Showing 49–60 of 77 results
The book contains the material culture, aesthetic life, varying occupations and habitats of the three sub-groups of the Kondhs, a major tribal community of Orissa, situated in the districts of Koraput, Kalahandi and Phulbani. It attempts to look into the cultural life aspects of the Kutia Kondhs, the Dongaria Kondhs and the Malia Kondhs.
The book contains the material culture of the three sub-groups of the Kondhs, a major tribal community of Orissa, situated in the districts of Koraput, Kalahandi and Phulbani. It examines the cultural life aspects of the Kutia Kondhs, the Dongaria Kondhs and the Malia Kondhs which remarkably differs from one another even though there is much commonality in their social and cultural life. With numerous illustrations of their settlements, artefacts and art objects, items of material culture and plans of their houses, the book deals with similarities in socio-cultural, religious and aesthetic aspects of their life Þ varying occupations, habitats, ecosystems and housing types. It attempts to show that a study of their material culture reveals unity in diversity. For the purpose, it deals with their household objects, quest for good personal care, dress, adornments, religious objects and musical instruments. It describes each artefact/common items of use along with its name (local dialect) in the Kondh communities. Giving an ethnographic account of the different sub-sects as well, the analysis systematically finds out what aspects of their culture has changed over the time and what has seen the least change. The work, both interesting and enlightening, is an attempt to unravel the social and cultural aspects of one of the most ancient and rich tribal traditions of India. It will be an invaluable asset to scholars of a variety of disciplines, mainly anthropology and sociology.
The book contains the material culture, aesthetic life, varying occupations and habitats of the three sub-groups of the Kondhs, a major tribal community of Orissa, situated in the districts of Koraput, Kalahandi and Phulbani. It attempts to look into the cultural life aspects of the Kutia Kondhs, the Dongaria Kondhs and the Malia Kondhs.
The book contains the material culture of the three sub-groups of the Kondhs, a major tribal community of Orissa, situated in the districts of Koraput, Kalahandi and Phulbani. It examines the cultural life aspects of the Kutia Kondhs, the Dongaria Kondhs and the Malia Kondhs which remarkably differs from one another even though there is much commonality in their social and cultural life. With numerous illustrations of their settlements, artefacts and art objects, items of material culture and plans of their houses, the book deals with similarities in socio-cultural, religious and aesthetic aspects of their life Þ varying occupations, habitats, ecosystems and housing types. It attempts to show that a study of their material culture reveals unity in diversity. For the purpose, it deals with their household objects, quest for good personal care, dress, adornments, religious objects and musical instruments. It describes each artefact/common items of use along with its name (local dialect) in the Kondh communities. Giving an ethnographic account of the different sub-sects as well, the analysis systematically finds out what aspects of their culture has changed over the time and what has seen the least change. The work, both interesting and enlightening, is an attempt to unravel the social and cultural aspects of one of the most ancient and rich tribal traditions of India. It will be an invaluable asset to scholars of a variety of disciplines, mainly anthropology and sociology.
This volume is based on the great stories of the heroes of Rajasthan like Nanda, Jagar, Rupavel, Salhes, Kaaras Dev, etc. The writer has tried to explain how the public knowledge, public tradition and mass popularity is linked to these stories and their effect on society.
This volume is based on the great stories of the heroes of Rajasthan like Nanda, Jagar, Rupavel, Salhes, Kaaras Dev, etc. The writer has tried to explain how the public knowledge, public tradition and mass popularity is linked to these stories and their effect on society.
This book is a compilation of research papers which explore the various dimensions of morality and social justice and their intersection with justice, human rights, reservation and reverse discrimination, rights of children, etc. with a view to creating a society comprising peace and ordered liberty.
The highly stratified Indian society, with a history of domination by a few on all the sections of the society, is going through a predicament. There is a crisis for justice in every section of the society, particularly in those who have been tormented for centuries. In spite of many giant thinkers and much ameliorating process at the governmental level, social harmony has been on a constant decline.
In view of such a social situation, the modern concept of social justice appears to be complex. In a bid to provide social justice, attempts have been made to synthesize the meritarian and egalitarian elements, but the chaos at the distribution level of goods and services has led us to a long, dark tunnel, seemingly with no way out!
The ICPR-sponsored national congress on Morality and Social Justice convened at Patna, January 2729, 2008, explored the various dimensions of morality and social justice in an apparent attempt to find a way out of the quagmire. Presentations from the seminar have been collected in the volume, which addresses the intersection of morality and social justice with justice, human rights, reservation and reverse discrimination, rights of children, religion, development, and many more.
The comprehensive volume includes contributions from such well-known scholars of social philosophy as editor Abha Singh and a host of others from multi-disciplines across India. The volume is an unprecedented examination of social situation prevailing in India, an honest assessment of how social harmony can either be destroyed or be preserved, and a thorough exploration of what steps might be necessary for the much-needed moral energy and social imagination in order to create a society comprising peace and ordered liberty.
The book recounts the journey of Vivek ji and numerous others during the years 2022-23 along the revered banks of the Narmada river. The book is not just a travelogue of the author’s journey along the banks of the river, but also a documentation of the numerous ancient teerthas that are scattered along the holy banks of Narmada, which have been mostly forgotten by everyone. The teerthas are the starting point of the Narmada Parikrama, playing a crucial role in shaping this tradition. Vivek ji’s Narmada parikrama was a journey undertaken with the purpose of immersing oneself in the spiritual landscapes of the sacred Narmada river. However, it was the parikrama that ultimately uncovered and drew attention to the Teerthas.
The book recounts the journey of Vivek ji and numerous others during the years 2022-23 along the revered banks of the Narmada river. The book is not just a travelogue of the author’s journey along the banks of the river, but also a documentation of the numerous ancient teerthas that are scattered along the holy banks of Narmada, which have been mostly forgotten by everyone. The teerthas are the starting point of the Narmada Parikrama, playing a crucial role in shaping this tradition. Vivek ji’s Narmada parikrama was a journey undertaken with the purpose of immersing oneself in the spiritual landscapes of the sacred Narmada river. However, it was the parikrama that ultimately uncovered and drew attention to the Teerthas.
This book analyses various aspects of Vedic culture, exploring the origin of the concepts of rastra (nation) and rastrabhakti (patriotism). It presents the salient features of nation and nationalism in ancient Indian culture culture- based and not political which helped India to emerge successful.
The concepts of nation and nationalism are generally considered as having their genesis in western modes of thought. However, in this book, Dr. Shiva Acharya attempts to show that the theories of nation and nationalism can be traced to the Vedic era on the basis of a painstaking study of the Vedic culture and civilization. The book analyses the social, political, civil and military, economic, religious and philosophical aspects of the Vedic culture to explore the origin of the concepts of rashtra (nation), motherland and rashtrabhakti (patriotism), parliaments, the notion of all-round development, democratic educational system, equality of peoples and economic growth for prosperity in Vedic times. Citing from the Vedas and other Vedic literature and a host of modern scholarly researches on the subject, it presents the salient features of the nation and nationalism theories as found in ancient Indian culture such as their stress on culture-based nationalism rather than political. It points out that these features have enabled India to continue with its past traditions and culture and emerge as a successful nation in modern times. The volume will prove indispensable to all students and scholars of Indology and general readers as it unravels the immense contributions of ancient Indian thought to ideas and philosophies that hold great sway in modern times.
The book contains papers presented at a workshop on patient-physician relationship, organised by Jadavpur University, by thinkers from various disciplines like religion, philosophy and law discussing medical ethics, consent and confidentiality, gender-related differences, etc.
The papers presented at a workshop on ßpatient-physician relationship,û organized by Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University, have thinkers from various disciplines like religion, philosophy and law discussing a range of issues involved in patient-physician understanding. The concept is viewed in the modern context as well as keeping the indigenous thought tradition in mind. The papers examine the nature and limits of the patient-physician relationship, issues relating to medical ethics, the working of consent and confidentiality, and the link between law and medicine. They look into the role of culture as a determining factor in the patient-physician relationship and the impact of religious beliefs and values on the relationship. They stress the need for a harmonious and balanced relation between the patient and the physician and importance of communication in patient-physician relationship. The experts specially throw light on feminist concerns about medical practice, such as the need for treatment referring to gender-related differences, and examine the way individual characteristics of doctors and patients affect the way they relate to each other. They emphasise on patients being educated and enlightened to be able to exercise their rights. The volume will prove interesting and informative to medical practitioners and researchers as well as general readers.
This book investigates the doctrine of natural rights and its critiques, and assesses the world-view which has shaped formulation of the theories of natural rights. It presents a clear exposition of some contemporary philosophical theories of rights developed independently of the natural rights paradigm and discusses the theories wherein the conception of rights is found to be compatible with utilitarianism.
Human rights is a topic that gets vividly and seriously debated at varied platforms, globally. The concept of human rights has a rich philosophical and theoretical tradition, and its philosophical dimension deserves proper attention. Having given an account of the origins and historical development of the idea of human rights, the book investigates the doctrine of natural rights and its critiques, and assesses the world-view that has affected its formulations.
The work also presents a clear exposition of some contemporary philosophical theories of rights developed independently of the natural rights paradigm and discusses the theories wherein the conception of rights is found to be compatible with utilitarianism. And, finally, while briefly arguing for discursive understanding of human rights based on the diversity of morals that is embedded in different cultural traditions of the world and for reconstruction of the conception of human rights in more inclusive and cross-cultural terms, the author analyses the conception of human dignity from the Vedantic perspective as a case study, which is regarded as an important underlying principle of human rights.
The volume is intended to introduce students and practitioners of human rights, and general readers to the philosophy of human rights.
The book presents an in-depth study of various measures and provisions adopted to redress the problems of the tribals and for bringing them to the national mainstream. It provides extensive details of the ethnographic features of the entire primitive tribes with realistic description of their pathetic life.
Tribal people living in the remote areas of the territory forms an indispensable part of the Indian population. More than 250 different tribal groups inhabit in India, of which 62 tribal groups live in Orissa, each varying in culture, language, economic life and level of literacy. The thirteen tribal groups, namely Birhor, Bondo, Didayi, Dongria-Khond, Juangs, Kharias, Kutia Khond, Lanjia Saoras, Lodhas, Mankidias, Paudi Bhuinyas, Soura and Chuktia Bhunjia, having pre-agricultural level of technology and extremely low level of literacy have been recognized as Primitive Tribesû of Orissa. These tribal groups remain confined to their own small world and a probe into its history clearly shows that after a few generations the past turns into mythology. It was realized only after the Independence that to have a well-developed and prosperous nation, the needs and problems of the tribals were to be addressed and their welfare to be taken care thereof. The book presents an in-depth study of the various measures and provisions adopted, schemes introduced and plans implemented, since the Fifth Five-Year Plan, to redress the problems of the tribals; and apprises the readers about the on-going attempts in bringing them to the national mainstream through the 13 Micro Projects. Besides, the book presents an extensive detail of the ethnographic features of the entire Primitive Tribes with particular reference to their economic activities, social sanctions and varied problems faced by them. The realistic description of their pathetic life, deprived of all modern facilities, is highly touching and makes one wonder, do such people really exist in the 21st Century? The book will universally appeal to all readers and is highly recommended for the scholars of sociology and anthropology in particular.
The book presents an in-depth study of various measures and provisions adopted to redress the problems of the tribals and for bringing them to the national mainstream. It provides extensive details of the ethnographic features of the entire primitive tribes with realistic description of their pathetic life.
Tribal people living in the remote areas of the territory forms an indispensable part of the Indian population. More than 250 different tribal groups inhabit in India, of which 62 tribal groups live in Orissa, each varying in culture, language, economic life and level of literacy. The thirteen tribal groups, namely Birhor, Bondo, Didayi, Dongria-Khond, Juangs, Kharias, Kutia Khond, Lanjia Saoras, Lodhas, Mankidias, Paudi Bhuinyas, Soura and Chuktia Bhunjia, having pre-agricultural level of technology and extremely low level of literacy have been recognized as Primitive Tribesû of Orissa. These tribal groups remain confined to their own small world and a probe into its history clearly shows that after a few generations the past turns into mythology. It was realized only after the Independence that to have a well-developed and prosperous nation, the needs and problems of the tribals were to be addressed and their welfare to be taken care thereof. The book presents an in-depth study of the various measures and provisions adopted, schemes introduced and plans implemented, since the Fifth Five-Year Plan, to redress the problems of the tribals; and apprises the readers about the on-going attempts in bringing them to the national mainstream through the 13 Micro Projects. Besides, the book presents an extensive detail of the ethnographic features of the entire Primitive Tribes with particular reference to their economic activities, social sanctions and varied problems faced by them. The realistic description of their pathetic life, deprived of all modern facilities, is highly touching and makes one wonder, do such people really exist in the 21st Century? The book will universally appeal to all readers and is highly recommended for the scholars of sociology and anthropology in particular.
Various articles in this anthology have successfully explored folk psychological notions as found in contemporary Western Philosophy of Mind in the Indian context. These collective reflections on the nature of Indian folk psychology are bound to enrich our understanding of the mind in Indian philosophy.
Reconstructing Folk Psychology is the outcome of a research that looks into the possibility of locating folk psychological structures and issues within the domain of classical Indian philosophy. Starting from the concepts of belief, desire to perception and the consciousness of time and even the way in which we address ourselves, the I, the authors of the various articles in this anthology have successfully explored folk psychological notions as found in contemporary Western Philosophy of Mind in the Indian context. This volume thus tries to locate and reconstruct folk psychological issues within Indian philosophy, paying particular attention to the classical Indian tradition.
Needless to say, each of the authors in this volume is an expert in his or her respective area and these collective reflections on the nature of Indian folk psychology are bound to enrich our understanding of the mind in Indian philosophy.
This short but interesting book should capture the interest and attention of who is who in the domain of Indian philosophy and psychology.
This book offers a comprehensive account of child labour and child abuse in almost the entire South Asia. The state of child labour in the neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka vis-a-vis India, and possible remedies to the problem form part of this study.
In this book Dr M.S. Bhattacharya offers nothing less than a comprehensive account of child labour and child abuse in almost the entire South Asia. It began with the days of the Raj when newly set-up industries and plantations started employing children on a large scale to augment production which continued for a long time until trade union movements and resultant labour legislations restricted the employment of children in the factories and plantations. The state of child labour in the neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka vis-a-vis India, the economy of child labour, its socio-cultural roots, the treatment of children in the ancient world and possible remedies to the problem form part of this study. Further, in this book child abuse and juvenile delinquency, two inseparably linked phenomena have been discussed with a rare sense of aptness. This intensely directed study has mapped, perhaps for the first time, the problems of child labour, child abuse and juvenile delinquency with absorbing details.
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