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“कृति परिचय
प्रस्तुत कृति में योग के इतिहास, विकास एवं दर्शन को जिज्ञासुओं के समाधानार्थ सरलतया प्रतिपादित करने का परिश्रम किया गया है।
फ्योगय् भारतीय सांस्कृतिक परम्परा की अनमोल विरासत है। सहड्डों वर्षों के तप एवं अभ्यास से ऋषियों-मुनियों ने, जो शरीर-रचना, स्वास्थ्य तथा अध्यात्म साधना की सामूहिक एवं एकीकृत प्रणाली विकसित की, वही योग है। यह फ्योगय् इसलिए भी है कि इसमें फ्जुड़नाय् है। इस फ्जुड़नेय् को शरीर के परिप्रेक्ष्य से लें तो स्वास्थ्य एवं आरोग्य के साथ जुड़ना है। आध्यात्मिक परिप्रेक्ष्य से लें तो आत्मज्ञान या ब्रह्मज्ञान, मोक्ष, कैवल्य आदि से जुड़ना या प्राप्ति है।
प्रस्तुत ग्रन्थ योग-परक अन्वेषणा की अनवरत जिज्ञासा का प्रतिफल है। वास्तव में जिज्ञासा ही मुख्य है, प्राप्ति गौण है, क्योंकि जिज्ञासा का शमन ही प्राप्ति है। योग जीवन में पूर्णता एवं सन्तोष की एक अनुभूति भरता है। योग की वास्तविक प्राप्ति व्यत्तिफ़ को सतत ऊर्ध्वगामी बनाती है। लक्ष्यों की प्राप्ति सुगम, जीवन में समरसता एवं सामंजस्यता का दिऽना, योग के प्रतिफलन के कुछ संकेत हैं। साध्य एवं साधन की अनुकूलता एवं उनमें शुचिता का बोध योग पथ पर व्यत्तिफ़ को दृढ़ रऽते हैं।
इस ग्रन्थ में पात×जल योग, हठयोग, मन्त्रयोग, लययोग, भत्तिफ़योग, ध्यानयोग, कर्मयोग तथा ज्ञानयोग का प्रामाणिक विवेचन किया गया है। पात×जल योग परम्परा के टीकाकारों एवं भाष्यकारों का विवेचन तथा योग-सम्बन्धी उपनिषदों के विषय में कतिपय विवरण प्रस्तुत हुआ है। समकालीन योगी योगानन्द, जे- कृष्णमूर्ति एवं ओशो रजनीश प्रभृति के दर्शन का सारभूत परिचय सरलतया प्रतिपादित किया है। वर्तमान युग में योग की स्वास्थ्य रक्षण में भूमिका, मानसिक स्वास्थ्य, सन्तुष्टि एवं शान्ति का मार्ग भी इसमें सिद्ध किया है। योग नैतिकता की शिक्षा में भी महत्त्वपूर्ण स्थान रऽता है, यह युत्तिफ़यों से सुसिद्ध किया है। उपनिषद् आदि में भी योग के विविध आयाम सुलभ हैं जिन पर रोचक प्रकाश डाला गया है। अन्त में संस्कृत मूलग्रन्थों की सूचना देकर विद्यार्थियों को उपकृत किया गया है।
हम सभी योग ऊर्जा से समन्वित एवं सात्त्विक गुणों से परिपूर्णित हों, इस भावना के साथ, योग अन्वीक्षा सुधी पाठकों को समर्पित है।”
Dr. N. C. Panda examines yoga-nidra as a scientific discipline the theory, its psychological basis, its techniques and applications to reveal its significance as a means of strengthening the bodys immune system and preventing and curing diseases and regulating ones life patterns. It involves comparative analyses like that of yogic trance and hypnotic trance and yoga-vedanta and Freudian psychologies.
Healing of body and mind through yoga is gaining immense significance at present as a world-wide science of therapy. In this context, yoga-nidra, a self-therapy technique of yoga and tantra, is important as an effective means of regulating the mind. In this volume, Dr. Panda, a noted philosopher and psychologist, yogi and tantrist, delves into the principles and practices of yoga-nidra based on materials from the tantras and Patanjali Yoga in an attempt to explain its benefits with special reference to modern medicine. The book presents yoga-nidra as a scientific discipline that is a potent means to strengthen the bodys immune system and thus to prevent and cure diseases and to regulate ones life patterns. It examines in detail the theory of yoga-nidra, going into the Indian concept of mind and personality. It establishes the psychological basis of yoga-nidra by comparing hypnotic trance and yogic trance and Freudian and Yoga-Vedanta psychologies. It then lucidly presents the techniques of yoga-nidra and deals with the applications of yoga-nidra with relation to curing of psychosomatic and other diseases of common occurrence and to solving current problems such as drug-addiction and stress-induced maladies. This well-conceived and thorough research work will prove useful to scholars of ancient Indian medical science and psychology, particularly those concerned with study of yoga vis-a-vis modern medical problems and systems. It will be of equal importance for the general readers owing to its interesting subject matter, simple style of presentation and easy adoption by the non-adepts.
Dr. N. C. Panda examines yoga-nidra as a scientific discipline the theory, its psychological basis, its techniques and applications to reveal its significance as a means of strengthening the bodys immune system and preventing and curing diseases and regulating ones life patterns. It involves comparative analyses like that of yogic trance and hypnotic trance and yoga-vedanta and Freudian psychologies.
Healing of body and mind through yoga is gaining immense significance at present as a world-wide science of therapy. In this context, yoga-nidra, a self-therapy technique of yoga and tantra, is important as an effective means of regulating the mind. In this volume, Dr. Panda, a noted philosopher and psychologist, yogi and tantrist, delves into the principles and practices of yoga-nidra based on materials from the tantras and Patanjali Yoga in an attempt to explain its benefits with special reference to modern medicine. The book presents yoga-nidra as a scientific discipline that is a potent means to strengthen the bodys immune system and thus to prevent and cure diseases and to regulate ones life patterns. It examines in detail the theory of yoga-nidra, going into the Indian concept of mind and personality. It establishes the psychological basis of yoga-nidra by comparing hypnotic trance and yogic trance and Freudian and Yoga-Vedanta psychologies. It then lucidly presents the techniques of yoga-nidra and deals with the applications of yoga-nidra with relation to curing of psychosomatic and other diseases of common occurrence and to solving current problems such as drug-addiction and stress-induced maladies. This well-conceived and thorough research work will prove useful to scholars of ancient Indian medical science and psychology, particularly those concerned with study of yoga vis-a-vis modern medical problems and systems. It will be of equal importance for the general readers owing to its interesting subject matter, simple style of presentation and easy adoption by the non-adepts.
In the present time, yoga has attracted all kinds of professionals and got its alliance in almost all subjects. Study of yoga has been prominent in the curricula of Sanskrit studies, from which it evolved traditionally, but it has of late found relevance in other disciplines like Philosophy, Psycho-logy, Sociology, Music, Physical Education and Sports, Physiology, Medical Science, Bio-chemistry, Life Sciences, and Language and Literature. There are exclusive departments of yoga in various universities. The present book helps to address the yoga needs of people from all walks of life and presents the Yogic view from its origin and development to the needs of a modern, technocratic society.
With the observance of Yogic practices, the Indian spiritual gurus kept their body healthy and tuned, and elevated their mind to higher realms, which were essential requirements for their spiritual growth, for happiness and harmony in life. This ancient science found easy acceptance in foreign countries too. With the UNESCO coming into picture, yoga shot into limelight around the world. Apart from spirituality, other reasons for the revival of yoga as a lifestyle were its simple, light exercises which rejuvenate the mind and body, its no-harmful effects, and its power to inculcate superior values in life. Yoga has an edge over other health exercises like aerobics and weight lifting. Fitness of body and mind, work performance, psycho-physical balance and the overall well-being are easily attainable through the regular practice of yoga. The present book will be useful to a common reader and a seeker of yoga alike in knowing about its philosophy and will help them practise it in a simple, lucid way.
In the present time, yoga has attracted all kinds of professionals and got its alliance in almost all subjects. Study of yoga has been prominent in the curricula of Sanskrit studies, from which it evolved traditionally, but it has of late found relevance in other disciplines like Philosophy, Psycho-logy, Sociology, Music, Physical Education and Sports, Physiology, Medical Science, Bio-chemistry, Life Sciences, and Language and Literature. There are exclusive departments of yoga in various universities. The present book helps to address the yoga needs of people from all walks of life and presents the Yogic view from its origin and development to the needs of a modern, technocratic society.
With the observance of Yogic practices, the Indian spiritual gurus kept their body healthy and tuned, and elevated their mind to higher realms, which were essential requirements for their spiritual growth, for happiness and harmony in life. This ancient science found easy acceptance in foreign countries too. With the UNESCO coming into picture, yoga shot into limelight around the world. Apart from spirituality, other reasons for the revival of yoga as a lifestyle were its simple, light exercises which rejuvenate the mind and body, its no-harmful effects, and its power to inculcate superior values in life. Yoga has an edge over other health exercises like aerobics and weight lifting. Fitness of body and mind, work performance, psycho-physical balance and the overall well-being are easily attainable through the regular practice of yoga. The present book will be useful to a common reader and a seeker of yoga alike in knowing about its philosophy and will help them practise it in a simple, lucid way.
The sound practice of yoga enables one to have a disease-free body and keen intellect. This book details the impact of various yoga practices on psychology and specifies that consciousness has a wider conation in yoga in developing one’s personality traits and leveraging them further to keep him/her happy and experience a blissful life.
Yoga psychology is both a positive and a normative science. It not only analyses human personality and its growth, but sets normative ideals and prescribes techniques to achieve such objectives, as well. Thus, expansion of consciousness and making oneself the master of his/her mind are the broad objectives of yoga psychology. The topological aspect of mind as described by Freud in terms of conscious, subconscious and unconscious levels was well detailed in the yogic literature, thousands of years ago. The sound practice of yoga enables one to have a disease-free body and keen intellect.
The book, thus, details the impact of various yoga practices on psychology and specifies that consciousness has a wider conation in yoga. Yoga presents vivid and sound meditation procedures for the attainment of psychic consciousness through the awakening of kundalini. Homeostasis or balance is the central principle in yoga psychology, and it holds that any sort of imbalance in the system physical, psychological or pranic creates disorders and the solution lies in rebalancing it. Here comes the role of yogic psychotherapies such as prarthana, mantra sadhana, spiritual couselling, pranayama, yajna, sankirtana, svadhyaya and vrata anushthana.
This volume enunciates that yoga psychology is an applied science, and thus has remedies for many individual and social problems. It deals at large with the application and benefits of yogic practices in developing ones personality traits and leveraging them further to keep him/her happy and experience a blissful life.
The sound practice of yoga enables one to have a disease-free body and keen intellect. This book details the impact of various yoga practices on psychology and specifies that consciousness has a wider conation in yoga in developing one’s personality traits and leveraging them further to keep him/her happy and experience a blissful life.
Yoga psychology is both a positive and a normative science. It not only analyses human personality and its growth, but sets normative ideals and prescribes techniques to achieve such objectives, as well. Thus, expansion of consciousness and making oneself the master of his/her mind are the broad objectives of yoga psychology. The topological aspect of mind as described by Freud in terms of conscious, subconscious and unconscious levels was well detailed in the yogic literature, thousands of years ago. The sound practice of yoga enables one to have a disease-free body and keen intellect.
The book, thus, details the impact of various yoga practices on psychology and specifies that consciousness has a wider conation in yoga. Yoga presents vivid and sound meditation procedures for the attainment of psychic consciousness through the awakening of kundalini. Homeostasis or balance is the central principle in yoga psychology, and it holds that any sort of imbalance in the system physical, psychological or pranic creates disorders and the solution lies in rebalancing it. Here comes the role of yogic psychotherapies such as prarthana, mantra sadhana, spiritual couselling, pranayama, yajna, sankirtana, svadhyaya and vrata anushthana.
This volume enunciates that yoga psychology is an applied science, and thus has remedies for many individual and social problems. It deals at large with the application and benefits of yogic practices in developing ones personality traits and leveraging them further to keep him/her happy and experience a blissful life.
The English translation of Yoga-sutra adopts a unique approach: it retains many Sanskrit technical terms to present their inadequate rendering in English and avoids elaborate commentaries. It examines Yoga philosophy in relation to other orthodox philosophical system and analyses issues of cognition and signification.
Patanjali’s Yoga-sutra, one of the most well-known works in the Indian classical tradition, is recognised as the primary text of Yoga philosophy. Here, Dr. Bhaduri adopts a simple but unique approach in his study of the text to make it more suitable to the needs of the Indian students. This English translation of the Yoga-sutra by Dr. Bhaduri under the guidance of Prof. Kapil Kapoor in shastra Group of Centre of Liguistic and English, at Jawaharlal Nehru University, retains many Sanskrit terms, adding the English equivalents in footnotes and the glossary to avoid making inadequate renderings of Sanskrit technical terms. It translates only what is stated in the concerned sutras without elaborate commentaries in order not to confuse the reader and to allow him to draw independent conclusions. Presenting the sutras in original Sanskrit form along with their Roman transcription, it examines the Yoga philosophy in relation to the other five orthodox systems of classical Indian philosophy and analyses the manner in which it deals with issues of cognition and signification.
Dr. T. N. Mishra explores the moral and philosophical meanings and significance of yoga and studies the philosophies and practices that bear reference to it. Abounding in illustration, notes and references to scholarly treatises, it explains yoga psychology, its classification, techniques and stages and practice and concentrating on Yoga-tantra and its impact on Indian art and architecture.
The word yoga and the various concepts associated with it are being interpreted and understood with great interest the world over especially in recent years. This work by a noted research scholar, Dr. T. N. Mishra explores the meanings of the word yoga and its moral and philosophical annotations, and conducts an intensive study of the philosophies and practices that bear reference to it. A thorough research, Yoga-Tantra and Sensuousness in Art goes into the theoretical foundations of Yoga, tracing its roots to the sacred scriptures and explaining the goal of Yoga, the discipline it involves, Yoga psychology, its techniques and stages, and classification and practice of Yoga as Mantra-Yoga, Laya-Yoga, Hatha-Yoga and Raja-Yoga. It comprehensively examines the aim and philosophy of Yoga-Tantra and the way to awaken the kundalini through the cakras practising Yoga-Tantra. It makes a detailed analysis of the Yoga-sadhana of the Natha siddhas (the ulta-sadhana) and Yoga-sadhana as found in Vaisnava and Buddhist Sahajiya. Citing interesting examples, it importantly deals with Yoga and Tantra as reflected in Indian art: the impact of the philosophy of Yoga-Tantra with its subtle sensuality on Indian secular and religious architecture and sculpture. Abounding in illustrations and extensive in notes and references to ancient scholarly treatises and exponents of Yoga and to modern researches on the subject, the book will interest all scholars of Indian art, philosophy and spirituality and appeal to general readers on Yoga as well.
This book is a comparative study of the phenomenology of Yogacara Vasubandhu and that of the German philosopher Edmund Husserl having the focus on the understanding of the deeply inner nature of consciousness or mind. It asserts that the Yogacara philosophy is much richer and comprehensive than the Western phenomenology, particularly the Husserlian phenomenology.
This book is a comparative study of the phenomenology of Yogacara Vasubandhu and that of the German philosopher Edmund Husserl having the focus on the understanding of the deeply inner nature of consciousness or mind. It articulates that the Yogacara philosophy is much richer and comprehensive than the Western phenomenology, particularly the Husserlian phenomenology.
Later Vasubandhu’s philosophical orientation was idealist in Indian sense or a phenomenologist in Husserlian sense. His Mahayana Yogacara idealism is based on Asanga’s seminal text Sandhinirmocanasutra and his own Vijnaptimatratasiddhi (Vimsatika and Trimsika together) along with his exploration of the intrinsic theory of consciousness or mind. For one to have a clear-cut understanding of Vasubandhu, the book follows the Husserlian phenomenological approach as a philosophical methodology and also used select terminology wherever required.
This book is expected to be highly useful for students, researchers and teachers in the area of Indian/Buddhist philosophy.
This book is a comparative study of the phenomenology of Yogacara Vasubandhu and that of the German philosopher Edmund Husserl having the focus on the understanding of the deeply inner nature of consciousness or mind. It asserts that the Yogacara philosophy is much richer and comprehensive than the Western phenomenology, particularly the Husserlian phenomenology.
This book is a journey in search of these mysterious figures who nestle in the shadow of the Goddess. A journey which unfolds in the frontier zones of Indian tradition, constantly hanging in the balance between Tantric rituals, sacrifices and subtle knowledge.
The Yoginis are awful expressions of the divine in feminine form of which evidence is found in Tantric contexts in both the Hindu and Vajrayana Buddhist traditions. Endowed with a multitude of aspects and functions, they may take the form of women or witches devoted to obscure rituals, of primordial forces linked with illness, poisoning and possession, of subtle beings present in supporting one for meditation like yantra and mantra, or of genuine gods who frighten and fascinate. Gathering in circles in the depths of the forest or in cremation grounds, the Yoginis engender powers and secret knowledge, granted to those who evoke them through practices which may be extreme. Ultimately the Yoginis keep company with death, offering to the initiates who surrender to their embrace the prospect of liberation beyond the glittering world of illusion.
This book is a journey in search of these mysterious figures who nestle in the shadow of the Goddess. A journey which unfolds in the frontier zones of Indian tradition, constantly hanging in the balance between Tantric rituals, sacrifices and subtle knowledge a perilous quest which is the heritage of all traditional searches.
This volume written in elegant, fluent and colourful prose should entice the interest of all those associated with the Tantric practices, especially that of Saptamatrikas, ten Mahavidyas, Dakini and Nitya.
पं˚ मधुसूदन ओझा द्वारा प्रणीत सृष्टि प्रतिपादक अहोरावाद नामक ग्रन्थ का इस पुस्तक में विमर्श प्रस्तुत किया गया है। जिसमें अहोरावाद के विविध विषयों को आधार बनाकर आमिन् त विद्वानों द्वारा लिखे गये विमर्शात्मक शोधपत्रों का संकलन तथा अहोरात्रवाद ग्रन्थ की मूल प्रतिलिपि को समाहित किया गया है।
“अहोरात्र शब्द अहः एवं राि इन दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है। ‘अहः च रािः च’ ऐसा विग्रह द्वारा द्वन्द्व समास होकर ‘अहोरा’ शब्द निष्पन्न होता है। सृष्टि की उत्पत्ति विषयक अनेक सिद्धान्त आचार्यों द्वारा दिये गये हैं। उन सिद्धान्तों में से सृष्टि सम्बन्धी अहोराविषयक सिद्धान्त अहोरावाद के नाम से जाना जाता है। ऋग्वेद के “नासदीय सूक्त” में सृष्टिविषयक अन्य सिद्धान्तों के साथ अहोरावाद का भी उल्लेख मिलता है। ऋग्वेद के अघमर्षण सूक्त (१०.१९०.३) में कहा गया है कि निमेष मा में ही जगत् को वश में करने वाले परमपिता ने दिन और रात का विधान किया। श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता (८.१७) के अनुसार ब्रह्मा का जो एक दिन है, उसको एक हजार चतुर्युग तक की अवधिवाला और राि को भी एक हजार चतुर्युग तक की अवधि के रूप में जो जानते हैं, वे योगीजन काल के तत्त्व को जानने वाले हैं। बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद् में भी सृष्टि प्रक्रिया के प्रसंग में अहोरा शब्द का अनेक प्रयोग मिलता है। इस उपनिषद् के प्रारम्भ में यज्ञसम्बन्धी अश्व को आधार बना कर उसके अवयव का वर्णन किया गया है। तदनुसार उस यज्ञीय अश्व के सामने महिमारूप से दिन प्रकट हुआ। राि इसके पीछे महिमा रूप से प्रकट हुई। विद्यावाचस्पति पं˚ मधुसूदन ओझा ने सृष्टिविषयक अहोरावाद मत के विषय में विविध वैदिक सन्दर्भों का आलोकन कर अहोरावाद नामक ग्रन्थ का प्रणयन किया है। यह ग्रन्थ कुल १२ अधिकाराें में विभक्त है। प्रतिज्ञा एवं उपसंहार को छोड़कर इस ग्रन्थ के १० अधिकाराें में ज्ञान-अज्ञान, शुक्ल-कृष्ण, प्रकाश-अन्धकार, भाव-अभाव, सृष्टि-प्रलय, द्यावा-पृथिवी, ऋत-सत्य, सप्ताह, यज्ञ और चातुर्हो ये दस विषय वर्णित हैं। अहोरावादविमर्श नामक इस ग्रन्थ में विद्यावाचस्पति पं˚ मधुसूदन ओझाजी के द्वारा प्रणीत सृष्टि प्रतिपादक अहोरावाद नामक ग्रन्थ का विमर्श प्रस्तुत किया गया है। जिसमें अहोरावाद के विविध विषयों को आधार बनाकर आमिन् त विद्वानों के द्वारा लिखे गये विमर्शात्मक शोधपत्रों का संकलन तथा अहोरात्रवाद ग्रन्थ की मूल प्रतिलिपि को कारिकानुक्रमणिका एवं शब्दानुक्रमणिका के साथ समाहित किया गया है।”
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक मेरे जीवन के बीते हुए चंद अनुभवों, विचारों तथा भावों का, कविताओं, ग़ज़लों तथा अशआर के रूप में एक संकलन है। विभिन्न परिस्थतियों में जन्मे हृदयागार, विभिन्न रंगछटा लिए हुए एक गुल्दस्ते के रूप में आपके समक्ष प्रस्तुत है, इस आशा के साथ कि आप सभी इस पुस्तक को सहर्ष स्वीकार करेंगें।
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