Apbharamsa Hindi Kos...
Apbharamsa Hindi Kosha
Apabhramsa-Hindi-Dictionary by: Naresh KumarThis Dictionary of Hindi Apabhramsa gives in detail the grammatical importance of words, their meanings, correct spellings, the alternate words and their various usages as mentioned by lexicographer Naresh Kumar.
₹1,500.00 Original price was: ₹1,500.00.₹1,350.00Current price is: ₹1,350.00.
ISBN: 9788124601365
Year Of Publication: 1999
Edition: 1st
Pages : xlv, 869
Language : Hindi
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23 cm.
Weight: 1500
This Dictionary of Hindi Apabhramsa gives in detail the grammatical importance of words, their meanings, correct spellings, the alternate words and their various usages as mentioned by lexicographer Naresh Kumar.

- Sale!Objectivity & Communicability of Meaning by: Sadhan Chakraborti, Gangadhar Kar,
₹450.00Original price was: ₹450.00.₹405.00Current price is: ₹405.00.This collection begins with the assumption that communication through language is possible. The moot question it is engaged with is whether the communicability of meaning entails the objectivity of meaning or not. The nuances involved in the idea of objectivity are deciphered and in what sense meaning is objective, if at all, is discussed in the volume.
The articles included in this volume are written from the Western as well as from the Indian philosophical perspectives. Philosophical views of Wittgenstein, Searle, Putnam, Davidson, Quine, McDowell and many such eminent philosophers from the West, and the views of scholars of Nyaya, Buddhism and Mimamsa schools of Indian philosophy are studied closely in these articles.
Researchers interested in the issue of objectivity and communicability of meaning of language will find food for their thought in reading this book. Students of philosophy, linguistics, logic, mathematics and the allied subjects in Western and Indian traditions will have a clear grasp of the nature of meaning that is made explicit in this collection. - Sale!Meaning and Language by: Satya Sundar Sethy
₹600.00Original price was: ₹600.00.₹540.00Current price is: ₹540.00.This volume explores the nature of meaning and the way it functions in language. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Thomas Acquinas, John Locke, Immanuel Kant and David Hume had keen interest in the study of meaning, though it was not central to their philosophical inquiry. But the contemporary philosophy takes a radical twist towards language which is characterized as linguistic turn in philosophy. Meaning and its correct characterization are the foremost concerns of contemporary philosophy.
Study of two semantic perspectives meaning atomism and meaning holism is the core content of this book and it mainly focuses on contrasting these two perspectives or models of meaning and evaluates them with a view to arrive at an explicit conception of meaning that will correctly reveal the semantics of natural language.
In doing so, it vividly discusses the two perspectives of meaning along with the atomistic theory of Gottlob Frege, Wittgensteins approach to meaning, logical positivists conception of meaning, why meaning atomism fails to capture the uniqueness of meaning, Quinian theory of meaning holism, Davidsons approach to meaning holism, and Later Wittgensteins view on meaning holism, thus covering a wide gamut of the topic. - Sale!Sabdajyotsna of Pandit Bhiksharam by: Shri Krishan Sharma
₹250.00Original price was: ₹250.00.₹225.00Current price is: ₹225.00.Pt. Bihiksharam (18871975) composed the Sabdajyotsna with a view to teach Sanskrit grammar to an ordinary student in a simple style. The author adopts pratyahara, anuvritti, anubandha, etc. in his work to impart the abridgement on the pattern of Ashtadhyayi and Pratishakhyas. For this purpose, the author tries his best to simplify the tough process of learning Sanskrit grammar.
The sutras of the Shabdajyotsna are composed subject wise (according to prakarana) on the pattern of prakriya works. Only samjna- and sandhi-prakaranas of this work were published in 1958. The rest of the text in Devanagari remained in the form of manuscript lying unattended. The script, whatever traced, was made available to Prof. Shri Krishan Sharma for the editing purposes by his grandson. However, the samasa-prakarana and some portions of taddhita-prakarana still remain untraceable.
In spite of some minor gaps, the work deserves recognition and appreciation in the academic circle. The author of the Sabdajyotsna aimed at and indeed succeeded in fully exposing the rules of Sanskrit grammar in lucid and clear diction.
The work, a pioneering attempt of its kind, may very well be considered as a significant contribution to the tradition of Sanskrit grammar, benefiting students, teachers and researchers alike. - Sale!Sabda by: Tandra Patnaik
₹800.00Original price was: ₹800.00.₹720.00Current price is: ₹720.00.It is the first ever study of the fifth-century scholar, Bhartriharis Vakyapadiya in an altogether modern, the post-Fregean, perspective on the Philosophy of Language. A uniquely original thinker in Indias splendid grammarians tradition, Bhartrihari overreached the limits of language analysis set by his predecessors like Panini and Patanjali constructing, as he did, a brilliant Philosophy of Language that sought to spell out, among other aspects, the subtle distinctions between the knowable and the sayable, between what is said and what is meant, between the semantics of everyday speech and literary discourse. Sadly, Bhartrihari has, through the centuries, suffered neglect, largely because the Grammarian School never figured in the six major systems of traditional Indian philosophy.
For the first time, this monograph tries to reinterpret Bhartriharis position as a philosopher, emphasizing the high relevance of his Vakyapadiya to modern Western thought. A reputed scholar of grammar, philosophy and Sanskrit studies, the author presents Bhartriharis analyses of language methodically, unbiased. And, significantly, in contemporary philosophical idiom with contextual focus on the views of modern Western philosophers: Frege, Wittgenstein, Grice, Austin, Davidson, Searle, Strawson and the like. Also offered here is a lucid exposition of the Sphota Theory.
Growing from Dr Patnaiks a decade-long research on Bhartriharis philosophy, the volume highlights not only ancient Indian contribution to the study of language, but the interconnectedness among its indigenous approaches to linguistics, philosophy, logic and aesthetics as well. - Sale!Atreyashiksha by: Deepro Chakraborty
₹800.00Original price was: ₹800.00.₹720.00Current price is: ₹720.00.Atreyashiksha is one of the Shiksha texts of the Krishna-Yajurveda, Taittiriya school. This text has been critically edited and translated consulting two palm-leaf manuscripts which are currently the only discovered manuscripts of this text in public libraries. Shiksha texts deal with phonetics and phonology of the Vedas and the method of proper pronunciation and recitation. The Atreyashiksha is well-structured in terms of arranging its topics of discussion.
When compared to the other Shikshas of the Taittiriya school, the Atreyashiksha, in keeping its focus on the discussion on the different methods of Vedic recitation, namely, word-reading (padapatha), sequential reading (kramapatha), tangled reading (jatapatha) and the five varieties of the reading of the phonic sequences (varnakramas), holds a unique position in the corpus of the Shiksha literature. A close reading of the text shows that the main aim of the text is to explain the practical aspects of the different ways of Vedic recitation, in whose connection it describes the theoretical elements of Shiksha too.
The book, therefore, serves as a practical guidebook to Vedic reciters who recite the above-mentioned readings of the Taittiriya Krishna-Yajurveda along with the continuous reading. While describing the methods of recitation, the Atreyashiksha gives enough emphasis on the theoretical nuances. The phonological rules, most of which are expressed in the Taittiriya Pratishakhya, are also illustrated in this text. This book consists of a detailed introduction, the critically edited text in Devanagari script, its Roman transliteration and an authentic English translation.