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    The study discusses importance of bhakti (devotion), pràpatti (self-surrender) and cultivation of peaceful emotions drawn from the great àcàrya’s intense and contemplative study of the Vedas, Upaniùads, the Bhagavad-Gãtà and the Puràõas.

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    Blissful Experience, Bhakti (PB) by: T.K. Sribhashyam, Alamelu Sheshadri, 432.00

    Bhakti-yoga is seen as the direct path to perfection that leads to the very heart of religious consciousness. Ramanuja’s concept of bhakti (devotion) emphasised the practice of self-surrender through which a person realises his personality, strengths and weaknesses, and hidden powers. Bhakti, for him, acts as a link between mortals and the Ultimate Reality.
    This book examines the views of Vishishtadvaita of Ramanuja on bhakti and prapatti (self-surrender). It studies in-depth the meaning of God, the soul and the Supreme Soul, and the world; the concept of bhakti; the different stages of bhakti referring to numerous sources that include the Vedas, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Upanishads and the Puranas. It focuses on Ramanuja’s teaching of bhakti, examining his philosophy in general and his sevenfold practice, Sadhana Saptaka to generate bhakti that expounds the qualities and significance of discrimination for viveka, freedom from sensual attachment or anger for securing vimoka, repeated reflection of God, performance of religious duty for inner mental strength, development of ethical virtues, freedom from despair and freedom from excessive joy. It understands the relevance of symbols in devotion and examines nature and use of symbols in Buddhism and Hinduism. The scholarly study discusses the importance and cultivation of peaceful emotions, and need for prayer and dietary regulations in devotion.
    The volume will prove an indispensable work for scholars of Indian philosophy and religious studies.

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    This book is a collection of the stutis (chalisas) of Lord Ganesh, Hanuman, Shani, Batuk Bhairav, Siva, Krishna at one end and Goddess Lakshmi, Durga, Vindhyeshvari, Gayatri, Sarasvati at the other. All these chalisas in a single book makes it unique.

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    Chalisa Sangrah by: Unknown 45.00

    This book is a collection of the stutis (chalisas) of Lord Ganesh, Hanuman, Shani, Batuk Bhairav, Siva, Krishna at one end and Goddess Lakshmi, Durga, Vindhyeshvari, Gayatri, Sarasvati at the other. All these chalisas in a single book makes it unique.

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    It presents the history and culture of Rajasthan’s greatest fortified citadel and Mewar’s ancient capital, Chittorgarh. It narrates the heroic sagas of its warriors and describes its beautiful palaces, temples and lakes.

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    Chittor (Chittaurgarh) by: Irmgard Meininger 225.00

    Every region/community of the world has its sahre of oral creativity, in varying measures though. And, accordingly, has its own legacy of ‘chanted narratives’: epical, hostorical, mythical, romantic, or even ritualistic. Which have long survived in the collective memory of its people, having been handed down from generation to generation. Confronted, however, by the ‘cornucopian techno-centrism’ of today’s life, these oral narratives are on their way out everywhere — like many other vibrant cultural phenomena. Highlighting why we need to preserve this intangible heritage of mankind, the volume offers a fascinating study of ‘chanted narratives’ from different regions of India and parts of Southeast Asia. Essentially a multi-author work, it explores the nature of orality and its various attendent aspects, like composition, performance, transmission modes, socio-economic context, and the relationship that exists between its performer and the audience. Also addressing methodological issues concerning the existing definitions and terminologies, the authors argue for a paradigm shift in the academic discourse on orality and oral cultures. Carrying twenty four contributors of leading scholars from France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Nepal, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and UK, the book not only provides theoretical insights into the complex nature of orality, but sets out a rich repertoire of chanted narratives as well. Folklorists, anthropologists, historians and scholars of Indian cultures will find it a useful acquisition.

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    The book is a call for developing values of the soul rather than the moral values one has grown with. It provides a deeper understanding of the psychology of human behaviour and talks about three kinds of love — sexual, emotional and conscious. It also reveals the esoteric exercises of Runes to awaken our consciousness.

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    Core Décore by: Amit Jain 450.00

    Overall the book calls the reader to develop the values of the soul which are much more important than the moral values we have grown with. Also get a deeper psychological understanding on why some people annoy us so much and why we find some people very irritating and how we unconsciously project our own defects on others. Liberating and insightful, it talks about the three kinds of love Þ sexual, emotional and conscious. Dr Jain also reveals the esoteric exercises of Runes that awaken the consciousness.
    For those striving to grow spiritually it explains in detail the Eightfold Path that is the most important teaching of Lord Buddha. Included here is wisdom for young on how to choose a vocation that each human being is here for a purpose. A must read for anyone on the path of spiritual awakening.

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    This book — an English translation of the Tamil text — expounds the wisdom contained in seven of the principal Upanishads in the style of short dramas. English transliteration and meanings of the Sanskrit verses are also included. The language is simple to follow which makes the Upanishads easily understandable by even a layman.

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    Dramatic Version of Major Seven Upanishads by: Rama Venkataraman 990.00

    The Upanishads reveal the nature of true vidya: it is the knowledge which leads to the understanding of Brahman which alone is the Reality in the world of appearances. The dramas by Shri Mani Iyer based on the Upanishads render the meaning of the Upanishads in an interesting and captivating manner so that a wider audience can gain from the Upanishadic insight.
    This book presents an English translation of Mani Iyer’s seven Upanishadic dramas, originally in Tamil, and includes English transliteration of the original Sanskrit verses. The dramas pertain to seven of the major Upanishads: Kena, Ishavasya, Prashna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Taittiriya and Katha. With reference to each drama, there is an introduction that reveals the major questions raised by the Upanishad, the manner in which the play proceeds, the nature of the story, its characters, and the conclusion of the play. The translation is simple to follow and possesses a rare clarity.
    Because of the simple language and the clear meanings of the Upanishadic verses, this book will be valuable to readers in general, students in particular, and to those interested in knowing what our Upanishads contain and intend to convey.

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    This book — an English translation of the Tamil text — expounds the wisdom contained in seven of the principal Upanishads in the style of short dramas. English transliteration and meanings of the Sanskrit verses are also included. The language is simple to follow which makes the Upanishads easily understandable by even a layman.

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    Dramatic Version of Major Seven Upanishads (PB) by: Rama Venkataraman 535.00

    The Upanishads reveal the nature of true vidya: it is the knowledge which leads to the understanding of Brahman which alone is the Reality in the world of appearances. The dramas by Shri Mani Iyer based on the Upanishads render the meaning of the Upanishads in an interesting and captivating manner so that a wider audience can gain from the Upanishadic insight.
    This book presents an English translation of Mani Iyer’s seven Upanishadic dramas, originally in Tamil, and includes English transliteration of the original Sanskrit verses. The dramas pertain to seven of the major Upanishads: Kena, Ishavasya, Prashna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Taittiriya and Katha. With reference to each drama, there is an introduction that reveals the major questions raised by the Upanishad, the manner in which the play proceeds, the nature of the story, its characters, and the conclusion of the play. The translation is simple to follow and possesses a rare clarity.
    Because of the simple language and the clear meanings of the Upanishadic verses, this book will be valuable to readers in general, students in particular, and to those interested in knowing what our Upanishads contain and intend to convey.

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    Dreams are generally viewed as displays of the subconscious and the unconscious, which know everything of the past, the present and the future, and constitute an interrelation between these. This book presents the viewpoints of scientists, psychologists and various religious and cultural traditions on the phenomenon of dreams.

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    Dreams by: Nandlal Vanvari 405.00

    This book is a study of the mysterious phenomenon of dreams. Dreams have fascinated mankind for ages. Civilisations over time and varied cultures have attempted to interpret the occurrence and meaning of dreams in different ways. Various theories have been extended from time to time to interpret this phenomenon. Dreams are generally viewed as displays of the subconscious and the unconscious which know everything of the past, the present and the future and constitute an interrelation between these.
    The book analyses the states of thought, the sleep cycle and occurrence of dreams, presenting viewpoints of various religious and cultural traditions like the tantric view, that of the Guiana Indians, the Korean tradition, and so on. It discusses the views of scientists and psychologists on dreams, examining the beliefs of each school — the Freud school, Jung school, Hall school among others — in detail. It classifies dreams in different ways and deals with aspects of contemplation, emotions, and feelings in dreams. It also takes up dream healing and numerology, explaining how one can understand the structure of a dream and its significance and use it for achieving something in life. It contains accounts of dreams experienced by famous personalities in history which were closely linked to their real lives.

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    Dreams are generally viewed as displays of the subconscious and the unconscious, which know everything of the past, the present and the future, and constitute an interrelation between these. This book presents the viewpoints of scientists, psychologists and various religious and cultural traditions on the phenomenon of dreams.

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    Dreams (PB) by: Nandlal Vanvari 198.00

    This book is a study of the mysterious phenomenon of dreams. Dreams have fascinated mankind for ages. Civilisations over time and varied cultures have attempted to interpret the occurrence and meaning of dreams in different ways. Various theories have been extended from time to time to interpret this phenomenon. Dreams are generally viewed as displays of the subconscious and the unconscious which know everything of the past, the present and the future and constitute an interrelation between these.
    The book analyses the states of thought, the sleep cycle and occurrence of dreams, presenting viewpoints of various religious and cultural traditions like the tantric view, that of the Guiana Indians, the Korean tradition, and so on. It discusses the views of scientists and psychologists on dreams, examining the beliefs of each school — the Freud school, Jung school, Hall school among others — in detail. It classifies dreams in different ways and deals with aspects of contemplation, emotions, and feelings in dreams. It also takes up dream healing and numerology, explaining how one can understand the structure of a dream and its significance and use it for achieving something in life. It contains accounts of dreams experienced by famous personalities in history which were closely linked to their real lives.

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    This attempts to examine how the corresponding ear-points can help in improving the body’s working. It also provides detailed explanations with tables and diagrams of various disorders that can be cured by using the acupuncture methods.

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    Ear by: Rama Venkataraman 216.00

    Among the many reflexology parts a human body has, ear is most unique and significant.
    Ear is rich in nerve endings and placed at outer rim of the skull, vibrating with energy. In the ear body’s representation corresponds to a child in mother’s womb, curled in an upside down manner. Because of this the ear cure mechanism is also effective in curing problems originated in the womb.
    Ear acts like the body’s radar reflecting its working precisely. When these reflex points are activated the sensitive ear nerves carry the return cure reflexes as electromagnetic waves to the organs and body parts, the body responds quickly and diseases are cured.
    This is a wonderful effective nature cure through its remote control operation.
    This book will serve as a guide to variety of readers especially those interested in traditional medicine and healing systems.
    Nature’s gift to mankind.

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    The book describes the history and evolution of Hindustani classical music, and terms and processes related with its performance. The musical instruments used in vocal singing, rags frequently presented in classical musical concerts, and famous gharana musicians have also been discussed. Very useful for the beginners of Hindustani Music.

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    Elements of Hindustani Classical Music by: Shruti Jauhari 675.00

    Hindustani classical music, a jewel in the crown of the Indian musical tradition, has become increasingly popular in South India and abroad over the last few decades. This book attempts to present a detailed and comprehensive discussion of the fundamental concepts and aspects of Hindustani classical music. It begins with an account of the history and evolution of Hindustani classical music by taking up developments in a chronological order. It explains a number of terms and processes involved in the performance of Hindustani classical vocal music. In an interesting discussion, it mentions the various famous gharanas of the genre and deals with the life-histories of some of their eminent musicologists and singers. The musical instruments which are used in accompaniment to the vocal singing in Hindustani music are described. It also details the rags which are frequently presented in contemporary musical concerts, highlighting the important features of each.
    The book will be useful to all those who wish to learn and acquire knowledge of Hindustani classical music. It will be of interest to all practitioners of Hindustani classical music.

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