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    This book critically analyses the state of affairs in India after the British left in 1947 and examines whether Independence has ushered an era of cultural and social freedom or a cultural decline has set in — a thought-provoking subject.

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    India (PB) by: Bharat Gupt 270.00

    It is often taken for granted that Independence from the British rule also ushered an era of cultural and social freedom in India. The author wishes to examine if that is true or if a cultural decline set in soon after. Based on a verse in the Pancatantra, the book has been divided into six parts: Eka (person), Kula (family), Grama (habitat), Janapada (land), Prithvi (earth) and Atma. Issues of education; conflicts between the classes, regions, jatis, languages and religions; expansion of proselytizers; lack of governance; tensions between the legislators and judiciary; rise of unbridled consumerism; falling standards of democracy; dilemmas created by notions of dharma challenged by Westernized modernity; and the problems of attaining universal harmony, are all put into a perspective under these six categories. While examining the state of affairs the author also suggests a way for the pursuit of happiness through unselfish transcendence.

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    The book relates the diverse experiences of Mr. Tzannis Tzannetakis, a former Greek Prime Minister, in India: he witnesses centuries-old marvels, landmarks of its long religious-cultural tradition; and his response is profound and genuine.

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    India, Another Way of Life by: Tzannis Tzannetakis 810.00

    “A journey to India . . . is quite unlike a journey to any other land . . .” — this sentiment expresses the ‘uniqueness’ of a visitor’s experience of India. For, among other things, India is a perpetual mystery to him from the beginning; he wades through the mystique and out of it; and he is never free of it. For Mr. Tzannis Tzannetakis, a former Prime Minister of Greece, India is this and much more. His informal experiences presented here are diverse and steeped in the historic-cultural flavour special to India. He sees its centuries-old palaces, forts of ancient maharajas, of the glorious Mughals; the unparalleled cave monuments of Ajanta-Ellora with their exquisite carvings, the breathtaking sculptural decorations and the architectural ‘dream’ of Khajuraho; the grandeur of the Taj, a wonder in white marble; the exotic deserts of Jaisalmer; the heart of holy India, Banaras, with the ever-flowing Ganga; the marvel of Delhi which amalgamates the old and the new. His response is, likewise, rich with a range of tones; he not only admires the material landmarks of ancient India but breathes in the ‘spirit’ of the past — the old delight, the royal romance, the dignity, valour in that chivalry . . . His is not simply a ‘discovery’ of India but an analysis of India’s ‘time-tested’ values and its ‘modern’ message in order to understand India in the real sense — its unique past; the India of today, of the traditional and the modern; and the India of the future . . . its goals, aspirations. The author’s tone is wonder-struck but, at the same time, genuine and realistic. He captures the ‘essential’ India — and not just its forms and colours — to present a delightful, critical and sensitive picture.

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    Indian Folklore by: Ganeshji Jethabhai 405.00

    “India is well-known for her cultural and literary traditions, which are normally alien to the West of the twentieth century. Her wide literature is a huge treasure house. So also are her folk tales which showcase her cultural milieu. For generations, the legends of India remained vigorously active by transferring from lip to lip in the absence of any print medium, and this book is an English translation of ninety-three tales selected from a Gujarati volume, “KautukamÀÒÀ” or “Bodhavacana”, which appeared first in 1885. This book is expected to give an insight to the then West into the cultures, customs and traditions of the East through its folk tales. It will promote a larger acquaintance of the West with Indian moorings, resulting in a heartier appreciation of, the native thoughts and native customs, the practical wisdom and ripe experience. It shows considerable skill in shifting and arranging the rude materials collected from many sources and in investigating half-forgotten local chronicles of wit and humour. It also satirizes the faults and extravagances of the then Indian village community to a certain extent. The book should make an interesting and amusing reading for the English-knowing people interested in Indian folklore.”

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    This volume on the “Golden City in Desert” is focused on the history and life of the people of Jaisalmer, and their cultural, ethnic, religious, and social mores. This connoisseur’s collection portrays how the Jaisalmeris celebrate their life in “colour” and the charm of the fort, palaces and temples as well.

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    Jaisalmer by: Oki Morihiro, Masatoshi A. Konishi, Kodai Konishi, 896.00

    This volume juxtaposes the history, culture, occupation and the lifestyle of people in the desert district of Jaisalmer of western Rajasthan, bordering Pakistan. Popularly called the “Golden City in Desert”, the city has much more to say beyond its popular fort and palaces. Jaisalmer was an old city of commercial magnitude for centuries till the onset of British rule in India. It was en route connecting the East and West in trade. It has now been transformed to a tourist destination, enticing people from India and abroad.
    The book details its past glory, lost significance and the regained charm through centuries of developments. It also accounts for the brief history of Marwar, its rajas of valor, and their heroic struggle for existence and survival against foreign attacks. The picturesque portrayal of the fort, the people of Jaisalmer, their cultural, ethnic and religious mores, and the “must see” spots in the city are the quintessential focus of the book.
    Moving away from the city life, the book also focuses on the village life, exploring the mysteries and charm of the desert life. It unearths the hidden charms and the warmth of village life in this desert region, alongwith a brief account of occupation of people around.
    This connoisseur’s collection would motivate also researchers of ancient monuments and history, and enthuse tourists who would like to visit the Golden City in Desert.

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    This book is a manual on the purpose of human life, and of human death and enlightenment. It explains the teachings of vulnerable master Samael Aun Weor. The book reveals the method of fulfilling the three aims of life — artha, kama and dharma, and shows that without shunning sex and money, one can achieve the ultimate goal in life, i.e. moksha.

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    Karma Dharma Moksha by: Amit Jain 450.00

    Dr Amit Jain’s simplistic writing, insightful perspective and enthusiasm make this book an excellent manual for anyone who wants to know the purpose of human life, about death and enlightenment. Dr Jain in his simple words explains the teachings of Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor. He beautifully reveals how by fulfilling the first three aims of human life, i.e. artha (money), kama (sex) and dharma (cosmic principles), without shunning sex and money, one can achieve the fourth and ultimate aim of human life — the self realization/moksha. You may read it for a better understanding of karma, dharma and moksha.
    If you have been in quest of enlightenment, this book will unfold the wisdom which only the masters know. Also an eye-opener on why we suffer, how we acquire negative karma and how to get what we want.

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    Leadership & Teamwork are today’s success mantras. The 100 ever enticing quotes in this book help one to bring forth the leadership qualities in a person and carry his team for stupendous achievements. Each quote is conjoined with a stimulating painting of Lord Ganesha, the Lord of Peace, Prosperity and Wisdom.

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    Leadership and Teamwork by: R.N. Kogata, Lalita Kogata, 234.00

    The authors, through this book Leadership & Teamwork, unveil the success mantras of modern life/management. It talks about the quintessential qualities of a leader and the collective responsibility of his team. To percolate this concept well down, the authors have presented 100 carefully chosen quotes on Leadership & Teamwork, Each quote is conjoined with a stimulating painting of Lord Ganesha, the Lord of Peace, Prosperity and Wisdom. Some of these thought-provoking and enlightening quotes are from world-famous personalities, who have enriched us with their foresight and vision.
    A true leader must lead from the front shouldering the responsibilities of mistakes of his team and sharing the credit of his success. The team should have faith in the leader and the leader should repose confidence in his team. A good leader is a good mentor and a trainer. And the team draws strengths and skills from him. Success ensues naturally.

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    This publication with 100 quotes each supported by a thought provoking painting aims at making one realize that life is not as difficult as it seems if lived in the right spirit and a dignified way that encompasses love, kindness, care and compassion.

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    Life by: R.N. Kogata, Lalita Kogata, 198.00

    This publication with 100 quotes each supported by a thought provoking painting aims at making one realize that life is not as difficult as it seems if lived in the right spirit and a dignified way that encompasses love, kindness, care and compassion.

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    Love is God and God in love; it is universal and knows no limits. This work of 100 valuable and carefully chosen quotes with aesthetic illustrations defines the virtues of love in its aestheic dimensions in a crisp and concise manner and projects it as the nature’s most prized gift to the mankind.

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    Love by: R.N. Kogata, Lalita Kogata, 198.00

    Love is God and God in love; it is universal and knows no limits. This work of 100 valuable and carefully chosen quotes with aesthetic illustrations defines the virtues of love in its aestheic dimensions in a crisp and concise manner and projects it as the nature’s most prized gift to the mankind.

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    From time immemorial a family Þ consisting of father, mother, son, his wife, and their childern Þ has been accepted as a sacred institution in all societies Þ urban, rural, tribal or uncivilized, or even among animals to a certain extent. In the family, besides love and affection, the main factors cementing the bond between members are some virtues and morals like obedience, faithfulness, honesty, and, above all, chastity, not only for women but also for the men. In Hindu thought Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati are considered the ideal parents as well as the ideal couple. In four books Þ Pita, Maa, Pati and Patni Þ pleasingly embellished with self-explaining paintings, Mr K.N. Kogata and Mrs Lalita Kogata have extolled the roles, activities, and moods of these important members of the first family with charming and delightful verses.

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    Maa — Mother by: R.N. Kogata 144.00

    “Sree Maatre Namah” — Pranaams to mother. With these words starts Latitaa Sahasranaam, or the 1,000 names of Devi. The privilege you can take with your mother, you cannot take even with your father. During the nine months a baby is inside the mother, the mother gives her own food, blood and nourishment to the unborn foetus so that it could develop into a fullgrown baby. During the nine months and during child-birth, the amount of fasts, hardships, worries, discomfort, sleeplessness, and pain a mother undergoes — even if you give her the whole world it is no compensation at all. Our epics, Puranas, Upanishads, etc. all extol the highest importance of a mother in society. Mother is equally revered in all cultures throughout the world. In Annapoornaashtakam, Shankaracharya says annapoorne sadhaaporne. . . maataa cha parvati devi, pitaa devo maheshwara. . . . That means, Shankaracharya sees Parvati as the universal mother and lord Shiva as the universal father. In a similar way, the Kogatas have seen Parvati and Shiva, and have beautified this book with pleasing illustrations of both of them in different activities and moods, followed by charming and delightful verses.

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    Diabetes is a malice threatening the very existence of the modern society. This book educates one how to diagnose type 1 and type 2 diabetes, how to test them, what all precautions are needed, how to deal with diabetes during pregnancy, what is diabetic foot and how to care it, the available medicines and their effects, what all exercises one should do to control diabetes, diet specifications, precautions to be taken while travelling, among many other pieces of information, that help a diabetic to lead a normal life.

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    Madhumeh by: Ashok Damir 135.00

    India is under the grip of a malady called Diabetes. According to WHO and International Diabetes Federation (IDF), India is all set to become the diabetic capital of the world. Of the 31 crore estimated diabetic patients all over the world, India has more than six crore people affected with this disease. This book addresses many an issue faced by the diabetic patients, both type 1 and type 2. It thus provides detailed information on the genesis, restraints and cure, short- and long-term effects of diabetes. It also addresses a number of challenges associated with diabetes.
    In a wide spectrum, the book talks about this silent killer and its symptoms, diagnosis, monitoring of blood glucose, its treatment, desired exercises to keep diabetes under control, changes needed in lifestyle to combat diabetes, diet on special occasions, sugar tablets, herbal medicines, insulin therapy, how to face emergency situations in diabetes, complications due to diabetes, relationship between diabetes and (1) heart disease, (2) eyesight problems, and (3) kidney disorders. It also delves deep into the implications of diabetic foot, fluctuations in body weight due to this disease, other common ailments in diabetics, targets of controlling diabetes, pregnancy and diabetes, travelling with diabetes, need of routine diabetic examination and tests, impact of alcohol on a diabetic, diabetes in children and the aged, guidelines for fasting, etc.
    The book also educates one on what to eat and what not, to keep diabetes under control. A detailed diet chart with calorie calculation is also given for a diabetic to follow in day-to-day life. In addition, it provides quite a lot of data related to our physical fitness, be it weight, height, food recommendations for non-veg people, or calorie value conversion of different food items. In a nutshell, this guidebook is a must-need for a diabetic and must-read for his family members as there is no permanent cure available for diabetes as yet, and its management is equally important like its treatment.

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