Showing 49–60 of 76 results
Mankind, when it gave expression to its first dawning of religious thoughts, wove a fabric of myths and theories about religion, the warp of which ran through from earliest historical times to our own days as threads of the warp of philosophies and theories about sex, male, female, love, passion, lust, desire, procreation, offspring, etc. The succeeding ages and civilizations wove into its warp the woof of the individual religions, myths and fables of gods and goddesses, so that the whole fabric of beliefs became refined as mankind itself advanced.
Sex and Sex Worship is the result of a long-time, arduous study of the concept of sex and the worship of phallus in various civilizations and in the development of different religions, modern and old, over a period of many millennia. The book makes one grasp a lot of topics associated with sex and sex symbols such as nature of sex and reproduction, status of women, cosmo-gonies, sex in man and animal, sexual relationship of gods and goddesses, virgin worship, phallic festivals, among many, while making it clear that the worship of generative organs was rather a use of representations of phallus and yoni as symbols for certain religious ideas which were embodied in nature worship.
It also vividly talks about the concept of sex and sex organs in art and ethics, sculpture, art anatomy, etc. The contents in toto lead one to the myriad aspects and concerns associated with sex and phallic worship. It is a must read for a scholar and a common man alike.
Mankind, when it gave expression to its first dawning of religious thoughts, wove a fabric of myths and theories about religion, the warp of which ran through from earliest historical times to our own days as threads of the warp of philosophies and theories about sex, male, female, love, passion, lust, desire, procreation, offspring, etc. The succeeding ages and civilizations wove into its warp the woof of the individual religions, myths and fables of gods and goddesses, so that the whole fabric of beliefs became refined as mankind itself advanced.
Sex and Sex Worship is the result of a long-time, arduous study of the concept of sex and the worship of phallus in various civilizations and in the development of different religions, modern and old, over a period of many millennia. The book makes one grasp a lot of topics associated with sex and sex symbols such as nature of sex and reproduction, status of women, cosmo-gonies, sex in man and animal, sexual relationship of gods and goddesses, virgin worship, phallic festivals, among many, while making it clear that the worship of generative organs was rather a use of representations of phallus and yoni as symbols for certain religious ideas which were embodied in nature worship.
It also vividly talks about the concept of sex and sex organs in art and ethics, sculpture, art anatomy, etc. The contents in toto lead one to the myriad aspects and concerns associated with sex and phallic worship. It is a must read for a scholar and a common man alike.
“Dreams play a significant role in our life, meaningfully affecting us in the development of our personality and our spiritual journey. They are an everyday experience for any human being. Dreams have always been of great interest to poets and philosophers alike since ancient times and examples are aplenty in Indian and Western scriptures. However, it is an uphill task for an ordinary person to fully appreciate the intricacies and significance of dreams in the day-to-day life. It is here that this book proves as an invaluable guide providing deep understanding on the nature of dream and sleep.
This book is a repertoire of human wisdom – gathered for centuries and attested by the modern science – offering enormous insights into our dream and deep-sleep states. It asks, from a common man’s point of view, many a question that perturb us and provides answers to them from the scientific and spiritual perspectives in a captivating way. Some such questions include:
• Do we see dreams in black and white or in colour?
• What does a visually-challenged person see in his dreams?
• Why are some of our dreams extraordinarily vivid with electric colours, the clarity and brilliance of which, we may never encounter in our ordinary waking lives?
• Why are we non-reflective, irrational in our dreams?
• Are the dream time and waking time equal?
• How does our memory work in dream state? Why do we forget our dreams and is it possible to improve dream recall and cultivate awareness in dreams?
• Why do we fail to distinguish a dream object from the physical world object while we are dreaming?
• If the dream experience exactly feels like the real world and we fail to distinguish it from the waking world while we are dreaming, how can we be certain that we are not dreaming now?
• How does a dream contain various persons exhibiting opposite emotions at the same time when all the dream characters including the witnessing dreamer are produced out of single mind of the dreaming person?
• Can we intentionally transform the dream scenarios? If so, what would be the philosophical implications of it?
• Can dreams and sleeps be utilized for spiritual elevation?
… and many more questions we always wondered about the daily eight hours of our bed time, but never got the right answers to! We find new meanings and ways in dealing with our dreams in this volume, therefore, it is a must read for every dream enthusiast as well as any serious spiritual seeker.
The book critically analyses many philosophical concerns of both Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin and talks about the future evolution. It involves recognizing parallel features as well as differences in both the philosophers.
Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin: A Comparative Study ventures into identify the progressive rungs in the ladder of human consciousness pointed out by both the thinkers, to see how they visualize going beyond to achieve Sachchidanda, the Supreme Bliss. The scrutiny involves recognizing parallel features as well as differences in both the philosophers.
Their writings are extremely significant in a phase where the future of humanity is at risk. Sri Aurobindo, who is steeped in the Vedic wisdom of the ancient India, calls up on us to shed our selfish nature and reach the higher levels of consciousness. Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest, exhorts us to unite and shed divisions. There is a striking similarity in their cosmologies. Sri Aurobindos concept of Supermind is the last stage in evolution and Teilhards Omega Point is the summit of evolution. Their process of evolution contains a triple transformation of consciousness. The book critically thus analyses many philosophical concerns of both Sri Aurobindo and de Chardin and talks about the future evolution.
Indisputably one of the world’s best-known books, the Bhagavadgita embodies the quint-essence of classical Upanisadic philosophy, presented in the form of a dialogue between Krsna, the archetypal teacher, and Arjuna, the archetypal human being caught in the grip of a monumental crisis. For anyone like Arjuna who has ever paused to ponder the meaning of life, the work is as relevant today as it was when it was written.
By stripping away the manifold biases — both subtle and obvious — that have colored other commentaries, Guru Nitya has uncovered the perennial philosophy at the heart of this great classic. In an original, easy to understand format, his commentary divides each of the Gita’s eighteen chapters into three sections: the first elucidating the basic concepts involved; the second including Sanskrit text in Roman script along with the English meaning of each word or phrase and Nataraja Guru’s lucid and revolutionary English translation; and the third carrying explanatory notes and comments in the form of a dialogue between a teacher and student.
The breakthrough of this interpretation of the Gita is in its transcendence of sectarian dogma to reveal the work as a fully developed scientific psychology, whose keen insights and vivid reasoning can be readily appreciated by the twenty-first-century mind.
The book discusses the fundamental aspects of the comparative study of religions such as its origin and development, its nature, conditions and problems and also its method. The modern trend points to an interreligious dialogue or encounter in the sense of mutual understanding of religions as “human involvements”.
The book elucidates scientifically and philosophically the evolutionary universe (brahmāṇḍa) and the self-conscious human being (piṇḍa). This universe came into form about 14-13.7 billion years ago and has undergone perpetual changes including life on earth some 3.9 billion years ago. Man’s self-conscious evolution is driven by his intellectual growth and philosophical wisdom.
The book elucidates scientifically and philosophically the beginning of the evolutionary universe (brahmāṇḍa) and the intellectual growth of self-conscious human being (piṇḍa), the former is “out” there and the latter is “out” here. Without the latter, the former is difficult to be perceived or known. Going by the scientific cosmology, this universe came into form about 14-13.7 billion years ago as a result of Big Bang, and has undergone perpetual changes including life on earth some 3.9 billion years ago. Man’s self-conscious evolution is driven by his intellectual growth and philosophical wisdom. It has been studied both from the Indian and Western philosophic perspectives.
The philosophical wisdom in this regard is in sync with many modern scientific concepts. The Sāṁkhya–Yoga philosophy is embodied with the concepts of sattva, rajas and tamas. These three are in a sense comparable to the proton, the electron and the neutron of modern science. The proton provides the coalescence or the form of the atom; the electron gives us energy and proton provides the mass. Some other Indian philosophical systems like Vaiśeṣika, Advaita Vedānta and Bauddha are replete with similar scientific approaches. So also are the studies of Western philosophers like Immanuel Kant, David Hume, Niels Bohr and David Bohm. All the things are happening within the time and space.
The Gospel of Buddha sketches the picture of a religious leader of the remote past with a view of make it bear upon the living present and become a factor in the formation of the future. It essentially talks about all major developments in the life of the Buddha and helps all true Buddhists understand the real tenets of Buddhism to stand firm on ground.
The Gospel of Buddha characterizes the spirit of Buddhism correctly and concisely. It draws parallelisms in Western thoughts, especially those which reflect in the Christian Gospels. Buddhism like Christianity has a number of sects and this book, however, does not side with any sectarian tenets, but takes an ideal position upon which all true Buddhists may stand up as on firm ground. It helps people to comprehend Buddhism better in an easy way and it sets the reader thinking on the problems and challenges of religions today.
It sketches the picture of a religious leader of the remote past with a view of make it bear upon the living present and become a factor in the formation of the future. It essentially talks about all major developments in the life of the Buddha – his transformation from Prince SiddhÀrtha to the Buddha, to his founding of the Kingdom of Righteousness, to the consolidation of his religion, to his teachings, and to the parables and stories that he used, to his last days.
This book is expected to serve both the Buddhists and Christians to penetrate deep into the spirit of their faith so as to see its full length, breadth and length.
The Gospel of Buddha sketches the picture of a religious leader of the remote past with a view of make it bear upon the living present and become a factor in the formation of the future. It essentially talks about all major developments in the life of the Buddha and helps all true Buddhists understand the real tenets of Buddhism to stand firm on ground.
The Gospel of Buddha characterizes the spirit of Buddhism correctly and concisely. It draws parallelisms in Western thoughts, especially those which reflect in the Christian Gospels. Buddhism like Christianity has a number of sects and this book, however, does not side with any sectarian tenets, but takes an ideal position upon which all true Buddhists may stand up as on firm ground. It helps people to comprehend Buddhism better in an easy way and it sets the reader thinking on the problems and challenges of religions today.
It sketches the picture of a religious leader of the remote past with a view of make it bear upon the living present and become a factor in the formation of the future. It essentially talks about all major developments in the life of the Buddha – his transformation from Prince SiddhÀrtha to the Buddha, to his founding of the Kingdom of Righteousness, to the consolidation of his religion, to his teachings, and to the parables and stories that he used, to his last days.
This book is expected to serve both the Buddhists and Christians to penetrate deep into the spirit of their faith so as to see its full length, breadth and length.
The Journey of Advaita elucidates the richness, depth and profundity of Advaitic thought right from the Vedas to the Integral Advaitism of Sri Aurobindo, and further how it is being incorporated in modern science. In its long journey, it found its blossom in Shankaras Kevaladvaita, and in its further growth, Bhakti-Vedanta played an important role through Ramanuja, Madhva, Nimbarka and Vallabha.
The Journey of Advaita elucidates the richness, depth and profundity of Advaitic thought right from Vedas to Integral Advaitism of Sri Aurobindo and further how it is being incorporated in modern science.
Advaita Philosophy is not a later development of thought as one of the six systems of Indian philosophy. Vedas are replete with suggestions about Unity. The earlier stage of naturalistic and anthropomorphic polytheism yielded to monistic belief. In the dictum, ekam sad vipra bahudha vadanti we perceive an echo of Unity. Upanishadic seers picked up this Unity and tirelessly went in their search till they came to the highest conclusion, tat tvam asi.
This concept of Unity gets its full bloom in Shankaras Kevaladvaita; later on it gave inspiration to different rivulets of Vedanta schools. Shankaras unqualified impersonal Brahman could not satisfy those who sought loving communion with God. Consequently different schools of Bhakti-Vedanta came into existence, namely, Vishishtadvaita of Ramanuja, Dvaita of Madhva, Dvaitadvaita of Nimbarka and Shuddhadvaita of Vallabha. For all of them the emphasis is on the liberation of individual soul only, which gave way to Sri Aurobindos Integral Advaitism where the emphasis is not only on spiritualization of man but of the whole cosmos.
The journey continues further with modern physics. Consciousness is the building block of the Universe and the ground of all beings, which cant be found in plural.
The essays included in this book provide highly critical and creative analysis of some of the basic problems of normative and meta—ethies in a pleasantly readable language. They can be enjoyably and profitably read by technical philosophers as well as interested bymen. Professor Prasad writes on ethical issues as seminal, conceptual issues of moral philosophical, and not as issues arising out of some regional, Indian or non-Indian, instances of moral thinking. Even ethical issues, generally discussed as rooted in classical Indian thinking, have been discussed by him as basic ones of moral philosophising, and thereby he raises the status of some classical Indian views to a level at which their conceptual, general or non-regional, role becomes crystac clear, His writings by to bridge the gulf wrongly created by some others, between Indian and Western moral theorising.
This book discusses the quintessential aspects of George Santayana’s wide and comprehensive philosophy. Its critical and comparative discussions have taken place centring round the problems of Epistemology, Metaphysics, Aesthetics, Ethics and Religion, thereby making it all the more interesting.
This book discusses the quintessential aspects of George Santayana’s wide and comprehensive philosophy. Its critical and comparative discussions centre round the problems of Epistemology, Metaphysics, Aesthetics, Ethics and Religion. This makes it all the more interesting.
What is noteworthy about this book is that it shows how naturalism serves as a basis of the idealistic philosophy of George Santayana. Moreover, the illustrious part of this treatise is that essence, as discovered by Santayana by the doubting process, serves as the keynote of his whole philosophy.
The exposition of Santayana’s philosophy on the basis of the above two points is an outstanding feature of the present work. What is captivating about this book is that it shows how the natural gets reconciled with the ideal by making the former the ground of the latter.
The book addresses the main theme of the nature of consciousness from a wide-ranging stances and have also taken a step towards establishing a platform for an intense and critical study of Indian theories of consciousness
The book provides a platform to discuss and examine the subtle and complex issues related to the nature of consciousness, self, mental states and subjectivity from Indian and cross-cultural perspectives. It explores contemporary problems of consciousness and tries to find solutions from Indian philosophical traditions. The purpose is to understand how far the views and approaches of classical and contemporary Indian thinkers are relevant in contemporary consciousness studies. The book argues that great thinkers of Vedānta, Tantra, Sāṁkhya and Buddhism have done enormous works which can be explored, examined and enhanced even today for a better comprehension of the subjectivity and conscious experience.
The chapters of this present volume have thoroughly explored and examined many classical Indian theories of consciousness. Keeping in view the objectives of this volume, the contributors have made an effective effort to reflect critically on Indian theories to answer the contemporary problems. There are chapters discussing and examining the standpoints of Indian thinkers like Abhinavagupta, Utpala, Śaṅkara, Rāmānuja, Swāmī Vidyāraṇya, Nāgārjuna, Gautama and many more. On the other hand, there are chapters engaged in reappraising the philosophical positions of Kant, Hegel, Sartre, Chalmers, Searle, Dennett and other contemporary thinkers. The chapters of this volume have addressed the main theme from a wide-ranging stances and have also taken a step towards establishing a platform for an intense and critical study of Indian theories of consciousness.
The book is extremely beneficial for students and scholars interested in classical Indian philosophy and contemporary consciousness studies. It inspires more researchers to ponder upon the concept of consciousness and subjectivity from multiple dimensions.
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The Journey of Advaita 1 x ₹1,080.00 |
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Thinker, Thought and Knowledge in East–West Perspective 1 x ₹891.00 |
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The Thirteen Principal Upanishads 1 x ₹1,215.00 |
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The Quest for Consciousness 1 x ₹1,125.00 |
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Schools of Vaisnavism (PB) 1 x ₹535.00 |
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The Gospel of Buddha (PB) 1 x ₹450.00 |