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This volume bears testimony to the fact that Indian sages, philosophers and scholars had a grip on all the topics that the modern-day scientists deal with, including complicated surgery and quantum mechanics. Our Vedas, Upanisads and other literary works were the storehouse of scientific wisdom, though the prevailing socio-religious conditions impeded its widespread dissemination.
The experiences and knowledge from our past are recorded in manuscripts which have been handed down to us over several thousand years. The Government of India, through the Department of Culture, took note of the importance of this vast tangible heritage and, in order to preserve and conserve as well as to make access to this wealth easy, established the National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM). In order to disseminate the knowledge content of manuscripts, the Mission has taken up several programmes such as lectures, seminars and workshops. The Mission has published the proceedings of the above-said programmes under the following series: Samraksika (on conservation), Tattvabodha (comprising lectures based on manuscripts delivered by eminent scholars), Samiksika (research-oriented papers presented in the seminars), Krtibodha (transcribed and edited texts prepared at advanced level manuscriptology workshops conducted by NMM) and Prakasika (publication of rare, unpublished manuscripts).
Ancient Indian Scientific Thought and Modern Theories makes one revisit the development of Indian science and technology in varied fields since the Vedic period, and suggests that we have a living tradition which is vivid and dynamic, inheriting at the same time claiming freedom from the past. It is the proceedings of a three-day seminar held during 25-27 March 2017 in Kolkata, organized by the Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad, Kolkata, and sponsored by NMM. This volume bears testimony to the fact that Indian sages, philosophers and scholars had a grip on all the topics that the modern-day scientists deal with, including complicated surgery and quantum mechanics. Our Vedas, Upanisads and other literary works were the storehouse of scientific wisdom, though the prevailing socio-religious conditions impeded its widespread dissemination.
This volume is expected to invoke keen interest among all who wants to know about a scientific past that Indians inherit, be a scientist or a layman.
Exploring Medieval India through Persian Sources revisits medieval Indian history through eleven authoritative and resourceful papers presented in a national seminar held at the Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University in 2016 by scholars of repute. The Persian sources include political chronicles, biographical accounts, Insha literature, mystic literature (malfuzat, maktubat, etc.), dastur of Amal, farmans, nishan, parwana, foreigners’ accounts, vernacular literature, epigraphy, numismatic, archaeology and paintings.
These papers should generate interest among the researchers to further showcase the world many a facet of India’s unknown intellect and history.
It covers a wide range of topics such as astronomy, astrology, Indian mathematics and mathematicians, astro identities in Vedas, Vedic Jyotisha, rituals and religious observances associated with many astronomical developments, methods of disaster predictions, and the application of astronomy in varied contexts among many other topics, revealing the knowledge hidden in our old scriptures.
Manuscript Heritage on Astronomy covers varied topics on Indian astronomy. It has contributions of 38 well-known Sanskrit scholars and scientists of high repute. This volume is the outcome of a seminar organized by the Oriental Research Institute, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, is published as part of the Samiksika Series (Samiksika 12) of the National Mission for Manuscripts. This bi-lingual book has seventeen papers in English and twenty-one papers in Sanskrit.
It covers a wide gamut of topics such as our rich heritage in astronomy, moving zodiacs, Indian mathematics and mathematicians, astro identities in Vedas, Vedic Jyotisa, contribution of Aryabhatiyam, rituals and religious observances associated with many astronomical developments, methods of disaster predictions, and the application of astronomy in varied contexts among many other topics.
This volume should invite the keen interest of many a scholar and should turn out to be of good use to the scholars working in the area of astronomy.
Suparnadhyaya is a later Vedic versified short play portraying the story of the incredible dexterity and strength of Garuda and his wondrous deed of bringing soma (amrita), from Indras heaven for the sake of Snakes, after defeating Indras guards and ridiculing his divine weapon.
The experiences and knowledge from our past are recorded in manuscripts which have been handed down to us over several thousand years. The Government of India, through the Department of Culture, took note of the importance of this vast tangible heritage and, in order to preserve and conserve as well as to make access to this wealth easy, established the National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM). In order to disseminate the knowledge content of manuscripts, the Mission has taken up several programmes such as lectures, seminars and workshops. The Mission has published the proceedings of the above-said programmes under the following series: Samrakshika (on conservation), Tattvabodha (comprising lectures based on manuscripts delivered by eminent scholars), Samikshika (research-oriented papers presented in the seminars), and Kritibodha (transcribed and edited texts prepared at advanced level manuscriptology workshops conducted by NMM.
NMM has taken up a project for publishing rare and unpublished manuscripts in three formats (a) Facsimile, (b) Critical edition with annotation and (c) Critical edition with translation. This series has been named as Prakashika. Suparnadhyaya critically edited by Prof. G.C. Tripathi comes under this Prakashika series.
Suparnadhyaya, Suparnadhyanam or simply Sauparnam is a later Vedic text of Indian dramatic tradition, lesser known to scholars primarily due to the fact that it was never translated into English language. This play, normally enacted during the festival of Indradhvaja, has a plot which is woven around the story of the incredible dexterity and strength of Garuda and his wondrous deed of bringing soma (amrita) from Indras heaven for the sake of Snakes, after defeating Indras guards and ridiculing his divine weapon. This story finds a mention even in Mahabharata. This short play is in a metrical form, interspersed with occasional prose-pieces.
This text has come down to us in an incorrect form due to faulty manuscript tradition. In this volume, the author has tried to restore the text with the help of higher textual criticism and has given due justification for his amendments. It presents the text with English and Hindi translations for the benefit of those readers who are not conversant with Sanskrit.
This volume, seventh in the series, consists of twelve papers eleven in English and one in Hindi presented by scholars of high repute in different Tattvabodha lectures organized by the National Mission for Manuscripts, presenting varied topics across Indian knowledge system.
The National Mission for Manuscripts was established in February 2003 by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India with the purpose of locating, documenting, preserving and disseminating the knowledge content of India’s handwritten manuscripts, said to be the largest collection of handwritten knowledge documents in the world. While looking ahead to reconnect with the knowledge of the past, the Mission is in the process of trying to re-contextualize the knowledge contained in manuscripts for the present and the future generations.
The Mission launched a lecture series titled Tattvabodha in January 2005. Since then, a monthly lecture series is organized in Delhi and other academic centres all over the country. Tattvabodha has established itself as a forum for intellectual discourse, debate and discussion. Eminent scholars representing different aspects of India’s knowledge systems have addressed and interacted with highly receptive audiences over the course of the past few years.
This volume, seventh in the series, consists of twelve papers Þ eleven in English and one in Hindi presented by well-known and upcoming scholars in different Tattvabodha lectures organized by the Mission.
The volume finds its merit in varied subjects across Indian knowledge system such as Accessing Manuscripts in the Digital Age; Physics in Ancient Indian Knowledge System; Critical and Comparative Review of the Principal Upanishads; The Concept of Shiva in Shiva-rahasya; The Ramacaritam of Ciraman; Editing of Ayurvedic Manuscripts; The Dravyanamakara Nighantu; Tribal Heritage and Indigenous Philosophical Wisdom of Odisha; Glimpses of Archival Manuscripts; Gandhari: A Key Mother Figure of the Mahabharata; Depiction of Indian Culture in Sanskrit Inscriptions of Cambodia; Phasi Katha-Parampara aura Arabyayamini.
The introductions, interpretations, explanations and analyses involved herein should solicit keen interest among academicians, scholars and students of Indology.
The Gaṇitāmr̥talaharī of Rāmakr̥ṣṇa Daivajña, a seventeenth-century scholar, is a commentary on the Līlāvatī of Bhāskarācārya II, which is a splendid compilation of concepts, formulae and examples in arithmetic, geometry and algebra of the twelfth century ce. The present edition, which is critically edited with an Introduction, is based on the collation of eight manuscripts collected from different locations.
The experiences and knowledge from our past are recorded in manuscripts which have been handed down to us over several thousand years. The Government of India, through the Department of Culture, took note of the importance of this vast tangible heritage and, in order to preserve and conserve as well as to make access to this wealth easy, established the National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM). In order to disseminate the knowledge content of manuscripts, the Mission has taken up several programmes such as lectures, seminars and workshops. The Mission has published the proceedings of the above-said programmes under the following series: “Samrakshika” (on conservation), “Tattvabodha” (comprising lectures based on manuscripts delivered by eminent scholars), “Samiksika” (research-oriented papers presented in the seminars), “Kritibodha” (transcribed and edited texts prepared at advanced level manuscriptology workshops conducted by NMM) and “Prakashika” (publication of rare, unpublished manuscripts).