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    This book profiles the salient demographic, religious and sociological features of the Jain communities in India and abroad, be it their way of life, social identity, organizational features such as sects, castes, kinship, family and marriage, food, festivals and pilgrimage, Jain associations, or the status of contemporary Jain women along with their inter-ethnic relations, and the Jains’ historical and civilizational contribution to Indian culture.

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    Jains in India and Abroad by: Dr. Prakash C. Jain Original price was: ₹1,050.00.Current price is: ₹945.00.

    Jainism, one of the oldest religions of the world, found its philosophy, rituals and ethical code in the teachings of Lord Mahavira, the twenty-fourth tirthankara of Jainism. Though its reach was confined only to the Indian subcontinent for more than two-and-a-half millennia, from the twentieth century onwards, it made its presence felt across the globe, mainly in the US, the UK, Europe, East Africa and Nepal, and in smaller numbers in many other parts of the world, through its diasporic population. This book thus profiles the salient demographic as well as sociological features of the Jain communities in India and abroad.
    The Jains have been a minority community consisting of less than 1 per cent of Indian population in modern times. The current population of the Jains is estimated around six million. Its diasporic communities consist of about 300,000. Despite its miniscule size, the community’s contributions to the Indian society in different realms are quite commendable, be it education, trade and commerce, politics or in running and efficiently managing charitable institutions. Other demographic features include its high literacy rate, lowest infant mortality rate and appreciable sex ratio (954 in 2011). Their approach and attitude towards all living beings stand tall among all religious communities of the world.
    The book further features other socio-religious aspects of the Jain community along with its way of life, social identity, organizational features such as sects, castes, kinship, family and marriage, food, festivals and pilgrimage, Jain associations, and status of contemporary Jain women. The economic and political status of the Jains, their inter-ethnic relations, and the Jains’ historical and civilizational contribution to Indian culture and society are also vividly addressed. It navigates scholars and researchers to a wide range of areas in Jain studies for further researches.

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    This volume on the “Golden City in Desert” is focused on the history and life of the people of Jaisalmer, and their cultural, ethnic, religious, and social mores. This connoisseur’s collection portrays how the Jaisalmeris celebrate their life in “colour” and the charm of the fort, palaces and temples as well.

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    Jaisalmer by: Oki Morihiro, Masatoshi A. Konishi, Kodai Konishi, Original price was: ₹995.00.Current price is: ₹896.00.

    This volume juxtaposes the history, culture, occupation and the lifestyle of people in the desert district of Jaisalmer of western Rajasthan, bordering Pakistan. Popularly called the “Golden City in Desert”, the city has much more to say beyond its popular fort and palaces. Jaisalmer was an old city of commercial magnitude for centuries till the onset of British rule in India. It was en route connecting the East and West in trade. It has now been transformed to a tourist destination, enticing people from India and abroad.
    The book details its past glory, lost significance and the regained charm through centuries of developments. It also accounts for the brief history of Marwar, its rajas of valor, and their heroic struggle for existence and survival against foreign attacks. The picturesque portrayal of the fort, the people of Jaisalmer, their cultural, ethnic and religious mores, and the “must see” spots in the city are the quintessential focus of the book.
    Moving away from the city life, the book also focuses on the village life, exploring the mysteries and charm of the desert life. It unearths the hidden charms and the warmth of village life in this desert region, alongwith a brief account of occupation of people around.
    This connoisseur’s collection would motivate also researchers of ancient monuments and history, and enthuse tourists who would like to visit the Golden City in Desert.

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    The repetition of God’s name or of a mantra containing God’s name, otherwise known as japa, is a religious ritual, generally meant for the emancipation of the self. This book on japa-yoga has not neglected this aspect. But, it is a more comprehensive and a broad-range booking effects of japa-applications on a scientific footing, a successful attempt made for the first time.

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    Japa Yoga by: N.C. Panda Original price was: ₹850.00.Current price is: ₹765.00.

    The repetition of God’s name or of a mantra containing God’s name, otherwise known as japa, is a religious ritual, generally meant for the emancipation of the self. The present book on japa-yoga has not neglected this aspect. But, it is a more comprehensive and a broad-range book. That japa is a branch of yoga, an easily attainable one and simultaneously a very effective one, has been emphasized. The theory and methology of japa in Patanjala Yoga, in the Vedas, in the Vedanta and in the Tantra, in the perspective of knowledge and devotion, have clearly been outlined. The book has been divided into three Chapters. Chapter 1 expounds the theory of japa based on classical scriptures. Chapter 2 presents the practice of japa in a clearly graspable style, easy to be followed by the readers. Chapter 3 deals with the applications of japa for the uplift of human personality and spirituality, for attaining the liberation of the self, for mental peace and tranquillity, and for physical health inclusive of the prevention and treatment of diseases, both physical and mental. The last part of this book tries to explain the effects of japa-applications on a scientific footing, a successful attempt made for the first time.

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    The repetition of God’s name or of a mantra containing God’s name, otherwise known as japa, is a religious ritual, generally meant for the emancipation of the self. This book on japa-yoga has not neglected this aspect. But, it is a more comprehensive and a broad-range booking effects of japa-applications on a scientific footing, a successful attempt made for the first time.

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    Japa Yoga (PB) by: N.C. Panda Original price was: ₹450.00.Current price is: ₹405.00.

    The repetition of God’s name or of a mantra containing God’s name, otherwise known as japa, is a religious ritual, generally meant for the emancipation of the self. The present book on japa-yoga has not neglected this aspect. But, it is a more comprehensive and a broad-range book. That japa is a branch of yoga, an easily attainable one and simultaneously a very effective one, has been emphasized. The theory and methology of japa in Patanjala Yoga, in the Vedas, in the Vedanta and in the Tantra, in the perspective of knowledge and devotion, have clearly been outlined. The book has been divided into three Chapters. Chapter 1 expounds the theory of japa based on classical scriptures. Chapter 2 presents the practice of japa in a clearly graspable style, easy to be followed by the readers. Chapter 3 deals with the applications of japa for the uplift of human personality and spirituality, for attaining the liberation of the self, for mental peace and tranquillity, and for physical health inclusive of the prevention and treatment of diseases, both physical and mental. The last part of this book tries to explain the effects of japa-applications on a scientific footing, a successful attempt made for the first time.

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    The book presents the essentials of jnana-yoga (the central Principles of Super-imposition, Dependent Origination and Two Truths) based upon the teachings of Sankara, the Hindu philosopher-mystic and Nagarjuna, the Buddhist philosopher-patriarch.

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    Jnana-yoga -The Way of Knowledge by: Ramakrishna Puligandla Original price was: ₹480.00.Current price is: ₹432.00.

    Jnana-yoga or ‘The Path of Knowledge’ is one of the four central paths to knowledge of man and the world and realisation of the ultimate reality as obtained in the ancient religious and philosophical traditions of India. It is the way of overcoming doubt through the exercise and development of the buddhi (the discriminative intellect). The roots of this tradition are traced to the glorious Upanishads; and the earliest jnana-yogis are none other than the Upanishadic rishis themselves. In this book, the author presents the fundamental insights of jnana-yoga based upon the teachings of two of the most prominent jnana-yogis — Shankara, the Hindu philosopher, poet and mystic and Nagarjuna, the Buddhist philosopher and patriarch. A result of Prof. Puligandla’s theoretical and experimental study of their teachings for over three decades, the book systematically discusses in clear and unambiguous terms three central principles of jnana-yoga, namely, the Principle of Superimposition; the Principle of Dependent Origination; and the Principle of Two Truths. The broad-based approach of this work is evident in many ways as, for instance, in its use of the principles of modern science to illustrate the ideas of jnana-yoga and discussion of concepts of the western philosophical tradition as well. The book would immensely aid scholars of religious-philosophical traditions as well as students studying Indian traditional systems of thought.

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    The Indian society has yet to appreciate the strength of its women populace and treat them as quintessentials in nation-building. The objectives of this journal from Banaras Hindu University’s Centre for Women’s Studies and Development, are both academic and social. It expects to change the present attitude and values in society regarding women’s roles and rights to one of equal participation in all social, economic and political processes.

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    Journal of Gender and Justice by: Kiran Barman, Anita Singh, Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹270.00.

    India has been labelled as a land of gender inequality and a challenging place for a woman to live. For centuries, social reformers were fighting for women rights and thus taking the country out of this social stigma and injustice, and they invested a lot on educating and empowering women. But they have met with only partial success. The numerous cases of female infanticides, sex-selective abortions and atrocities on women endorse this fact. We have yet to undergo a sea change in our attitude towards the dignity, education, employment and empowerment of women. The society has to appreciate their strength and treat them as quintessentials in nation-building.
    There is no society in the world in which women do not experience some gender inequality, be it in political, economic, social, or legal fronts. But in many countries, the gender inequality is really acute. Therefore these important issues Þ the invisibility, dstortion and marginalization of gender as a category of analysis in mainstream disciplines and their canonozation Þ need serious deliberations.
    The objectives of Journal of Gender and Justice are both academic and social. It expects to change the present attitude and values in society regarding women’s roles and rights to one of equal participation in all social, economic and political processes. It is designed to help in bringing a culture shift in attitudes and values in society regarding women’s roles and rights. This ßannualû journal from the stable of Banares Hindu University’s Centre for Women’s Studies and Development, Varanasi, will also target at fulfilling a special responsibility to teachers, who are aware of the need of non-sexiest education, who would pick up the challenge to promote value of equality, including the gender equality.

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    This Journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries.

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    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology (Vol.1: 2004) by: S.P. Gupta, Sunil Gupta, Original price was: ₹800.00.Current price is: ₹720.00.

    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology was launched in 2003 by one of India’s leading academic institutions, the Centre for Research & Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo-environment, New Delhi. The second issue is in the Press. The Journal is an outcome of the realization on the part of the international community of archaeologists and historians that India has no journal devoted exclusively to the archaeology of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, starting from the Red Sea through the South China Sea, although Indian occupies the central position in this vast area, with three-fourths of its land facing the gulfs and bays of the Indian Ocean. It is common knowledge that Egypt, Ethiopis, Kenya, Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain and countries bordering the Persian Gulf, including Iraq and Iran, as well as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, were closely connected with each other through long-distance sea-borne trade-routes for thousands of years. This particular phenomenon had led to the development of what is now generally called ‘Shared Culture’ with its distinct personality which is Afro-Asian. It is reflected in the material items dug up every year at a number of sites in India and all other countries along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. This journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries. The contributors to this journal are from all over the world. It is a MUST for every scholar and layman interested in the history and arachaeology of the coastal countries of the Indian Ocean, from Africa, and West Asia through China.

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    This Journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries.

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    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology (Vol.2: 2005) by: S.P. Gupta, Sunil Gupta, Original price was: ₹1,000.00.Current price is: ₹900.00.

    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology was launched in 2003 by one of India’s leading academic institutions, the Centre for Research & Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo-environment, New Delhi. The second issue is in the Press. The Journal is an outcome of the realization on the part of the international community of archaeologists and historians that India has no journal devoted exclusively to the archaeology of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, starting from the Red Sea through the South China Sea, although Indian occupies the central position in this vast area, with three-fourths of its land facing the gulfs and bays of the Indian Ocean. It is common knowledge that Egypt, Ethiopis, Kenya, Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain and countries bordering the Persian Gulf, including Iraq and Iran, as well as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, were closely connected with each other through long-distance sea-borne trade-routes for thousands of years. This particular phenomenon had led to the development of what is now generally called ‘Shared Culture’ with its distinct personality which is Afro-Asian. It is reflected in the material items dug up every year at a number of sites in India and all other countries along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. This journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries. The contributors to this journal are from all over the world. It is a MUST for every scholar and layman interested in the history and arachaeology of the coastal countries of the Indian Ocean, from Africa, and West Asia through China.

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    This Journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries.

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    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology (Vol.3: 2006) by: S.P. Gupta, Sunil Gupta, Original price was: ₹1,200.00.Current price is: ₹1,080.00.

    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology was launched in 2003 by one of India’s leading academic institutions, the Centre for Research & Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo-environment, New Delhi. The second issue is in the Press. The Journal is an outcome of the realization on the part of the international community of archaeologists and historians that India has no journal devoted exclusively to the archaeology of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, starting from the Red Sea through the South China Sea, although Indian occupies the central position in this vast area, with three-fourths of its land facing the gulfs and bays of the Indian Ocean. It is common knowledge that Egypt, Ethiopis, Kenya, Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain and countries bordering the Persian Gulf, including Iraq and Iran, as well as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, were closely connected with each other through long-distance sea-borne trade-routes for thousands of years. This particular phenomenon had led to the development of what is now generally called ‘Shared Culture’ with its distinct personality which is Afro-Asian. It is reflected in the material items dug up every year at a number of sites in India and all other countries along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. This journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries. The contributors to this journal are from all over the world. It is a MUST for every scholar and layman interested in the history and arachaeology of the coastal countries of the Indian Ocean, from Africa, and West Asia through China.

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    This Journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries.

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    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology (Vol.4: 2007) by: Sunil Gupta Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology was launched in 2003 by one of India’s leading academic institutions, the Centre for Research & Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo-environment, New Delhi. The second issue is in the Press. The Journal is an outcome of the realization on the part of the international community of archaeologists and historians that India has no journal devoted exclusively to the archaeology of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, starting from the Red Sea through the South China Sea, although Indian occupies the central position in this vast area, with three-fourths of its land facing the gulfs and bays of the Indian Ocean. It is common knowledge that Egypt, Ethiopis, Kenya, Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain and countries bordering the Persian Gulf, including Iraq and Iran, as well as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, were closely connected with each other through long-distance sea-borne trade-routes for thousands of years. This particular phenomenon had led to the development of what is now generally called ‘Shared Culture’ with its distinct personality which is Afro-Asian. It is reflected in the material items dug up every year at a number of sites in India and all other countries along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. This journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries. The contributors to this journal are from all over the world. It is a MUST for every scholar and layman interested in the history and arachaeology of the coastal countries of the Indian Ocean, from Africa, and West Asia through China.

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    This Journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries.

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    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology (Vol.5: 2008) by: Sunil Gupta Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology was launched in 2003 by one of India’s leading academic institutions, the Centre for Research & Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo-environment, New Delhi. The second issue is in the Press. The Journal is an outcome of the realization on the part of the international community of archaeologists and historians that India has no journal devoted exclusively to the archaeology of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, starting from the Red Sea through the South China Sea, although Indian occupies the central position in this vast area, with three-fourths of its land facing the gulfs and bays of the Indian Ocean. It is common knowledge that Egypt, Ethiopis, Kenya, Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain and countries bordering the Persian Gulf, including Iraq and Iran, as well as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, were closely connected with each other through long-distance sea-borne trade-routes for thousands of years. This particular phenomenon had led to the development of what is now generally called ‘Shared Culture’ with its distinct personality which is Afro-Asian. It is reflected in the material items dug up every year at a number of sites in India and all other countries along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. This journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries. The contributors to this journal are from all over the world. It is a MUST for every scholar and layman interested in the history and arachaeology of the coastal countries of the Indian Ocean, from Africa, and West Asia through China.

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    This Journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries.

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    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology (Vol.6: 2009-10) by: Sunil Gupta Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology was launched in 2003 by one of India’s leading academic institutions, the Centre for Research & Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo-environment, New Delhi. The second issue is in the Press. The Journal is an outcome of the realization on the part of the international community of archaeologists and historians that India has no journal devoted exclusively to the archaeology of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, starting from the Red Sea through the South China Sea, although Indian occupies the central position in this vast area, with three-fourths of its land facing the gulfs and bays of the Indian Ocean. It is common knowledge that Egypt, Ethiopis, Kenya, Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain and countries bordering the Persian Gulf, including Iraq and Iran, as well as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, were closely connected with each other through long-distance sea-borne trade-routes for thousands of years. This particular phenomenon had led to the development of what is now generally called ‘Shared Culture’ with its distinct personality which is Afro-Asian. It is reflected in the material items dug up every year at a number of sites in India and all other countries along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. This journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries. The contributors to this journal are from all over the world. It is a MUST for every scholar and layman interested in the history and arachaeology of the coastal countries of the Indian Ocean, from Africa, and West Asia through China.

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