Vartaman Paripreksya mein Eka Nutan Kavya by: Balram Singh₹295.00 Original price was: ₹295.00.₹266.00Current price is: ₹266.00.
ISBN: 9788124611135
Year Of Publication: 2023
Edition: 1st
Pages : 96
Language : Hindi
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Foreword By : Subhash Kak
Size: 22
Weight: 200
इस पुस्तक में हरिवंशराय बच्चन की मूल मधुशाला की प्रेरणा का पुनर्जागरण किया गया है, जिसमें प्रोफेसर बलराम सिंह ने अपनी वैज्ञानिक दृष्टि से सामाजिक बहुरसता को आधार मानकर उसकी गुत्थियों को हाला के माध्यम से सुलझाने का एक अप्रत्याशित प्रयास किया है। प्रो॰ सिंह की दूरदृष्टि में एक ओर भारतीय ग्रामीण अंचल और दूसरी ओर अमेरिका की आधुनिक ज्ञानधानी व सांस्कृतिक गढ़, बोस्टन, रहा है, जिसकी छाप मधुशाला छन्दों पर स्वाभाविक रूप से निखरती दिखती है। आपने कोरोना महामारी से लेकर जीवन-दर्शन तक को शिक्षा-दीक्षा, स्त्री-पुरुष, देश और सत्ता, ज्ञान-विज्ञान, व प्रकृति-दर्शन जैसे विषयों में पिरोते हुए एक आधुनिक छवि प्रस्तुत की है। ऐसे काल में ऐसी रचना की प्रासंगिकता निश्चित सिद्ध होगी।
दो शब्द
1. हाला
2. महामारी
3. शिक्षा-दीक्षा
4. जीवन
5. स्त्री-पुरुष
6. मनःस्थिति
7. ज्ञान-विज्ञान
8. जीवन-दर्शन
9. प्रकृति-दर्शन
10. समाज
11. देश और सत्ता
12. कवि-भाव
13. मधुशाला प्रभावित उद्गार
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- Sale!Varadambikaparinaya Campu of Tirumalamba by: Dr. Sujatha Reddy
₹800.00Original price was: ₹800.00.₹720.00Current price is: ₹720.00.Tirumalamba, a poetess of the Vijayanagara Empire, wrote the Varadambikaparinayam, the story of marriage of King Acyuta Deva Rāya, in Sanskrit which forms the 5th volume of the series: Women Writings in Sanskrit.
In the court of King Acyutaraya (1529-42 CE) of Vijayanagara there was a poetess of great merit and her name was Oduva Tirumalamba. She was employed as a reader in the royal court whose duty was perhaps the reading of poetical and other compositions to the ladies of the royal family as well as to the royal court. Tirumalamba was popularly known as Oduva (reader) Tirumalamba. Evidently she was a genius, since she was an excellent musician and grammarian, possessing in addition a good command of rhetoric and diction. She was a scholar of Hindu epics, poetry, drama and philosophy and had other accomplishments also; she was a linguist and could write in many scripts. In addition to all these excellent qualities she must have possessed great beauty, for King Acyutaraya became so enamoured of her that he elevated her to the position of his queen (Rajamahisi).
We learn most of these details from the epilogue to the Varadambika-parinaya-campu, celebrating the wedding of King Acyutaraya and his senior queen Varadambika. It is learnt from epigraphical and other sources that Varadambika was the principal queen (Pattamahisi) of King Acyutaraya. We also learn from the epilogue to the campu that she was a patroness of learned priests, scholars and poets and that she made liberal gifts and endowments to temples and religious institutions.
This poem also describes the birth of Prince Venkatadri, the first born of Varadambika. But it cannot be denied that the work shows that Tirumalamba was a highly educated woman, who wrote for the cultured.
- Sale!The Paradox of Obligation by: Rajendra Prasad
₹1,600.00Original price was: ₹1,600.00.₹1,440.00Current price is: ₹1,440.00.The essays included in this book provide highly critical and creative analysis of some of the basic problems of normative and meta—ethies in a pleasantly readable language. They can be enjoyably and profitably read by technical philosophers as well as interested bymen. Professor Prasad writes on ethical issues as seminal, conceptual issues of moral philosophical, and not as issues arising out of some regional, Indian or non-Indian, instances of moral thinking. Even ethical issues, generally discussed as rooted in classical Indian thinking, have been discussed by him as basic ones of moral philosophising, and thereby he raises the status of some classical Indian views to a level at which their conceptual, general or non-regional, role becomes crystac clear, His writings by to bridge the gulf wrongly created by some others, between Indian and Western moral theorising.
- Sale!Celebrating India through Hindu Eyes by: “HARSHA V. DEHEJIA “
₹1,995.00Original price was: ₹1,995.00.₹1,796.00Current price is: ₹1,796.00.This book is a celebration of India through Hindu eyes. Those eyes are of sages and kings, artists and artisans, potters and poets, rasikas and bhaktas. In that journey we remember the almond-shaped eyes of Shrinathji, the round eyes of Jagganathji. Those are human eyes through which we have received the darshan of our gods and goddesses and also the blessings of our elders and teachers. Those eyes are ancient and have witnessed magnificent kingdoms and trackless empires. They have watched the creations of monumental temples as well as charming havelis. They have travelled through the pages of history and chronicled the glory of the raja and the praja. Hindu eyes see the past even when they watch the present for they guide us through linear time but when we close our eyes we contemplate in circular time. Our eyes delight in asserting the finite but they rest when they find the infinite. They rejoice in the various akritis but they direct us to our sanskriti. They have been witness to our love stories and heroic sagas. They have smiled and spoken, invited and whispered. Hindu eyes belong to our mind which is buddhi pradhan but they throb with our heart which is bhava pradhan. They are the eyes of a people for whom adornment is beautiful but the serenity of ananda is blissful, for those eyes are the windows of our atman forever seeking the Brahman. Join us in this celebration.
- Sale!An Introduction to the Study of Indian Poetics by: Mahesh Singh Kushwaha, Sanjay Kumar Misra,
₹600.00Original price was: ₹600.00.₹540.00Current price is: ₹540.00.The book aspires to do for Indian poetics what Hudson’s book, An Introduction to the Study of English Literature did for English literature, though in a totally different manner and style. It provides the student with the essential knowledge about almost all aspects of Indian poetics. Based on the original Sanskrit sources, it presents the necessary information lucidly in precise and clear terms. Each chapter is self-contained and complete in itself, with explanatory notes, and a bibliography of relevant works. The Sanskrit terms used in the text are invariably explained or provided with English equivalents.
For quick reference, “A Glossary of Sanskrit Literary Terms” is given in the Appendices, which contain also “A List of Noted Indian Poeticians (including commentators) and Their Works” and “Notes on Major Texts in Indian Poetics”.
This handy volume, with its unique features, will prove invaluable to those who are going to embark on the study of Indian poetics, especially the ones who have no Sanskrit background. To a devoted student, it will prove a useful companion during his/her further studies. - Sale!Rated 5.00 out of 5Madhuravijayam, or Virakamparacarita of Gangadevi by: Dr. Sujatha Reddy
₹520.00Original price was: ₹520.00.₹468.00Current price is: ₹468.00.The Madhuravijayam (Sanskrit: मधुराविजयम्), meaning “The Victory of Madurai”, is a fourteenth-century CE Sanskrit poem written by the poet Gangadevi. It is also named the Vīra Kamparaya Caritam by the poet. Gangadevi, also known as Gangambika, was a poetess in the Vijayanagara Empire during the fourteenth century and chronicled the story of the victory of her husband, Kumara Kampana, son of Bukka Raya I, over the Muslims in Madurai, in the form of a poem. The poem celebrates the victory of the Vijayanagara Empire’s crown prince, Kamparaya, over Madurai. In addition to battle scenes a wash with blood, gore and plenty of poetic fantasy, the poetess describes how her husband Kampa passes the time between wars with his multitude of beautiful wives.
This edition is prepared to highlight that it is composed by a woman and it is the first woman writing in Sanskrit recognized by scholars and comprises of the original Sanskrit text with a new English translation. It forms the 4th volume under the series: Women Writings in Sanskrit Literature. The historical value of this work is discussed along with the introduction of this work. The authoress, instead of drawing the subject matter from the well-known Puranas (as is usual with the generality of Sanskrit poets), has chosen the biography of her royal consort as fit subject to exhibit her remarkable poetical talents.
The work is in the form of a classical kavya conforming to the rules laid down in the treatises on poetics and contains the usual lengthy description of the seasons, the twilight, the rising of the moon and other necessary topics. The authoress writes in the Vaidarbhi style.
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