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This commentary volume contends that, from the Gospel accounts of Bible, one may perceive, in Jesus’s life and words, the same absolutist vision that underlies the teachings of Advaita Vedanta. Echoeing interreligious harmony, it invites non-Christians to visit the great enlightened guru in Jesus, and the Christians to imbibe the spirit of Advaita Vedanta in Jesus’s teachings.
The ocean of philosophical insight hiding in the words and story of Jesus Christ has influenced and charged millions of people and are still inspiring. The teaching and philosophy discerned across the four Gospels According to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John have stirred the philosophical perspective of Muni Narayana Prasad and it paved the way for him making a Gospel commentary in the light of Indian philosophy, Advaita Vedanta. In his scholarly attempt, the author has brought an apocryphal Gospel of Thomas too into its ambit.
Though the words of wisdom revealed by Jesus across these Gospels differ in language and style from Indian Vedanta, they reveal the same wisdom or supreme happiness that the Vedanta philosophy talks about. In this book, the author has attempted to explain the wisdom found in one cultural frame of reference as found in the other. That is, the teachings of Jesus Christ are elucidated in terms of the characteristics of Advaita Vedanta. Jesus, seen across these Gospels, always maintains his position of an enlightened seer (rishi). Thus the author calls him a sad-guru.
The author contends that from the Gospel accounts one may perceive, in Jesus’s life and words, the same absolutist vision that underlies the teachings of Advaita Vedanta. Echoing interreligious harmony, the author invites the non-Christians to visit the great enlightened guru in Jesus and the Christians to imbibe the spirit of Advaita Vedanta in Jesus’s teachings.
A must-collect, the book should find favour with the spiritual gurus, philosophers, and all progressive-thinking persons across religions.
This work, in simple language, is meant for non-Christians, particularly Hindus, who may be interested in knowing about Christianity, professed by about a third of the world’s population what it teaches, how do Christian doctrines compare with Hindu dictums, what are the various denominations, etc.
Christianity is the worlds largest religion today: about 33.6 per cent of the worlds population has Christianity as their religion. It is also a religion that struck roots early in India as early as middle of the first century ce. The book is an account on Christianity that blends aspects of Christian belief and worship with matters like its significance and the urgent need for interfaith understanding in the globalised and pluralistic societies of today. It is meant for non-Christians, particularly Hindus, who are keen to understand the essential aspects of the religion.
In simple language, the work reveals the essence of the Christian beliefs, its spread over history and its prevalence now, and its importance as a world religion. It examines doctrines of the Church, significance of Jesus Christ, and historical forms of Christianity like Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism. It examines the history of Christianity in India. The interesting work refers to a number of religious works on Christianity and writings of men who commented on Christianity and personified its values like love, compassion and sacrifice. It also deals with some controversial features of the religion like its need to proselytise.
The book discusses the pre-Christian iconographic cruciform Hindu and Buddhist temple structures and in detail the Christian cross iconography and the varied types of crosses. It presents numerous forms of Latin and Greek crosses, mainly from the ecclesiastical and heraldic viewpoint, along with a few other cross forms.
In top-of-the-mind reading, crosses are the iconographic representation of Christianity, though cross became an embodiment of Christian iconography only after the fifth century ce. In this volume, the author unveils the existence of 500 plus crosses, of which around 300 are of ecclesiastical, heraldic or mundane crosses. Most of these cruciforms were introduced before the twentieth century.
Cruciform was antecedent of Christianity. There were numerous cruciform Hindu and Buddhist temples, even before the advent of Christianity and thus these hold no Christian ecclesiastical relevance. Of late many churches, cathedrals and basilicas applied cruciform to their structure and look in conformity with the Christian iconography. This enunciates the endless design possibilities of cruciform. The book discusses the pre-Christian iconographic cruciform Hindu and Buddhist temple structures and in detail the Christian cross iconography and the varied types of crosses. It delves deep into the numerous forms of Latin and Greek crosses, mainly from the ecclesiastical and heraldic viewpoint. Crosses adorned ecclesiastical, military, professional and trade implications, and were carved on shields and coats of arms.
This volume also addresses other categories of crosses such as solar crosses, saltire crosses and miscellaneous crosses though they too have occasional ecclesiastical and heraldic implications. The book thus gives a fair account of the emergence, use and application of cruciforms until the twentieth century.
This book is an indispensable guide for an up-to-date system of values. What once used to be deadly sins threatening human salvation have now become socially acceptable; envy and greed are the driving forces behind a ruthless economic world. The deadly sins are as relevant today as ever before and it would be advisable not to leave the field open, but rather to counter them with a foundation of values that are up to date.
This book is an indispensable guide for an up-to-date system of values. What once used to be deadly sins threatening human salvation have now become socially acceptable; envy and greed are the driving forces behind a ruthless economic world; there are outbreaks of anger on the streets and in the football stadiums. The name of the game is manifold: stubbornness, impatience, narcissism and disloyalty.
Notker Wolf has taken an look at an interesting development. He finds examples in the Bible, in the ancient myths, in current affairs. His conclusion: the deadly sins are as relevant today as ever before and it would be advisable not to leave the field open to them in our (western) economic and social systems, but rather to counter them with a foundation of values that are up to date. Readers will recognize themselves and our day and age in the mirror of this book.
The book Make Time for Yourself Its Your Time is a text written from a very personal standpoint, in the context of the authors spiritual life as a monk. Nothing in this world has eternal value. Use your time and dont waste it. . . . Time is for most of us a luxury good. Making time for yourself and giving time to others is a source of joy that enriches our lives. The quiet time we devote to prayer or meditation gives us strength to master our lives and enhances our spirituality.
The book Make Time for Yourself Its Your Time is a text written from a very personal standpoint, in the context of the authors spiritual life as a monk. Nothing in this world has eternal value. Use your time and dont waste it. . . . Time is for most of us a luxury good. Making time for yourself and giving time to others is a source of joy that enriches our lives. The quiet time we devote to prayer or meditation gives us strength to master our lives and enhances our spirituality.
Setting out a spiritual dialogue between Saiva and Christian mysticism, the book articulates world-views of the mystical traditions of Saiva-Siddhanta, Kashmir Saivism, Meister Eckhart, Hadewijch, Julian of Norwich, St. Ignatius Loyola and of the Eastern Christianity.
If mysticism is hard to define, what is it then? Or, why have mystics often spoken about what they have realized notwithstanding the unspeakability of a spiritual experience? And, yet more significantly, how can a meeting point of different religious traditions be discovered at the mystical level? Focussing on these and other related questions, eminent scholars from varying religious traditions here explore the nature of mystical experience in two of the worlds major traditions: Hinduism and Christianity. Neither a comparative study of religious traditions, nor an attempt to develop an overall mystical theology, the book sets out a spiritual dialogue between Shaiva and Christian mysticism: a dialogue wherein the participants articulate worldviews of the mystical traditions of Shaiva Siddhanta, Kashmir Shaivism, Meister Eckhart, Hadewijch, Julian of Norwich, St. Ignatius Loyola, and of the Eastern Christianity. And, without taking any a priori intellectual position, each author here evolves his/her own tradition-specific perspective on mysticism letting the comparisons, if any, to surface in the dialogue itself. A spiritual dialogue, like the one this multi-author work embodies, holds a key to an insightful understanding between different people, cultures and faiths more specially in todays world riven, as it is, by fundamentalist forces and endless religious conflicts. The book will be a valuable acquisition for the scholars and spiritually interested readers alike.
This book studies the way both Hinduism and Christianity have related sacrifice to the reality of the whole cosmos including the material universe Þ the Vedic view is seen as the best example of creation through sacrifice and the Christian cross as that of redemption through divine sacrifice.
In Hinduism, yajna has been at the centre of Vedic thought and practice, epic and Puranic literature. The Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita add new dimensions to it through their spiritualization and interiorization and raising tapas and bhakti into sacrifice. The concept of sacrifice has been transformed into an ethical, spiritual and political value by Tilak and Gandhi in modern Hinduism. Christianitys interpretation of the mission of Jesus as a true, non-ritual sacrifice resulted in the gift of salvation to the world. The volume presents a deep understanding of the concept of sacrifice which is a central thought in Hinduism and Christianity. It studies the way the two traditions have related sacrifice to the reality of the whole cosmos including the material universe. The Vedic view is seen as the best example of creation through divine sacrifice, and the Christian Cross as that of redemption through divine sacrifice. The cosmic dynamism of the Eucharistic sacrifice is revealed through a study of four theologians. In this painstaking work sacrifice is examined as a complex universal phenomenon which has many-sided and multifaceted religious connotations. Thus it discovers the complementarity and interconnection between Vedism and Christianity. The book presents a new approach to study of religions and religious concepts. It would prove useful for scholars of religious studies.
A selection of papers presented at a global congress on World’s Religions after September 11, stressing the need for various religions to develop a better understanding of each other. The papers deal with Islamic, Christian, Bahai, Sikh, Primal and Hindu religious traditions and beliefs.
The volume is concerned with the role of religion in the present day. Presenting proceedings of a global Congress on Worlds Religions after September 11 held in September 2006 at Montreal, Canada, it stresses the need for interfaith friendships to develop understanding between faiths and remove stereotypes that have emerged concerning religious beliefs and their followers. Examining the thoughts of Western theologians and others on the role of religion, it discusses spirituality as being at the root of tolerance. The papers refer to Islamic, Christian Mennonite, Bahzi, Sikh and Hindu religious traditions and beliefs but bear specific reference to the North American Roman Catholic Retreat Centre at Pembroke, Ontario, Canada. They engage in examining specific topics pertaining to the different religious faiths and traditions. They examine the life of Guru Arjan Dev and his message and its significance today, the work of Mira Behn towards conserving the environment of the Himalayas, and the indigenous Australian Christian womens perception. The book provides a glimpse into the life, work and experiences of the spiritual women of Ramanashrama at Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu and Ramanas views on womans right to spirituality, asceticism and salvation. It showcases the contribution of the Inter-religious Council of Central New York towards bringing people of different faiths and cultures into situations of mutual respect and trust. The volume includes the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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Brahman and the World 1 x ₹450.00 |
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Christ the Guru 1 x ₹1,080.00 |