Showing 853–864 of 932 results
This study treats Vasantotsava as a thematically unified generic whole embracing a range of spring festivals, pansectarian in character and incorporating various rituals. It reassesses Sanskrit texts to explore the rituals, symbols and underlying motifs of the Vasantotsava.
This study treats Vasantotsava as a thematically unified generic whole embracing a wide range of spring festivals including the Phalgunotsava, Caitrotsava, Phalgu, Madhutsava, Madanamahotsava, Madanatroydashi, Anangotsava, Madanadvadaishi, Kamotsava, Shripancami, Yatramahotsava, and Holaka (Holi). These festivals are pansectarian in character and incorporate a variety of ritual observances practised through- out the Indian subcontinent. Signifying the termination of winter and announcing the advent of spring, the celebration was a diverse and complex spectacle situated within the framework of Indian ritual and myth. On the basis of puranic and ritual texts, folk tales, drama, poetry, and narratives in mixed prose and poetry (campus), Dr. Anderson addresses complex issues of indigenous ritual, mythology, and tradition. The Vasantotsava incorporates a broad spectrum of human concerns: in the sphere of polity, it can be turned to account to celebrate and reinforce the power of the king; in the social sphere, it is a time of revelry and merry-making indicative of the annual renewal in human affairs; and in the sphere of religion, it celebrates the exploits of the gods and establishes a link between human and divine actions and events.
Examining vàstu÷àstra’s conceptual roots in øilpa÷àstra and its later evolution, the volume analyses technical aspects of vàstu÷àstra by concentrating on the essential elements (aïgas) of vàstu÷àstra which involve decision-making and actual construction methods, art of engineering and role and responsibilities of engineers, and aspects related to land materials and rituals associated with use of building after its construction
Though there has been considerable interest in vastushastra in recent times and the orientational aspects of vastushastra have been often discussed, little is known of the essential elements that constitute This small book, written in a simple and lucid style, contains teachings of great men, gleanings from the scriptures, and examples from the epics and Puranas, and suggests easy solutions to the various problems faced by man in the present-day world of violence, wars, killings and disasters, and how to have a holistic approach to life vastushastra and its scientific application in the present day. Based on extensive research, the work, vastushastra attempts to address this aspect. Examining comprehensively the subject of vastushastra: its conceptual roots in Shilpashastra and its later evolution as dealt with in the Vedas, the Epic literature, Arthashastra, literature on ayurveda and Kamasutra literature, the volume analyses technical aspects of vastushastra by concentrating on the essential elements [angas] of vastushastra which involve decision-making and actual construction methods, art of engineering and role and responsibilities of engineers, and aspects related to land materials and rituals associated with use of building after its construction. It discusses the eco-friendly life style of the ancient Indians based on vastushastra principles. Giving minute attention to details, it focuses on the application of vastushastra in the present-day society — how the vastushastra principles can be scientifically applied and the potential of application of vastushastra keeping in view modern trends in architectural science and civil engineering.
The book will be useful for students and scholars of architecture and engineering and those interested in vastushastra.
Examining vàstu÷àstra’s conceptual roots in øilpa÷àstra and its later evolution, the volume analyses technical aspects of vàstu÷àstra by concentrating on the essential elements (aïgas) of vàstu÷àstra which involve decision-making and actual construction methods, art of engineering and role and responsibilities of engineers, and aspects related to land materials and rituals associated with use of building after its construction
Though there has been considerable interest in vastushastra in recent times and the orientational aspects of vastushastra have been often discussed, little is known of the essential elements that constitute This small book, written in a simple and lucid style, contains teachings of great men, gleanings from the scriptures, and examples from the epics and Puranas, and suggests easy solutions to the various problems faced by man in the present-day world of violence, wars, killings and disasters, and how to have a holistic approach to life vastushastra and its scientific application in the present day. Based on extensive research, the work, vastushastra attempts to address this aspect. Examining comprehensively the subject of vastushastra: its conceptual roots in Shilpashastra and its later evolution as dealt with in the Vedas, the Epic literature, Arthashastra, literature on ayurveda and Kamasutra literature, the volume analyses technical aspects of vastushastra by concentrating on the essential elements [angas] of vastushastra which involve decision-making and actual construction methods, art of engineering and role and responsibilities of engineers, and aspects related to land materials and rituals associated with use of building after its construction. It discusses the eco-friendly life style of the ancient Indians based on vastushastra principles. Giving minute attention to details, it focuses on the application of vastushastra in the present-day society — how the vastushastra principles can be scientifically applied and the potential of application of vastushastra keeping in view modern trends in architectural science and civil engineering.
The book will be useful for students and scholars of architecture and engineering and those interested in vastushastra.
The present volume is a collection of papers originally presented at the first National Seminar held at the Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, JNU, New Delhi, in February, 2005 on Veda as Word. The book covers Vedic philosophy, phonetics, ritual, accentology, mantravij¤àna, exegesis, narratives, lexicography, etymology, grammar, ethics, epistemology and some vedic hymns which deal specifically with word or sound.
The present volume is a collection of papers originally presented at the first National Seminar held at the Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, JNU, New Delhi, during 11-13 February, 2005 on Veda as Word. The book covers in its gamut Vedic philosophy, phonetics, ritual, accentology, mantravijnana, exegesis, narratives, lexicography, etymology, grammar, ethics, epistemology and also some select hymns of the Veda which deal specifically with word or sound.
Vedamritabindavah (Drops of Vedic Nectar) is a modest tribute to those who are genuinely interested in Vedas universal message. It is a collection of select Vedic statements with Hindi and English translations intending to communicate the Vedic wisdom to the young people of modern age. This book, with fairly accurate translations from Vedic Sanskrit, aims to acquaint the modern readers with their most ancient, richest literary heritage so that they can comprehend its worth and bring value to their life.
In spite of numerous translations available, this volume has some novelty in its content and freshness in its presentation, and stands witness to the fact that in representing Vedas, there still exist infinite possibilities.
Vedamritabindavah (Drops of Vedic Nectar) is a modest tribute to those who are genuinely interested in Vedas universal message. It is a collection of select Vedic statements with Hindi and English translations intending to communicate the Vedic wisdom to the young people of modern age. This book, with fairly accurate translations from Vedic Sanskrit, aims to acquaint the modern readers with their most ancient, richest literary heritage so that they can comprehend its worth and bring value to their life.
In spite of numerous translations available, this volume has some novelty in its content and freshness in its presentation, and stands witness to the fact that in representing Vedas, there still exist infinite possibilities.
All the philosophers of Vedànta have resorted to reason in their attempts to reconcile the reality of Brahman with that of the world of empirical experience. This book traces the philosophical development of Vedànta starting from Badaràyaõa to Sri Aurobindo and critically evaluates their arguments and positions.
The problem of reconciliation of mutually incompatible Upanishadic statements on some of the basic problems has attracted the attention of almost all the major philosophers of Vedanta. One such problem is about the nature of relationship between Brahman and the world of empirical experience. And in their attempts to reconcile the reality of Brahman with that of the world of empirical experience almost all the philosophers of Vedanta have resorted to reason. They have not only tried to provide rational justification for their positions and views but have also used reason freely in analyzing and criticizing the rival positions and views. In this process several arguments which are subtle and cogent are developed. However, some of the Vedantins who have shown critical spirit and acumen in understanding and criticizing the rival arguments and positions are not so critical about their own arguments and positions. Thus the Vedantins who came after Shankara have made his position (advaita) their major purvapaksha without, however, trying to make their own positions a possible purvapaksha. This is an attempt to trace the philosophical development of Vedanta starting from Badarayana to Sri Aurobindo, and to understand and evaluate critically their arguments and positions.
This volume features thirty-one well-researched articles and resonates the current expectations from Vedanta in a fast-changing world. It discusses and debates among reputed and erudite scholars the Vedantic traditions and their scientific and contemporary relevance to the society across the globe.
Ancient Indian thought system, well known for its relentless argumentation on varied contentious issues, paved the way for maturing deep philosophical thoughts, and scientific and technological inventions. This volume Vedanta Anvikshiki, Science and Philosophy in Contemporary Perspective, which resonates the current expectations from Vedanta in a fast-changing world, is the proceedings of the 21st edition of International Congress of Vedanta organized by the Center of Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth during 11-13 July 2013.
The volume presents thirty-one research papers from reputed scholars on wide-ranging topics like metaphysics, knowledge and hermeneutics, science and technology in ancient texts, interpretation of key texts, digital libraries, yoga and ayurveda, spirituality and science, interfaith dialogue, Indian cosmology and psychology, Vedantic pedagogy, history, culture, social systems, corporate world, governance, music and consciousness studies. These papers present vast treasures of Indias knowledge systems and offer potential for multidisciplinary research.
It would be of immense value to the students and scholars of Vedanta, and would stimulate them for more discussions and debates on Vedantic traditions and their contemporary relevance.
The multidimensional approach to Vedānta Science Technology extends the core scientific ideas of Vedānta to social, cultural, aesthetic and religious principles. The effort is to present a wide spectrum of intellectual discourse trying to discover fundamental scientific and technological aspects of Vedānta studies.
Vedānta texts have been well known for their richness in fundamental scientific and technological principles with strong potential for research and development today. In fact, much of ancient India’s remarkable achievements in science and technology can be credited to Vedantic texts.
This volume – proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Vedanta held during 27-30 December 2015 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – features 53 scholarly articles from a wide variety of areas of study. The 22nd Vedanta was a confluence of scholars from various disciplines and the papers in this volume bear the imprint of an intense discussion that is usually expected from a good Vedanta seminar. Though the majority of the papers are in English, a few are in Sanskrit and Hindi as well. The papers are grouped under Vedānta Studies, Vedānta and Philosophy, Vedānta and Science, Vedānta and Culture, Applied Vedānta, and Digital Access and Search of Sanskrit Texts.
This multidimensional approach extends the core scientific ideas of Vedānta to social, cultural, aesthetic and religious aspects of studies, creating a wide spectrum of intellectual discourse and trying to discover fundamental scientific and technological aspects of Vedānta studies.
Being a worthwhile addition to Vedānta studies, this volume should invoke keen interest among all those who are deeply into it, be a student, a researcher or a common reader.
The Vedanta Sutras of philosopher-poet Narayana Guru has 24 beautifully-fluent sutras revealing the essential message of the Vedanta. The highly-perceptive commentary by Swami Narayana Prasad elucidates the gurus interpretation of the Vedantic concept.
Indias wisdom, one may say, attained its maturity in the Vedanta the end or culmination of veda (knowledge). Vedanta may be seen as the finest fruit on the tree of Indias wisdom, for it brings the seeker that ultimate knowledge that ushers in the gift of self-fulfilment (ananda). Over the centuries, brilliant saint-scholars like Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhva have interpreted the Vedanta in different ways. The philosopher-poet Narayana Guru belongs to this class of noted exponents of the Vedanta. And his Vedanta Sutras is a masterpiece in his attempt to restate the original Upanishadic teaching of non-dual Reality his most succinct expression of that message. This book presents these sutras along with a highly-perceptive commentary that elucidates the Gurus interpretation of the Vedantic concept in a brilliant style. Narayana Gurus Vedanta Sutras reveal the essential message of the Vedanta in 24 beautifully-fluent sutras. His simple and direct revaluation and restatement of the Vedanta, in general, has been found to be comprehensive and contemplative in its insight, reconciling the superficial disagreements of the Vedantic schools and restoring the pristine vision of the Upanishadic sages. In this scientific age, his work has often been acclaimed for its relevance. His Vedanta Sutras, compact yet profound in manner, is yet another example of this. The thoroughly-engrossing commentary of Swami Muni Narayana Prasad is a unique effort. Its hallmark is his clear avoidance of exegesis with greater reliance on his personal conviction. Swami Muni Narayana Prasad places Narayana Guru on par with the sutrakaras like Badarayana, Jaimini, Gautama and Kanada with this beautiful elucidation.
Sree Narayana Guru (1856–1928), an enlightened seer, represents Vedanta as a Science of Consciousness or pure Epistemology. This book deals with Guru’s epistemology and shows how it can eliminate many of the problems in philosophy and life.
The Guru conceives Consciousness or Arivu as the one all underlying Reality that assumes the form of everything in the world, both mind and matter.
Epistemologists are usually either idealists or realists, but the Guru is neither. To him there is no need to place one above the other since they are two manifest forms of one Consciousness.
Many eminent persons have tried to solve the problem of consciousness, but could not succeed because they were not ready to consider man as a pure being and the essence of the world as Consciousness.
To the Guru, in every event of knowing there is the coming together of subject, object and also the function of knowing. These three are Consciousness in essence. What we really need is awareness of it. All kinds of divisiveness, conflicts and crises can be solved through an awakening of the inner consciousness of man which is non-different from the one all underlying Reality titled Brahman, Atman or Consciousness.
This volume explains the mysteries of Creation from the Vedic standpoint by an eminent scholar Pandit Motilal Shastri, a devout disciple of the much acclaimed Vedic guru, Paṇḍit Madhusūdan Ojhā. It consists of five scholarly discourses presented before an august audience of well-known scholars and ācāryas of Vedaśāstra, at Rashtrapati Bhawan during 14-18 December 1956. These discourses – Science of Agni-soma; the Science of Five Divisional Universe; Vedic Concept of Man: An Exposition; Science of Aśvattha: An Outline; and Integrated Relationship of Vedaśāstra and Purāṇaśāstra – illuminate new insights into the mysteries of Creation, offering new definitions to well-known Vedic terms. The volume in hand is an English translation of these five discourses by Rishi Kumar Mishra, a well-known author, writer and editor, and a disciple of Pandit Motilal Shastri. It enables the new generation of scholars and intellectuals to understand and grasp the mysteries of Creation. It is an inimitable storehouse of Vedic wisdom.
This volume, originally published in 1906 as part of the Harvard Oriental Series, is an alphabetic index to every line of every stanza of the published Vedic literature and to the liturgical formulas; it is an index to the Vedic mantras, together with an account of their variations in the different Vedic books.
This volume, A Vedic Concordance, is part of the Harvard Oriental Series. This reprint of the 1906 edition is an alphabetic index to every line of every stanza of the published Vedic literature and to the liturgical formulas; it is an index to the Vedic mantras, together with an account of their variations in the different Vedic books.
This volume is expected to serve two purposes. 1. It gives a comprehensive index of all the mantras. 2. It registers the variants of mantras that are not wholly identical. In addition, it spells out few secondary uses. (i) It is a key to the liturgical employment of the mantras. (ii) It is virtually a finding-index of rites and practices. (iii) It is a tool for future editors of Vedic texts. (iv) It is a repertory of the most archaic Hindu prose. (v) It also provides some miscellaneous uses to the future researchers in the domain of Vedic studies and sciences.
A must buy for all universities, colleges, institutions, scholars, researchers, and students who are engaged in Vedic studies.
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Vedic Science and Technology (PB) 1 x ₹450.00 |
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Ways to Truth 1 x ₹495.00 |
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Way to Liberation- Moksha Marga (PB) 1 x ₹360.00 |
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Lilavati Vithi of Ramapanivada 1 x ₹585.00 |