Apbharamsa Hindi Kos...
Apbharamsa Hindi Kosha
Apabhramsa-Hindi-Dictionary by: Naresh KumarThis Dictionary of Hindi Apabhramsa gives in detail the grammatical importance of words, their meanings, correct spellings, the alternate words and their various usages as mentioned by lexicographer Naresh Kumar.
₹1,500.00 Original price was: ₹1,500.00.₹1,350.00Current price is: ₹1,350.00.
ISBN: 9788124601365
Year Of Publication: 1999
Edition: 1st
Pages : xlv, 869
Language : Hindi
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23 cm.
Weight: 1500
This Dictionary of Hindi Apabhramsa gives in detail the grammatical importance of words, their meanings, correct spellings, the alternate words and their various usages as mentioned by lexicographer Naresh Kumar.

- Sale!Rated 4.00 out of 5Building a Theory of the Indic Brahmi Writing System by: P.G. Patel
₹400.00Original price was: ₹400.00.₹360.00Current price is: ₹360.00.This book develops a consilience of research and thinking in epigraphy, archaeology, and linguistics on the Indic Brahmi writing system. Its objective is to identify the problems that need to be tackled by anybody who tries to develop a theory of the Brahmi writing system. As for the currently scientifically supported hypothesis that Brahmi originated in Tamil Nadu during the sixth century BCE or earlier, Patel opts for the need to keep this as an idea for the working basket awaiting new archaeological research in the sixth-century Magadha region.
The book deliberates upon how ancient Tamil Nadu was receptive to literacy. The Brahmanical fascination for orality blocked literacy in Vedic India. The brahmanas from north India entered Tamil Nadu only during the third century bce and lived away from residential areas. Tamil Nadu at the time had no caste system. This is reflected in the Sangam literature, which followed historically the grammarian Tolkappiyar. The conditions in Sri Lanka before and after the arrival of Buddhism are noted in relation to the rise of literacy. The relationship between Brahmi in Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu is highlighted for the purpose of further research. Also noted is the need for research on the differences between Dravidian and northern scripts in the way the aksharas are formed in graphic representation. - Sale!Recent Researches in Sanskrit Computational Linguistics by: Malhar Kulkarni, Chaitali Dangarikar,
₹700.00Original price was: ₹700.00.₹630.00Current price is: ₹630.00.This volume is the proceedings of the 5th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium (ISCLS), held at IIT Bombay during 4-6 January 2013. These proceedings include fourteen selected and three invited papers. The selected papers deal with topics such as computational modelling of Panini’s grammar Ashtadhyayi together with its supplementary texts, computational tools for Sanskrit language and their applications in the traditional Sanskrit concerns. Accordingly, this book delves upon how clues from Ashtadhyayi help in identifying compound types; how Ashtadhyayis digital edition can be structured and implemented; the completeness analysis of a Sanskrit reader; graph-based analysis of parallel passages; some relation-specific issues in parsing Sanskrit texts, text normalizer for Sanskrit; extended Nyaya-Vaisheshika ontology; and a search engine for Sanskrit, among others.
The invited papers focus on lexicography, with special reference to Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Sanskrit on Historical Principles; some aspects of semantics in early India in understanding the meaning of words; and the computational database of Paninis grammar.
This collection, thus, is an important initiative in the filed of Sanskrit computational linguistics as it records insightful current trends in the field, making it a must buy for students, researchers, and all those interested in Sanskrit grammar. - Sale!Sabda by: Tandra Patnaik
₹800.00Original price was: ₹800.00.₹720.00Current price is: ₹720.00.It is the first ever study of the fifth-century scholar, Bhartriharis Vakyapadiya in an altogether modern, the post-Fregean, perspective on the Philosophy of Language. A uniquely original thinker in Indias splendid grammarians tradition, Bhartrihari overreached the limits of language analysis set by his predecessors like Panini and Patanjali constructing, as he did, a brilliant Philosophy of Language that sought to spell out, among other aspects, the subtle distinctions between the knowable and the sayable, between what is said and what is meant, between the semantics of everyday speech and literary discourse. Sadly, Bhartrihari has, through the centuries, suffered neglect, largely because the Grammarian School never figured in the six major systems of traditional Indian philosophy.
For the first time, this monograph tries to reinterpret Bhartriharis position as a philosopher, emphasizing the high relevance of his Vakyapadiya to modern Western thought. A reputed scholar of grammar, philosophy and Sanskrit studies, the author presents Bhartriharis analyses of language methodically, unbiased. And, significantly, in contemporary philosophical idiom with contextual focus on the views of modern Western philosophers: Frege, Wittgenstein, Grice, Austin, Davidson, Searle, Strawson and the like. Also offered here is a lucid exposition of the Sphota Theory.
Growing from Dr Patnaiks a decade-long research on Bhartriharis philosophy, the volume highlights not only ancient Indian contribution to the study of language, but the interconnectedness among its indigenous approaches to linguistics, philosophy, logic and aesthetics as well. - Sale!Sabdajyotsna of Pandit Bhiksharam by: Shri Krishan Sharma
₹250.00Original price was: ₹250.00.₹225.00Current price is: ₹225.00.Pt. Bihiksharam (18871975) composed the Sabdajyotsna with a view to teach Sanskrit grammar to an ordinary student in a simple style. The author adopts pratyahara, anuvritti, anubandha, etc. in his work to impart the abridgement on the pattern of Ashtadhyayi and Pratishakhyas. For this purpose, the author tries his best to simplify the tough process of learning Sanskrit grammar.
The sutras of the Shabdajyotsna are composed subject wise (according to prakarana) on the pattern of prakriya works. Only samjna- and sandhi-prakaranas of this work were published in 1958. The rest of the text in Devanagari remained in the form of manuscript lying unattended. The script, whatever traced, was made available to Prof. Shri Krishan Sharma for the editing purposes by his grandson. However, the samasa-prakarana and some portions of taddhita-prakarana still remain untraceable.
In spite of some minor gaps, the work deserves recognition and appreciation in the academic circle. The author of the Sabdajyotsna aimed at and indeed succeeded in fully exposing the rules of Sanskrit grammar in lucid and clear diction.
The work, a pioneering attempt of its kind, may very well be considered as a significant contribution to the tradition of Sanskrit grammar, benefiting students, teachers and researchers alike. - Sale!Philosophy of Language in Classical Indian Tradition by: K.S. Prasad
₹850.00Original price was: ₹850.00.₹765.00Current price is: ₹765.00.Philosophical query into the working of language has occupied an important place in the rich tradition of thought in India since the ancient times. This book throws light on various debates in classical Indian Philosophical tradition concerning the structure of language and meaning. Papers in this book have been arranged in four groups basing on their thematic composition. The book begins with the general issues relating to language as figured in classical schools of Indian philosophy. Papers dealing with the semantic structure of language as discussed by Bhartrhari in his Vakyapadiya follow this. The next set of papers is related to some of the important semantic notions of Nyaya philosophy of language. In this respect notions like sense, reference, proper names, meaning, etc., have figured in for discussion. The last set of papers is concerned with the import of sentences wherein papers dealing with Purva-Mimamsa are included. One of the significant features of this volume is that some of the issues and problems in Indian Philosophy of language have been approached from the contemporary Western perspective with a view to explicate and evaluate them in a better way and this would be of considerable interest to scholars and students of philosophy, particularly those involved in the study of classical Indian philosophy.