from ancient and modern scholarly works it looks into the rise and development of Buddhism referring constantly to inscriptional evidences and archaeological studies. Focussing on a detailed analysis of the growth of Buddhist art styles pertaining to sculpture, stucco decoration and paintings in different periods of history, it takes up a survey of the schools of art and stupa-building while revealing how the Thai art form is based on ideas borrowed from India, Sri Lanka and Cambodia. In an interesting attempt, the author undertakes a discussion of the Thai tamnan (stories/legends) of the distant past: historical works by Buddhist monks and accounts relating to Buddhist images, relics and institutions.

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    The book explains the nature of war, its socio-economic and political aspects from the Vedic and Western perspectives, and how the moral and social ethical concepts are related pragmatically to the issue of war. The author echoes serious concerns about the ways by which the present-day global majors approach war.

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    The Concept of War by: Sanghamitra Dasgupta Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹495.00.

    War makes life miserable for both the parties involved, the invader and the invaded. No war is fought without losing men and material, stripping off societal life and political order. Simultaneously it contributes to the progress of the society and preserves the liberty and honour of a state. From the Vedic period of India and the epic period of Greece, we have records of wars, and deliberations on the logic, philosophy, politics, ethics, strategies (pre- and post-war) of war, and the ways of reconstructing the war-ravaged societies, paving the way for drastic social and economic changes.
    This volume scans the Indian and Western views and approaches on war in the ancient and modern times. To understand the concept of war in ancient period, it analyses Rigveda, Manusmriti, Ramayana, Mahabharata and Arthasastra from the Indian parlance and the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle from the Western perspectives. It also makes an in-depth study on the war philosophies of modern Indian leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and S. Radhakrishnan, and Western philosophers like John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Georg Friedrich Hegel and Bertrand Russell.
    The book also explains the nature of war, its socio-economic and political aspects, and how the moral and social ethical concepts are related pragmatically to the issue of war. The author echoes serious concerns about the ways by which the present-day global majors approach war.

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    The Great Temple of Madurai Meenakshi by: Thiruppugazh Amudhan Valayapettai Ra. Krishnan Original price was: ₹1,400.00.Current price is: ₹1,260.00.
    MADURAI the name at once evokes a feeling of devotion and awe; devotion towards Mother Meenakshi and Lord Sundareshwarar, the presiding deities at the most famous Madurai Meenakshi Temple of Tamil Nadu and awe at the long, uninterrupted history of literature, art and architecture that flourished in this temple town from pre-Christian era to the present day. That the divine grace and compassion of Goddess Meenakshi pervades and permeates through every aspect of life in this region, can be the only reason that through several. changes of dynastic rules, wars and vicissitudes, Madurai has been the centre of attraction for thousands of years to pilgrims and tourists, traders and travellers, Kings and commoners from all over the world.
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    Baolis, bawadis, keres, kulams, kundas, talaos, tankas, wavs, zings were a neglected lot in the oeuvres of Indian architects and art. This volume, devoted to their study, is heavily loaded with the design of various structures and other vital information. Every detail is assiduously analysed, compared and rechecked to present the dimensions, proportions and relationships of each of these structures.

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    The Iconography of Water by: Fredrick W. Bunce Original price was: ₹1,150.00.Current price is: ₹1,035.00.

    While numerous Indian monuments are well known in the annals of architectural research and excavation, a category of monuments – baoli, bawadi, kere, kulam, kunda, talao, tanka, wav and zing – was neglected in the oeuvres of architects and art. A few are familiar with the splendid beauty of the Surya Tank, Modhera; the vertiginous Canda Baoli, Abhaneri; the incomparable Rani-ki Wav, Patan; the magnificent Kalyani Tank, Hulikere; and the beautiful Rudabai-ni Wav, Adalaj. Thousands of such monuments are excellent in architectural beauty and design, apparently based on their primary utility – drinking, bathing, religious purification and ornamental (recreation).
    Water plays a quintessential role in the life of man. Its harvesting, preservation and careful use are of paramount importance, especially in those regions where rains are scanty. Thus took place the construction of these artificial water bodies. Many of them are within the precincts of temples and mosques, built in a time span of seventh to twentieth century ce.
    This volume, devoted to the study of water monuments, is heavily loaded with the design of various structures and other vital information. Every detail in this book is assiduously analysed, compared and rechecked to present the dimensions, proportions and relationships of each of the various elements of the structures. Thus it unravels a number of keys by which others can unlock the mysteries and beauties of these neglected monuments.
    It can be a precious collection for architects, historians, researchers and anyone who loves water bodies.

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    The Supreme Lord by: D. Kiran Kranth Choudary Original price was: ₹1,400.00.Current price is: ₹1,260.00.
    It deals with controversies regarding the identity of the idol of Lord Venkatesa and given reasonable conclusions for the first time. The relevance of calling the Sri Venkatesvara shrine Svayamvyaktakshetram and the Lord therein Yajna Vishnu is well brought out here. Dasavataras of Vishnu and then how the Lord came to the Seshachala hill, Kaliyuga Vaikuntam as Kaliyuga Pratyaksha daivam, and the legendry accounts and Srinivasa kalyanam with Padmavati are detailed. When there are a number of hill ranges in Seshachala, the concept of the Seven Hills became popular, and their importance is discussed based on the Mahavedi (great fire altar) concept. Exclusive accounts on history, inscriptions, and architectural renderings of the temple, Anandanilayam, and their significance are given. The Supreme Lord’s physiognomy and reasons for His beautiful, serene appearance are explained.
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    The Three Great Living Temples by: Prof. S. Rajavelu, Ram Shankar, Original price was: ₹1,400.00.Current price is: ₹1,260.00.
    Three temples, the Rajarajiswaram at Thanjavur, the Gangaikondacholiswaram at Gangaikondacholapuram and Airavatisvara at Darasuram, are all living temples located within the Cauvery Delta region, the heart of Chola Empire. The tradition of temple worship and rituals established and practiced over a thousand years ago, based on still older Armie texts, continues daily, weekly and annually, as an inseparable part of life of the people.
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    This book beautifully captures the spiritual essence of Arunachala, the sacred hill revered as Lord Shiva himself. With stunning visuals and rich insights, it explores its history, festivals, and divine significance.

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    Tiruvannamlai by: Vijay Sundararaman Iyer, Dr. Ketu Ramachandrasekhar, Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    “The importance of Tiruvannamalai is beautifully I encapsulated in the words of the Arunachala Mahatmya “”The supreme knowledge (Self-knowledge), the import of Vedanta, which cannot be attained without great difficulty, can easily be attained by anyone who sees the form of this hill from wherever it is visible or who even thinks of it with the mind from afar.”” This profound statement underscores the spiritual significance of Arunachala, a place that Sri Bhagavan Ramana held dear. Every verse of his Sri Arunachala Aksharamanamalai ends with the name Arunachala, reflecting his deep reverence and the powerful spiritual presence of this holy hill.<)P> Arunachala is truly the heart of the world, a secret kshetra where Lord Shiva himself abides. Unlike other holy places such as Kailasha, Kashi, and Chidambaram, which are sacred as the abodes of Lord Shiva, Arunachala is revered as Shiva himself. This hill of light stands as a living manifestation of divine energy, drawing devotees from all corners of the globe.

    It gives me great pleasure to write the foreword to this wonderful pictorial book, authored by Dr. Ketu Raachandrasekhar and Vijay Sundararaman lyer, and published by Universal Publishing, on Tiruvannamalai, a divine kshetra that holds a special place in the hearts of devotees worldwide. This book is a visual and informational treasure trove, meticulously compiled to capture the essence of Arunachala, the sacred hill that is revered as a manifestation of Lord Shiva himself.

    The captivating visuals in this book bring to life the rich culture of fire worship and the divine manifestation of Shiva as the Agni Linga, one of the Pancha Bhuta Sthalas. Each image is accompanied by comprehensive information that details the history of the temple, its intricate layout, the various important festivals celebrated throughout the year, and several other details not known to all.

    A significant highlight of this book is the role of the Nagarathar Chettiar Community, who have been instrumental in the renovation and upkeep of the temple traditions for several hundred years. Their dedication and contributions continue to preserve the sanctity and heritage of this sacred site.

    We hope this book serves as a source of inspiration and devotion, allowing readers to experience the divine presence of Arunachala through its pages. May the sacred hill of Arunachala continue to illuminate the path of spiritual seekers.”

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