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आर्यभटीय प्राचीन भारत के महान् ज्योतिषविद् एवम् गणितज्ञ आर्यभट (476-550) की प्रमुख रचना है। आर्या—छन्द में रचित 121 श्लोकों से युक्त चार अध्यायों की आर्यभटीय भारतीय गणित एवम् खगोलिकी का एक सैद्धान्तिक ग्रन्थ हैए जिसका व्यापक प्रभाव मध्यकालीन भारत के अतिरिक्त अरब देशों में भी रहा।
आर्यभट ने सौर–मण्डल के भूकेन्द्रिक सिद्धान्त को प्रतिपादित किया हैए जिसमें सूर्य और चन्द्रमा अपने-अपने अधिचक्रों पर चक्कर लगाते हुए पृथ्वी का चक्कर लगाते हैं। ग्रहण के स्वरूप तथा उसकी गणना.विधि प्रस्तुत की गई है। वह पहले खगोलविद् रहे जिन्होंने पृथ्वी की अपने अक्ष पर भ्रमण करने की अभिकल्पना की है। दशमलव के चार अंकों तक पाई (π) का शुद्ध मान ज्ञात किया है। आर्यभट ने अंकों के प्रदर्शन के लिए अक्षरों का प्रयोग कियाए लेकिन इसकी क्लिष्टता के कारण यह प्रचलित नहीं हो सका। संख्याओं के वर्गमूल एवम् घनमूल ज्ञात करने की विधि या अनिधार्य समीकरणों के हल की कुट्टक विधि को आजकल क्रिप्टोलॉजी में आर्यभट एल्गोरिथम के रूप में प्रयुक्त किया जा रहा है।
डॉ˚ केदारनाथ शुक्ल द्वारा आर्यभटीय के संस्कृत श्लोकों का हिन्दी रूपान्तरण एवम् आधुनिक पदों में उनकी सरल व्याख्या प्रस्तुत करने का एक लघु प्रयास किया गया है। प्राचीन भारतीय गणित एवम् खगोलिकी की यह सर्वोत्कृष्ट कीर्तिए आशा हैए सुविज्ञ छात्रों एवं जन.मानस के लिए हितकर होगी।
Astrology is the oldest of all it sciences. We find a belief that Astrology spread throughout the whole world from Babylonia and Chaldea. It taught the people to lift their aspirations by faith, hope and reverence, through the planetary spirits to the Logos of our solar system, the One Supreme and Universe Self.
Many attempts have been made to bring the study of Astrology within the reach of all persons endowed with a thinking mind, but owing to the magnitude of the subject and the great difficulty of reducing a metaphysical science into terms of natural philosophy, the object has hither to been only partly achieved.
When we come to consider that Astrology was the beginning of nearly all that we hold valuable in art, literature, religion and science; that the constellations were our first pictures; and that astronomy sprang from Chaldean Astrology, we may judge of its value to humanity.
An attempt has been made here to place before the world the system of Astrology. It would be useful for the scholars, intellectuals, astrologers as well as common men.
Astrology is the oldest of all it sciences. We find a belief that Astrology spread throughout the whole world from Babylonia and Chaldea. It taught the people to lift their aspirations by faith, hope and reverence, through the planetary spirits to the Logos of our solar system, the One Supreme and Universe Self.
Many attempts have been made to bring the study of Astrology within the reach of all persons endowed with a thinking mind, but owing to the magnitude of the subject and the great difficulty of reducing a metaphysical science into terms of natural philosophy, the object has hither to been only partly achieved.
When we come to consider that Astrology was the beginning of nearly all that we hold valuable in art, literature, religion and science; that the constellations were our first pictures; and that astronomy sprang from Chaldean Astrology, we may judge of its value to humanity.
An attempt has been made here to place before the world the system of Astrology. It would be useful for the scholars, intellectuals, astrologers as well as common men.
In this work the author explains an entirely new system of directions which, for ease of working and certainty of results, is unsurpassed by any of the extant methods. A new formula for longevity is included.
Directions in New Era Astrology is a veritable storehouse of all the methods employed in delineation prevalent in both systems. No single book furnishes such information on divers topics so very clearly and in such a masterly manner as this book. The author rightly and cogently points out the limitations in the several systems of direction in vogue either now or in the past. His keen powers of discretion and discrimination together with his experience of horoscopes for well over three decades have enabled him to develop and propound a method of directions which being a harmonious synthesis of all that is best in both the systems seems to fit in with the events and times of their occurrences in a better way than every other method. The book with horoscope diagrams neatly illustrated under various heads such as longevity, marriage, accidents etc. should be possessed by all students of astrology, the lay as well as the professional.
Dreams are generally viewed as displays of the subconscious and the unconscious, which know everything of the past, the present and the future, and constitute an interrelation between these. This book presents the viewpoints of scientists, psychologists and various religious and cultural traditions on the phenomenon of dreams.
This book is a study of the mysterious phenomenon of dreams. Dreams have fascinated mankind for ages. Civilisations over time and varied cultures have attempted to interpret the occurrence and meaning of dreams in different ways. Various theories have been extended from time to time to interpret this phenomenon. Dreams are generally viewed as displays of the subconscious and the unconscious which know everything of the past, the present and the future and constitute an interrelation between these.
The book analyses the states of thought, the sleep cycle and occurrence of dreams, presenting viewpoints of various religious and cultural traditions like the tantric view, that of the Guiana Indians, the Korean tradition, and so on. It discusses the views of scientists and psychologists on dreams, examining the beliefs of each school the Freud school, Jung school, Hall school among others in detail. It classifies dreams in different ways and deals with aspects of contemplation, emotions, and feelings in dreams. It also takes up dream healing and numerology, explaining how one can understand the structure of a dream and its significance and use it for achieving something in life. It contains accounts of dreams experienced by famous personalities in history which were closely linked to their real lives.
Dreams are generally viewed as displays of the subconscious and the unconscious, which know everything of the past, the present and the future, and constitute an interrelation between these. This book presents the viewpoints of scientists, psychologists and various religious and cultural traditions on the phenomenon of dreams.
This book is a study of the mysterious phenomenon of dreams. Dreams have fascinated mankind for ages. Civilisations over time and varied cultures have attempted to interpret the occurrence and meaning of dreams in different ways. Various theories have been extended from time to time to interpret this phenomenon. Dreams are generally viewed as displays of the subconscious and the unconscious which know everything of the past, the present and the future and constitute an interrelation between these.
The book analyses the states of thought, the sleep cycle and occurrence of dreams, presenting viewpoints of various religious and cultural traditions like the tantric view, that of the Guiana Indians, the Korean tradition, and so on. It discusses the views of scientists and psychologists on dreams, examining the beliefs of each school the Freud school, Jung school, Hall school among others in detail. It classifies dreams in different ways and deals with aspects of contemplation, emotions, and feelings in dreams. It also takes up dream healing and numerology, explaining how one can understand the structure of a dream and its significance and use it for achieving something in life. It contains accounts of dreams experienced by famous personalities in history which were closely linked to their real lives.
It covers a wide range of topics such as astronomy, astrology, Indian mathematics and mathematicians, astro identities in Vedas, Vedic Jyotisha, rituals and religious observances associated with many astronomical developments, methods of disaster predictions, and the application of astronomy in varied contexts among many other topics, revealing the knowledge hidden in our old scriptures.
Manuscript Heritage on Astronomy covers varied topics on Indian astronomy. It has contributions of 38 well-known Sanskrit scholars and scientists of high repute. This volume is the outcome of a seminar organized by the Oriental Research Institute, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, is published as part of the Samiksika Series (Samiksika 12) of the National Mission for Manuscripts. This bi-lingual book has seventeen papers in English and twenty-one papers in Sanskrit.
It covers a wide gamut of topics such as our rich heritage in astronomy, moving zodiacs, Indian mathematics and mathematicians, astro identities in Vedas, Vedic Jyotisa, contribution of Aryabhatiyam, rituals and religious observances associated with many astronomical developments, methods of disaster predictions, and the application of astronomy in varied contexts among many other topics.
This volume should invite the keen interest of many a scholar and should turn out to be of good use to the scholars working in the area of astronomy.
छठी शताब्दी के लब्ध प्रतिष्ठित ज्योतिषविद् वराहमिहिरकृत पञ्चसिद्धान्तिका भारतीय खगोल शास्त्र का एक प्रमुख सैद्धान्तिक ग्रन्थ है। उस समय के उपलब्ध प्रमुख पाँच ज्योतिष सिद्धान्तों – पौलिश, रोमिक, वासिष्ठ, सौर और पितामह को संकलित कर इस ग्रन्थ को अठारह अध्यायों में प्रस्तुत किया गया हे। यें पाँचों ग्रन्थ और उनकी टीकाएँ आज लुप्त हो चुकी हैं। पञ्चसिद्धान्तिका में वर्णित विषयों में सौर एवम् रोमक सिद्धान्तों पर आधारित अहर्गण की गणना, अधिमास, क्षय तिथियों की गणना, वर्ष, मास आदि के सूत्र प्रस्तुत किए गए हैं। ग्रहों की गति का विश्लेषण तथा पौलिश, रोमक एवम् सौर सिद्धान्त पर आधारित सूर्य एवम् चन्द्र ग्रहण की गणना-विधि भी प्रस्तुत की गई हे।
वराहमिहिर पहले ज्योतिषविद् थे जिन्होंने अयनांश अर्थात् विषुव के स्थानान्तरण का शुद्ध मान दिया। इस पुस्तक में त्रिकोणमिति के ज्या के शुद्ध मान की गणना भी प्रस्तुत की गई है।
पञ्चसिद्धान्तिका का यह हिन्दी रूपान्तरण निश्चित ही सैद्धान्तिक खगोलिकी के शोधकर्ताओं एवम् अन्य पाठकों के लिए उपयोगी होगा।
“Dreams play a significant role in our life, meaningfully affecting us in the development of our personality and our spiritual journey. They are an everyday experience for any human being. Dreams have always been of great interest to poets and philosophers alike since ancient times and examples are aplenty in Indian and Western scriptures. However, it is an uphill task for an ordinary person to fully appreciate the intricacies and significance of dreams in the day-to-day life. It is here that this book proves as an invaluable guide providing deep understanding on the nature of dream and sleep.
This book is a repertoire of human wisdom – gathered for centuries and attested by the modern science – offering enormous insights into our dream and deep-sleep states. It asks, from a common man’s point of view, many a question that perturb us and provides answers to them from the scientific and spiritual perspectives in a captivating way. Some such questions include:
• Do we see dreams in black and white or in colour?
• What does a visually-challenged person see in his dreams?
• Why are some of our dreams extraordinarily vivid with electric colours, the clarity and brilliance of which, we may never encounter in our ordinary waking lives?
• Why are we non-reflective, irrational in our dreams?
• Are the dream time and waking time equal?
• How does our memory work in dream state? Why do we forget our dreams and is it possible to improve dream recall and cultivate awareness in dreams?
• Why do we fail to distinguish a dream object from the physical world object while we are dreaming?
• If the dream experience exactly feels like the real world and we fail to distinguish it from the waking world while we are dreaming, how can we be certain that we are not dreaming now?
• How does a dream contain various persons exhibiting opposite emotions at the same time when all the dream characters including the witnessing dreamer are produced out of single mind of the dreaming person?
• Can we intentionally transform the dream scenarios? If so, what would be the philosophical implications of it?
• Can dreams and sleeps be utilized for spiritual elevation?
… and many more questions we always wondered about the daily eight hours of our bed time, but never got the right answers to! We find new meanings and ways in dealing with our dreams in this volume, therefore, it is a must read for every dream enthusiast as well as any serious spiritual seeker.
This book deals extensively with the sleuthing techniques of telepathy, clairvoyance and psychometry. When soul-psychic sluething is applied extensively, it will minimize troubles and traumas, corruption, and terrorism in the civilized societies. It incorporates the views of Taoist and Confucius, and of the modern psychologists giving a new dimension to soul-psychic sluething.
Soul-psychic Sleuthing will help us bring peace, harmony and welfare of society we live in. When it will be applied extensively, it will minimize troubles and traumas, corruption, and terrorism in the so-called civilized societies.
The Hindu scriptures talked of atma-manthan (soul-churning) because it is only atma, i.e. soul which being one with the Universal Consciousness, knows the truth, which in turn can reach the best solution. Truth shall win. This enforces the application of the Soul-psychic Sleuthing.
There are many techniques of the soul-psychic sleuthing. However, this book concentrates only on three of these telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychometry. Based on Taoist and Confucius wisdom texts, and the views of the modern psychologists, this study provides in detail the methods to develop these talents. Presenting the sleuthing practised by seers and mystics, psychic readers and trackers, telepathists, consultants in their areas and others, it delves into each of the three techniques in-depth.
The soul-psychic sleuthing needs reason, courage, majesty, morals, ethics, values and a tranquil mind besides the absolute purity of thought and intention.
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