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    This book deliberates on topics such as the theological position of both the Western and Indian philosophies and their ontology and eschatology, ethics, logic, aesthetics, history and applied science. It also analyses the apparent rapprochement between the West and the East.

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    Indian and Western Philosophy by: Betty Heimann Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹450.00.

    Indian and Western Philosophy: A Study in Contrasts is based on the Forlong Fund Lectures of Dr Betty Heimann under the auspices of the Royal Asiatic Society. The philosophies of the West has immensely contributed to the growth of exact sciences, while India, on the other hand, has made more valuable contributions to metaphysics.
    While keeping the motto of the West as “man is the measure of all things” and the Indian motto of “atman is same in all beings” in the backdrop, this book deliberates on topics such as the theological position of both the Western and Indian philosophies and their ontology and eschatology, ethics, logic, aesthetics, history and applied science. It also analyses the apparent rapprochement between the West and the East.

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    The key art historical concerns addressed in this volume include studies in form, style, textual interpretations, iconography, symbolism, representation, connoisseurship, artists, patrons, gendered readings, and the inter-relationships of art history with archaeology, visual archives, and history, in the Indian context.

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    Indian Art History by: Parul Pandya Dhar Original price was: ₹2,400.00.Current price is: ₹2,160.00.

    The shaping of the disciplinary practice of art history in the Indian context has been a fascinating process and brings to the fore a range of viewpoints, issues, debates, and methods. Changing perspectives and approaches in academic writings on the visual arts of ancient and medieval India form the focus of this collection of insightful essays.
    A critical introduction to the historiography of Indian art sets the stage for and contextualizes the different scholarly contributions on the circumstances, individuals, initiatives, and methods that have determined the course of Indian art history from colonial times to the present. The spectrum of key art historical concerns addressed in this volume include studies in form, style, textual interpretations, iconography, symbolism, representation, connoisseurship, artists, patrons, gendered readings, and the inter-relationships of art history with archaeology, visual archives, and history.
    Based on the papers presented at a Seminar, “Historiography of Indian Art: Emergent Methodological Concerns,” organized by the National Museum Institute, New Delhi, this book is enriched by the contributions of some scholars who have played a seminal role in establishing art history’s disciplinary orientations in the Indian context, and by those who offer more recent perspectives on the subject. Lucid and informative, this is an indispensable resource for all those engaged with the history and historiography of ancient and medieval Indian art in universities and museums across the globe, and will also be of interest to the general reader.

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    The book describes the priceless art objects collected and displayed at the Kalamandapa (the Museum) at Jnana-Pravaha, Varanasi. These objects include Indian miniature paintings, Tangkhas from Tibet and Nepal, stone sculptures and terracottas. Some of these objects have been presented for view in major national and international expositions.

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    Indian Art Treasures by: Ramesh Chandra Sharma, Kamal Giri, Anjan Chakraverty, Original price was: ₹3,500.00.Current price is: ₹3,150.00.

    Jnana-Pravaha, the Centre for Cultural Studies & Research at Varanasi represents the vision of its founders, Bimla Poddar and Suresh Neotia. It aims to serve and promote the cause of culture by rediscovering and highlighting its universal elements — those that transcend all barriers. Jnana-Pravaha presents varied and scintillating forms of the visual and performing arts, and endeavours to create an awareness about the country’s cultural ethos and ethnic conventions. It is devoted to reviving and preserving old and obscure scripts which, while of immense significance for the reconstruction of the cultural history of the subcontinent, have been neglected to the point of being extinct. Through its educational and research programmes and publications, Jnana-Pravaha is engaged in the dissemination of our tangible and intangible heritage. All this is being accomplished with quiet zeal in a serene yet pleasing ambience. Situated on the left bank of the holy stream of Uttaravahini Ganga, Jnana-Pravaha faces the historical fort of Ramnagar on the other side of the river. While a well-equipped reference library on Indian culture, art, history, philosophy, literature and allied subjects caters to the needs of students and researchers, iterature and allied subjects caters to the needs of students and researchers, Kalamandapa (the Museum) presents a treasure trove of art dating from the pre-Mauryan age to the 20th century. The survey and documentation of local sites and antiquarian remains is emerging as an added attraction to art historians. Seminars, symposia and workshops on different themes form regular features of the Centre’s activities. In-depth studies of specific subjects are a hallmark of Jnana-Pravaha. Similarly, conducting special courses in early scripts like Brahmi and Kharoshti affirms the conviction of the Centre of the need to revitalise archaeological source material. An independent research project for deciphering and studying epigraphs and records has been launched with the appointment of Senior and Associate Fellows. Staging of Sanskrit plays is another Jnana-Pravaha annual event. The Vedas are the fountain of knowledge and are accepted as the earliest books of the world. To preserve their oriental style of learning and recitation, Jnana-Pravaha has established a city unit known as the Samskara & Anushthana Kendra. The emphasis is on the conventional and correct pronunciation of Vedic hymns. Young students undergo rigorous training in the Gurukula style under the close supervision of the Acaryas.

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    Indian Culture and India’s Future by: Michel Danino Original price was: ₹850.00.Current price is: ₹765.00.

    Can Indian civilization be compared to a “thousand-branched tree”? What have been its outstanding achievements and its impact on the world?
    These are some of the questions this book asks. But it also deals with issues confronting more and more Indians caught in an identity crisis: What does it mean to be Indian? What is specific to the worldview developed by Indian culture? How has it dialogued with other cultures? Is it built on durable foundations, or is it little more than colourful religiosity and quaint but outdated customs? And what are the meaning and application of secularism and tolerance in the Indian context?
    The French-born author, who has been living in India for 33 years, argues that Indian culture is not some exotic relic of the past, but a dynamic force that still has a role to play in defining India’s identity and cohesion, and in proposing solutions to today’s global challenges.
    Written in a crisp and engaging style, this thought-provoking volume challenges received ideas on India’s culture and invites us to think afresh.

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    Indian Culture and India’s Future (PB) by: Michel Danino Original price was: ₹620.00.Current price is: ₹558.00.

    Can Indian civilization be compared to a “thousand-branched tree”? What have been its outstanding achievements and its impact on the world?
    These are some of the questions this book asks. But it also deals with issues confronting more and more Indians caught in an identity crisis: What does it mean to be Indian? What is specific to the worldview developed by Indian culture? How has it dialogued with other cultures? Is it built on durable foundations, or is it little more than colourful religiosity and quaint but outdated customs? And what are the meaning and application of secularism and tolerance in the Indian context?
    The French-born author, who has been living in India for 33 years, argues that Indian culture is not some exotic relic of the past, but a dynamic force that still has a role to play in defining India’s identity and cohesion, and in proposing solutions to today’s global challenges.
    Written in a crisp and engaging style, this thought-provoking volume challenges received ideas on India’s culture and invites us to think afresh.

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    This book covers the theory of diaspora, the historical development of the Indian communities in Australia since the late 19th century to the present times, current practices and statistical profiles of Hindus and Sikhs in Australia, and interactions between Hindus and Sikhs with the wider Australian community.

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    Indian Diaspora: Hindus and Sikhs in Australia by: Purushottama Bilimoria, Jayant Bhalchandra Bapat, Philip Hughes, Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    Since the late 1990s, the Indian community in Australia has grown faster than any other immigrant community. The Indian Diaspora has made substantial contributions to the multi-ethnic and multi-religious diversity within Australia. The growth of Hinduism and Sikhism through gurus, temples, yoga and rituals of many kind has brought new colours, images, customs and practices to the profile of Australian religion, and the Australian landscape more widely. At the same time, Hinduism and Sikhism have themselves been transformed as Hindus and Sikhs from different parts of India as well as Fiji, Malaysia and other parts of the world have come together to establish a pan-Indian ethos. Hindus and Sikhs here have also interacted with other sectors of the Australian population and with religions from the Western world. This is the theme of this book.
    The Indian Diaspora covers the theory of diaspora, the historical development of the Indian communities in Australia since the late 19th century to the present times, current practices and statistical profiles of Hindus and Sikhs in Australia, and interactions between Hindus and Sikhs with the wider Australian community. There are case-studies of the Indian students and women in the Australian community, of Indian communities in Melbourne and South Australia, and of temple building and the Sikh gurdwara.
    The book has been edited by and contains contributions from Purushottama Bilimoria, an internationally-known scholar of philosophy and religion, Jayant Bhalchandra Bapat, one of Australia’s most senior Hindu priests and a scholar of Hinduism, and Philip Hughes, a leading analyst of the religious profiles of the Australian people. It also contains contributions from several other prominent scholars. Included are special essays on the importance of diaspora by the late Ninian Smart and on the 19th century Afghan cameleers and Indian hawkers.

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    The book examines the joint family system in India — its roots in Vedic times, its evolution and relevance and practicality in the present times, the changing social norms, value systems and human behaviour over time, the position and status of the aged with the decline of the system, etc.

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    Indian Family System by: Bal Ram Singh Original price was: ₹700.00.Current price is: ₹630.00.

    The joint family system has ancient roots in India, being traceable to the Vedic times when four generations lived together. The tradition helped in maintaining strong bonds of kinship and keeping alive customs and traditions of the past. This book seeks to examine the joint family system in India: its evolution and relevance and practicality in the present times. It deals with the changing social norms, value systems and human behaviour over time and views the role of religion in promoting human values and fellowship which are an essential ingredient of joint family norms. With case studies, it explores aspects of the Indian family like its cultural and ritualistic traditions, the importance and role of the woman as the backbone of the Vedic society, the position and status of the aged with the decline of the joint family system, and the importance of the joint family as a vehicle for accumulating wealth — both material and in terms of serving and benefiting all. The volume will prove a useful contribution for scholars and students in the field of Indian social and cultural studies.

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    Indian Folklore by: Ganeshji Jethabhai Original price was: ₹450.00.Current price is: ₹405.00.

    “India is well-known for her cultural and literary traditions, which are normally alien to the West of the twentieth century. Her wide literature is a huge treasure house. So also are her folk tales which showcase her cultural milieu. For generations, the legends of India remained vigorously active by transferring from lip to lip in the absence of any print medium, and this book is an English translation of ninety-three tales selected from a Gujarati volume, “KautukamÀÒÀ” or “Bodhavacana”, which appeared first in 1885. This book is expected to give an insight to the then West into the cultures, customs and traditions of the East through its folk tales. It will promote a larger acquaintance of the West with Indian moorings, resulting in a heartier appreciation of, the native thoughts and native customs, the practical wisdom and ripe experience. It shows considerable skill in shifting and arranging the rude materials collected from many sources and in investigating half-forgotten local chronicles of wit and humour. It also satirizes the faults and extravagances of the then Indian village community to a certain extent. The book should make an interesting and amusing reading for the English-knowing people interested in Indian folklore.”

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    India has continuous and cumulative intellectual traditions and this book endeavours to expound the major Indian Knowledge Systems, under its seven sections and makes available authoritative statements that articulate their validity for the contemporary Indian and Western reality in the modern perspective.

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    Indian Knowledge Systems (2 Vols. Set) by: Kapil Kapoor, Avadhesh Kumar Singh, Original price was: ₹3,500.00.Current price is: ₹3,150.00.

    India has continuous and cumulative intellectual traditions in many domains of knowledge. This tradition has its beginning in the Rigveda, the first attested Indo-European document, and continues to be alive in the life, practices and learning of the Indian people. The power and pertinence of knowledge systems in this tradition are attested by the existence of innumerable texts and thinkers that continue to be the subject of study in major contemporary universities round the world. Not many today are aware of this rich heritage of thought. The Academy therefore produces rootless young minds that at best are ignorant and at worst have contempt for their own traditions of thought. The two volumes, comprising 34 articles by distinguished scholars, expound some major Indian knowledge systems viz. Logic, Philosophy of Language, Technology and Crafts, Polity and Governance, Ethics and Sociological texts, Architecture, Poetics and Aesthetics, Law and Justice, Mathematics and Astronomy, Agriculture, Trade and Commerce and Medicine and Life Science. Under its seven sections — (i) Indian Knowledge Systems (Ex)Positions; (ii) Science; (iii) Medical Science in India; (iv) Psychology, Polity and Sociological Texts; (v) Aesthetics and Poetics; (vi) Philosophy, Logic and Language; and (vii) Knowledge Formation, Dissemination and Practice — it makes available the first statements that articulate their validity for the contemporary Indian and Western reality.

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    Marriage or Vivaah, particularly in India, is a sacred ceremony comprising various customs Þ religious and social Þ and Vedic rituals. These are meant to propitiate the gods for obtaining their blessings for the bride and the bridegroom, and to honour and entertain those who participate in the celebrations. This book explains in detail, all the important rituals which form part of the marriage.

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    Indian Marriage by: R.N. Kogata Original price was: ₹1,400.00.Current price is: ₹1,260.00.

    Marriage is considered a very significant ritual for giving society’s sanction to a close relationship between a man and a woman as husband and wife. It is, therefore, also called a social system. The marriage ceremony is a combination of many rituals, based on information contained in Hindu scriptures. It also represents and reflects the social customs and practices that are prevalent in the society. The rituals vary depending upon the community, the religion and the state where they are performed. The marriage customs, rites and rituals among royal families are mentioned in this book — most of these rituals are followed by common people as well and are performed in the original or altered forms in the Indian society. Mr R.N. Kogata and Mrs Lalita Kogata did a lot of research and consulted several authorities and have written in detail about the various rituals involved in a human being’s life from birth to death. Different scholars have mentioned different numbers of rituals and sacraments — 25, 40 or 48. But Maharishi Veda Vyasa has described 16 rituals as important. Out of these, the Vivaah (marriage) samskaar itself encompasses various rituals — the main ones covered in this book are: the Bindaulee (wedding procession); Hathalevaa (hand-taking ceremony or paanigrahan), Phere (agni pradakshinaa, circumambulation of fire); Kanyaadaan (giving away daughter in marriage); Maangbharaaye (filling vermilion); Mangalsutra (tying the wedding thread); Saptapadee (walking seven steps together); and Vadhu kee Vidaaee (bride’s departure to her in-law’s house). This book should be in all households in order that all will know the meanings of the various rituals in a marriage — particularly in the present days when learned pandits who can explain the rituals, are few, and people have no time or inclination to go through voluminous scriptures or texts on the subject of marriage.

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    Indian Movements by: Subhash Chandra Malik Original price was: ₹1,300.00.Current price is: ₹1,170.00.

    Does Indian civilization have the capacity to change or has it been static? The impression of this civilization as an unchanging one has been revised today. Conflict-tension processes in a complex heterogeneous civilization like that of India are equally important and require in-depth studies along with investigating the continuity of tradition. It is in this context that protest, dissent and reform movements have also played a critical role and facilitated adjustments to changing social realities over the centuries. From time to time alternate systems to the accepted ideological or normative patterns have been suggested. Apparently many of these movements were religious in nature, but the socio-economic context which remains in the background does require further detailed examination. The present volume reflects some aspects of these movements. It is one in the series undertaken as part of the group project A Sourcebook of Indian and Asian Civilizations at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study. The essays in this volume by such scholars as Arun Bali, Savitri Chandra, Narendra Mohan, M.G.S. Narayanan and Veluthat Kesavan; Y.M. Pathan, M.S.A. Rao, Sachchidananda, G.B. Sardar and Pushpa Suri will stimulate discussion and generate new perspectives towards understanding Indian civilization.

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    The title of the book Indian Philosophical Wisdom: Some Glimpses itself signifies its importance. Indeed, philosophy is involved in every sphere of human life — literature, creative art, culture, etc. The author in her zeal to unravel the precious accumulated wisdom of Indian philosophy delved in its treasure with different approaches — historical, analytical, comparative, etc. An attempt has been made in this book to expound Indian philosophical systems and to analyse critically their logical implications.

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    Indian Philosophical Wisdom by: Mukta Biswas Original price was: ₹900.00.Current price is: ₹810.00.

    The title of the book Indian Philosophical Wisdom: Some Glimpses itself signifies its importance. Indeed, philosophy is involved in every sphere of human life — literature, creative art, culture, etc. The author in her zeal to unravel the precious accumulated wisdom of Indian philosophy delved in its treasure with different approaches — historical, analytical, comparative, etc. An attempt has been made in this book to expound Indian philosophical systems and to analyse critically their logical implications.
    This work consists of twenty-seven articles both unpublished and published in journals and from different academic forums aimed towards making a documentation of discussions on various systems of Indian philosophy, Upaniṣadic and Yoga philosophy in particular. This could be a ready reckoner on the subject for young and enterprising students and scholars who possess innate inquisitiveness to unearth the sagacity enshrined in Indian philosophy.

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