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    The book delves deep into all aspects of bilateral relationship between India and Korea on commercial, cultural, economic, educational, historic, language and literature, political, science and technology, and trade. Taking a cue from the socio-economic growth of Korea, it suggests to move up India in its economic ladder to lead Asia from the front.

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    Affinities by: Pankaj Mittal, Daisy, Ravi Bhushan, Original price was: ₹900.00.Current price is: ₹810.00.

    This volume is comprised of the proceedings of an international conference on “India–Korea Relations: Past and Present”, dealing with India’s relationship with Korea since ce 48. While Buddhism was the amblical cord of Indian relationship with Korea in the first millennium, the end of Cold War has helped to scale up their relations to a new league. Complimenting their bilateral relationship are the “Look East Policy of India” and the “New Asia Initiative” of Korea.
    These economic giants of Asia have many things in common to share, give and take in the post-colonial era. The “rag to richess” story of the “miracle on the Han River” gives impetus to India’s surge in the economic front. From a hermit-kingdom image, Korea now stands tall among the Asian countries with its rapid socio-economic progress and a per capita income of US $ 22,000. Its advancements in education, science and technology, and defence deserve kudos.
    The book thus delves deep into all aspects of bilateral relationship — commercial, cultural, economic, educational, historic, language and literature, political, science and technology, and trade. Both the countries have experienced drastic economic progress, increase in trade volumes, Korean corporates investing in India vis-…-vis Indian companies in Korea. A target-trading volume of US $ 40 billion by the year 2015 tells a vibrant story. Also, both are committed in making Asia the most happening region.
    The book provides a graphic account of all these developments, shedding light on India’s low per capita income of US $ 1,219 and suggesting to put her acts together, to lead Asia from the front.

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    Ageless Mind and Timeless Ideas contains the reflections and reminiscences on the life and legend of Prof. Koneru Ramakrishna Rao by some of his students, colleagues and fellow scholars who are familiar with him and his work. The volume also includes as an Epilogue a recent address of Prof. Rao at the Centenary Conference on Psychology at Calcutta University in October 2015 – “Indian Psychology: A Case Study of Mahatma Gandhi.”

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    Ageless Mind and Timeless Ideas by: V. Balamohandas, K.R. Rajani, Original price was: ₹495.00.Current price is: ₹446.00.

    Ageless Mind and Timeless Ideas contains the reflections and reminiscences on the life and legend of Prof. Koneru Ramakrishna Rao by some of his students, colleagues and fellow scholars who are familiar with him and his work. The volume also includes as an Epilogue a recent address of Prof. Rao at the Centenary Conference on Psychology at Calcutta University in October 2015 – “Indian Psychology: A Case Study of Mahatma Gandhi.”
    Prof. Ramakrishna Rao is both a visionary and a missionary with an incredible ability to conceptualize and concretize his ideas and the gift to live his dreams. He is an internationally acclaimed academic visionary who excelled in vastly different areas that include Psychology, Philosophy, Yoga, Education, and Library and Information Sciences. At 83, Prof. Rao is still active as a scholar and administrator. He published over 5,000 pages during the last ten years, and currently serves as the Chancellor of GITAM University.

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    This book is a study on the cultural developments of Agneya-Kona (the south-east India), where Orissa is the centre, and their contributions to the development of humanity. It studies the rise and spread of different cults and states that the culture of Agneya-Kona was older than the Sumerian Civilization.

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    Agneya-Kona of Bharatavarsha by: Jitamitra Prasad Singh Deo Original price was: ₹1,100.00.Current price is: ₹990.00.

    The book focuses on the cultural developments of Agneya-Kona (the south-east India) and their contributions to the development of humanity, and highlights the concocted history of Bharatavarsha, especially of Agneya-Kona.
    The author projects many artefacts to substantiate his theory. Many archaeological findings Þ the pre-historic rock painting of Gudahandi, images of female figurines, along with circular discs, and nude female figurines — are cases in point. Female principle was worshipped in the Mahanadi Valley both in aniconic and iconic forms.
    Agneya-Kona has contributed significantly to the growth of the tantric worship. In the pre-historic rock painting of Gudahandi, there is a trace of Yoga, especially Kundalini Yoga. The book details the spiritual and yogic culture of Orissa, the formative phase of Purushottama Jagannatha culture, the impact of Narasimha culture, yoni tantra traditions of the Central Mahanadi Valley and the spiritual relationship of Kalahandi with Candipur Tara-Pitha of Birbhum.
    A Sumerian temple that imbibed the form of Lord Purushottama Jagannatha is in highlight, and the author makes a strong statement that the culture of the region is older than the Sumerian Civilization.
    The book is a source of inspiration for archaeologists and historians, who want to study more about south-east India, and students, teachers and researchers of arts and culture.

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    This critical commentary offering fresh insights into the essential teachings of the Aitareya Upanisad presents its original Sanskrit text along with Roman transliteration and a verse-to-verse translation in English.

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    Aitareya Upanisad by: Swami Muni Narayana Prasad Original price was: ₹110.00.Current price is: ₹99.00.

    Yet another masterly piece of Hindu spiritual wisdom, Aitareya essentially reinforces the grand Upanishadic message which is neither a picturesque mythology nor a promise of heaven nor a threat of hell. It is yet another reminder (from the ancient seers) of our cosmic connection — showing how this universe, this phenomenal world of ours, and all that is created, whether movable or immovable, are unfolded from one primeval casual Reality: atman, variantly called the Supreme Spirit, Pure Consciousness or Prajnanam Brahma; and how, in turn, atman perceives itself as the one underlying substance of all these phenomena. A distinguished exponent of Vedanta, Swami Muni Narayana Prasad reinterprets this Upanishad, developing refreshing insights into its textual discourse, its meaning, and its message. Also included in this critical commentary are its original Sanskrit text, Romanised transliteration, and verse for verse English translation. Appended to the Rigveda, Aitareya Upanishad comprises three chapters (IV-VI) of the Aitareya-Aranyaka which, in itself, is a continuation of Aitareya Brahmana. And as one of the principal Upanishads is invaluable as much to the discerning readers as to the scholars of Indian philosophy.

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    Akbar, the most powerful Mughal emperor, was a great aesthete and promoter of arts. Eminent Persian and Indian artists thronged his Royal Studio who were studiously committed to paint numerous emotive miniatures of style and substance, communicating highly complex narratives. These minitatures are a beautiful manifestation of human expressions, vividly encapsulating moments of history for posterity.

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    Akbar, The Aesthete by: Indu Anand Original price was: ₹4,800.00.Current price is: ₹4,320.00.

    Mughal miniatures are a vivid account of the cultural, sociopolitical scenario of the Mughal era. Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Akbar, the most powerful Mughal emperor, was a great aesthete and promoter of arts. Eminent Persian and Indian artists thronged his Royal Studio and were encouraged to paint numerous emotive miniatures of style and substance, communicating highly complex narratives. These miniatures are a beautiful manifestation of human expressions, vividly encapsulating moments of history for posterity.
    This book combines the sources and methodology of history and art history of the Mughal era, and is an analysis of a select group of paintings of Akbar’s reign. The miniature paintings incorporate a wide variety of rich, vibrant and varied themes, ranging from durbar scenes, depicting Akbar in different moods and forms, the princes and nobles in their finery, hunting and battle scenes, elaborate scenes of royal births, construction scenes, ascetics, common man, and countryside scenes, to the flora and fauna. Individual analyses of these miniatures, shows the manner of their composition and the inherent value of their sociocultural content in a lively manner. These paintings became a passion and a diversion for Akbar, who had an innate aesthetic sense.
    However, there are hardly any true-to-life paintings of women of the royal seraglio. This book thus attempts to cover some images of femininity, whether it is of Queen Alanquwa, Akbar’s mother, or of Madonna as sacred mothers, and women, per se, in different roles. These miniatures make one wonder how much these women contributed to the life of Mughal India.
    This unique volume, having given transliteration and translation of the original Persian text of the miniatures, provides an insight into Akbar as an aesthete, and will help academics and laymen alike in appreciating the beauty and history of Akbar’s period.

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    This volume, based on the paintings at Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sanghralaya, formerly Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai, makes us travel through the bright and radiant world of the many splendours of Malwa painting and its silent pages are alive with the whispers of romantic love.

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    Amarushataka by: Harsha V. Dehejia, Subhash Behelke, Prakriti Kashyap, Uday Indurkar, Narmada Prasad Upadhyaya, Original price was: ₹3,500.00.Current price is: ₹3,150.00.

    Amarushataka is considered to be one of the finest poetic creations in Sanskrit in ancient India and is a watershed development in the genre of Shringara Rasa. We do not know who the poet Amaru was, but a number of legends abound and it is believed that he lived in the seventh century. In Amaru’s poetic gems love is not measured but experienced, it is not evaluated socially but felt in the deepest recesses of the mind and heart. He paints the varied moods and nuances of love with words that evoke vivid colours and rhythms that are sonorous with music. Amarushataka basks in a sunlit space, fragrant with the aroma of love, brilliant with the hues of a throbbing heart and within the minute compass of the few lines of a verse we are privy to a whole universe of romance. Amaru’s lovers inhabit a non-descript space, so that our attention is entirely on them and not on the surroundings. Amaru’s lovers are driven by desire, devoid of guilt, finding their fulfilment in a passionate embrace or a loving gaze. Using traditional Prakrit romantic idioms Amaru prepares us for the feast both for the eyes and the ears that is to follow, for the muktakas of Amaru create an emotionally charged world, where every nuance of romantic love is explored, where the pangs and pleasures, pathos and poignancy, of amorous dalliances are sensitively portrayed, where neither the restraint of dharma nor the restriction of samsara is allowed to interfere with a glorious celebration of love. Whatever its origins, for 1,300 years this work has retained its reputation in India as one of the foundational collections of poetry. Poets and critics still use its verses as a template against which to consider other poems. Such was the impact of Amarushataka, especially in Malwa of the seventeenth century, that it was transformed into miniature paintings in the evocative Malwa style. The one room chamber with strong monochromatic colours and robust figures marks the painting. The book also traces the history of Malwa painting. An interesting side light of the book is an attempt to demonstrate that the verses of Amaru were also perhaps responsible for amorous sculptures in Khajuraho and other temples. The book is richly illustrated, has the verses of Amaru in Sanskrit and English and is a source book of Shringara Rasa for scholars and students alike.

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    The book documents India’s rich tradition of ornamentation as reflected in its numerous and varied collection of amulets and pendants recovered from archaeological excavations in Maharashtra. It examines the different types of amulets and pendants excavated, techniques used in making them, and their parallels in literary and sculptural representations.

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    Amulets and Pendants in Ancient Maharashtra (3rd c. bc to 3rd c. ce) by: Jyotsna Maurya Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹198.00.

    The book documents India’s rich tradition of ornamentation as reflected in its numerous and varied collection of amulets and pendants recovered from archaeological excavations in Maharashtra. It studies the significance of these ornaments as a visible expression of the artistic excellence and cultural wealth of the ancient Indian civilisation particularly at the time of the great Mauryan and Satvahana dynasties. Discussing the evolution of these portable charms against their socio-economic and religious background, the authoress examines the different types of amulets and pendants excavated, the techniques used in making them, their parallels in literary and sculptural representations, and Buddhist influence on them. Giving insights into the sources of raw materials used in these charms, she takes up in detail the trade relations of a specific site with other contemporary sites. With a number of figures and maps, the work promises to be useful to both scholars and students of Indology focussing on facets of Indian culture.

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    It is not just the magnum opus, but a truly monumental effort of a scientist-philosopher who has spent a whole lifetime to formulate a unitive science, wherein all disciplines of human questing could find a common ground — a science where modern science and ancient spiritual wisdom could meet and merge like two opposite poles of a magnet. As a direct disciple of one of the great rishis of the modern age, Nataraja Guru discovers this common ground in Brahma-vidya?, which he calls the “Integrated Science of the Absolute”, and which has, at its base, his Guru’s Dars?ana Ma?la?.
    A string of hundred Sanskrit verses, composed by the mystic-poet, Narayana Guru (1854–1928), the Dars?ana Ma?la? is the very “epitome of all visions of truth” — inspired by his remarkable acquisitions of Upanis?adic thought and, yet far more, by his own tapas (mystical discipline). Reproducing these highly significative verses in Roman script, along with English translations, word meanings, and extensive commentaries, Nataraja Guru not only spells out his mentor’s “Visions of the Absolute” in contemporary idiom, but also shows how these “visions” are fully validated by modern science.
    Eclectic synthesis of varied scientific disciplines into a systematic whole is not all that Nataraja Guru accomplishes here. Rather, his book (now in third edition) is an attempt to reintroduce Brahma-vidya? as the one Master Science that embraces every branch of science, every human interest.

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    An Intergrated Science of the Absolute (2 Vols. Set) by: Nataraja Guru Original price was: ₹3,000.00.Current price is: ₹2,700.00.

    It is not just the magnum opus, but a truly monumental effort of a scientist-philosopher who has spent a whole lifetime to formulate a unitive science, wherein all disciplines of human questing could find a common ground a science where modern science and ancient spiritual wisdom could meet and merge like two opposite poles of a magnet. As a direct disciple of one of the great rishis of the modern age, Nataraja Guru discovers this common ground in Brahma-vidya, which he calls the “Integrated Science of the Absolute”, and which has, at its base, his Guru’s Dars?ana Mala.
    A string of hundred Sanskrit verses, composed by the mystic-poet, Narayana Guru (1854–1928), the Darsana Mala is the very “epitome of all visions of truth” — inspired by his remarkable acquisitions of Upanisadic thought and, yet far more, by his own tapas (mystical discipline). Reproducing these highly significative verses in Roman script, along with English translations, word meanings, and extensive commentaries, Nataraja Guru not only spells out his mentor’s “Visions of the Absolute” in contemporary idiom, but also shows how these “visions” are fully validated by modern science.
    Eclectic synthesis of varied scientific disciplines into a systematic whole is not all that Nataraja Guru accomplishes here. Rather, his book (now in third edition) is an attempt to reintroduce Brahma-vidya as the one Master Science that embraces every branch of science, every human interest.

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    An Introduction to Jain Philosophy by: Parveen Jain Original price was: ₹1,600.00.Current price is: ₹1,440.00.

    It is well-known that the Jain tradition has been extremely influential in the development of Indian thought and culture. The Jain tradition teaches that there is an interdependence of perception, knowledge, and conduct unified by an axiomatic principle of non-violence in thought, speech, and action. In this way, non-violence defines the core of the Jain tradition, which has had a profound effect on other dharmic traditions originating in India. Jain Dharma is so significant that in some ways it may be incomplete to attempt to understand other Indian traditions (such as Buddhism or Hinduism) without knowing the basics of the Jain tradition, since these other traditions developed in an ongoing dialogue with the insights and wisdom of Jain respondents and visionaries.
    This book enables the reader to enjoy a comprehensive journey into the intricate world of Jain thought and culture in a way that is philosophical in its compelling rationality, deeply spiritual in its revelations, yet accessible in its language. The organization of this book allows the reader to engage in an overview of the central teachings of the Jain tradition, but also to ascertain the profundity of its depths. It can be read with equal efficacy in succession from beginning to end, or pursued by individual topics of interest to the reader. Either strategy will have the same effect: a systematic understanding of what the timeless teachings of Jain thinkers have to say about the universal issues of the human condition – and how we might understand our harmonious relationship with other living entities as a powerful and effective spiritual journey.

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    An Introduction to the Study of Indian Poetics by: Mahesh Singh Kushwaha, Sanjay Kumar Misra, Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹540.00.

    The book aspires to do for Indian poetics what Hudson’s book, An Introduction to the Study of English Literature did for English literature, though in a totally different manner and style. It provides the student with the essential knowledge about almost all aspects of Indian poetics. Based on the original Sanskrit sources, it presents the necessary information lucidly in precise and clear terms. Each chapter is self-contained and complete in itself, with explanatory notes, and a bibliography of relevant works. The Sanskrit terms used in the text are invariably explained or provided with English equivalents.
    For quick reference, “A Glossary of Sanskrit Literary Terms” is given in the Appendices, which contain also “A List of Noted Indian Poeticians (including commentators) and Their Works” and “Notes on Major Texts in Indian Poetics”.
    This handy volume, with its unique features, will prove invaluable to those who are going to embark on the study of Indian poetics, especially the ones who have no Sanskrit background. To a devoted student, it will prove a useful companion during his/her further studies.

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    An Introduction to the Study of Indian Poetics (PB) by: Mahesh Singh Kushwaha, Sanjay Kumar Misra, Original price was: ₹325.00.Current price is: ₹293.00.

    The book aspires to do for Indian poetics what Hudson’s book, An Introduction to the Study of English Literature did for English literature, though in a totally different manner and style. It provides the student with the essential knowledge about almost all aspects of Indian poetics. Based on the original Sanskrit sources, it presents the necessary information lucidly in precise and clear terms. Each chapter is self-contained and complete in itself, with explanatory notes, and a bibliography of relevant works. The Sanskrit terms used in the text are invariably explained or provided with English equivalents.
    For quick reference, “A Glossary of Sanskrit Literary Terms” is given in the Appendices, which contain also “A List of Noted Indian Poeticians (including commentators) and Their Works” and “Notes on Major Texts in Indian Poetics”.
    This handy volume, with its unique features, will prove invaluable to those who are going to embark on the study of Indian poetics, especially the ones who have no Sanskrit background. To a devoted student, it will prove a useful companion during his/her further studies.

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    This book is an in-depth study of the people of nomadic groups of Central Asia — notably, the Greeks, the ancient Iranians and Indo-Aryans of the Indian subcontinent — from about 6000 bce to the last millennium bce. It deals with the evolution of cultures, migrations and settlements, myths and legends gods and heroes of the ancient cultures.

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    Ancient Gods and Heroes of East and West by: Marta Vannucci Original price was: ₹900.00.Current price is: ₹810.00.

    This book is a study of the people of nomadic groups or clans of Central Asia from about 6000 bce to the last millennium bce to explore why cultures and history developed the way they did in Central Asia by taking up the Indo-European and other settlements — notably, the Greeks, the ancient Iranians and Indo-aryans of the Indian subcontinent — for in-depth study. It deals with the quest for knowledge which led to evolution of cultures from simple primitive life to a society complex in structure, from philosophy to religion. The study of gods and heroes examines stories relating to migration and settlements and the geography of ancient civilizations. It is in this setting that their unique philosophies and religious beliefs flourished, giving rise to belief in numerous gods and heroes. It discusses the myths and legends of the ancient cultures, highlighting names, deeds and events relating to honoured gods and much-praised heroes. Dr Marta Vannucci significantly concludes that both Indo-aryan and Indo-Iranian people had been able to maintain their traditional customs and habits backed by technical developments up to the last centuries bce. Throughout, she bases her observations on reliable information provided by archaeology substantiated by oral and written traditions of Central Asia, Greece and Rome. The volume will be invaluable to scholars of history, anthropology and archaeology who are keen to systematically unravel the obscure origins of the great human civilizational march.

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