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Oki Morihiro
1929,  Male ,  Japanese ,  Freelance Photographer

OKI Morihiro, born in 1929 in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan is a member of Japan Professional Photographer’s Society. He has made more than 100 visits to India as a freelance photographer, focusing on Mother Teresa’s life, and the folk life and cultures of India. Oki officially participated in the Festival of India held in Japan in 1988 and also held many exhibitions to his credit in major cities in Italy, Spain, Portugal and other European countries since 1998. His major publications include: Mother Teresa and Her Sisters (1978); Mother Teresa – Affluent Love (1981); Mother Teresa – Love Without Limit (1987); India – Fairs and Festivals (1988); Ancient Buddhist Sites of Sanchi and Barhut(1992); International editions of Mother Teresa in English, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese (1998-99); Folk Paintings from the Indian Earth (with Konishi, 2001); Unknown India: Ritual Performance and the Crafts (with Konishi, in press); and many others.

Books by Oki Morihiro
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