Literature (139)

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    This work is a dedicated effort at defining rasa and post-structuralist theories in clear and graphical terms while focusing on intercultural application of these theories by applying rasa to canonical English poems and post-structuralism Western theories to classical Sanskrit works.

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    Transformation of Poetic Discourse in Rasa and Post- Structural Poetics by: Vandana Rajoriya 585.00

    Rasa, the Indian literary theory, and the post-structuralism, the Western literary theory, constitute two important areas of study in literary criticism and literature. This volume tries to define rasa and post-structuralist theories in clear and graphical terms. It focuses on inter-cultural application of these two classical theories. This involves the attempt to apply the Indian literary theory of rasa to canonical English poems including those of the epic stature like Dante’s Divine Comedy and John Milton’s Paradise Lost. It also applies the Western literary theory of post-structuralism, those of Derrida, Lacan and Foucault, to canonical works of Sanskrit poetry like Bhartrhari’s Shringarashataka, Shudraka’s Mrcchakatika, Dandin’s Dashakumaracarita and Mudrarakshasa of Vishakhadatta among others.
    The comparative study that involves a deep and engrossing study of various situations in the epics and other works, unfolds the uniqueness of the latter. It reveals the similarities in the two theories such as their goal of generation of value, quite realistically. It discusses the distinction in the rasa and post-structuralist formations, such as the idea of communication being one of the important principles of the conceptualisation of form and structure of rasa, while the art of communication is not so evolved in post-structuralism.
    The structure of the study is planned in a sequential order to enable readers to easily understand the theories and their application. The book is bound to be useful to scholars and students of Indology, particularly Indian literature and literary criticism, and those interested in cross-cultural studies in this field.

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    This English version of Vicaracandrodaya elucidates the basic concepts of Advaita Vedanta as a dialogue between a guru and his disciple. A true knowledge seeker who studies this text under a brahmanistha guru will get to know the “secrete knowledge” of Vedanta. Also, it is a ready reference to the basic concepts in Pancadasi of Vidyaranya and Vicarasagara of Niscaladasa.

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    Treatise on Advaita Vedanta by: S. Bhuvaneshwari 266.00495.00

    A prakarana in old Hindi (one of the regional mixed dialects), Vicaracandrodaya elucidates the basic concepts of Advaita Vedanta in the form of questions and answers. Pandit Pitambar, the author of the text, presents this work as a dialogue between a guru and his disciple. This book is an English translation of Vicaracandrodaya, by S. Bhuvaneshwari. It is spread across 249 questions and their answers, and takes the reader into the essence of the entire Vedantashastra. It also has a Laghu-vedanta-kosha explaining the basic Vedantic terms and a chapter as “index” providing quick reference to the basic concepts of Advaita Vedanta.
    The author enunciates that a true knowledge seeker who studies this text under a brahmanishtha guru will get to know the “secrete knowledge” of Vedanta. And this knowledge will dispel darkness from his mind as the rising moon dispels darkness from the world. However, he insists that it should be studied from a guru with shraddha as Vedanta cannot be grasped without the guidance of an enlightened teacher. Also, this book serves as a ready reference to the basic concepts as discussed in Pancadashi of Vidyaranya and Vicarasagara of Nishcaladasa.
    This volume is both a guide to the beginners in Vedanta and a text for nididhyasana. It will benefit all the people who dwell in the domain of Vedanta.

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    This work presents a study of the twelve principal Upanisads, thus unfolding the spirit and substance of Upanishadic thought. It offers the text of the Upanisads in Devanagari and its translation in English along with detailed notes incorporating the commentaries of prominent spirit-ual thinkers and teachers including Sankaracarya and Sankarananda.

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    Twelve Principal Upanisads (3 Vols. Set) by: E. Roer, Raja Rajendralal Mitra, E.B. Cowell, 1,215.00

    The Upanishads are perhaps one of the oldest philosophical treatises concerned with the mystery of the Absolute. This work (in three volumes) presents a study of the twelve principal Upanishads , thus unfolding the spirit and substance of Upanishadic thought. Written in a lucid style, it offers the text of the Upanishads in Devanagari and its translation in English along with detailed noted incorporating the commentaries of prominent spiritual thinkers and teachers including Shankaracarya and Shankaranand. The authors, scholars who have put in years of intense study on the subject, here offer a fresh approach and new insights into the philosophy of absolute unity as taught by the Upanishads and its quest for answers to abstruse questions like the origin of the universe, the nature of deity and the soul, and connection of mind and matter. The volumes are a must for scholars of Indian philosophy as well as students, and especially those genuine aspirants who wish to achieve moksha by the process of yoga for moksha is not possible without understanding the meaning of the Upanishads.

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    Studying the meaning and significance of Sri Visnu Sahasranama, the book discuss the metaphysical nuances of each name, related concepts/terms and the origin of the sacred hymn. It shows how the text presents a picturesque account of the Supreme Reality.

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    Universe that is God by: I. Panduranga Rao 531.00

    The book offers an erudite commentary on the sacred text of Shri Vishnu Sahasranama, one of the most important hymns in the great corpse of Indian literature. Dr. Panduranga Rao, a scholar of repute, here makes a detailed study of the meaning and significance of the hymn — a garland of thousand names of the Lord of the universe glorifying his qualities in an attempt to qualify the unqualified. Devoting a separate chapter for the analysis of each of the 107 verses of the stotra, he brings out the metaphysical nuances of each name with references from various sources and mentions the texts where the names occur. He explains related concepts and terms in an effort to present a wider understanding of the subject. He also studies the context in which the sacred hymn originated. The scholarly commentary reveals how the sacred text presents a picturesque account of the Supreme reality, Highest existence and Absolute bliss through graphic language and by adopting a photographic style of its own. The work, with a foreword by Dr. Karan Singh, will be extremely useful to all scholars of Indian tradition and literature as well as others who are interested in the recitation and understanding of Shri Vishnu Sahasranama.

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    An anthology of over 90 articles penned by the renowned Sanskritists and Indologists in order to felicitate Prof. Vachaspati Upadhyaya covers different domains of Indian intellectual tradition, emphasizing upon the dialectical depth and thematic width of Indian philosophy, religions and culture enshrined in Sanskrit sources.

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    Vacaspativaibhavam by: Shashi Prabha Kumar 3,780.00

    Vacaspativaibhavam is a modest tribute to the dynamic persona of Professor Vachaspati Upadhyaya whose chequered career spans more than four decades. In this volume, an earnest endeavour is made to collect and recollect his significant contribution to the academic world, both as a scholar as well as an administrator.
    The first part of this volume carries benign blessings of saints and scholars for the unbound showering of divine grace upon Professor Upadhyaya. Many messages by the dignitaries and copious compliments from well-wishers and friends of Professor Upadhyaya convey his unmitigated commitment to the core human values cherished in his heart.
    The second section of the volume comprises rich reminiscences penned by a vast majority of his colleagues and students from all over the country. These memoirs, in the form of personal reflections, are richly expressed through the medium of poetry and prose, and reveal the various aspects of the multifaceted personality of Professor Vachaspati Upadhyaya.
    More than ninety research papers included in the principal part of the volume are not limited to the narrow compartmentalization of a particular subject but cover different domains of Indian intellectual tradition. Authored by a galaxy of scholars, Indian and foreign, these articles not only highlight the new ventures in cross-disciplinary studies, but also emphasize their basic concern with contemporary challenges facing humanity. The readers will relish that contributors to the volume have effectively reflected upon the dialectical depth and thematic width of Indian philosophy, religion and culture enshrined in Sanskrit sources.
    In fine, the volume in hand promises to provide meaningful material for thought in the fields of Sanskrit and Indological Studies.

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    Vada in Theory and Practice by: Radhavallabh Tripathi 1,170.00

    Vada, meaning debates, dialogues, discussions, was the quintessential of Indian spirit, enabling and promoting the growth of different philosophical and knowledge systems of India. It percolated deep into our mindset and enriched the moral, ethical, religious and sociocultural edifice of anything that was essentially Indian in nature. As continuation of Anvikshiki from the bc era, vada helped thrive Indian traditional knowledge systems. It subsists on diversity and its tradition envisages pluralism.
    Most of our Sanskrit works, covering a wide gamut of knowledge systems, are structured in the techniques of debate. This reality applies not only to the philosophical writings, but to Indian medical systems (Ayurveda), Arthashastra of Kautilya and Kamasutra of Vatsyayana as well. Even great epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata are no exceptions.
    Vada culture involved verbal duals, attacks and even violence of speech, and all major religious systems — old or modern — were parties to it. This book also elucidates how vata was vital and critical for the growth of our socio-political fabrics. It shows how some of the major conflicts in philosophical systems were centred around karma, jnana, choice between violence and non-violence, pravritti and nivritti. It also presents the manifestations of vada on a vast canvas during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Modern spiritual and religious gurus like Ramana Maharshi, J. Krishnamurti and Vinoba Bhave were men of dialogues. Our scholars have applied the varied techniques of vada against the philosophical and scientific systems of the West to prove them correct.
    This collector’s issue should enthrall a wide audience of philosophers, scholars and believers in Indian knowledge systems.


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    This book deals with the basic rituals performed in religious rites related to Grihya and Smartakarma, and covers Samskara religious activities to be observed by the Brahmacàrins, marriage rituals, the duties of the newly-wed couples, domestic rituals, Sraddhakarma, Rajodharma, an elucidation of Gayatri-mantra the significance of Prana and Vyahritis and the mode of worship of Lord Vishnu and Shiva with Purushasukta.

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    Vadhula Grhyagamavrttirahasyam of Narayana Misra by: B.B. Chaubey 495.00

    The Vedhulagrihyagamavrittirahasyam of Narayana Misra is a versified commentary on the Vadhulagrihyasutravritti, which itself is a short commentary on the Vadhulagrihyasutra. It deals with the basic rituals performed in religious rites related to Grihya and Smartakarma. The text mainly deals with Samskara, religious activities to be observed by the Brahmacarins, marriage rituals, the duties of the newly-wed couples and several other religious and domestic rituals. The last two chapters deal exclusively with Sraddhakarma and Rajodharma, respectively. It includes an elucidation of Gayatri-mantra according to Acarya Sankara, the significance of Prana and Vyahrtis and the mode of worship of Lord Vishnu and Shiva with Purusasukta. The significance of Vadhulagrihyagamavrittirahasya is in not just what it contains but also in the fact that it refers to many unknown texts, such as Prayogaklripti, Katha-Aranyaka, Vadhulagam and Vrata Sangraha.

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    This book presents a lucid English translation of the Vaisesika-Sutra of Kanada, termed the earliest exposition on physics in Indian philosophy and the textual basis for the Nyaya-Vaisesika and Navya-Nyaya systems of thought. The translation retains the feel of the original sutras even while conveying the intended meaning accurately and with clarity.

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    Vaisesika-Sutra of Kanada by: Debasish Chakrabarty 225.00

    Kanada’s Vaisesika Sutra, the textual basis for the Nyaya-Vaisesika system and the later Navya-Nyaya system, may be termed the earliest exposition on physics in Indian philosophy. It presents one of the earliest discussions on the idea of atomicity and on the true nature of knowledge as comprising the categories of dravya (substance), guna (attribute), karma (action), samanya (generality), visesa (particularity) samavaya (inherence) and abhava (non-existence). This book presents the original Sanskrit text of the Vaisesika Sutra along with its Roman transliteration and a translation in the English language. The lucid translation is a scholarly attempt to retain the feel of the original sutras while conveying the intended meaning accurately and is easy to comprehend owing to many special features. Additional words are added in the translated text for the benefit of syntax but they are placed in parenthesis. The translated text has sub-titles that aid in simplifying the arguments by grouping the sutras. Besides, footnotes are provided to explain technical terms and concepts in the original Sanskrit. The book, published under the Shastra Group of Centre of Linguistic and English at Jawaharlal Nehru University which had earlier brought out the Yogasatra of Patanjali, will prove useful to all researchers and students of ancient Indian philosophy.

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    Examining vàstu÷àstra’s conceptual roots in øilpa÷àstra and its later evolution, the volume analyses technical aspects of vàstu÷àstra by concentrating on the essential elements (aïgas) of vàstu÷àstra which involve decision-making and actual construction methods, art of engineering and role and responsibilities of engineers, and aspects related to land materials and rituals associated with use of building after its construction

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    Vastusastra by: Rahul V. Altekar 400.00612.00

    Though there has been considerable interest in vastushastra in recent times and the orientational aspects of vastushastra have been often discussed, little is known of the essential elements that constitute This small book, written in a simple and lucid style, contains teachings of great men, gleanings from the scriptures, and examples from the epics and Puranas, and suggests easy solutions to the various problems faced by man in the present-day world of violence, wars, killings and disasters, and how to have a holistic approach to life vastushastra and its scientific application in the present day. Based on extensive research, the work, vastushastra attempts to address this aspect. Examining comprehensively the subject of vastushastra: its conceptual roots in Shilpashastra and its later evolution as dealt with in the Vedas, the Epic literature, Arthashastra, literature on ayurveda and Kamasutra literature, the volume analyses technical aspects of vastushastra by concentrating on the essential elements [angas] of vastushastra which involve decision-making and actual construction methods, art of engineering and role and responsibilities of engineers, and aspects related to land materials and rituals associated with use of building after its construction. It discusses the eco-friendly life style of the ancient Indians based on vastushastra principles. Giving minute attention to details, it focuses on the application of vastushastra in the present-day society — how the vastushastra principles can be scientifically applied and the potential of application of vastushastra keeping in view modern trends in architectural science and civil engineering.
    The book will be useful for students and scholars of architecture and engineering and those interested in vastushastra.

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    The present volume is a collection of papers originally presented at the first National Seminar held at the Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, JNU, New Delhi, in February, 2005 on Veda as Word. The book covers Vedic philosophy, phonetics, ritual, accentology, mantravij¤àna, exegesis, narratives, lexicography, etymology, grammar, ethics, epistemology and some vedic hymns which deal specifically with word or sound.

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    Veda as Word by: Shashi Prabha Kumar 446.00

    The present volume is a collection of papers originally presented at the first National Seminar held at the Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, JNU, New Delhi, during 11-13 February, 2005 on Veda as Word. The book covers in its gamut Vedic philosophy, phonetics, ritual, accentology, mantravijnana, exegesis, narratives, lexicography, etymology, grammar, ethics, epistemology and also some select hymns of the Veda which deal specifically with word or sound.

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