Psychology (14)

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    This book is a scholarly attempt to develop “psychoscience” in the light of Vedic wisdom. It initiates to give deeper foundations to various aspects of Vedic wisdom in the spirit of modern science using analogies from modern science, demonstrating the eternity and universality of some aspects of Vedic concepts.

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    Vedic Psychoscience by: Radhey Shyam Kaushal 1,350.00

    “This book is a scholarly attempt to develop “psychoscience” in the light of Vedic wisdom. It initiates to give deeper foundations to various aspects of Vedic wisdom in the spirit of modern science using analogies from modern science, demonstrating the eternity and universality of some aspects of Vedic concepts. It is targeted to encourage young scientific minds to explore further the theoretical developments and applications in the fields of personality development and behavioural science. It, further, descriptively discusses the experience of absolute reality in Nature in terms of three basic aspects: perception at gross-body level; rational thinking at micro-body level; and realization at causal-body level.
    The volume is divided into three parts. Part 1 accounts for the link of psychoscience with causal existence, basically dealing with the art of enlightenment of an individual. Part 2 addresses the foundations of psychoscience. Part 3 focuses on the behavioural and application aspects of psychoscience.
    The book, written in an objective and non-sermon style, addresses a wide gamut of readers such as physicists, chemists, brain-scientists, psychologists, philosophers and philosophers of science with some scientific temper, at times employing convenient mathematical methods and justifying the universality and eternity of inherent truths.”

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    This volume reflects the evolution and growth of Prof. K. Ramakrishna Rao’s thought and the different dimensions and shades of his academic pursuits, ranging from Gandhi’s thought to consciousness studies, educational issues, identity problems, parapsychology, and Indian psychology in general and yoga in particular.

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    Why I Am an Indian and Other Essays by: K. Ramakrishna Rao 2,160.00

    This volume reflects the evolution and growth of Prof. K. Ramakrishna Rao’s thought and the different dimensions and shades of his academic pursuits, ranging from Gandhi’s thought to consciousness studies, educational issues, identity problems, parapsychology, and Indian psychology in general and yoga in particular.
    While the topics covered appear to be very diverse and quite divergent, there is a common thread knitting them together; the thread is that the material covered is concerned with human nature. The crucial aspect of each of us is identity, which bestows on us individuality and separateness. It has its advantages and entails some problems as well. This book reflects on them from different perspectives, focusing mainly on the philosophical and psychological aspects in human functioning, and one’s identity and unity with others.
    Man is conceived as a composite of body, mind and consciousness. The discussion of these concepts hopefully sheds light directly or indirectly on the multiple problems concerning human nature and the associated difficulties in chasing them in real life and especially in one’s academic pursuits.

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    The sound practice of yoga enables one to have a disease-free body and keen intellect. This book details the impact of various yoga practices on psychology and specifies that consciousness has a wider conation in yoga in developing one’s personality traits and leveraging them further to keep him/her happy and experience a blissful life.

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    Yoga Psychology by: Kamakhya Kumar 900.00

    Yoga psychology is both a positive and a normative science. It not only analyses human personality and its growth, but sets normative ideals and prescribes techniques to achieve such objectives, as well. Thus, expansion of consciousness and making oneself the master of his/her mind are the broad objectives of yoga psychology. The topological aspect of mind as described by Freud in terms of conscious, subconscious and unconscious levels was well detailed in the yogic literature, thousands of years ago. The sound practice of yoga enables one to have a disease-free body and keen intellect.
    The book, thus, details the impact of various yoga practices on psychology and specifies that consciousness has a wider conation in yoga. Yoga presents vivid and sound meditation procedures for the attainment of psychic consciousness through the awakening of kundalini. Homeostasis or balance is the central principle in yoga psychology, and it holds that any sort of imbalance in the system — physical, psychological or pranic — creates disorders and the solution lies in rebalancing it. Here comes the role of yogic psychotherapies such as prarthana, mantra sadhana, spiritual couselling, pranayama, yajna, sankirtana, svadhyaya and vrata anushthana.
    This volume enunciates that yoga psychology is an applied science, and thus has remedies for many individual and social problems. It deals at large with the application and benefits of yogic practices in developing one’s personality traits and leveraging them further to keep him/her happy and experience a blissful life.

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    The sound practice of yoga enables one to have a disease-free body and keen intellect. This book details the impact of various yoga practices on psychology and specifies that consciousness has a wider conation in yoga in developing one’s personality traits and leveraging them further to keep him/her happy and experience a blissful life.

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    Yoga Psychology (PB) by: Kamakhya Kumar 675.00

    Yoga psychology is both a positive and a normative science. It not only analyses human personality and its growth, but sets normative ideals and prescribes techniques to achieve such objectives, as well. Thus, expansion of consciousness and making oneself the master of his/her mind are the broad objectives of yoga psychology. The topological aspect of mind as described by Freud in terms of conscious, subconscious and unconscious levels was well detailed in the yogic literature, thousands of years ago. The sound practice of yoga enables one to have a disease-free body and keen intellect.
    The book, thus, details the impact of various yoga practices on psychology and specifies that consciousness has a wider conation in yoga. Yoga presents vivid and sound meditation procedures for the attainment of psychic consciousness through the awakening of kundalini. Homeostasis or balance is the central principle in yoga psychology, and it holds that any sort of imbalance in the system — physical, psychological or pranic — creates disorders and the solution lies in rebalancing it. Here comes the role of yogic psychotherapies such as prarthana, mantra sadhana, spiritual couselling, pranayama, yajna, sankirtana, svadhyaya and vrata anushthana.
    This volume enunciates that yoga psychology is an applied science, and thus has remedies for many individual and social problems. It deals at large with the application and benefits of yogic practices in developing one’s personality traits and leveraging them further to keep him/her happy and experience a blissful life.

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