Vartaman Paripreksya mein Eka Nutan Kavya by: Balram Singh₹295.00 Original price was: ₹295.00.₹266.00Current price is: ₹266.00.
ISBN: 9788124611135
Year Of Publication: 2023
Edition: 1st
Pages : 96
Language : Hindi
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Foreword By : Subhash Kak
Size: 22
Weight: 200
इस पुस्तक में हरिवंशराय बच्चन की मूल मधुशाला की प्रेरणा का पुनर्जागरण किया गया है, जिसमें प्रोफेसर बलराम सिंह ने अपनी वैज्ञानिक दृष्टि से सामाजिक बहुरसता को आधार मानकर उसकी गुत्थियों को हाला के माध्यम से सुलझाने का एक अप्रत्याशित प्रयास किया है। प्रो॰ सिंह की दूरदृष्टि में एक ओर भारतीय ग्रामीण अंचल और दूसरी ओर अमेरिका की आधुनिक ज्ञानधानी व सांस्कृतिक गढ़, बोस्टन, रहा है, जिसकी छाप मधुशाला छन्दों पर स्वाभाविक रूप से निखरती दिखती है। आपने कोरोना महामारी से लेकर जीवन-दर्शन तक को शिक्षा-दीक्षा, स्त्री-पुरुष, देश और सत्ता, ज्ञान-विज्ञान, व प्रकृति-दर्शन जैसे विषयों में पिरोते हुए एक आधुनिक छवि प्रस्तुत की है। ऐसे काल में ऐसी रचना की प्रासंगिकता निश्चित सिद्ध होगी।
दो शब्द
1. हाला
2. महामारी
3. शिक्षा-दीक्षा
4. जीवन
5. स्त्री-पुरुष
6. मनःस्थिति
7. ज्ञान-विज्ञान
8. जीवन-दर्शन
9. प्रकृति-दर्शन
10. समाज
11. देश और सत्ता
12. कवि-भाव
13. मधुशाला प्रभावित उद्गार
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- Sale!An Introduction to the Study of Indian Poetics by: Mahesh Singh Kushwaha, Sanjay Kumar Misra,
₹600.00Original price was: ₹600.00.₹540.00Current price is: ₹540.00.The book aspires to do for Indian poetics what Hudson’s book, An Introduction to the Study of English Literature did for English literature, though in a totally different manner and style. It provides the student with the essential knowledge about almost all aspects of Indian poetics. Based on the original Sanskrit sources, it presents the necessary information lucidly in precise and clear terms. Each chapter is self-contained and complete in itself, with explanatory notes, and a bibliography of relevant works. The Sanskrit terms used in the text are invariably explained or provided with English equivalents.
For quick reference, “A Glossary of Sanskrit Literary Terms” is given in the Appendices, which contain also “A List of Noted Indian Poeticians (including commentators) and Their Works” and “Notes on Major Texts in Indian Poetics”.
This handy volume, with its unique features, will prove invaluable to those who are going to embark on the study of Indian poetics, especially the ones who have no Sanskrit background. To a devoted student, it will prove a useful companion during his/her further studies. - Sale!Rated 5.00 out of 5Integrating Interdisciplinarity through Philosophy by: Ravindra K. S. Choudhary
₹1,900.00Original price was: ₹1,900.00.₹1,710.00Current price is: ₹1,710.00.In the context of current knowledge situation, when every discipline has something to contribute to interdisciplinarity, it seems quite apposite and opportune that philosophy should reinforce and reassert its traditionally cherished role of integrating human knowledge. The Book at hand is an attempt to that end. It is set to take the readers on an enthralling journey across disciplinary boundaries and inspire them to reach a comprehensive conceptual framework for human knowledge at large.
The book delves into the idea and the philosophy of interdisciplinarity, and then unravels the genealogy, dynamics, and myriad configurations of the highly complex phenomenon. It goes on to assess impact, advantages and critical issues involved in interdisciplinarity, while outlining an Indian view of it. The book, thus, explores the conceptual connections, fundamental issues and intrinsic implications of a myriad variety of interdisciplinary study and research, within and beyond academia. The book also attempts to develop necessary theoretical perspectives and a broader conceptual framework in this connection. Ultimately, it seeks to reach, as far as possible, a systematic conceptual account of varied and variegated interdisciplinary studies and researches by integrating them philosophically.
The present work is thus, intended for a wider audience, and not only for the practitioners of philosophy as an academic discipline. It is a must read across the intellectual spectrum, regardless of one’s disciplinary affinities and affiliations. It is wide-ranging in its concerns, far-reaching in implications, and highly resourceful and relevant for generalists as well as specialists, scholars and scientists, researchers and curriculum developers, educational administrators and policy-makers. - Sale!Socio-Literary and Cultural Study of Indian Society by: Indra Nath Choudhuri
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₹1,300.00Original price was: ₹1,300.00.₹1,170.00Current price is: ₹1,170.00.Does Indian civilization have the capacity to change or has it been static? The impression of this civilization as an unchanging one has been revised today. Conflict-tension processes in a complex heterogeneous civilization like that of India are equally important and require in-depth studies along with investigating the continuity of tradition. It is in this context that protest, dissent and reform movements have also played a critical role and facilitated adjustments to changing social realities over the centuries. From time to time alternate systems to the accepted ideological or normative patterns have been suggested. Apparently many of these movements were religious in nature, but the socio-economic context which remains in the background does require further detailed examination. The present volume reflects some aspects of these movements. It is one in the series undertaken as part of the group project A Sourcebook of Indian and Asian Civilizations at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study. The essays in this volume by such scholars as Arun Bali, Savitri Chandra, Narendra Mohan, M.G.S. Narayanan and Veluthat Kesavan; Y.M. Pathan, M.S.A. Rao, Sachchidananda, G.B. Sardar and Pushpa Suri will stimulate discussion and generate new perspectives towards understanding Indian civilization.
- Sale!Volume 2 Morality for the Ailing and Others by: Indrani Sanyal, Ratna Dutta Sharma,
₹1,150.00Original price was: ₹1,150.00.₹1,035.00Current price is: ₹1,035.00.Morality for the Ailing and Others: An Anthology on Applied Ethics, volume 2 is a collection of ten articles written by distinguished scholars who have provided exciting and interesting introduction to some domains of medical ethics, environmental ethics, ethics of politics, exploratory account of moral domains centring female sexuality, women’s position in society and prescribed code of conduct for women and analytic explanation of some hard-core ethical concepts and theories. This publication aims at carrying out the task of emphasizing the link, if any, between hard-core ethical theories and their applications to real life practical situations with special reference to Indian texts and literature. However, any holistic approach to ethics as a branch of philosophy hardly can deny drawing some contrast, comparison and analogy with the Western paradigms. The present anthology is no exception to this custom. Strictly speaking, this is a book on Applied Ethics which aims at exploring concrete suggestions, as far as possible, to meet challenges posed before human beings arising from moral conflicts and dilemmas at different levels of life. Whoever is interested in applied ethics – whether a researcher or a student or a lay reader – will be enormously benefited by the richness of the content of this volume. Authors have sharpened theoretical tools as per their requirements and credibly covered some of the fuzzy areas of practical moral situations. Articles are written in clear language and in very lucid but argumentative style.
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