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    Gita is a great work emphasing on work and worship. Krsna advises Arjuna that he should not expect results. Instead, concentrate on his work with complete vigour and veneration. Gita is a path to sublimity where work meets worship as presented in this magnum opus here.

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    Krsna-Arjuna Samvada by: Surendra Singh Yadav Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹225.00.

    Gita is a great work emphasing on work and worship. Krsna advises Arjuna that he should not expect results. Instead, concentrate on his work with complete vigour and veneration. Gita is a path to sublimity where work meets worship as presented in this magnum opus here.

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    It is a compendium of recent researches on the brilliance that ushers through Kumarajiva’s legacy, enshrined in thousands of monasteries in China, Korea and Japan, preserving the heritage. His works inspired members of Imperial houses, Emperors, writers and artists, pilgrims and philosophers.

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    Kumarajiva Philosopher and Seer by: Shashibala Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    Kumarajiva, (Jiumóluóshi in Chinese), a philosopher and seer, had a long cherished mission: propagation of the true spirit of Buddhism. He broke political, geographical, cultural and linguistic barriers; travelled through barren lands and rivers, mountains and forbidding terrains to bequeath to us a casket of sacred sutras as the most authoritative presentations by translating them from Sanskrit into Chinese. He created pure, boundless and unthinkable versions of the sutras as an obeisance to the sacred voice so that one could bathe in the pure pond of the Dharma.
    “Kumarajiva: Philosopher and Seer” is a compendium of recent researches on the brilliance that ushers through his legacy, enshrined in thousands of monasteries in China, Korea and Japan, preserving the heritage – his translations of the sacred Sanskrit texts copied over the last sixteen centuries. The life of Kumarajiva was unique in every aspect. His works inspired members of Imperial houses, Emperors, writers and artists, pilgrims and philosophers. His angelic presence can still be felt in the monastic establishments, in the sound of recitation of sutras and in the lives of the people that have been inspired over the centuries by his translations.
    The researches done by scholars from world academia are included in the present volume on his date of birth, the towns and villages where he spent his life from childhood to nirvana, historically important events of his life, his contemporaries, his contribution to the cultural sphere of East Asia especially defining a new road for Mahayana Buddhism, philosophical theories and vision, comparative studies of his translations and echoes of his translations in Chinese literature.

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    This book portrays kundalini from its psycho-physical and spiritual implications and impacts and tries to alleviate some misconceptions about the nature of cakras — the consciousness centres of human body. It deals at length with the phenomena of higher levels of spiritual evolution — “raising the kundalini” and “opening the cakras”.

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    Kundalini by: Swami Veda Bharati Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹540.00.

    “Tantra, an exposition of Sri-vidya, is a thread of Vedic tantu. This ray of the light of consciousness folds upon itself as a coil (kundala) forming the coiled energies of the conscious universe, thus becoming kundalini.
    This book looks at Tantra from a different perspective against the common view of it being more associated with its carnal/sexual nature. Tantra is the “art of celibacy”. Human beings are a wave in the ocean of Consciousness and this wave passes through our psycho-physiological complex compound, forming the personal kundalini. All sensations in human body are manifestations of the presence of kuõóalinã. Our desires are the signals released by the kundalini. Different psycho-physical apparatuses are plugged into it like electric plugs in different socket.
    This volume, while portraying kundalini from its psycho-physical and spiritual implications and impacts, tries to alleviate some misconceptions about the nature of cakras — the consciousness centres. It deals at length with the phenomena of higher levels of spiritual evolution — “raising the kundalini” and “opening the cakras” — helping one drop all mental habit patterns to achieve “liberation”.
    This book is a “must read” for the practitioners of Yoga and all who want to take their spiritual life to a new realm. “

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    This book portrays kundalini from its psycho-physical and spiritual implications and impacts and tries to alleviate some misconceptions about the nature of cakras — the consciousness centres of human body. It deals at length with the phenomena of higher levels of spiritual evolution — “raising the kundalini” and “opening the cakras”.

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    Kundalini (PB) by: Swami Veda Bharati Original price was: ₹280.00.Current price is: ₹252.00.

    “Tantra, an exposition of Sri-vidya, is a thread of Vedic tantu. This ray of the light of consciousness folds upon itself as a coil (kundala) forming the coiled energies of the conscious universe, thus becoming kundalini.
    This book looks at Tantra from a different perspective against the common view of it being more associated with its carnal/sexual nature. Tantra is the “art of celibacy”. Human beings are a wave in the ocean of Consciousness and this wave passes through our psycho-physiological complex compound, forming the personal kundalini. All sensations in human body are manifestations of the presence of kuõóalinã. Our desires are the signals released by the kundalini. Different psycho-physical apparatuses are plugged into it like electric plugs in different socket.
    This volume, while portraying kundalini from its psycho-physical and spiritual implications and impacts, tries to alleviate some misconceptions about the nature of cakras — the consciousness centres. It deals at length with the phenomena of higher levels of spiritual evolution — “raising the kundalini” and “opening the cakras” — helping one drop all mental habit patterns to achieve “liberation”.
    This book is a “must read” for the practitioners of Yoga and all who want to take their spiritual life to a new realm. “

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    Dr. P.L. Gupta examines myriad coins of the Kusanas to convincingly resolve the chronological puzzles of these Indo-Scythian kings — from their rise in mid-2nd century ad to their extinction in ad 370.

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    Kusana Coins and History by: Parmeshwari Lal Gupta, Sarojini Kulashreshtha, Original price was: ₹700.00.Current price is: ₹630.00.

    The scions of a Central Asia’s nomadic tribe, (called Yueh-chi), KUSHANAS descended upon the plains of northern India — sometime around the first century after Christ. And gradually built a great, vastly extensive empire in the Yamuno-Gangetic region. But, owing to a marked deficiency of indigenous literary sources, Kushana history has continued to be the sport of conjecture. Or, for the last 200 years or so, an area of chroniclers’ debate, involving scholars: both Indian and European. A numismatist of international renown, Dr. P.L. Gupta examines myriad coins of the Kushanas, including some of the very recent finds, to convincingly resolve the chronological puzzles of these Indo-Scythian kings: from their very rise in mid-second century ad to their final extinction in circa 370 ad. Corroborating the conclusions of his lifetime research on coins, with inscriptional material, he elicits fresh evidence on various important aspects of Kushana history: ranging from span of their era to the domains of their political authority. Barring the inclusion of two papers, written by Dr. Sarojini Kulashreshtha, this volume is an exquisite presentation of Dr. Gupta’s writings on numismatics and related historical aspects. Now offered with highly representative visual material, extensive bibliographic references, and an elaborate introduction, these papers, when pieced together, evolve a stimulating framework for the scholars working on Kushana history.

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    It analyses, for the first time, each of Sri Lalita’s thousand names, through themes like the Goddess’s anthropomorphic forms, abodes and ritualistic worship. It underscores the importance of Lalita-Sahasranama in philosophy, tantra, yoga, sahasranama literature, etc.

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    Lalita-Sahasranama — A Comprehensive Study of One Thousand Names of Lalita Maha-Tripurasundari by: L.M. Joshi Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.

    In the Hindu sacred literature, Sahasra-namas: the texts embodying literally “the Thousand Names” of a deity, constitute a genre in their own right. And Lalita-Sahasranama (LS) is a veritable classic in the traditional writings of the kind — a classic widely acknowledged for its lucidity, clarity and poetic excellence. A medieval work of unknown authorship eulogising Shakti: the Mother Goddess, this Sahasranama is not just a masterly exposition of Shri Lalita’s cult, but also sets out the deity’s diverse epithets — like, for instance, Kundalini, Nirguna, Saguna, Parashakti or Brahman — which continue to evoke reverence as mantras with ‘mystic powers’. Also included among these names are the goddess’s other panegyric descriptions that have come to have profound, esoteric connotations in tantric practices — epitomizing, thus, the fundamental tenets of tantrashastra. Here is a brilliant critical edition of Lalita-Sahasranama meticulously analysing, for the first time, each of Shri Lalita’s thousand names — by a variety of themes, like the Goddess’s conceptual representations, anthropomorphic forms, disposition, abodes, kinships/consorts, ritualistic worship, and her supremacy in pantheonic hierarchy. Also explaining and interpreting anew these thousand names on the basis of time-honoured commentaries, Dr. Joshi under-scores the high importance of Lalita-Sahasranama in philosophy, tantra, yoga, sahasranama literature, and rituals of various descriptions. The book includes the original Sanskrit text of LS, its romanised transliteration and, additionally, an Appendix listing Sri Lalita’s thousand names in the A-Z sequence.

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    It analyses, for the first time, each of Sri Lalita’s thousand names, through themes like the Goddess’s anthropomorphic forms, abodes and ritualistic worship. It underscores the importance of Lalita-Sahasranama in philosophy, tantra, yoga, sahasranama literature, etc.

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    Lalita-Sahasranama — A Comprehensive Study of One Thousand Names of Lalita Maha-Tripurasundari (PB) by: L.M. Joshi Original price was: ₹850.00.Current price is: ₹765.00.

    In the Hindu sacred literature, Sahasra-namas: the texts embodying literally “the Thousand Names” of a deity, constitute a genre in their own right. And Lalita-Sahasranama (LS) is a veritable classic in the traditional writings of the kind — a classic widely acknowledged for its lucidity, clarity and poetic excellence. A medieval work of unknown authorship eulogising Shakti: the Mother Goddess, this Sahasranama is not just a masterly exposition of Shri Lalita’s cult, but also sets out the deity’s diverse epithets — like, for instance, Kundalini, Nirguna, Saguna, Parashakti or Brahman — which continue to evoke reverence as mantras with ‘mystic powers’. Also included among these names are the goddess’s other panegyric descriptions that have come to have profound, esoteric connotations in tantric practices — epitomizing, thus, the fundamental tenets of tantrashastra. Here is a brilliant critical edition of Lalita-Sahasranama meticulously analysing, for the first time, each of Shri Lalita’s thousand names — by a variety of themes, like the Goddess’s conceptual representations, anthropomorphic forms, disposition, abodes, kinships/consorts, ritualistic worship, and her supremacy in pantheonic hierarchy. Also explaining and interpreting anew these thousand names on the basis of time-honoured commentaries, Dr. Joshi under-scores the high importance of Lalita-Sahasranama in philosophy, tantra, yoga, sahasranama literature, and rituals of various descriptions. The book includes the original Sanskrit text of LS, its romanised transliteration and, additionally, an Appendix listing Sri Lalita’s thousand names in the A-Z sequence.

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    This work is a collection of papers dealing with the problems concerning the relation between language and mind. It focuses on the recent developments in the philosophy of language and mind, particularly with regard to the computational approach to this subject. This is the first of a two-volume project dealing with language and mind.

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    Language and Mind — Vol. 1 by: Ramesh Chandra Pradhan Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹540.00.

    This work is a collection of papers dealing with the problems concerning the relation between language and mind. It focuses on the recent developments in the philosophy of language and mind, particularly with regard to the computational approach to this subject. The computational approach defended by Fodor and others has changed the very concept of language and mind thus ushering in a new philosophy in recent years. But, not unsurprisingly, there has been a vehement opposition to this approach led by Searle and others which has exposed the limitations of computationalism as a philosophical theory. The controversy regarding language, mind and meaning between the computationalists and their opponents is the main theme of this book. Besides these differing ideologies the book also highlights the general issues regarding meaning, intentionality, necessity, a prioricity, etc. which have an important place in the philosophy of language. This is the first of a two-volume project dealing with language and mind. This book deals exclusively with the Western perspective of the problems of language and mind, while Volume II will deal with the classical Indian approach.

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    This is a two-volume project which throws light on the various problem and debates on the relation between language and mind. They analyse both the classical Indian perspective as well as the Western perspective, stating that mind is behind all the linguistic activities.

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    Language and Mind – Volume 2 by: K.S. Prasad Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹450.00.

    The relation between language and mind is a fascinating area in both the Western and the Indian philosophical modes of thinking. Indian philosophers of language raise the question: How does the hearer derive knowledge from the speaker’s utterances? In the process of finding an answer, they developed some important insights into language and cognition, language generated awareness, etc. In many of their formulations the concept of mind is assumed as the background of linguistic activity. This volume throws light on various debates concerning the relation between language and mind as conceived in the Classical Indian Tradition. Papers in this volume have been arranged in three groups based on their thematic composition: (1) the inadequacy thesis proposed by the Madhyamika school of Buddhism and the Vedantins which suggests that language fails to express certain experiences; (2) the identity thesis held by the Grammarians which suggests that language is the Reality; and (3) the adequacy thesis supported by the Naiyayikas which suggests that whatever exists is capable of being known and whatever is known is capable of being expressed in language. This book is the second of a two-volume project dealing with language and mind. The first dealt with the Western perspective and the present work deals with the Classical Indian Perspective.

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    Leadership & Teamwork are today’s success mantras. The 100 ever enticing quotes in this book help one to bring forth the leadership qualities in a person and carry his team for stupendous achievements. Each quote is conjoined with a stimulating painting of Lord Ganesha, the Lord of Peace, Prosperity and Wisdom.

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    Leadership and Teamwork by: R.N. Kogata, Lalita Kogata, Original price was: ₹260.00.Current price is: ₹234.00.

    The authors, through this book Leadership & Teamwork, unveil the success mantras of modern life/management. It talks about the quintessential qualities of a leader and the collective responsibility of his team. To percolate this concept well down, the authors have presented 100 carefully chosen quotes on Leadership & Teamwork, Each quote is conjoined with a stimulating painting of Lord Ganesha, the Lord of Peace, Prosperity and Wisdom. Some of these thought-provoking and enlightening quotes are from world-famous personalities, who have enriched us with their foresight and vision.
    A true leader must lead from the front shouldering the responsibilities of mistakes of his team and sharing the credit of his success. The team should have faith in the leader and the leader should repose confidence in his team. A good leader is a good mentor and a trainer. And the team draws strengths and skills from him. Success ensues naturally.

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    This book aims at developing an exclusive literary framework to analyse the Indian queer literary works. It helps in excavating the convoluted layers and subversive potential of queer identities, and in studying the efforts made by the Indian writers to homosexualize various so-called normative spaces.

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    LGBTQ by: Kuhu Sharma Chanana Original price was: ₹800.00.Current price is: ₹720.00.

    The invisibility accorded to queer literary works in India has a systematic sinister agenda of silencing. Such a hidden target can be countered only by cataloguing the still unexplored queer texts in various Indian languages and by developing unique critical tools to analyse these texts in a such a manner that helps in excavating the convoluted layers and subversive potential of queer identities.
    This book aims at developing an exclusive literary framework to analyse the Indian queer literary works. In all, there are seven chapters which deal with the themes of plurality of lesbian existence, ambivalent adaptation techniques adopted by the writers to grant visibility to subaltern sexualities, overlapping of class and homosexuality, the development of exclusive queer aesthetics by inversion of accepted mode of literary language, imagery and techniques, the doubly marginalized identity of lesbian diaspora and the specific rift between lesbianism, feminism and queer activism in Indian context as presented in literary studies.
    It also deals with the issues of biphobia, violence on hijra identity (perhaps one of the most marginalized identity in LGBTQ movement), the depiction of symbiotic relationship between space, sexual identity and sexual citizenship in Indian literary texts and the efforts made by the writers to homosexualize various so-called normative spaces.

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    This publication with 100 quotes each supported by a thought provoking painting aims at making one realize that life is not as difficult as it seems if lived in the right spirit and a dignified way that encompasses love, kindness, care and compassion.

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    Life by: R.N. Kogata, Lalita Kogata, Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹198.00.

    This publication with 100 quotes each supported by a thought provoking painting aims at making one realize that life is not as difficult as it seems if lived in the right spirit and a dignified way that encompasses love, kindness, care and compassion.

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