Showing 1–12 of 17 results
This monograph ‘A Catalogue of Prehistoric Tools‘ is a unique presentation of a rare and important collection donated by Late Dr. A.P. Khatri to the Indraprastha Museum of Art and Archaeology, New Delhi. The entire collection comprises of thousands of prehistoric tools from different parts of the world including rich river (Narmada, Godavari etc.) valley collection from India.
A selection of the representative types has been made from most of the sites distributed in four continents of the world namely, Europe, Africa, Asia and America. These tools are included in the catalogue and elaborately described with good line drawings. In some cases notes are also given to place the collection in their proper context. Appendices with relevant information and maps are to highlight the text. Colour photographs of all these tools are illustrated in the plates at the end.
An introduction ‘A Brief Survey of World Prehistory‘ has been provided as background study.
The catalogue will enormously benefit the scholars, researchers and students of Prehistoric Archaeology
This book unfolds the unknown aspects of the Harappan civilization. It throws light on Harappan people’s composition, movement, dietrary habits and burials; and also on the study of human skeletal remains.
This book unfolds the unknown aspects of the Harappan civilization. It throws light on Harappan people’s composition, movement, dietrary habits and burials; and also on the study of human skeletal remains.
Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology was launched in 2003 by one of Indias leading academic institutions, the Centre for Research & Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo-environment, New Delhi. The second issue is in the Press. The Journal is an outcome of the realization on the part of the international community of archaeologists and historians that India has no journal devoted exclusively to the archaeology of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, starting from the Red Sea through the South China Sea, although Indian occupies the central position in this vast area, with three-fourths of its land facing the gulfs and bays of the Indian Ocean. It is common knowledge that Egypt, Ethiopis, Kenya, Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain and countries bordering the Persian Gulf, including Iraq and Iran, as well as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, were closely connected with each other through long-distance sea-borne trade-routes for thousands of years. This particular phenomenon had led to the development of what is now generally called Shared Culture with its distinct personality which is Afro-Asian. It is reflected in the material items dug up every year at a number of sites in India and all other countries along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. This journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries. The contributors to this journal are from all over the world. It is a MUST for every scholar and layman interested in the history and arachaeology of the coastal countries of the Indian Ocean, from Africa, and West Asia through China.
Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology was launched in 2003 by one of Indias leading academic institutions, the Centre for Research & Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo-environment, New Delhi. The second issue is in the Press. The Journal is an outcome of the realization on the part of the international community of archaeologists and historians that India has no journal devoted exclusively to the archaeology of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, starting from the Red Sea through the South China Sea, although Indian occupies the central position in this vast area, with three-fourths of its land facing the gulfs and bays of the Indian Ocean. It is common knowledge that Egypt, Ethiopis, Kenya, Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain and countries bordering the Persian Gulf, including Iraq and Iran, as well as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, were closely connected with each other through long-distance sea-borne trade-routes for thousands of years. This particular phenomenon had led to the development of what is now generally called Shared Culture with its distinct personality which is Afro-Asian. It is reflected in the material items dug up every year at a number of sites in India and all other countries along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. This journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries. The contributors to this journal are from all over the world. It is a MUST for every scholar and layman interested in the history and arachaeology of the coastal countries of the Indian Ocean, from Africa, and West Asia through China.
This Journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries.
Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology was launched in 2003 by one of Indias leading academic institutions, the Centre for Research & Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo-environment, New Delhi. The second issue is in the Press. The Journal is an outcome of the realization on the part of the international community of archaeologists and historians that India has no journal devoted exclusively to the archaeology of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, starting from the Red Sea through the South China Sea, although Indian occupies the central position in this vast area, with three-fourths of its land facing the gulfs and bays of the Indian Ocean. It is common knowledge that Egypt, Ethiopis, Kenya, Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain and countries bordering the Persian Gulf, including Iraq and Iran, as well as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, were closely connected with each other through long-distance sea-borne trade-routes for thousands of years. This particular phenomenon had led to the development of what is now generally called Shared Culture with its distinct personality which is Afro-Asian. It is reflected in the material items dug up every year at a number of sites in India and all other countries along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. This journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries. The contributors to this journal are from all over the world. It is a MUST for every scholar and layman interested in the history and arachaeology of the coastal countries of the Indian Ocean, from Africa, and West Asia through China.
This volume focuses on the new studies, researches and revelations about the Megalithic culture. The old focus on structural forms has given way to the study of their alignment with solstice and constellation. The book also talks about the
ethno-archaeological approaches in understanding the socio-religious paradigm behind erecting such structural forms along with the study of megalithic art.
This volume focuses on the new studies, researches and revelations about the Megalithic culture. The old focus on structural forms has given way to the study of their alignment with solstice and constellation. The book also talks about the
ethno-archaeological approaches in understanding the socio-religious paradigm behind erecting such structural forms along with the study of megalithic art.
This book is an enquiry into the past, based on the findings of Neolithic celts and tries to place the Neolithic culture in the right perspective. It presents the details of many excavations and provides valuable information helping to solve the Neolithic problem; also in understanding the transitions from wild species to domesticated ones and in food items like rice.
This book is an enquiry into the past, based on the findings of Neolithic celts and tries to place the Neolithic culture in the right perspective. It presents the details of many excavations and provides valuable information helping to solve the Neolithic problem; also in understanding the transitions from wild species to domesticated ones and in food items like rice.
This, an authorised reprint of an annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletin is highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
Puratattva is the annual bulletin of one of the worlds most prestigious academic organization, the Indian Archaeological Society which was founded as early as 1967. From the very beginning, the Society has aimed at publishing the results of the latest archaeological discoveries made in India. Those who have contributed to the journal over the years include not only the eminent archaeologists excavating major sites, like Professors H.D. Sankalia, B.B. Lal, B.P. Sinha, Krishna Deva, A.K. Narain, G.R. Sharma, M.N. Deshpande, B.K. Thapar, S.R. Rao, B.M. Pande, J.P. Joshi, M.C. Joshi, M.S. Nagaraja Rao, A. Sundara, K.N. Dikshit, V.N. Misra, Vibha Tripathi, Rakesh Tiwari, V.S. Wakankar, Giriraj Kishore, K.V. Raman, N.C. Ghosh, K.M. Srivastava, M.A. Dhaky, V.D. Mishra, M.K. Dhavalikar, R.S. Bisht, B.R. Mani, R.C. Agarwal, S.P. Gupta, R.K. Verma, J.N. Pal, U.V. Shinde, Rakesh Tiwari, Alok Tripathi, Amarendra Nath, D.N. Tripathi, Ajith Prasad, K.S. Ramchandran, D.V. Sharma, but also young and budding scholars brimming with new ideas and equipped with new scientific techniques, exploring practically every part of the country and preparing their research works for their Doctoral and post-Doctoral degrees. Scholars from universities and research institutions like the Banaras Hindu University, Madras University, Nagarjuna University, Utkal University, Allahabad University, Patna University, Calcutta University, Mysore University, Baroda University, Kurukshetra University, Rohtak University, Lucknow University, Gorakhpur University, Deccan College, Indian Archaeological Society and the Archaeological Survey of India, the largest body of archeologists in India, to name a few, have been engaged in extensive and intensive field-work in the country. They have been regularly contributing their research-papers to this journal. The subjects covered by these scholars include Stone Age cultures, including Neolithic Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture of the Harappans found in the Indus and Saraswati basins, Chalcolithinc cultures found in the Deccan, Malwa, Maharashtra, Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, and Early Iron Age cultures, including the Megalithic Culture, throughout India. They also include topics like Underwater Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Art, Architecture, Conservation of Monuments, Antiquarian Laws and International Conventions. Puratattva also contains Notes and News, Book Reviews and dialogues between scholars on various issues. So far as many as 34 volumes have been published which provide a mine of information, without referring to which no worthwhile research-work on Indian history and archaeology is at all possible. The articles include even those presented in the Annual Conferences of the Society. This is precisely the reason the Puratattva is consulted throughout the world to gather details on the progress of Indian archaeology and insights on Indian history and culture. It is indeed of permanent value for all scholars and all libraries in India and abroad.
This, an authorised reprint of an annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletin is highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
Puratattva is the annual bulletin of one of the worlds most prestigious academic organization, the Indian Archaeological Society which was founded as early as 1967. From the very beginning, the Society has aimed at publishing the results of the latest archaeological discoveries made in India. Those who have contributed to the journal over the years include not only the eminent archaeologists excavating major sites, like Professors H.D. Sankalia, B.B. Lal, B.P. Sinha, Krishna Deva, A.K. Narain, G.R. Sharma, M.N. Deshpande, B.K. Thapar, S.R. Rao, B.M. Pande, J.P. Joshi, M.C. Joshi, M.S. Nagaraja Rao, A. Sundara, K.N. Dikshit, V.N. Misra, Vibha Tripathi, Rakesh Tiwari, V.S. Wakankar, Giriraj Kishore, K.V. Raman, N.C. Ghosh, K.M. Srivastava, M.A. Dhaky, V.D. Mishra, M.K. Dhavalikar, R.S. Bisht, B.R. Mani, R.C. Agarwal, S.P. Gupta, R.K. Verma, J.N. Pal, U.V. Shinde, Rakesh Tiwari, Alok Tripathi, Amarendra Nath, D.N. Tripathi, Ajith Prasad, K.S. Ramchandran, D.V. Sharma, but also young and budding scholars brimming with new ideas and equipped with new scientific techniques, exploring practically every part of the country and preparing their research works for their Doctoral and post-Doctoral degrees. Scholars from universities and research institutions like the Banaras Hindu University, Madras University, Nagarjuna University, Utkal University, Allahabad University, Patna University, Calcutta University, Mysore University, Baroda University, Kurukshetra University, Rohtak University, Lucknow University, Gorakhpur University, Deccan College, Indian Archaeological Society and the Archaeological Survey of India, the largest body of archeologists in India, to name a few, have been engaged in extensive and intensive field-work in the country. They have been regularly contributing their research-papers to this journal. The subjects covered by these scholars include Stone Age cultures, including Neolithic Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture and the Rock Art, Bronze Age Culture of the Harappans found in the Indus and Saraswati basins, Chalcolithinc cultures found in the Deccan, Malwa, Maharashtra, Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, and Early Iron Age cultures, including the Megalithic Culture, throughout India. They also include topics like Underwater Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Art, Architecture, Conservation of Monuments, Antiquarian Laws and International Conventions. Puratattva also contains Notes and News, Book Reviews and dialogues between scholars on various issues. So far as many as 34 volumes have been published which provide a mine of information, without referring to which no worthwhile research-work on Indian history and archaeology is at all possible. The articles include even those presented in the Annual Conferences of the Society. This is precisely the reason the Puratattva is consulted throughout the world to gather details on the progress of Indian archaeology and insights on Indian history and culture. It is indeed of permanent value for all scholars and all libraries in India and abroad.
This, an authorised reprint of an annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletin is highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
An annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering for the last 33 years valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletinis highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
For detailed information please see Volume 1.
This, an authorised reprint of an annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletin is highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
An annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering for the last 33 years valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletinis highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
For detailed information please see Volume 1.
This, an authorised reprint of an annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletin is highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
An annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering for the last 33 years valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletinis highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
For detailed information please see Volume 1.
This, an authorised reprint of an annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletin is highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
An annual bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society, has been offering for the last 33 years valuable informations, full with rich insights and innovative viewpoints, on the Indian archaeology that includes excavations, inscriptions, temples, mosques, iconic symbols, paintings, etc. This yearly bulletinis highly recommended for archaeologists, epigraphists, historians and research scholars besides the general readers having interest in such fields.
For detailed information please see Volume 1.
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Neolithic-Chalcolithic Cultures of Eastern India 1 x ₹1,800.00 |
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Puratattva (Vol. 36: 2005-06) 1 x ₹1,800.00 |
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Puratattva (Vol. 40: 2010) 1 x ₹1,800.00 |
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Megalithic Culture of South India 1 x ₹2,250.00 |
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Puratattva (Vol. 39: 2009) 1 x ₹1,800.00 |
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Puratattva (Vol. 35: 2004-05) 1 x ₹1,800.00 |
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Puratattva (Vol. 38: 2008) 1 x ₹1,800.00 |