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Proposed in five volumes, this volume of Kālacakra Tantra is the second in series. While the first volume attempts to locate mysterious Śambhala and Oḍḍiyāna while delving into the chronology of legendary Kalkī kings, the second volume deals with the structure of inner Kālacakra. It explores the internal mechanisms of winds, subtle veins and cakras. Haṭha-yoga and tenets of Islamic philosophy are also covered in the second volume.
“The Kālacakra Tantra was the last major Tāntric text composed before the decline of Buddhism in India. Over the course of its thousand-year journey, the book has left an indelible influence over different regions of Asia. Apart from the Vimalaprabhā commentary composed during the mid-eleventh century, no verse-by-verse commentary is available to the general reader. Kumar has translated the entire 1,047 stanzas of the text written in Sragdharā metre. In addition, he has produced distinct volumes of fresh, in-depth commentary for each of the five chapters of the original Sanskrit text. The first volume was published in 2022.
This second volume delves into the understanding of the inner Kālacakra. The internal mechanisms of winds, subtle veins and cakras have been explored with clarity. In Indic tradition, haṭha-yoga has been propounded for the first time in this section of the Kālacakra Tantra. Likewise, it contains the first Indian critique of the tenets of Islamic philosophy. This volume also examines several methods to calibrate the biomechanics of prāṇa-vāyu to defer the impending death.”
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