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1000 Full Moons is an anthology of 21 articles and poems, written by the students and admirers of Guru Muni Narayana Prasad like Swami Tyageswaran, Swami Tanmaya, Swami Vyasa Prasad, Scott Teitsworth, Deborah Buchanan, Andy Larkin and a few other bright minds/scholars, on the occasion of his 80th birthday. It has serious philosophical essays, fond reminisces and a few poems along with some interesting photographs marking important events in his life. The book’s philosophical reflection is a continuum of the vision and teachings of Narayana Guru, a highly venerated spiritual guru, philosopher, visionary and social reformer, and his immediate successors, Nataraja Guru and Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati. Guru Muni Narayana Prasad, as the successor to Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati, is an epitome of great wisdom, and is fully dedicated to Guruhood in general and to the life and teachings of Narayana Guru in particular.
इस पुस्तक में 1857 की क्रान्ति को समग्रता के साथ एक नवीन ढंग से कतिपय नवीन तथ्यों के साथ बहुत ही रोचक शैली में सरल सहज एवं सुबोध ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया गया है।
इस पुस्तक में 1857 की क्रान्ति को समग्रता के साथ एक नवीन ढंग से कतिपय नवीन तथ्यों के साथ प्रस्तुत किया गया है। अजीमुल्ला खाँ एवं रंगोजी बापू ने किस तरह इंग्लैण्ड में क्रान्ति की पूर्व-पीठिका तैयार की? 1857 की क्रान्ति में बैजाबाई सिंधिया की क्या भूमिका थी? नवाब वाज़िद अली साहब के मन्त्री अली नक्की खाँ ने किस प्रकार बैरकपुर छावनी के सैनिकों को क्रान्ति हेतु प्रेरित किया? 1857 की क्रान्ति के आरम्भ में गंगादीन की क्या भूमिका थी? कानपुर का सतीचैरा एवं बीबी घर हत्याकाण्ड एवं झाँसी के झोंकन बाग हत्याकाण्ड में किस तरह अंग्रेज़ मौत के घाट उतारे गए। बेग़म ज़ीनत महल ने किस प्रकार अपने पति बहादुरषाह जफ़र को क्रान्ति का नेतृत्व करने हेतु प्रेरित किया? बेग़म हज़रत महल ने किस प्रकार अपने सहयोगियों के साथ ब्रिटिष सेना के छक्के छुड़ाए? रानी लक्ष्मीबाई ने भारत को अपना देष मानते हुए किस प्रकार सर्वप्रथम स्वराज की बात की एवं टीकमगढ़ की रानी लड़ई सरकार के दीवान नत्थे खाँ के घमण्ड को चूर-चूर किया? जब सागर के किले में 370 अंग्रेज़ स्त्री-पुरुष एवं बच्चों के घिरे होने का समाचार इंग्लैण्ड पहुँचा तो किस प्रकार उन्होंने सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेनापति ब्रिगेडियर जनरल ह्यूरोज़ को इन्हें मुक्त कराने भेजा? षाहगढ़ राजा बखतवली एवं बानपुर राजा मर्दनसिंह ने किस तरह अंग्रेज़ों को अत्यधिक परेषान किया कि वे उनके नाम से काँपने लगे। तात्या टोेपे ने अंग्रेज़ सेनापतियों को किस प्रकार खिजाया? ऐसा क्या हुआ कि अंग्रेज़ों ने रानी लक्ष्मीबाई एवं तात्या टोपे को सर्वश्रेष्ठ वीर होने की संज्ञा दी? किस प्रकार षडयन्त्र द्वारा अंग्रेज़ांे ने तात्या टोपे को पकड़वाया? उक्त समस्त घटना-क्रम को बहुत ही रोचक षैली में सरल सहज एवं सुबोध ढंग से इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत किया गया है।
इस पुस्तक में 1857 की क्रान्ति को समग्रता के साथ एक नवीन ढंग से कतिपय नवीन तथ्यों के साथ बहुत ही रोचक शैली में सरल सहज एवं सुबोध ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया गया है।
इस पुस्तक में 1857 की क्रान्ति को समग्रता के साथ एक नवीन ढंग से कतिपय नवीन तथ्यों के साथ प्रस्तुत किया गया है। अजीमुल्ला खाँ एवं रंगोजी बापू ने किस तरह इंग्लैण्ड में क्रान्ति की पूर्व-पीठिका तैयार की? 1857 की क्रान्ति में बैजाबाई सिंधिया की क्या भूमिका थी? नवाब वाज़िद अली साहब के मन्त्री अली नक्की खाँ ने किस प्रकार बैरकपुर छावनी के सैनिकों को क्रान्ति हेतु प्रेरित किया? 1857 की क्रान्ति के आरम्भ में गंगादीन की क्या भूमिका थी? कानपुर का सतीचैरा एवं बीबी घर हत्याकाण्ड एवं झाँसी के झोंकन बाग हत्याकाण्ड में किस तरह अंग्रेज़ मौत के घाट उतारे गए। बेग़म ज़ीनत महल ने किस प्रकार अपने पति बहादुरषाह जफ़र को क्रान्ति का नेतृत्व करने हेतु प्रेरित किया? बेग़म हज़रत महल ने किस प्रकार अपने सहयोगियों के साथ ब्रिटिष सेना के छक्के छुड़ाए? रानी लक्ष्मीबाई ने भारत को अपना देष मानते हुए किस प्रकार सर्वप्रथम स्वराज की बात की एवं टीकमगढ़ की रानी लड़ई सरकार के दीवान नत्थे खाँ के घमण्ड को चूर-चूर किया? जब सागर के किले में 370 अंग्रेज़ स्त्री-पुरुष एवं बच्चों के घिरे होने का समाचार इंग्लैण्ड पहुँचा तो किस प्रकार उन्होंने सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेनापति ब्रिगेडियर जनरल ह्यूरोज़ को इन्हें मुक्त कराने भेजा? षाहगढ़ राजा बखतवली एवं बानपुर राजा मर्दनसिंह ने किस तरह अंग्रेज़ों को अत्यधिक परेषान किया कि वे उनके नाम से काँपने लगे। तात्या टोेपे ने अंग्रेज़ सेनापतियों को किस प्रकार खिजाया? ऐसा क्या हुआ कि अंग्रेज़ों ने रानी लक्ष्मीबाई एवं तात्या टोपे को सर्वश्रेष्ठ वीर होने की संज्ञा दी? किस प्रकार षडयन्त्र द्वारा अंग्रेज़ांे ने तात्या टोपे को पकड़वाया? उक्त समस्त घटना-क्रम को बहुत ही रोचक षैली में सरल सहज एवं सुबोध ढंग से इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत किया गया है।
This monograph ‘A Catalogue of Prehistoric Tools‘ is a unique presentation of a rare and important collection donated by Late Dr. A.P. Khatri to the Indraprastha Museum of Art and Archaeology, New Delhi. The entire collection comprises of thousands of prehistoric tools from different parts of the world including rich river (Narmada, Godavari etc.) valley collection from India.
A selection of the representative types has been made from most of the sites distributed in four continents of the world namely, Europe, Africa, Asia and America. These tools are included in the catalogue and elaborately described with good line drawings. In some cases notes are also given to place the collection in their proper context. Appendices with relevant information and maps are to highlight the text. Colour photographs of all these tools are illustrated in the plates at the end.
An introduction ‘A Brief Survey of World Prehistory‘ has been provided as background study.
The catalogue will enormously benefit the scholars, researchers and students of Prehistoric Archaeology
This book is an autobiographical essay of Dr K.R. Rao, offering a possible source to inspire the aspiring individual not only to set noble goals but also find possible ways of reaching them.
““This book is an autobiographical essay of a man who rose from a humble beginning in a remote village with one room elementary school to attend the University of Chicago, with its impressive Gothic structures ranked among the best in the world; and to become the Chancellor of a prestigious university in the country. Dr Rao attributes all this to destiny. Destiny in this view constitutes the circumstances in which one is situated; but it is the deftness with which one manoeuvres himself through the maze of circumstances that really matters in the final analysis.
The book is offered as a possible source to inspire the aspiring individual not only to set noble goals but also find possible ways of reaching them. Blessed is the one who moves his way upward without hurting himself or others in the process. This has been the guiding principle of Dr Rao.”
Published in 1862, Beveridge’s A Comprehensive History of India is an important landmark in the historiography in modern India. In writing it Beveridge did not trust to previous compilations but derived his materials as much as possible from original and official sources. Written after due research in a perspicuous style, Beveridge has narrated the history of India beginning with its earliest period and continued to be mutiny of 1857, thus making his history a complete and comprehensive history of India. Besides, Beveridge’s interpretation of history is more objective and impartial than many historians of India who wrote before and after him. As a result it became possible for Beveridge to see the many events of Indian history without being biased. That is why Beveridge will find today more readers than, say, historians like Mill’s and Vincent Smith.
Published in 1862, Beveridge’s A Comprehensive History of India is an important landmark in the historiography in modern India. In writing it Beveridge did not trust to previous compilations but derived his materials as much as possible from original and official sources. Written after due research in a perspicuous style, Beveridge has narrated the history of India beginning with its earliest period and continued to be mutiny of 1857, thus making his history a complete and comprehensive history of India. Besides, Beveridge’s interpretation of history is more objective and impartial than many historians of India who wrote before and after him. As a result it became possible for Beveridge to see the many events of Indian history without being biased. That is why Beveridge will find today more readers than, say, historians like Mill’s and Vincent Smith.
“Published in 1862, Beveridge’s A Comprehensive History of India is an important landmark in the historiography in modern India. In writing it Beveridge did not trust to previous compilations but derived his materials as much as possible from original and official sources. Written after due research in a perspicuous style, Beveridge has narrated the history of India beginning with its earliest period and continued to be mutiny of 1857, thus making his history a complete and comprehensive history of India. Besides, Beveridge’s interpretation of history is more objective and impartial than many historians of India who wrote before and after him. As a result it became possible for Beveridge to see the many events of Indian history without being biased. That is why Beveridge will find today more readers than, say, historians like Mill’s and Vincent Smith. “
This book is an authentic study of the distinctly different views on time that have emerged from and have, in turn, shaped the Indian conceptual world. It makes an excellent introduction to the heart of Indian thought. It is considered to be a major contribution as well in cross-cultural philosophical conversations.
This book, based on original sources, is an authentic study of the distinctly different views on time that have emerged from and have, in turn, shaped the Indian conceptual world. Apart from succinctly demonstrating the impact of these views on the exploration and formulation of such basic concepts as those of being, becoming, causality, creation and annihilation, the work has as critics have acclaimed since its first publication successfully shown the simple falsity of such clichés that the Indian view of time is cyclic or exclusively illusory. It has been, therefore, observed that this book makes an excellent introduction to the heart of Indian thought. It is considered to be a major contribution as well in cross-cultural philosophical conversations.
A Survey and Analysis of Yoga Education and Research (PhD) in India is first of its kind. It includes major policies of World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, UGC and NCERT on Yoga Education, Research and Practice.
This work presents a well compiled collection of all PhD researches persuaded in the area of yoga in various Indian universities during the last ninety years. Alongside the presentation, a detailed analysis of interest, growth and shift from the literary aspect of yoga to the area of therapy has been observed. This trend definitely marks the maturity in the persuasion of yoga and demands further serious attention towards its standardization and regulation so that yoga may develop as a full-fledged system of Indian Traditional Medicine.
In addition to the above, it aims to serve two basic purposes. One, to provide aid to a prospective researcher to refer to the already carried out researches in the area. This saves time, energy and money of a researcher and make him/her aware of the existing works so that he/she could forego further in the area. Conversely, it avoids duplication in research work. Two, to present an overview of the PhD research area, where neglected areas or over pursued areas may be observed and planning and support may be put in place.
A Survey and Analysis of Yoga Education and Research (PhD) in India is first of its kind. It includes major policies of World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, UGC and NCERT on Yoga Education, Research and Practice.
This work presents a well compiled collection of all PhD researches persuaded in the area of yoga in various Indian universities during the last ninety years. Alongside the presentation, a detailed analysis of interest, growth and shift from the literary aspect of yoga to the area of therapy has been observed. This trend definitely marks the maturity in the persuasion of yoga and demands further serious attention towards its standardization and regulation so that yoga may develop as a full-fledged system of Indian Traditional Medicine.
In addition to the above, it aims to serve two basic purposes. One, to provide aid to a prospective researcher to refer to the already carried out researches in the area. This saves time, energy and money of a researcher and make him/her aware of the existing works so that he/she could forego further in the area. Conversely, it avoids duplication in research work. Two, to present an overview of the PhD research area, where neglected areas or over pursued areas may be observed and planning and support may be put in place.
The 100 inspirational quotations compiled herein speak to the soul, and the thematic art works that are a visual delight, are all about leading a happy, successful life even in the face of odds.
The 100 inspirational quotations compiled herein speak to the soul, and the thematic art works that are a visual delight, are all about leading a happy, successful life even in the face of odds. The quotes become handy in certain situations when one looks around for some advice or encouragement.
This volume on Tantra philosophy, having imbibed the art of reconstructive hermeneutical exegesis (tatparya-visodhana) synergizes. Abhinavaguptas tantragamiya philosophical thought process with literature, culture, history, metaphysics, Tantric praxis as well as aesthetics. It unveils the original internal thought process of Svatantracidadvaitavada, i.e. integral dynamic idealistic absolutism in its entirety.
This volume on Tantra philosophy, by a highly esteemed author, is an unparalleled work in the realm of philosophical reflection. Having imbibed the art of reconstructive hermeneutical exegesis (tatparya-visodhana), the learned author has synergized Abhinavaguptas tantragamiya philosophical thought process with literature, culture, history, metaphysics, Tantric praxis as well as aesthetics. With unbiased academic integrity and objective conceptual authenticity he has unveiled the original internal thought process of Svatantracidadvaitavada, i.e. integral dynamic idealistic absolutism in its entirety. In this millennial decade of the immortal Acarya Abhinavagupta, this work, by virtue of its analytical and investigative insights, will serve as an intellectual homage and will stand out amidst the published literature, whether in Hindi or English, on the subject.
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Vedanta Science and Technology: A Multidimensional Apporoach 1 x ₹2,700.00 |
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A to Z 1 x ₹198.00 |
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A Child of Destiny 1 x ₹855.00 |