Showing 721–732 of 1187 results
This authoritative volume draws the contours of Indian psychology, describes the methods of study, defines the critical concepts, explains the central ideas, and discusses their implications to psychological study and application to life.
Professors Ramakrishna Rao and Anand Paranjpe are two distinguished psychologist-philosophers who pioneered what has come to be known as Indian psychology. In this authoritative volume, they draw the contours of Indian psychology, describe the methods of study, define the critical concepts, explain the central ideas, and discuss their implications to psychological study and application to life.
The main theme is organized around the theme that psychology is the study of the person. They go on to present a model of the person as a unique composite of body, mind, and consciousness. Consciousness is conceived to be qualitatively and ontologically different from all material forms. The goal of the person is self-realization, which consists in the realization of the true self as distinct and separate from the manifest ego. It is facilitated by cultivating consciousness, which leads to some kind of psycho-spiritual symbiosis, personal transformation, and flowering of ones hidden human potentials.
This authoritative volume draws the contours of Indian psychology, describes the methods of study, defines the critical concepts, explains the central ideas, and discusses their implications to psychological study and application to life.
Professors Ramakrishna Rao and Anand Paranjpe are two distinguished psychologist-philosophers who pioneered what has come to be known as Indian psychology. In this authoritative volume, they draw the contours of Indian psychology, describe the methods of study, define the critical concepts, explain the central ideas, and discuss their implications to psychological study and application to life.
The main theme is organized around the theme that psychology is the study of the person. They go on to present a model of the person as a unique composite of body, mind, and consciousness. Consciousness is conceived to be qualitatively and ontologically different from all material forms. The goal of the person is self-realization, which consists in the realization of the true self as distinct and separate from the manifest ego. It is facilitated by cultivating consciousness, which leads to some kind of psycho-spiritual symbiosis, personal transformation, and flowering of ones hidden human potentials.
The Darsanmala, consisting 100 verses lucidly expresses Narayana Gurus unitive vision in expounding the core of Vedantic wisdom. Here, Guru Nitya, masterfully examines this wisdom from the psychological point of view to address basic questions of human psychology like how does one experience the world, the link between I, the experiencer, and that which is experienced, etc.
The Darshanmala, one of the last major works of Narayana Guru, contains 100 verses lucidly expressing the guru’s unitive vision expounding the core of Vedantic wisdom. Here, Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati, using his deep scholarship in western psychological thought, masterfully examines this wisdom from the psychological point of view to address basic questions of human psychology like how does one experience the world, the link between I, the experiencer, and that which is experienced and the way in which one can guide one’s actions. Referring to western thinkers including Carl Jung, St John of the Cross and Kierkegaard, Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati explores Narayana Guru’s absolutist vision to present insights into such items as consciousness, illusion, yoga, existence, awareness, consciousness and contemplative devotion and liberation. Referring to the thought and philosophy of Greek and other western philosophers and ancient scriptures on Advaitic philosophy, the commentary, simple in language and easy-to-understand, incorporates the perspectives and vision derived from the author’s guru, Nataraja Guru, who had translated the entire poem Darshanmala into English.
For daily devata worship this book will be very useful — it contains sacred hymns in praise of the principal gods and goddesses. Some selected Chaalisaas are also included.
For daily devata worship this book will be very useful — it contains sacred hymns in praise of the principal gods and goddesses. Some selected Chaalisaas are also included.
How important was environment in the ancient times as depicted in the Puranic literatures has been discussed in detail in this book.
How important was environment in the ancient times as depicted in the Puranic literatures has been discussed in detail in this book.
भारतीय पुरातत्त्व परिषद्, नई दिल्ली, के द्वारा प्रकाशित पुरातत्त्व िवज्ञान से सम्बन्धित ‘पुराप्रवाह’ नामक वार्षिक पत्रिका देश में यू॰जी॰सी॰ से मान्यता प्राप्त अकेली हिन्दी की सारगर्भित शोधपत्रिका है जो पुरातत्त्व के विषयाें तथा ऐतिहासिक शोधकार्याें से सम्बन्ध रखती है।
यह वार्षिक पत्रिका विद्वत समीक्षक मण्डल द्वारा अवलोकित होती है तथा इस पत्रिका में प्रकाशित हाेने से पूर्व आलेख काे वरिष्ठ पुरातत्त्ववेत्ताओं एवं उस विषय के विशेषज्ञों को विचारार्थ स्वीकार करने हेतु भेजा जाता है।
इस पत्रिका का प्रकाशन मूलतः राजभाषा व राष्ट्रभाषा हिंदी में पुरातत्त्व के साहित्य को मान्यता देने हेतु एक सार्थक व सशक्त माध्यम है तािक देश की युवा पीढ़ी के पुरातत्त्वज्ञों को अन्वेषणपरक शोध-निबन्धों के लेखन काे िहन्दी में िलखने की प्रेरणा िमल सके। इससे आने वाले समय में पाठकांे के पास पुरातत्त्व सम्बन्धित हिन्दी की सामग्री पर्याप्त रूप से होगी, जो विद्यार्थियों को शोधकार्य करने में अत्यंत सहायक िसद्ध होगी और उन्हें अंग्रेज़ी की पत्रिकाओं एवं पुस्तकों पर निर्भर नहीं रहना पड़ेगा।
‘पुराप्रवाह’ में पुरातत्त्व विज्ञान, इतिहास, अभिलेखिकी, मुद्राशास्त्र, पुरातात्त्विक अन्वेषण, प्रागैतिहासिक युग से सम्बन्धित सामग्री, भारतीय संस्कृति, कला और साहित्य का पुरातत्त्व से अन्यान्योश्रय सामंजस्य जैसे विषयों को समाहित करने का प्रयत्न किया है। इसके अतिरिक्त इस वार्षिक पत्रिका में संग्रहालय-विज्ञान, प्राचीन भारतीय धरोहर, वेद-पुराणों से सम्बद्ध महागाथाओं तथा परम्परागत लोकगाथाओं के लेख भी समािहत करने का प्रावधान रखा गया है।
हमें आशा और विश्वास है कि यह शोध-पत्रिका शीघ्र ही पुरातात्त्विक जगत् में अपनी पहचान बना लेगी।
भारतीय पुरातत्त्व परिषद्, नई दिल्ली, के द्वारा प्रकाशित पुरातत्त्व िवज्ञान से सम्बन्धित ‘पुराप्रवाह’ नामक वार्षिक पत्रिका देश में यू॰जी॰सी॰ से मान्यता प्राप्त अकेली हिन्दी की सारगर्भित शोधपत्रिका है जो पुरातत्त्व के विषयाें तथा ऐतिहासिक शोधकार्याें से सम्बन्ध रखती है।
यह वार्षिक पत्रिका विद्वत समीक्षक मण्डल द्वारा अवलोकित होती है तथा इस पत्रिका में प्रकाशित हाेने से पूर्व आलेख काे वरिष्ठ पुरातत्त्ववेत्ताओं एवं उस विषय के विशेषज्ञों को विचारार्थ स्वीकार करने हेतु भेजा जाता है।
इस पत्रिका का प्रकाशन मूलतः राजभाषा व राष्ट्रभाषा हिंदी में पुरातत्त्व के साहित्य को मान्यता देने हेतु एक सार्थक व सशक्त माध्यम है तािक देश की युवा पीढ़ी के पुरातत्त्वज्ञों को अन्वेषणपरक शोध-निबन्धों के लेखन काे िहन्दी में िलखने की प्रेरणा िमल सके। इससे आने वाले समय में पाठकांे के पास पुरातत्त्व सम्बन्धित हिन्दी की सामग्री पर्याप्त रूप से होगी, जो विद्यार्थियों को शोधकार्य करने में अत्यंत सहायक िसद्ध होगी और उन्हें अंग्रेज़ी की पत्रिकाओं एवं पुस्तकों पर निर्भर नहीं रहना पड़ेगा।
‘पुराप्रवाह’ में पुरातत्त्व विज्ञान, इतिहास, अभिलेखिकी, मुद्राशास्त्र, पुरातात्त्विक अन्वेषण, प्रागैतिहासिक युग से सम्बन्धित सामग्री, भारतीय संस्कृति, कला और साहित्य का पुरातत्त्व से अन्यान्योश्रय सामंजस्य जैसे विषयों को समाहित करने का प्रयत्न किया है। इसके अतिरिक्त इस वार्षिक पत्रिका में संग्रहालय-विज्ञान, प्राचीन भारतीय धरोहर, वेद-पुराणों से सम्बद्ध महागाथाओं तथा परम्परागत लोकगाथाओं के लेख भी समािहत करने का प्रावधान रखा गया है।
हमें आशा और विश्वास है कि यह शोध-पत्रिका शीघ्र ही पुरातात्त्विक जगत् में अपनी पहचान बना लेगी।
भारतीय पुरातत्त्व परिषद्, नई दिल्ली, के द्वारा प्रकाशित पुरातत्त्व िवज्ञान से सम्बन्धित ‘पुराप्रवाह’ नामक वार्षिक पत्रिका देश में यू॰जी॰सी॰ से मान्यता प्राप्त अकेली हिन्दी की सारगर्भित शोधपत्रिका है जो पुरातत्त्व के विषयाें तथा ऐतिहासिक शोधकार्याें से सम्बन्ध रखती है।
यह वार्षिक पत्रिका विद्वत समीक्षक मण्डल द्वारा अवलोकित होती है तथा इस पत्रिका में प्रकाशित हाेने से पूर्व आलेख काे वरिष्ठ पुरातत्त्ववेत्ताओं एवं उस विषय के विशेषज्ञों को विचारार्थ स्वीकार करने हेतु भेजा जाता है।
इस पत्रिका का प्रकाशन मूलतः राजभाषा व राष्ट्रभाषा हिंदी में पुरातत्त्व के साहित्य को मान्यता देने हेतु एक सार्थक व सशक्त माध्यम है तािक देश की युवा पीढ़ी के पुरातत्त्वज्ञों को अन्वेषणपरक शोध-निबन्धों के लेखन काे िहन्दी में िलखने की प्रेरणा िमल सके। इससे आने वाले समय में पाठकांे के पास पुरातत्त्व सम्बन्धित हिन्दी की सामग्री पर्याप्त रूप से होगी, जो विद्यार्थियों को शोधकार्य करने में अत्यंत सहायक िसद्ध होगी और उन्हें अंग्रेज़ी की पत्रिकाओं एवं पुस्तकों पर निर्भर नहीं रहना पड़ेगा।
‘पुराप्रवाह’ में पुरातत्त्व विज्ञान, इतिहास, अभिलेखिकी, मुद्राशास्त्र, पुरातात्त्विक अन्वेषण, प्रागैतिहासिक युग से सम्बन्धित सामग्री, भारतीय संस्कृति, कला और साहित्य का पुरातत्त्व से अन्यान्योश्रय सामंजस्य जैसे विषयों को समाहित करने का प्रयत्न किया है। इसके अतिरिक्त इस वार्षिक पत्रिका में संग्रहालय-विज्ञान, प्राचीन भारतीय धरोहर, वेद-पुराणों से सम्बद्ध महागाथाओं तथा परम्परागत लोकगाथाओं के लेख भी समािहत करने का प्रावधान रखा गया है।
हमें आशा और विश्वास है कि यह शोध-पत्रिका शीघ्र ही पुरातात्त्विक जगत् में अपनी पहचान बना लेगी।
भारतीय पुरातत्त्व परिषद्, नई दिल्ली, के द्वारा प्रकाशित पुरातत्त्व िवज्ञान से सम्बन्धित ‘पुराप्रवाह’ नामक वार्षिक पत्रिका देश में यू॰जी॰सी॰ से मान्यता प्राप्त अकेली हिन्दी की सारगर्भित शोधपत्रिका है जो पुरातत्त्व के विषयाें तथा ऐतिहासिक शोधकार्याें से सम्बन्ध रखती है।
यह वार्षिक पत्रिका विद्वत समीक्षक मण्डल द्वारा अवलोकित होती है तथा इस पत्रिका में प्रकाशित हाेने से पूर्व आलेख काे वरिष्ठ पुरातत्त्ववेत्ताओं एवं उस विषय के विशेषज्ञों को विचारार्थ स्वीकार करने हेतु भेजा जाता है।
इस पत्रिका का प्रकाशन मूलतः राजभाषा व राष्ट्रभाषा हिंदी में पुरातत्त्व के साहित्य को मान्यता देने हेतु एक सार्थक व सशक्त माध्यम है तािक देश की युवा पीढ़ी के पुरातत्त्वज्ञों को अन्वेषणपरक शोध-निबन्धों के लेखन काे िहन्दी में िलखने की प्रेरणा िमल सके। इससे आने वाले समय में पाठकांे के पास पुरातत्त्व सम्बन्धित हिन्दी की सामग्री पर्याप्त रूप से होगी, जो विद्यार्थियों को शोधकार्य करने में अत्यंत सहायक िसद्ध होगी और उन्हें अंग्रेज़ी की पत्रिकाओं एवं पुस्तकों पर निर्भर नहीं रहना पड़ेगा।
‘पुराप्रवाह’ में पुरातत्त्व विज्ञान, इतिहास, अभिलेखिकी, मुद्राशास्त्र, पुरातात्त्विक अन्वेषण, प्रागैतिहासिक युग से सम्बन्धित सामग्री, भारतीय संस्कृति, कला और साहित्य का पुरातत्त्व से अन्यान्योश्रय सामंजस्य जैसे विषयों को समाहित करने का प्रयत्न किया है। इसके अतिरिक्त इस वार्षिक पत्रिका में संग्रहालय-विज्ञान, प्राचीन भारतीय धरोहर, वेद-पुराणों से सम्बद्ध महागाथाओं तथा परम्परागत लोकगाथाओं के लेख भी समािहत करने का प्रावधान रखा गया है।
हमें आशा और विश्वास है कि यह शोध-पत्रिका शीघ्र ही पुरातात्त्विक जगत् में अपनी पहचान बना लेगी।
This, an authorised reprint of an annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletin is highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
Puratattva is the annual bulletin of one of the worlds most prestigious academic organization, the Indian Archaeological Society which was founded as early as 1967. From the very beginning, the Society has aimed at publishing the results of the latest archaeological discoveries made in India. Those who have contributed to the journal over the years include not only the eminent archaeologists excavating major sites, like Professors H.D. Sankalia, B.B. Lal, B.P. Sinha, Krishna Deva, A.K. Narain, G.R. Sharma, M.N. Deshpande, B.K. Thapar, S.R. Rao, B.M. Pande, J.P. Joshi, M.C. Joshi, M.S. Nagaraja Rao, A. Sundara, K.N. Dikshit, V.N. Misra, Vibha Tripathi, Rakesh Tiwari, V.S. Wakankar, Giriraj Kishore, K.V. Raman, N.C. Ghosh, K.M. Srivastava, M.A. Dhaky, V.D. Mishra, M.K. Dhavalikar, R.S. Bisht, B.R. Mani, R.C. Agarwal, S.P. Gupta, R.K. Verma, J.N. Pal, U.V. Shinde, Rakesh Tiwari, Alok Tripathi, Amarendra Nath, D.N. Tripathi, Ajith Prasad, K.S. Ramchandran, D.V. Sharma, but also young and budding scholars brimming with new ideas and equipped with new scientific techniques, exploring practically every part of the country and preparing their research works for their Doctoral and post-Doctoral degrees. Scholars from universities and research institutions like the Banaras Hindu University, Madras University, Nagarjuna University, Utkal University, Allahabad University, Patna University, Calcutta University, Mysore University, Baroda University, Kurukshetra University, Rohtak University, Lucknow University, Gorakhpur University, Deccan College, Indian Archaeological Society and the Archaeological Survey of India, the largest body of archeologists in India, to name a few, have been engaged in extensive and intensive field-work in the country. They have been regularly contributing their research-papers to this journal. The subjects covered by these scholars include Stone Age cultures, including Neolithic Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture of the Harappans found in the Indus and Saraswati basins, Chalcolithinc cultures found in the Deccan, Malwa, Maharashtra, Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, and Early Iron Age cultures, including the Megalithic Culture, throughout India. They also include topics like Underwater Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Art, Architecture, Conservation of Monuments, Antiquarian Laws and International Conventions. Puratattva also contains Notes and News, Book Reviews and dialogues between scholars on various issues. So far as many as 34 volumes have been published which provide a mine of information, without referring to which no worthwhile research-work on Indian history and archaeology is at all possible. The articles include even those presented in the Annual Conferences of the Society. This is precisely the reason the Puratattva is consulted throughout the world to gather details on the progress of Indian archaeology and insights on Indian history and culture. It is indeed of permanent value for all scholars and all libraries in India and abroad.
This, an authorised reprint of an annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletin is highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
Puratattva is the annual bulletin of one of the worlds most prestigious academic organization, the Indian Archaeological Society which was founded as early as 1967. From the very beginning, the Society has aimed at publishing the results of the latest archaeological discoveries made in India. Those who have contributed to the journal over the years include not only the eminent archaeologists excavating major sites, like Professors H.D. Sankalia, B.B. Lal, B.P. Sinha, Krishna Deva, A.K. Narain, G.R. Sharma, M.N. Deshpande, B.K. Thapar, S.R. Rao, B.M. Pande, J.P. Joshi, M.C. Joshi, M.S. Nagaraja Rao, A. Sundara, K.N. Dikshit, V.N. Misra, Vibha Tripathi, Rakesh Tiwari, V.S. Wakankar, Giriraj Kishore, K.V. Raman, N.C. Ghosh, K.M. Srivastava, M.A. Dhaky, V.D. Mishra, M.K. Dhavalikar, R.S. Bisht, B.R. Mani, R.C. Agarwal, S.P. Gupta, R.K. Verma, J.N. Pal, U.V. Shinde, Rakesh Tiwari, Alok Tripathi, Amarendra Nath, D.N. Tripathi, Ajith Prasad, K.S. Ramchandran, D.V. Sharma, but also young and budding scholars brimming with new ideas and equipped with new scientific techniques, exploring practically every part of the country and preparing their research works for their Doctoral and post-Doctoral degrees. Scholars from universities and research institutions like the Banaras Hindu University, Madras University, Nagarjuna University, Utkal University, Allahabad University, Patna University, Calcutta University, Mysore University, Baroda University, Kurukshetra University, Rohtak University, Lucknow University, Gorakhpur University, Deccan College, Indian Archaeological Society and the Archaeological Survey of India, the largest body of archeologists in India, to name a few, have been engaged in extensive and intensive field-work in the country. They have been regularly contributing their research-papers to this journal. The subjects covered by these scholars include Stone Age cultures, including Neolithic Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture of the Harappans found in the Indus and Saraswati basins, Chalcolithinc cultures found in the Deccan, Malwa, Maharashtra, Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, and Early Iron Age cultures, including the Megalithic Culture, throughout India. They also include topics like Underwater Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Art, Architecture, Conservation of Monuments, Antiquarian Laws and International Conventions. Puratattva also contains Notes and News, Book Reviews and dialogues between scholars on various issues. So far as many as 34 volumes have been published which provide a mine of information, without referring to which no worthwhile research-work on Indian history and archaeology is at all possible. The articles include even those presented in the Annual Conferences of the Society. This is precisely the reason the Puratattva is consulted throughout the world to gather details on the progress of Indian archaeology and insights on Indian history and culture. It is indeed of permanent value for all scholars and all libraries in India and abroad.
This, an authorised reprint of an annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletin is highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
Puratattva is the annual bulletin of one of the worlds most prestigious academic organization, the Indian Archaeological Society which was founded as early as 1967. From the very beginning, the Society has aimed at publishing the results of the latest archaeological discoveries made in India. Those who have contributed to the journal over the years include not only the eminent archaeologists excavating major sites, like Professors H.D. Sankalia, B.B. Lal, B.P. Sinha, Krishna Deva, A.K. Narain, G.R. Sharma, M.N. Deshpande, B.K. Thapar, S.R. Rao, B.M. Pande, J.P. Joshi, M.C. Joshi, M.S. Nagaraja Rao, A. Sundara, K.N. Dikshit, V.N. Misra, Vibha Tripathi, Rakesh Tiwari, V.S. Wakankar, Giriraj Kishore, K.V. Raman, N.C. Ghosh, K.M. Srivastava, M.A. Dhaky, V.D. Mishra, M.K. Dhavalikar, R.S. Bisht, B.R. Mani, R.C. Agarwal, S.P. Gupta, R.K. Verma, J.N. Pal, U.V. Shinde, Rakesh Tiwari, Alok Tripathi, Amarendra Nath, D.N. Tripathi, Ajith Prasad, K.S. Ramchandran, D.V. Sharma, but also young and budding scholars brimming with new ideas and equipped with new scientific techniques, exploring practically every part of the country and preparing their research works for their Doctoral and post-Doctoral degrees. Scholars from universities and research institutions like the Banaras Hindu University, Madras University, Nagarjuna University, Utkal University, Allahabad University, Patna University, Calcutta University, Mysore University, Baroda University, Kurukshetra University, Rohtak University, Lucknow University, Gorakhpur University, Deccan College, Indian Archaeological Society and the Archaeological Survey of India, the largest body of archeologists in India, to name a few, have been engaged in extensive and intensive field-work in the country. They have been regularly contributing their research-papers to this journal. The subjects covered by these scholars include Stone Age cultures, including Neolithic Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture of the Harappans found in the Indus and Saraswati basins, Chalcolithinc cultures found in the Deccan, Malwa, Maharashtra, Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, and Early Iron Age cultures, including the Megalithic Culture, throughout India. They also include topics like Underwater Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Art, Architecture, Conservation of Monuments, Antiquarian Laws and International Conventions. Puratattva also contains Notes and News, Book Reviews and dialogues between scholars on various issues. So far as many as 34 volumes have been published which provide a mine of information, without referring to which no worthwhile research-work on Indian history and archaeology is at all possible. The articles include even those presented in the Annual Conferences of the Society. This is precisely the reason the Puratattva is consulted throughout the world to gather details on the progress of Indian archaeology and insights on Indian history and culture. It is indeed of permanent value for all scholars and all libraries in India and abroad.
This, an authorised reprint of an annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletin is highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
Puratattva is the annual bulletin of one of the worlds most prestigious academic organization, the Indian Archaeological Society which was founded as early as 1967. From the very beginning, the Society has aimed at publishing the results of the latest archaeological discoveries made in India. Those who have contributed to the journal over the years include not only the eminent archaeologists excavating major sites, like Professors H.D. Sankalia, B.B. Lal, B.P. Sinha, Krishna Deva, A.K. Narain, G.R. Sharma, M.N. Deshpande, B.K. Thapar, S.R. Rao, B.M. Pande, J.P. Joshi, M.C. Joshi, M.S. Nagaraja Rao, A. Sundara, K.N. Dikshit, V.N. Misra, Vibha Tripathi, Rakesh Tiwari, V.S. Wakankar, Giriraj Kishore, K.V. Raman, N.C. Ghosh, K.M. Srivastava, M.A. Dhaky, V.D. Mishra, M.K. Dhavalikar, R.S. Bisht, B.R. Mani, R.C. Agarwal, S.P. Gupta, R.K. Verma, J.N. Pal, U.V. Shinde, Rakesh Tiwari, Alok Tripathi, Amarendra Nath, D.N. Tripathi, Ajith Prasad, K.S. Ramchandran, D.V. Sharma, but also young and budding scholars brimming with new ideas and equipped with new scientific techniques, exploring practically every part of the country and preparing their research works for their Doctoral and post-Doctoral degrees. Scholars from universities and research institutions like the Banaras Hindu University, Madras University, Nagarjuna University, Utkal University, Allahabad University, Patna University, Calcutta University, Mysore University, Baroda University, Kurukshetra University, Rohtak University, Lucknow University, Gorakhpur University, Deccan College, Indian Archaeological Society and the Archaeological Survey of India, the largest body of archeologists in India, to name a few, have been engaged in extensive and intensive field-work in the country. They have been regularly contributing their research-papers to this journal. The subjects covered by these scholars include Stone Age cultures, including Neolithic Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture of the Harappans found in the Indus and Saraswati basins, Chalcolithinc cultures found in the Deccan, Malwa, Maharashtra, Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, and Early Iron Age cultures, including the Megalithic Culture, throughout India. They also include topics like Underwater Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Art, Architecture, Conservation of Monuments, Antiquarian Laws and International Conventions. Puratattva also contains Notes and News, Book Reviews and dialogues between scholars on various issues. So far as many as 34 volumes have been published which provide a mine of information, without referring to which no worthwhile research-work on Indian history and archaeology is at all possible. The articles include even those presented in the Annual Conferences of the Society. This is precisely the reason the Puratattva is consulted throughout the world to gather details on the progress of Indian archaeology and insights on Indian history and culture. It is indeed of permanent value for all scholars and all libraries in India and abroad.
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