Showing 1–12 of 30 results
A Survey and Analysis of Yoga Education and Research (PhD) in India is first of its kind. It includes major policies of World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, UGC and NCERT on Yoga Education, Research and Practice.
This work presents a well compiled collection of all PhD researches persuaded in the area of yoga in various Indian universities during the last ninety years. Alongside the presentation, a detailed analysis of interest, growth and shift from the literary aspect of yoga to the area of therapy has been observed. This trend definitely marks the maturity in the persuasion of yoga and demands further serious attention towards its standardization and regulation so that yoga may develop as a full-fledged system of Indian Traditional Medicine.
In addition to the above, it aims to serve two basic purposes. One, to provide aid to a prospective researcher to refer to the already carried out researches in the area. This saves time, energy and money of a researcher and make him/her aware of the existing works so that he/she could forego further in the area. Conversely, it avoids duplication in research work. Two, to present an overview of the PhD research area, where neglected areas or over pursued areas may be observed and planning and support may be put in place.
A Survey and Analysis of Yoga Education and Research (PhD) in India is first of its kind. It includes major policies of World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, UGC and NCERT on Yoga Education, Research and Practice.
This work presents a well compiled collection of all PhD researches persuaded in the area of yoga in various Indian universities during the last ninety years. Alongside the presentation, a detailed analysis of interest, growth and shift from the literary aspect of yoga to the area of therapy has been observed. This trend definitely marks the maturity in the persuasion of yoga and demands further serious attention towards its standardization and regulation so that yoga may develop as a full-fledged system of Indian Traditional Medicine.
In addition to the above, it aims to serve two basic purposes. One, to provide aid to a prospective researcher to refer to the already carried out researches in the area. This saves time, energy and money of a researcher and make him/her aware of the existing works so that he/she could forego further in the area. Conversely, it avoids duplication in research work. Two, to present an overview of the PhD research area, where neglected areas or over pursued areas may be observed and planning and support may be put in place.
This volume addresses the wisdom of yoga with a practical approach. It unveils yoga in its true sense. Yoga is not meant for doing, but for being; being in our real nature, being in complete communion with the Supreme Consciousness, i.e. Truth, Bliss and Consciousness, enabling one to celebrate his life.
This volume addresses the wisdom of yoga with a practical approach. While many people think of yoga simply as a series of postures and breathing exercises, which is only a part of the vast yoga wisdom, it unveils yoga in its true sense. Yoga is not meant for doing, but for being; being in our real nature, being in complete communion with the Supreme Consciousness, i.e. Truth, Bliss and Consciousness.
Yoga helps one to discover oneself who am I? And the moment we know who we really are, every moment of life becomes a celebration. Yoga is thus the key to celebrating the life festival. Giving an introduction to the origin, history, traditions and different paths and aspects of yoga, the book authoritatively answers the basic questions: how can we apply yoga in our personal, family and social life?, what are the causes of suffering?, how can we live a stress-free and blissful life? and how can we attain the supreme goal of life, i.e. Self-realization, God-realization?
As the book is designed to conform to the course contents of yogic science of Indian universities, it will be of great use to students, academicians and yoga aspirants alike.
This authoritative sourcebook reflects the extensive contributions of K.R. Rao over sixty years of professional engagement, blending theory and empirical research, leadership and scholarship, and classical and contemporary perspectives of Eastern and Western thoughts in a trans-disciplinary setting.
Consciousnes, Gandhi and Yoga explores the cross-cultural and interdisciplinary Odyssey of K. Ramakrishna Rao spanning over a period of sixty years. Rao’s journey is a voyage of discovery of hidden treasures of consciousness in both the East and the West; and this volume is an authoritative sourcebook detailing and discussing that voyage by scholars from around the world. We find here reflections on the extensive contributions of K.R. Rao which contain a rare, and in some ways unique, blend of theory and empirical research, leadership and scholarship, and classical and contemp-orary perspectives of Eastern and Western thoughts in a trans-disciplinary setting.
Ramakrishna Rao has carried out extensive empirical research collecting data on hidden human potentials and is engaged in providing for them appropriate conceptual framework and theoretical base in cross-cultural consciousness studies. Further, he creatively anchors Gandhian thought and practices to the current developments in consciousness studies.
The authors include Prof. Rao’s colleagues and contemporaries scattered around the globe and experts in consciousness studies, Gandhian thought, Yoga and parapsychology. They provide interesting insights into the life and work of Prof. Ramakrishna Rao.
The present volume is offered as an academic tribute as Prof. Rao crosses the 80th milestone in life’s journey and completes sixty years of professional engagement as a teacher and researcher.
ध्यान-योग ध्यान के सैद्धान्तिक, व्यावहारिक व वैज्ञानिक पहलुओं को प्रकाशित करने वाली एक अद्भुत व अनमोल पुस्तक है। ध्यान की अवधारणा, योग शास्त्रें में ध्यान का स्वरूप, ध्यान का आध्यात्मिक महत्त्व, ध्यान की तैयारी एवं ध्यान द्वारा शरीर व मन पर पड़ने वाले प्रभाव का वैज्ञानिक विवेचन-विश्लेषण आदि बिन्दुओं को इस पुस्तक में बहुत ही सहजता, सरलता व सुन्दरता के साथ प्रस्तुत किया गया है। नियमित रूप से ध्यान करने हेतु विविध प्रकार की ध्यान की विधियाँ व अभ्यास एवं ध्यान की वैज्ञानिकता इस पुस्तक कोे ध्यान पर लिखी गई अन्य पुस्तकों से न सिर्फ अलग करती है बल्कि इसकी गुणवत्ता में अभिवृद्धि करने के साथ-साथ इसकी सुन्दरता में चार चाँद भी लगाती है। आज भौतिकवादी और भोगवादी जीवन-दृष्टि, भौतिकता की अन्धी दौड़ व चकाचौंध ने मनुष्य के स्वास्थ्य, सुख-चैन व शान्ति को छीन लिया है। आज सम्पूर्ण मानव समाज को यौगिक जीवन-दृष्टि, आध्यात्मिक जीवन-दृष्टि की परम आवश्यकता है। इस दृष्टि से यह पुस्तक और भी अधिक उपयोगी, महत्त्वपूर्ण एवं प्रासंगिक है। विकृत जीवन-शैली के कारण नानाविध शारीरिक, मानसिक व मनोकायिक रोगों से पीड़ित, परेशान लोगों के लिए तो यह पुस्तक एक अमृत-रसायन व संजीवनी है। क्योंकि यह पुस्तक स्वस्थ जीवन-शैली, आध्यात्मिक जीवन-दृष्टि एवं नियमित रूप से ध्यान के अभ्यास द्वारा स्वस्थ, सुन्दर व सुखी जीवन जीने की राह दिखाती है। निराशा, अवसाद, तनाव, कुण्ठा, चिन्ता, उद्विग्नता आदि मानसिक समस्याओं के समाधान हेतु यह एक रामबाण औषधि है। जहाँ यह पुस्तक एक ओर योग-साधकों, अध्यात्म-प्रेमियों, आत्मानुभूति, ब्रह्मानुभूति व मोक्ष के इच्छुक मुमुक्षुओं, व जिज्ञासुओं के लिए मार्गदर्शिका और पथ-प्रदर्शिका है तो वहीं दूसरी ओर शैक्षणिक जगत् से जुड़े विद्यार्थियों, शोधार्थियों व प्राध्यापकों के लिए एक प्रामाणिक टेक्स्ट बुक भी है, ग्रन्थ भी है। जो इस पुस्तक को पढ़कर अपने जीवन में नित्य ध्यान का अभ्यास करेंगे उनका चित् अपूर्व आनन्द, उल्लास और उमंग से भर जाएगा। वे एक नूतन जीवन-दृष्टि, आध्यात्मिक जीवन-दृष्टि पाकर परम आनन्द और परम सौन्दर्य के एक अज्ञात आयाम में उड़ान भरने लगेंगे।
Physical postures (asanas) are the most important and often the only constituent of modern Yoga. Many practitioners believe that the postures derive from an ancient original set of eighty-four asanas. This book, for the first time, traces traditions of eighty-four postures by examining original materials, including drawings, descriptions in older Indic texts and modern publications which reflect contemporary traditions. It also takes up a number of broad issues related to the topic of Yoga postures so as to provide the reader with a larger context.
Physical postures (àsanas) are the most important and often the only constituent of modern Yoga. Many practitioners believe that the postures derive from an ancient original set of eighty-four àsanas. This book, for the first time, traces traditions of eighty-four postures by examining original materials, including drawings, descriptions in older Indic texts and modern publications which reflect contemporary traditions. It also takes up a number of broad issues related to the topic of Yoga postures so as to provide the reader with a larger context.
Physical postures (asanas) are the most important and often the only constituent of modern Yoga. Many practitioners believe that the postures derive from an ancient original set of eighty-four asanas. This book, for the first time, traces traditions of eighty-four postures by examining original materials, including drawings, descriptions in older Indic texts and modern publications which reflect contemporary traditions. It also takes up a number of broad issues related to the topic of Yoga postures so as to provide the reader with a larger context.
Physical postures (àsanas) are the most important and often the only constituent of modern Yoga. Many practitioners believe that the postures derive from an ancient original set of eighty-four àsanas. This book, for the first time, traces traditions of eighty-four postures by examining original materials, including drawings, descriptions in older Indic texts and modern publications which reflect contemporary traditions. It also takes up a number of broad issues related to the topic of Yoga postures so as to provide the reader with a larger context.
Mental imbalances due to psychological crises are the root cause of many physical and mental diseases. Yoga-nidra is the best therapy to induce complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It stimulates sleep in insomniacs and has come very effective in treating pain, neurosis and even disability.
The psychological crisis of this age is one of the severest challenges that human race has ever faced. Mental imbalances and their manifestations in the form of psychosomatic diseases pose serious health threat. To address this challenge, Indian yogis have found a wonderful relaxation technique yoga-nidra. They were fully aware that the inner tensions or imbalances of an individual can be best dealt with inner peace. The yogic texts unequivocally emphasize that peace can only be found within.
This volume deals with varied aspects of yoga-nidra and delves deep into its relationship with the stages of sleep, dream and samadhi. It highlights the topic in such a way that among the numerous relaxation therapies, yoga-nidrà is the best to induce complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It peels off the subliminal sheath of conscious mind that covers the inner core of the unconscious mind. Yoga-nidra is a state between sleep and samadhi, a half-sleep, a half-waking state. It removes fluctuations from all planes of mind. It helps insomniacs by stimulating sleep. This title underlines the regular usage of yoga-nidra in treating pain, neurosis and even disability. It also provides the practical utility of yoga-nidra with lots of evidences on the basis of experimental studies. Their references are well mentioned into it, which will help the scholars in their further studies and research.
This book should benefit the patients of insomnia, psychiatrists and all those who want to dwell in the bosom of mental peace, and those who are determined to experience the higher levels of meditation.
Mental imbalances due to psychological crises are the root cause of many physical and mental diseases. Yoga-nidra is the best therapy to induce complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It stimulates sleep in insomniacs and has come very effective in treating pain, neurosis and even disability.
The psychological crisis of this age is one of the severest challenges that human race has ever faced. Mental imbalances and their manifestations in the form of psychosomatic diseases pose serious health threat. To address this challenge, Indian yogis have found a wonderful relaxation technique yoga-nidra. They were fully aware that the inner tensions or imbalances of an individual can be best dealt with inner peace. The yogic texts unequivocally emphasize that peace can only be found within.
This volume deals with varied aspects of yoga-nidra and delves deep into its relationship with the stages of sleep, dream and samadhi. It highlights the topic in such a way that among the numerous relaxation therapies, yoga-nidrà is the best to induce complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It peels off the subliminal sheath of conscious mind that covers the inner core of the unconscious mind. Yoga-nidra is a state between sleep and samadhi, a half-sleep, a half-waking state. It removes fluctuations from all planes of mind. It helps insomniacs by stimulating sleep. This title underlines the regular usage of yoga-nidra in treating pain, neurosis and even disability. It also provides the practical utility of yoga-nidra with lots of evidences on the basis of experimental studies. Their references are well mentioned into it, which will help the scholars in their further studies and research.
This book should benefit the patients of insomnia, psychiatrists and all those who want to dwell in the bosom of mental peace, and those who are determined to experience the higher levels of meditation.
The book presents a study of different types of yoga, examining the theory and practice of yoga in terms of purification of the body and purification of the mind. It explains the way to achieve mental and spiritual yogic excellence through bodily discipline, meditation and yogic trance and asanas.
The book presents a study of different types of yoga as all of them are considered essential at different stages in the path of spiritual evolution: hatha yoga, raja yoga, kriya yoga, japa yoga, laya yoga, kundalini yoga, nada yoga, svara yoga among others. It starts with a background on the meaning and concept of yoga and its benefits and examines the theory and practice of yoga under two broad groups pertaining to purification of the body and purification of the mind, presenting yoga as taught in the Upanisadic texts as well as yoga as scientifically researched and practiced in the modern day by yogic masters. Under these groups are covered the science of the human body and its cleansing, postures, breathing and gestures and the different techniques meant for achieving spiritual and mental excellence through desireless actions, concentration fixation, meditation and yogic trance. Written in an easy-to-understand language, the work abounds in quotations and other references to the sacred scriptures and famous ancient works on yoga to provide a broad base and comprehensive treatment of the subject. The book will prove extremely relevant to all those simply interested in yoga or involved in studies on yoga, whether they are beginners, scholars or spiritual aspirants.
This volume addresses and analyses the different aspects of yoga and consciousness using scientific and pedagogical tools. It has been structured as a textbook on yoga and conforms to the course content of yogic science of Indian universities and should serve as an authentic reference book on the subject.
This volume addresses and analyses the different aspects of yoga and consciousness using scientific and pedagogical tools to fit well into an academic framework. The essence of yoga is the search to know our true selves to discover the real nature of consciousness. It starts with the body, goes to the mind and aims to realize the inner nature. Yoga is a way of life; it provides excellence in action; it removes our own evils and weaknesses, leading us to a higher level of consciousness paving the way for peace, bliss and harmony.
This book has been structured as a textbook on yoga. It conforms to the course content of yogic science of Indian universities and should serve as an authentic reference book on the subject. Efforts have been made here to navigate the readers with different aspects and planes of yoga and consciousness smoothly.
While dealing with topics such as the concept, science, psychology, and problems and challenges of consciousness, this volume delves deep into topics like human consciousness in philosophical thought; yoga and expansion of consciousness; and the current issues in the science of consciousness and yoga. It also familiarizes one with the different methods of evolution of consciousness in Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism and Sikkhism.
This book is specifically targeted at university teachers and students of yogic science. It should also raise keen interest among practising psychologists, psychoanalysts and general readers.
This innovative reading of Patanjalis Yoga-sutras discuss how Yoga enables one to live more fully in the world without being enslaved by worldly identification. It challenges misperception about Yoga and argues for a fresh understanding of the practical relevance of Yoga.
The Integrity of the Yoga Darshana centres on the thought of Patanjali, the great exponent of the authoritative and Classical Yoga school of Hinduism and the reputed author of the Yoga-sutras. In this textual, historical, and interpretive study, whicher offers a plausible and innovative reading of the intention of the Yoga-sutras, namely that Yoga does not advocate the abandonment or condemnation of the world, but rather supports a stance that enables one to live more fully in the world without being enslaved by worldly identification. Challenging and correcting misperceptions about Yoga drawn by traditional and modern interpretations of the Yoga-sutras, the author argues for a fresh vision of the spiritual potential present in this seminal text, thereby contributing to our understanding of the meaning and practical relevance of Yoga and its reception today. A superb piece of work, this book provides an original, constructive, and insightful interpretation of the Yoga system.
The repetition of God’s name or of a mantra containing God’s name, otherwise known as japa, is a religious ritual, generally meant for the emancipation of the self. This book on japa-yoga has not neglected this aspect. But, it is a more comprehensive and a broad-range booking effects of japa-applications on a scientific footing, a successful attempt made for the first time.
The repetition of Gods name or of a mantra containing Gods name, otherwise known as japa, is a religious ritual, generally meant for the emancipation of the self. The present book on japa-yoga has not neglected this aspect. But, it is a more comprehensive and a broad-range book. That japa is a branch of yoga, an easily attainable one and simultaneously a very effective one, has been emphasized. The theory and methology of japa in Patanjala Yoga, in the Vedas, in the Vedanta and in the Tantra, in the perspective of knowledge and devotion, have clearly been outlined. The book has been divided into three Chapters. Chapter 1 expounds the theory of japa based on classical scriptures. Chapter 2 presents the practice of japa in a clearly graspable style, easy to be followed by the readers. Chapter 3 deals with the applications of japa for the uplift of human personality and spirituality, for attaining the liberation of the self, for mental peace and tranquillity, and for physical health inclusive of the prevention and treatment of diseases, both physical and mental. The last part of this book tries to explain the effects of japa-applications on a scientific footing, a successful attempt made for the first time.
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Towards a New Age of Nonviolence 1 x ₹1,260.00 |
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Modern Civilization 1 x ₹720.00 |
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An Intergrated Science of the Absolute (2 Vols. Set) 1 x ₹2,700.00 |
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Kundalini 1 x ₹540.00 |