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    The book presents a fresh, critical appraisal of the key concepts surfacing from the Natyasastra of Bharata Muni and some of the other landmark treatises, like Abhinayadarpana, Sangitaratnakara, and Nartana-nirnaya to show how these time-honoured writings have contributed to the evolution of classical dancing in India.

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    Speaking of Dance by: Mandakranta Bose 896.00

    Indian classical dance is a ‘high art’. In ancient India, it was even venerated as a ‘sacred’ act. Ever since Bharata wrote his seminal Natyashastra (c. 200 ce), it has been one of the central elements of scholarly discourse, generating a whole host of learned treatises. Mandakranta Bose here takes a close look at this vast Sanskritic textual corpus attempting not only to reconstruct India’s two-millennia-long dance tradition, but also to dispel the historical and aesthetic misconceptions woven around it. With a fresh, critical appraisal of the key concepts surfacing from the Natyashastra of Bharata Muni and some of the other landmark treatises, like Abhinayadarpana, Sangitaratnakara, and Nartananirnaya, the book tries to highlight how these time-honoured writings have contributed to the evolution of classical dancing in India. And, yet more significantly perhaps, the author ventures into a comparatively uncharted terrain seeking to explore the status of performing arts (including dance) in early Jaina tradition. Focussing on the position of dancing in the contemporary cultural life of India, Mandakranta Bose shows how classical dance in India today has achieved a creative blend of tradition and modernity, leading to a vigorous revival of a great heritage, a part of the larger effort towards ‘nationalist rediscovery’. Supporting the text with visual material to correlate the theory and practice of dancing in India, the book offers perceptions that will appeal to everyone involved with performing arts.

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    This collection of A.K. Coomaraswamy’s writings expounds the Indian theory of government based on textual sources such as the Brahmanas and the Rigveda. It vividly talks about the relationship between the spiritual and temporal power, paving the way for community welfare.

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    Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power by: Keshavram N. Iengar, Rama P. Coomaraswamy, 324.00

    A literary work built up with parallel citations is apt to grow in the compass of the author himself, from his encyclopaedic scholarship. This revised edition of one of Coomaraswamy’s most significant writings is now being issued by incorporating his own additions to the printed first edition of 1942.
    The Indian theory of government is expounded on the basis of the textual sources, mainly of the Brahmanas and the Rigveda. The mantra in the Aitareya Brahmana VIII.27, by which the priest addresses the king, spells out the relation between the spiritual and the temporal power. This ßmarriage formulaû has its analogous applications in the cosmic, political, family and individual spheres of operation, in each by the conjunction of complementary agencies.
    The welfare of the community in each case depends upon a succession of obediences and loyalties; that of the subjects to the dual control of king and priest, that of the king to the priest, and that of all to the principle of an External Law (dharma) as king of kings. The king is such by Divine Right, but by no means, an absolute monarch. He may do only what is correct under the Law. Self-control is the sine qua non for the successful government of others; the primary victory is that of the Inner Man.
    “The application is to the ‘king’, the ‘man of action’ and ‘artist’ in any domain whatever. There is nothing that can be truly and well done or made except by the man in whom the marriage of the Sacerdotium (brahma) and the Regnum (ksatra) has been consummated, nor can any peace be made except by those who have made their peace with themselves.”

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    The book presents various stages of development of Mathura art from its earliest times and, in the process, gives a valuable account of the archaeological explorations and expeditions in the region since 1836.

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    Splendour of Mathura Art and Museum by: Ramesh Chandra Sharma 1,350.00

    It is a treasure document enlightening the various stages of development of Mathura art from its earliest times. Introducing the socio-cultural background from the pre-historic times it furnishes a valuable account of the archaeological explorations and expeditions in the region since the first antiquity saw the light of the day in 1836. Indigenous by birth, the Mathura School of Art flourished on the banks of Yamuna, reached its pinnacle under the Kushana patronage, continued in the Gupta age followed by Medieval times, thus dominating the entire Northern India for more than five centuries leaving behind imprints to be followed by the succeeding art styles. The type of stone and style changed with time and it did get influenced by its contemporary School of Gandhara once, but its exclusiveness remained down the ages. Beside the analytical assessment of the folk art tradition of early terracottas and yaksha cult, Dr. Sharma brings to light for the first time the salient features of the evolution and development of Mathura sculptures on various themes including Jaina, Buddhist and Brahmanical. The book is an uptodate document of new researches, fresh arrivals and latest reorganisation of the Museum’s galleries. The coloured and black & white illustrations in this book speak of the display of rich Mathura art in the Museum. The Index to the Exhibits will facilitate in spotting the description of a specific object quickly. Important sites have been located on the City and District maps and situation of galleries and ancillary units of the Museum can be found on the Gallery Plan. While the visitors will find the book a very remunerative companion during the Museum round the scholars will equally be benefitted through the prolific research material it reveals.

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    In this critical edition of Sraddha-Sagara, by Kullukabhatta, Prof. Moghe highlights the importance of Sraddha-Sagara and its author, focussing specially on Kulluka’s status vis-a-vis other writers on sraddha.

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    Sraddha-Sagara of Kullukabhatta by: S.G. Moghe 270.00

    A religious institution with millennia of uninterrupted continuity, shraddha (broadly) is an individual’s homage, through certain ritualistic offerings, to the sacred memory of his ancestors. Involved in the shraddha-ritual is also, perhaps, the Hindu belief in the doctrine of metempsychosis. Shraddha-Sagara, written sometime during 1520-1620, by a celebrated scholar: Kullukabhatta, offers an authoritative, manifold exposition of this ageless ritual. Yet, in treating the shraddha-theme — from Dharmashastra, its author, Kulluka exhibits a striking originality by applying the Purva-Mimamsa logic to ancestral worship. Which makes his Shraddha-Sagara both unique and unrivalled in the literature of the genre. Here is the first ever critical edition of this rare, hitherto-unpublished work — with Kulluka’s original text (in Devanagari script) and a comprehensive introduction, footnotes and comments. Himself a reputed scholar of Dharmashastra literature, the editor: Professor Moghe, highlights the importance of Shraddha-Sagara and of its author, focussing specially on Kulluka’s status vis-a-vis other writers on shraddha. Essentially in the nature of a ‘digest’, Kullukabhatta’s work abounds with quotations. Which Prof. Moghe not only identifies, but also locates in their diverse sources : smritis, shrutis, puranas, astronomical/astrological texts, and even grammatical treatises. Also demonstrating how and where Kulluka’s readings are corrupt, deficient or grammatically flawed, the book suggests correctives — with variant readings in the footnotes. Supplementing this critical edition are seven appendices, listing/indexing the whole range of works, referred to in Shraddha Sagara.

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    The book reconstructs the life of the legendary saint-reformer, Sree Narayana Guru and the entire scenario of his activity covering a century of Kerala’s history. It focuses on his life, historical background, socio-cultural milieu, spirituality, etc.

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    Sree Narayana Guru by: Vijayalayam Jayakumar 711.00

    It is a holistic, at once compelling account of a saint-reformer of modern Kerala: Sree Narayana Guru (1856-1928). Veritably a versatile genius: a sage, philosopher, poet and social revolutionary, all rolled into one, Gurudeva was a perfect, though largely inscrutable, human being who, like Svami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, created new tracts of his own in the realms of Indian philosophy. And invested temporal life, in any form, with an air of spirituality about him — as is reflected, for instance, in his crusades against caste discriminations in Kerala or in his larger concerns with peace, universal brother-hood and co-existence. Dr. Jayakumar’s profile of this great guru focusses on his life, historical background, socio-cultural milieu, spirituality, philosophy, poetic genius, social reforms, humour, legacy and all else that one would possibly want to know about Sree Narayana Guru. Markedly different from the sofar-published studies on him, this book becomes the first ever to incorporate the English versions of Narayana Guru’s verses: in both Malayalam and Sanskrit, together with their streamlined annota-tions and lucidly-written, insightful discussions. Which, in turn, also bring out Jayakumar’s remarkable critical acumen in highlighting the essential meaning, philosophical import and spiritual intensity of Gurudeva’s poetry. A work of epical grandeur, developed from years of the author’s serious, persevered research, the book reconstructs not just the life-story of a legendary saint, but also the entire scenario of his activity covering over a century of Kerala’s social, spiritual and literary history.

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    The book studies the contributions of some of the illustrious persons like Rammohan Roy, Gandhi, Tagore, Gokhale and Satish Chandra to the socio-cultural and spiritual life of late eighteenth to nineteenth century, and aims at situating Sri Aurobindo’s thoughts vis-…-vis those of his contemporaries.

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    Sri Aurobindo and His Contemporary Thinkers by: Indrani Sanyal, Krishna Roy, 540.00

    The period spanning the latter half of the eighteenth century and the nineteenth century in India was marked by a reawakened national spirit to reinterpret Indian traditional values in modern light. This book, comprising deliberations presented at a national seminar, discusses some of the illustrious persons of that period who by their ideas and actions enriched the socio-cultural and spiritual life of the period. Researchers study the period of Sri Aurobindo, his contributions as well as those of his contemporaries including Raja Rammohan Roy, Mahatma Gandhi, Tagore, Gokhale and Satish Chandra. The aim is to situate Sri Aurobindo’s thoughts in its socio-cultural background and study the contributions of his contemporaries to bring out the distinctiveness of Sri Aurobindo. The essays deal with Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy of nationalism, his view of Indian renaissance and Ireland’s national and cultural renaissance and his attitude towards national education. They take up interpretations of violence and non-violence by Sri Aurobindo and Mahatma Gandhi, Vivekananda’s outlook about morality, caste system and dharma, and response of Aurobindo, Tilak and Gokhale to Western imperialism. An interesting effort is made to compare the thoughts of Sri Aurobindo and Tagore towards the revolutionary movement and reveal Aurobindo’s perception of Tagore’s poetry. The book will be useful to historians, political and social thinkers, besides the general readers.

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    The book critically analyses many philosophical concerns of both Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin and talks about the “future evolution”. It involves recognizing parallel features as well as differences in both the philosophers.

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    Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard De Chardin: A Comparative Study by: R. Subramony 896.00

    Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin: A Comparative Study ventures into identify the progressive rungs in the ladder of human consciousness pointed out by both the thinkers, to see how they visualize going beyond to achieve Sachchidanda, the Supreme Bliss. The scrutiny involves recognizing parallel features as well as differences in both the philosophers.
    Their writings are extremely significant in a phase where the future of humanity is at risk. Sri Aurobindo, who is steeped in the Vedic wisdom of the ancient India, calls up on us to shed our selfish nature and reach the higher levels of consciousness. Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest, exhorts us to unite and shed divisions. There is a striking similarity in their cosmologies. Sri Aurobindo’s concept of Supermind is the last stage in evolution and Teilhard’s Omega Point is the summit of evolution. Their process of evolution contains a ‘triple transformation’ of consciousness. The book critically thus analyses many philosophical concerns of both Sri Aurobindo and de Chardin and talks about the “future evolution”.

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    In this biography, Sri Aurobindo’s life is presented comprehensively in all of its aspects. It also takes readers on a journey through Sri Aurobindo’s manifold literary creations, introducing them in accessible language to magnificent prose works such as The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga or Essays on the Gita and the epic Savitri.

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    Sri Aurobindo: Saga of a Great Indian Sage by: Wilfried Huchzermeyer 720.00

    Sri Aurobindo is one of the most well-known Indian personalities of the twentieth century. He was a freedom fighter, a yogi and a poet; he developed what has become known worldwide as Integral Yoga. As a sage of great wisdom, he was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize.
    In the present biography, his life is presented comprehensively in all of its aspects. The most important sources available today have been evaluated, among them his spiritual diary Record of Yoga, which was first published as a book in 2001. The author also takes readers on a journey through Sri Aurobindo’s manifold literary creations, introducing them in accessible language to magnificent prose works such as The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga or Essays on the Gita and the epic Savitri.
    This volume also portrays vividly the lesser known facet of Sri Aurobindo’s personality as a freedom fighter and his influence among the Hardliners, until his moving to Pondicherry.
    Written as a living report with great insight and knowledge, this biography will be of great value to scholars, students and devotees interested in high-level integral studies. A careful documentation with numberless references facilitates further research into each respective subject. The large photo section contains many historical photos, as well as current images of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and its surroundings.

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    In this biography, Sri Aurobindo’s life is presented comprehensively in all of its aspects. It also takes readers on a journey through Sri Aurobindo’s manifold literary creations, introducing them in accessible language to magnificent prose works such as The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga or Essays on the Gita and the epic Savitri.

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    Sri Aurobindo: Saga of a Great Indian Sage (PB) by: Wilfried Huchzermeyer 445.00

    Sri Aurobindo is one of the most well-known Indian personalities of the twentieth century. He was a freedom fighter, a yogi and a poet; he developed what has become known worldwide as Integral Yoga. As a sage of great wisdom, he was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize.
    In the present biography, his life is presented comprehensively in all of its aspects. The most important sources available today have been evaluated, among them his spiritual diary Record of Yoga, which was first published as a book in 2001. The author also takes readers on a journey through Sri Aurobindo’s manifold literary creations, introducing them in accessible language to magnificent prose works such as The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga or Essays on the Gita and the epic Savitri.
    This volume also portrays vividly the lesser known facet of Sri Aurobindo’s personality as a freedom fighter and his influence among the Hardliners, until his moving to Pondicherry.
    Written as a living report with great insight and knowledge, this biography will be of great value to scholars, students and devotees interested in high-level integral studies. A careful documentation with numberless references facilitates further research into each respective subject. The large photo section contains many historical photos, as well as current images of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and its surroundings.

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    This book, in addition to Bhairav Chalisa, contains the Bhairav Prarthna, Sankatamochan Bhairvashtak, Dasa-Nam Stotra, Kalyankari Mantra, Ashtottar Satnaam Bhairav Stuti, along with Batuk Bhairav Chalisa, Batuk Bhairav Panjar Kavcham, Kalabhairavashtakam and Aartis of Bhairav and Batuk Bhairav.

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    Sri Bhairav Chalisa by: Unknown 45.00

    This book, in addition to Bhairav Chalisa, contains the Bhairav Prarthna, Sankatamochan Bhairvashtak, Dasa-Nam Stotra, Kalyankari Mantra, Ashtottar Satnaam Bhairav Stuti, along with Batuk Bhairav Chalisa, Batuk Bhairav Panjar Kavcham, Kalabhairavashtakam and Aartis of Bhairav and Batuk Bhairav.

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