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    The book unveils the ancient Indian society in all its variegated evolutionary expressions across 2500 years to explore the sociological orientations of the Vedic Samhitas, Brahmanas, Upanisads and other Sanskrit works besides Buddhist and Jaina works.

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    Society in Ancient India by: Sures Chandra Banerji 585.00

    It is a fascinating, meticulously documented study unveiling, for the first time, the ancient Indian society in all its variegated evolutionary expressions across about two-and-a-half millennia: since the Vedic times (c. 1500 BC) — with a beautifully well-knit account of its religions and cultic practices; economic paradigms; polity and statecraft; educational set-up; customes, manners, etiquettes; food habits, drinks, dress styles; sports, pastimes, modes of recreations; sex life and sexual morality; casteist hierarchies; attitude towards women; and its crimes, punishments and legal codes. Epitomising a lifetime of Dr. Banerji’s research on ancient India, the book vividly captures all different articulations of sociological import from a whole body of traditional writings: both sacred and secular. Again, it turns out to be the first ever study to singly explore the sociological orientations of the Vedic Samhitas, Brahmanas, Upanishads, Kalpasutras, Vyakaranas, Puranas, Smritishastras, Tantric texts, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, Kautilya’s Arthashastra, and many other Sanskrit classics — besides Buddhist and Jaina works in Pali, Prakrit and Apabhramsha languages. With highly informative appendices, extensive bibliographic references and a glossary of technical/unfamiliar words, the book holds out enduring appeal to both scholars and discerning readers.

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    The Atharvaveda delineates the life of the common man in ancient Indian village community. The book focuses on farming and cattle breeding, crafts, religion, daily preoccupations and fashions, role of women and their problems, etc.

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    Society in the Atharvaveda by: B.S. Kharade 203.00

    Of the Vedas the Atharvaveda, the Veda of the masses, is unique. Unlike the Rig, Sama and Yajur Vedas, the Atharvaveda delineates the life of the common man in the ancient Indian village community — the village farmer, craftsman and others who formed the core of the agriculturist society of the time. Modern scholarship has focused much on the vedatrayi but little has been written on the Atharvaveda. Society in the Atharvaveda not only attempts to address the dearth of scholarly studies on the Atharvaveda but it is also perhaps, in recent years, the first ever study of the Atharvaveda from the point of view of the common people. The Atharvavedic verses throw light upon a wide range of themes and all these are discussed here: topics from farming and cattle breeding, village crafts, religion, daily preoccupations and fashions of the people, role of women and their problems in day-to-day life, crime and degenerative practices like adultery and gambling, to trade and travel means and routes, loan facility, taxation, political administration and man’s response to his environment. The author traces this Veda as the source of many traditional folk songs that are sung even today by the common man at work in the villages. This systematic survey dispels the widespread notion that the Atharvaveda is subordinate to the vedatrayi; rather the author shows that it occupies an unrivalled importance in Vedic literature largely owing to its preoccupation with the life of the people at large. The book abounds with Atharvavedic verses; a number of verses are cited to bring out each and every aspect of common life and living. With meaningful appendices, this scholarly work would provide interesting and useful research and reference material to Vedic scholars especially those keen on studying the ‘Veda of the masses’ in a fresh perspective.

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    This book describes the social and economic condition of India as shown in the Company paintings during the British rule. It also sheds light on the techniques adopted by the artists in depicting the various themes in paintings.

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    Socio-Economic Study of Company Paintings (CE 1757-1857) by: T.N. Mishra 801.00

    The paintings of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are recognised as a valuable source for the study of social and economic life during the colonial period. A deep study of the Company paintings of the time is significant because the paintings have carefully observed and recorded the Indian scene in all its aspects, particularly its history and society.
    The book discusses the evolution of the Company School of Art, as a result of interactions between traditional Indian paintings and European paintings, and its spread to most of the art centres in India. In a thorough attempt, it deals with its thematic preoccupations and the common features of the paintings: their favourite subjects, especially their depiction of the professions, and the variety of common people they carefully depict. It examines the techniques adopted by the artists: their choice of mediums and colours and their style of depicting the themes. It also takes up the social status of the artists at the time.
    The book will fascinate lovers of Indian art and will prove useful to scholars and students especially involved in study of evolution of Indian art and modern art.

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    An in-depth study of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s life, his social and economic philosophy, contribution to social justice, his struggle for rights of weaker sections in society, and his thoughts on the legal system of India, particularly human rights and equality of all peoples.

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    Socio-Legal Philosophy of Bharat Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar by: Umakant N. Netragaonkar 522.00

    An in-depth study of the thoughts of Babasaheb Ambedkar on the social, economic and legal system of India, this book examines the relevance of Ambedkar’s thoughts today when societies have disparities and are going through conflicts. It deals with aspects of Ambedkar’s life, his social and economic philosophy, contribution to social justice, and his struggle for rights of weaker sections in society.
    The volume deals with the social condition and political rule in the pre-Buddhist era and later till the sixth century ce, the origin and flourishing of the caste system in ancient times, and untouchability. It explores the meaning of some basic terms like “justice”. It views the Constitutional provisions regarding ensuring equality of all peoples and abolition of untouchability and explains how Ambedkar helped to establish the Constitutional rights of the SCs and the STs and the backward classes. A special focus is on the reservation issues and the judicial stand on them. It showcases the Supreme Court of India’s reinterpretation of Ambedkar’s vision and philosophy of social justice in its decisions concerning reservation. It throws light on the new concept of social justice that the judiciary has emphasized over the decades with stress on positive human rights.

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    Socio-Literary and Cultural Study of Indian Society by: Indra Nath Choudhuri 1,350.00

    The Socio-Literary and Cultural Study of Indian Society from Ancient to Modern is a search for India’s heritage: Hindu, Sufi and about Nationalism and India’s freedom from her colonial past. It is analytical but not learnedness. The author believes as Iqbal, the famous Urdu poet, said: “Transcend your reason because though it is a glow, it is not your destination; it can only be the path to the destination show.” People, both Indian and foreign, who want to understand Indian heritage from Ancient to Modern in a simple, agreeable style and friendly manner, is the author’s destination. In this volume, he has tried to demolish many myths like dharma is religion, Vedas are Śruti though the Almighty ordered six ṛṣis to write them down. A Hindu is just not emotional in mind, he also believes in analytic discussion (tarka). Upaniṣads are not just created by ṛṣis but also by a revolution unfolded by the students by barraging questions after questions.By explaining about the vitality of India and many other subjects, the book elucidates many things about the idea of India in an authentic manner. The readers will find here many varieties of theological explication, ultimately leading to the celebration of life while searching for the divine and realizing the self.

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    Socio-Political Awakening of the Bodos by: Kumud Ranjan Basumatary 4,860.00

    The Bodos (Kacharis) constitute a very important group of Indo-Mongoloid (Tibeto-Burman) people of north-east India. They are concentrated in various parts of Assam, and are considered to be one of the earliest settlers of Assam, who had built powerful kingdoms in various parts of north-east India. This book attempts to trace the history of these tribal people, their glory during the medieval period, their fall during the Mughal rule and their efforts to awaken during the British Raj. The Bodos were illiterate, slothy due to their fondness for drinking jou (rice beer), reared pigs, lived in unhealthy surroundings, which led them to be labelled as untouchables by the upper caste Hindus. Persistent and path breaking efforts made by their renowned educational, cultural and social reformer Gurudevkallicharan Brahma bore fruit and many changes were brought in the Bodo way of living, customs, religion, habits. Notable among them were his efforts to motivate his people to discard their old religion and convert to a new religion called Brahma dharma. He was instrumental in spreading literacy by convincing the colonial authorities to open schools, and in starting a magazine called Bibar. Moreover, his pioneering role in launching various unions among the Bodos is laudable. This book is a veritable ‘must read’ for all those who wish to know about the Bodos and the socio-religious-cultural transformation that took place in them and a new dawn that they had entered into.

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    This book is notable as an encyclopaedic record of literary, socio-political, religious and philosophical data that throws light on the cultural history of the Deccan in early medieval India. It discusses Somadeva, his age and gives a synopsis of Yashastilaka, throws light on Jaina dogmatics, religious poetry, moral and religious stories and myths and legends.

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    Somadeva’s Yashastilaka by: Krishna Kanta Handique 1,080.00

    Yashastilaka by Somadeva, composed in ce 959, is a Jaina religious romance written in Sanskrit prose and verse. It is notable as an encyclopaedic record of literary, socio-political, religious and philosophical data that throws light on the cultural history of the Deccan in early medieval India. This volume presents a critical study of the work, providing a comprehensive picture of the life and thought of the time of Somadeva. It begins with a discussion on Somadeva and his age and gives a synopsis of Yashastilaka. it examines the Yashastilaka as a prose and a religious romance, a socio-political record and as an anthology of Sanskrit verse. The book discusses various philosophical doctrines in Indian thought. With many detailed references and footnotes, it reveals the Yashastilaka as a work that expounds the cardinal teachings of Jainism. It throws light on Jaina dogmatics, religious poetry, moral and religious stories, and myths and legends in the process of examining the work. The volume also has supplementary notes incorporating the results of studies on Somadeva’s relations with the Vemulavada Calukyas and the locality in which he wrote his masterpiece.

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    The book makes it explicit on how certain important philosophical questions generated from logic are, in the ultimate analysis, rooted in the area of philosophy of language. It also suggests certain means of settling these issues of philosophy of logic.

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    Some Philosophical Issues in Logic & Language by: Sadhan Chakraborti 540.00

    Philosophy of logic and philosophy of language are closely interrelated areas of research. Many of the philosophical questions arising from logic cannot be fully addressed without taking into consideration certain issues associated with the concerned language. The philosophical issues, e.g. concerning validity of an argument, proof for the validity of an argument are philosophical problems, which are generated from the study of logic.
    The book makes it explicit on how certain important philosophical questions generated from logic are, in the ultimate analysis, rooted in the area of philosophy of language. It also suggests certain means of settling these issues of philosophy of logic. In addition to certain issues in philosophy of logic the book extensively deals with certain issues in philosophy of language such as the issue concerning holism, semantic inferentialism, realism, objectivity of statements and representationalism.
    Those who are engaged in advanced research in philosophy of language and philosophy of logic will benefit immensely from reading this book. It will also be of great use to the students of philosophy and to the general readers as well.

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    This book elaborates the glory of the story of ßSri Somavarû and meticulously details the nuances of Monday fasting in English and Hindi. Shiv Chalisa and Sri Shiv-Panchaksharastotram are also given.

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    Somvar Vrata-Katha by: Unknown 45.00

    This book elaborates the glory of the story of ßSri Somavarû and meticulously details the nuances of Monday fasting in English and Hindi. Shiv Chalisa and Sri Shiv-Panchaksharastotram are also given.

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    This volume encapsulates the advice of Krishna to Arjuna at the Mahabharata battlefield, through the poetic narration of Vedic seer Vasistha in Yoga-Vasistha, which is different from the traditional one found in Mahabharata. It melds together the wisdom of two great epics — Bhagavad-Gita and Yoga-Vasistha — providing unparalleled access to the great truths and insights of yoga and liberation.

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    Song of the Lord by: Swami Veda Bharati 176.00288.00

    Arjuna’s predicament of fighting and killing his own kinsmen and gurus in the Mahabharata War, and Lord Krishna’s advice and thus the former’s enlightenment are well known. Moving away from the traditional Mahabharata narration, Yoga-Vasishtha presents a different narrative approach by the Vedic seer, Vasishtha — about the Krishna–Arjuna dialogue — to his pupil Rama as if it would happen eventually in the remote future.
    While the Bhagavad-Gita accounts for Krishna’s teaching of eighteen forms of yoga in 700 verses, Vasishtha narrates sixty stories in more than 28,000 verses, making Yoga-Vasishtha as one of the lengthier and most lyrical philosophical discourses in the world. In the course of the narrative, Vasishtha summarizes how to attain liberation, the essence of the Bhagavad-Gita, in seven chapters.
    This lucid translation of Mokshopaya, a section of the Yoga-Vasishtha, encapsulates the message of Krishna, through the poetic narration of Vasishtha. Arjuna experiences the dissolution of his ignorance, overcomes his attachments and arrives at a point of freedom. The author, by choosing to highlight the story of Arjuna from two sources, has melded together the wisdom of two great epics — Bhagavad-Gita and Yoga-Vasishtha — providing the reader with unparalleled access to the great truths and insights of yoga and liberation.

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