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    1000 Full Moons by: Swami Muni Narayana Prasad Original price was: ₹695.00.Current price is: ₹625.00.

    1000 Full Moons is an anthology of 21 articles and poems, written by the students and admirers of Guru Muni Narayana Prasad like Swami Tyageswaran, Swami Tanmaya, Swami Vyasa Prasad, Scott Teitsworth, Deborah Buchanan, Andy Larkin and a few other bright minds/scholars, on the occasion of his 80th birthday. It has serious philosophical essays, fond reminisces and a few poems along with some interesting photographs marking important events in his life. The book’s philosophical reflection is a continuum of the vision and teachings of Narayana Guru, a highly venerated spiritual guru, philosopher, visionary and social reformer, and his immediate successors, Nataraja Guru and Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati. Guru Muni Narayana Prasad, as the successor to Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati, is an epitome of great wisdom, and is fully dedicated to Guruhood in general and to the life and teachings of Narayana Guru in particular.

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    इस पुस्तक में 1857 की क्रान्ति को समग्रता के साथ एक नवीन ढंग से कतिपय नवीन तथ्यों के साथ बहुत ही रोचक शैली में सरल सहज एवं सुबोध ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया गया है।

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    1857 ki Kranti by: Brajesh Kumar Shrivastava Original price was: ₹650.00.Current price is: ₹585.00.

    इस पुस्तक में 1857 की क्रान्ति को समग्रता के साथ एक नवीन ढंग से कतिपय नवीन तथ्यों के साथ प्रस्तुत किया गया है। अजीमुल्ला खाँ एवं रंगोजी बापू ने किस तरह इंग्लैण्ड में क्रान्ति की पूर्व-पीठिका तैयार की? 1857 की क्रान्ति में बैजाबाई सिंधिया की क्या भूमिका थी? नवाब वाज़िद अली साहब के मन्त्री अली नक्की खाँ ने किस प्रकार बैरकपुर छावनी के सैनिकों को क्रान्ति हेतु प्रेरित किया? 1857 की क्रान्ति के आरम्भ में गंगादीन की क्या भूमिका थी? कानपुर का सतीचैरा एवं बीबी घर हत्याकाण्ड एवं झाँसी के झोंकन बाग हत्याकाण्ड में किस तरह अंग्रेज़ मौत के घाट उतारे गए। बेग़म ज़ीनत महल ने किस प्रकार अपने पति बहादुरषाह जफ़र को क्रान्ति का नेतृत्व करने हेतु प्रेरित किया? बेग़म हज़रत महल ने किस प्रकार अपने सहयोगियों के साथ ब्रिटिष सेना के छक्के छुड़ाए? रानी लक्ष्मीबाई ने भारत को अपना देष मानते हुए किस प्रकार सर्वप्रथम स्वराज की बात की एवं टीकमगढ़ की रानी लड़ई सरकार के दीवान नत्थे खाँ के घमण्ड को चूर-चूर किया? जब सागर के किले में 370 अंग्रेज़ स्त्री-पुरुष एवं बच्चों के घिरे होने का समाचार इंग्लैण्ड पहुँचा तो किस प्रकार उन्होंने सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेनापति ब्रिगेडियर जनरल ह्यूरोज़ को इन्हें मुक्त कराने भेजा? षाहगढ़ राजा बखतवली एवं बानपुर राजा मर्दनसिंह ने किस तरह अंग्रेज़ों को अत्यधिक परेषान किया कि वे उनके नाम से काँपने लगे। तात्या टोेपे ने अंग्रेज़ सेनापतियों को किस प्रकार खिजाया? ऐसा क्या हुआ कि अंग्रेज़ों ने रानी लक्ष्मीबाई एवं तात्या टोपे को सर्वश्रेष्ठ वीर होने की संज्ञा दी? किस प्रकार षडयन्त्र द्वारा अंग्रेज़ांे ने तात्या टोपे को पकड़वाया? उक्त समस्त घटना-क्रम को बहुत ही रोचक षैली में सरल सहज एवं सुबोध ढंग से इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत किया गया है।

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    इस पुस्तक में 1857 की क्रान्ति को समग्रता के साथ एक नवीन ढंग से कतिपय नवीन तथ्यों के साथ बहुत ही रोचक शैली में सरल सहज एवं सुबोध ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया गया है।

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    1857 ki Kranti (Pb) by: Brajesh Kumar Shrivastava Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹270.00.

    इस पुस्तक में 1857 की क्रान्ति को समग्रता के साथ एक नवीन ढंग से कतिपय नवीन तथ्यों के साथ प्रस्तुत किया गया है। अजीमुल्ला खाँ एवं रंगोजी बापू ने किस तरह इंग्लैण्ड में क्रान्ति की पूर्व-पीठिका तैयार की? 1857 की क्रान्ति में बैजाबाई सिंधिया की क्या भूमिका थी? नवाब वाज़िद अली साहब के मन्त्री अली नक्की खाँ ने किस प्रकार बैरकपुर छावनी के सैनिकों को क्रान्ति हेतु प्रेरित किया? 1857 की क्रान्ति के आरम्भ में गंगादीन की क्या भूमिका थी? कानपुर का सतीचैरा एवं बीबी घर हत्याकाण्ड एवं झाँसी के झोंकन बाग हत्याकाण्ड में किस तरह अंग्रेज़ मौत के घाट उतारे गए। बेग़म ज़ीनत महल ने किस प्रकार अपने पति बहादुरषाह जफ़र को क्रान्ति का नेतृत्व करने हेतु प्रेरित किया? बेग़म हज़रत महल ने किस प्रकार अपने सहयोगियों के साथ ब्रिटिष सेना के छक्के छुड़ाए? रानी लक्ष्मीबाई ने भारत को अपना देष मानते हुए किस प्रकार सर्वप्रथम स्वराज की बात की एवं टीकमगढ़ की रानी लड़ई सरकार के दीवान नत्थे खाँ के घमण्ड को चूर-चूर किया? जब सागर के किले में 370 अंग्रेज़ स्त्री-पुरुष एवं बच्चों के घिरे होने का समाचार इंग्लैण्ड पहुँचा तो किस प्रकार उन्होंने सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेनापति ब्रिगेडियर जनरल ह्यूरोज़ को इन्हें मुक्त कराने भेजा? षाहगढ़ राजा बखतवली एवं बानपुर राजा मर्दनसिंह ने किस तरह अंग्रेज़ों को अत्यधिक परेषान किया कि वे उनके नाम से काँपने लगे। तात्या टोेपे ने अंग्रेज़ सेनापतियों को किस प्रकार खिजाया? ऐसा क्या हुआ कि अंग्रेज़ों ने रानी लक्ष्मीबाई एवं तात्या टोपे को सर्वश्रेष्ठ वीर होने की संज्ञा दी? किस प्रकार षडयन्त्र द्वारा अंग्रेज़ांे ने तात्या टोपे को पकड़वाया? उक्त समस्त घटना-क्रम को बहुत ही रोचक षैली में सरल सहज एवं सुबोध ढंग से इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत किया गया है।

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    This book is an autobiographical essay of Dr K.R. Rao, offering a possible source to inspire the aspiring individual not only to set noble goals but also find possible ways of reaching them.

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    A Child of Destiny by: K. Ramakrishna Rao Original price was: ₹950.00.Current price is: ₹855.00.

    ““This book is an autobiographical essay of a man who rose from a humble beginning in a remote village with one room elementary school to attend the University of Chicago, with its impressive Gothic structures ranked among the best in the world; and to become the Chancellor of a prestigious university in the country. Dr Rao attributes all this to destiny. Destiny in this view constitutes the circumstances in which one is situated; but it is the deftness with which one manoeuvres himself through the maze of circumstances that really matters in the final analysis.
    The book is offered as a possible source to inspire the aspiring individual not only to set noble goals but also find possible ways of reaching them. Blessed is the one who moves his way upward without hurting himself or others in the process. This has been the guiding principle of Dr Rao.”

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    This book is an authentic study of the distinctly different views on time that have emerged from and have, in turn, shaped the Indian conceptual world. It makes an excellent introduction to the heart of Indian thought. It is considered to be a major contribution as well in cross-cultural philosophical conversations.

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    A Study of Time in Indian Philosophy by: Anindita Niyogi Balslev Original price was: ₹1,100.00.Current price is: ₹990.00.

    This book, based on original sources, is an authentic study of the distinctly different views on time that have emerged from and have, in turn, shaped the Indian conceptual world. Apart from succinctly demonstrating the impact of these views on the exploration and formulation of such basic concepts as those of being, becoming, causality, creation and annihilation, the work has – as critics have acclaimed since its first publication – successfully shown “the simple falsity” of such clichés that the Indian view of time is “cyclic” or exclusively “illusory”. It has been, therefore, observed that this book makes an excellent introduction to the heart of Indian thought. It is considered to be a major contribution as well in cross-cultural philosophical conversations.

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    A Survey and Analysis of Yoga Education and Research (PhD) in India is first of its kind. It includes major policies of World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, UGC and NCERT on Yoga Education, Research and Practice.
    This work presents a well compiled collection of all PhD researches persuaded in the area of yoga in various Indian universities during the last ninety years. Alongside the presentation, a detailed analysis of interest, growth and shift from the literary aspect of yoga to the area of therapy has been observed. This trend definitely marks the maturity in the persuasion of yoga and demands further serious attention towards its standardization and regulation so that yoga may develop as a full-fledged system of Indian Traditional Medicine.
    In addition to the above, it aims to serve two basic purposes. One, to provide aid to a prospective researcher to refer to the already carried out researches in the area. This saves time, energy and money of a researcher and make him/her aware of the existing works so that he/she could forego further in the area. Conversely, it avoids duplication in research work. Two, to present an overview of the PhD research area, where neglected areas or over pursued areas may be observed and planning and support may be put in place.

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    A Survey and Analysis of Yoga by: Sushim Dubey Original price was: ₹850.00.Current price is: ₹765.00.

    A Survey and Analysis of Yoga Education and Research (PhD) in India is first of its kind. It includes major policies of World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, UGC and NCERT on Yoga Education, Research and Practice.
    This work presents a well compiled collection of all PhD researches persuaded in the area of yoga in various Indian universities during the last ninety years. Alongside the presentation, a detailed analysis of interest, growth and shift from the literary aspect of yoga to the area of therapy has been observed. This trend definitely marks the maturity in the persuasion of yoga and demands further serious attention towards its standardization and regulation so that yoga may develop as a full-fledged system of Indian Traditional Medicine.
    In addition to the above, it aims to serve two basic purposes. One, to provide aid to a prospective researcher to refer to the already carried out researches in the area. This saves time, energy and money of a researcher and make him/her aware of the existing works so that he/she could forego further in the area. Conversely, it avoids duplication in research work. Two, to present an overview of the PhD research area, where neglected areas or over pursued areas may be observed and planning and support may be put in place.

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    The 100 inspirational quotations compiled herein speak to the soul, and the thematic art works that are a visual delight, are all about leading a happy, successful life even in the face of odds.

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    A to Z by: R.N. Kogata, Lalita Kogata, Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹198.00.

    The 100 inspirational quotations compiled herein speak to the soul, and the thematic art works that are a visual delight, are all about leading a happy, successful life even in the face of odds. The quotes become handy in certain situations when one looks around for some advice or encouragement.

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    This volume on Tantra philosophy, having imbibed the art of reconstructive hermeneutical exegesis (tatparya-visodhana) synergizes. Abhinavagupta’s tantragamiya philosophical thought process with literature, culture, history, metaphysics, Tantric praxis as well as aesthetics. It unveils the original internal thought process of Svatantracidadvaitavada, i.e. integral dynamic idealistic absolutism in its entirety.

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    Abhinavagupta ka Tantragamiya Darsana by: Navjivan Rastogi Original price was: ₹1,900.00.Current price is: ₹1,710.00.

    This  volume on Tantra philosophy, by a highly esteemed author, is an unparalleled work in the realm of philosophical reflection. Having imbibed the art of reconstructive hermeneutical exegesis (tatparya-visodhana), the learned author has synergized Abhinavagupta’s tantragamiya philosophical thought process with literature, culture, history, metaphysics, Tantric praxis as well as aesthetics. With unbiased academic integrity and objective conceptual authenticity he has unveiled the original internal thought process of Svatantracidadvaitavada, i.e. integral dynamic idealistic absolutism in its entirety. In this millennial decade of the immortal Acarya Abhinavagupta, this work, by virtue of its analytical and investigative insights, will serve as an intellectual homage and will stand out amidst the published literature, whether in Hindi or English, on the subject.

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    The Paratrishika Vivarana, an extensive commentary by Abhinavagupta on the Tantra, is one of the most profound texts of Kashmir Shaivism, and of Indian philosophy and mysticism. The present work is an important contribution to studies and interpretations of texts on Kashmir Shaivism, its spirituality and philosophy.

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    Abhinavagupta’s Hermeneutics of the Absolute by: Bettina Baumer Original price was: ₹1,800.00.Current price is: ₹1,620.00.

    The Paratrishika Vivarana by the great Kashmiri philosopher and mystic Abhinavagupta is an extensive commentary on the Paratrishika Tantra, and it is one of the most profound texts, not only of non-dualist Kashmir Shaivism, but of Indian philosophy and mysticism in general. The present work attempts to make this difficult text accessible, by culling out the important themes and offering an interpretation. The main focus is on the understanding of the Absolute (Anuttara) and the ways to realize it. The central theme of mantra also leads to a mysticism of language with its philosophical implications. All these reflections and practices are inscribed in the theory that “everything is related to the totality”, “every part contains the whole of reality” (sarvam sarvatmakam). It is this holistic vision of Abhinavagupta, based on the Tantras, which makes this work so relevant in our times of fragmented aspects of life and knowledge in search of integration. No doubt, in the view of the Tantra and of Abhinavagupta, language and mantra provide the key.
    This fascinating book is an important contribution to studies and interpretations on Kashmir Shaivism, its spirituality and philosophy, and on Abhinavagupta in particular.

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    Volume four contains 1344 records on South and Southeast Asia selected out of 1800 records from the ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index database. Volume four has been compiled by the ABIA project team at IGNCA New Delhi. It includes all forms of scholarly publications, ranging from survey works to small but important articles in composite books and journals published in India between 2006 and 2011. Subjects include pre- and protohistory, historical archaeology, ancient art history, modern art history, material culture, epigraphy and palaeography, numismatics and sigillography (seals). The bibliographic descriptions (with the original diacritics), keywords and annotations have made this reference work a reliable guide to recently published scholarly work in the field.

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    ABIA by: Asha Gupta Original price was: ₹2,100.00.Current price is: ₹1,890.00.

    Volume four contains 1344 records on South and Southeast Asia selected out of 1800 records from the ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index database. Volume four has been compiled by the ABIA project team at IGNCA New Delhi. It includes all forms of scholarly publications, ranging from survey works to small but important articles in composite books and journals published in India between 2006 and 2011. Subjects include pre- and protohistory, historical archaeology, ancient art history, modern art history, material culture, epigraphy and palaeography, numismatics and sigillography (seals). The bibliographic descriptions (with the original diacritics), keywords and annotations have made this reference work a reliable guide to recently published scholarly work in the field.

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    Dr. Tanaka, for the first time ever, explores the ‘absence’ of the Buddha-image in early Buddhist art. Applying the motif of the ‘empty throne’, she undertakes a comparative study of Buddhism and other religions.

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    Absence of the Buddha Image in Early Buddhist Art by: Kanoko Tanaka Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    It is next to impossible today to even think of Buddhism without the presence of the Buddha image! The image of the Buddha, in truth, has not only come to symbolise the essence of Buddhism but is also a brilliant expression of the cultural/artistic achievements of the Buddhists since ancient times. Surprisingly, the Buddha image developed at a later stage of the evolutionary process; after the parinirvana of the Buddha, the Buddhists for a considerable time beheld the Buddha and experienced him in their own minds without taking recourse to the Buddha image itself. In Absence of the Buddha Image in Early Buddhist Art, Dr. Tanaka, a well-versed scholar, has for the first time ever explored the ‘absence’ of the Buddha image in Buddhist art — particularly in the period from third century bc to late first century ad — in order to rediscover the significance of this phenomenon. Dr. Tanaka observes Bharhut and Sanchi sculptures to point out the most essential motifs and elements of stupa-art design — the visible facts pertaining to the absence of the Buddha image. The author studies the religious, philosophical, artistic and political significance of the visible facts, highlighting the concept of the ‘empty throne’ as the motif representative of that absence. She applies the ‘empty throne’ concept to the sanctuaries of monotheistic religions, and thus undertakes a comparative study of Buddhism and other religions, particularly, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism to suggest that present-day discussions on the linkage between religions can centre on this theme. The dexterous handling of the topic combined with the author’s use of first-hand research material makes this an erudite study. The directness in the author’s approach and the unwavering eye on the theme sustains the interest throughout. An abundance of visual material, i.e., drawings and photographs, and tables immensely aid in analysis of the visible facts. This intense work on a rich theme offers well-researched and interesting material that will be useful to scholars of religious studies, fine arts and even philosophy.

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    The book presents a comprehensive study of Adhyasabhashya in the light of Panchapadika of Padmapada, Bhamati of Vachaspati Mishra, Vivarana of Prakashatma Yati, Ratnaprabha of Govindananda Yati and other Vedantic texts. The commentaries of Brahma-Sutra and Shariraka-Bhashya and definition, causes, types, and results of adhyasa have been analysed in detail.

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    Acharya Shankar Krita Brahmasutra Adhyasabhashya by: kapil Gautam Original price was: ₹350.00.Current price is: ₹315.00.

    Adyasavada is the key principle of Advaita Vedanta. Basic premise of this theory is Adhyasabhashya. Before interpreting the first brahmasutra (athat¯o brahmajijnasa (Br.Su. 1.1.1), Acharya Shankara submitted a valuable commentary known as Adhyasabhashya. The book presents a comprehensive study of Adhyasabhashya in the light of Panchapadika of Padmapada, Bhamati of Vacaspati Mishra, Vivarana of Prakashatma Yati, Ratnaprabha of Govindananda Yati and other Vedantic texts. The numerous curiosities associated with Adhyasabhashya have been resolved in the present book: What is the format of Adhyasabhashya? Without commentary on any sutra can Adhyasabhashya be considered as a commentary? Adhyasabhashya begins with sentence yushmadasmatpratyayagocara so Adhyasabhashya consists mangalacharana or not? What is the purpose of Adhyasabhashya?
    Adhyasa principle is the cornerstone of Shankaravedanta. This is the theory of error of Shankaravedanta. In the context of theory of error Shankara proposed the theory of Anirvacaniyakhyativada and refuted all prior theories of error. In this book the commentaries of Brahma-Sutra and Shariraka-Bhashya and definition, causes, types, and results of adhyasa have been analysed in detail.
    Although it is difficult to write something about complex and difficult theory of Adyasavada, an endeavour is being made to bring out the theory of Adyasavada for scholars through this book.

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