Vartaman Paripreksya mein Eka Nutan Kavya by: Balram Singh₹295.00 Original price was: ₹295.00.₹266.00Current price is: ₹266.00.
ISBN: 9788124611135
Year Of Publication: 2023
Edition: 1st
Pages : 96
Language : Hindi
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Foreword By : Subhash Kak
Size: 22
Weight: 200
इस पुस्तक में हरिवंशराय बच्चन की मूल मधुशाला की प्रेरणा का पुनर्जागरण किया गया है, जिसमें प्रोफेसर बलराम सिंह ने अपनी वैज्ञानिक दृष्टि से सामाजिक बहुरसता को आधार मानकर उसकी गुत्थियों को हाला के माध्यम से सुलझाने का एक अप्रत्याशित प्रयास किया है। प्रो॰ सिंह की दूरदृष्टि में एक ओर भारतीय ग्रामीण अंचल और दूसरी ओर अमेरिका की आधुनिक ज्ञानधानी व सांस्कृतिक गढ़, बोस्टन, रहा है, जिसकी छाप मधुशाला छन्दों पर स्वाभाविक रूप से निखरती दिखती है। आपने कोरोना महामारी से लेकर जीवन-दर्शन तक को शिक्षा-दीक्षा, स्त्री-पुरुष, देश और सत्ता, ज्ञान-विज्ञान, व प्रकृति-दर्शन जैसे विषयों में पिरोते हुए एक आधुनिक छवि प्रस्तुत की है। ऐसे काल में ऐसी रचना की प्रासंगिकता निश्चित सिद्ध होगी।
दो शब्द
1. हाला
2. महामारी
3. शिक्षा-दीक्षा
4. जीवन
5. स्त्री-पुरुष
6. मनःस्थिति
7. ज्ञान-विज्ञान
8. जीवन-दर्शन
9. प्रकृति-दर्शन
10. समाज
11. देश और सत्ता
12. कवि-भाव
13. मधुशाला प्रभावित उद्गार
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- Sale!An Introduction to the Study of Indian Poetics by: Mahesh Singh Kushwaha, Sanjay Kumar Misra,
₹600.00Original price was: ₹600.00.₹540.00Current price is: ₹540.00.The book aspires to do for Indian poetics what Hudson’s book, An Introduction to the Study of English Literature did for English literature, though in a totally different manner and style. It provides the student with the essential knowledge about almost all aspects of Indian poetics. Based on the original Sanskrit sources, it presents the necessary information lucidly in precise and clear terms. Each chapter is self-contained and complete in itself, with explanatory notes, and a bibliography of relevant works. The Sanskrit terms used in the text are invariably explained or provided with English equivalents.
For quick reference, “A Glossary of Sanskrit Literary Terms” is given in the Appendices, which contain also “A List of Noted Indian Poeticians (including commentators) and Their Works” and “Notes on Major Texts in Indian Poetics”.
This handy volume, with its unique features, will prove invaluable to those who are going to embark on the study of Indian poetics, especially the ones who have no Sanskrit background. To a devoted student, it will prove a useful companion during his/her further studies. - Sale!Vedanta Science and Technology: A Multidimensional Apporoach by: Girish Nath Jha, Bal Ram Singh, Sukalyan Sengupta,
₹3,000.00Original price was: ₹3,000.00.₹2,700.00Current price is: ₹2,700.00.Vedānta texts have been well known for their richness in fundamental scientific and technological principles with strong potential for research and development today. In fact, much of ancient India’s remarkable achievements in science and technology can be credited to Vedantic texts.
This volume – proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Vedanta held during 27-30 December 2015 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – features 53 scholarly articles from a wide variety of areas of study. The 22nd Vedanta was a confluence of scholars from various disciplines and the papers in this volume bear the imprint of an intense discussion that is usually expected from a good Vedanta seminar. Though the majority of the papers are in English, a few are in Sanskrit and Hindi as well. The papers are grouped under Vedānta Studies, Vedānta and Philosophy, Vedānta and Science, Vedānta and Culture, Applied Vedānta, and Digital Access and Search of Sanskrit Texts.
This multidimensional approach extends the core scientific ideas of Vedānta to social, cultural, aesthetic and religious aspects of studies, creating a wide spectrum of intellectual discourse and trying to discover fundamental scientific and technological aspects of Vedānta studies.
Being a worthwhile addition to Vedānta studies, this volume should invoke keen interest among all those who are deeply into it, be a student, a researcher or a common reader. - Sale!Rated 5.00 out of 5Integrating Interdisciplinarity through Philosophy by: Ravindra K. S. Choudhary
₹1,900.00Original price was: ₹1,900.00.₹1,710.00Current price is: ₹1,710.00.In the context of current knowledge situation, when every discipline has something to contribute to interdisciplinarity, it seems quite apposite and opportune that philosophy should reinforce and reassert its traditionally cherished role of integrating human knowledge. The Book at hand is an attempt to that end. It is set to take the readers on an enthralling journey across disciplinary boundaries and inspire them to reach a comprehensive conceptual framework for human knowledge at large.
The book delves into the idea and the philosophy of interdisciplinarity, and then unravels the genealogy, dynamics, and myriad configurations of the highly complex phenomenon. It goes on to assess impact, advantages and critical issues involved in interdisciplinarity, while outlining an Indian view of it. The book, thus, explores the conceptual connections, fundamental issues and intrinsic implications of a myriad variety of interdisciplinary study and research, within and beyond academia. The book also attempts to develop necessary theoretical perspectives and a broader conceptual framework in this connection. Ultimately, it seeks to reach, as far as possible, a systematic conceptual account of varied and variegated interdisciplinary studies and researches by integrating them philosophically.
The present work is thus, intended for a wider audience, and not only for the practitioners of philosophy as an academic discipline. It is a must read across the intellectual spectrum, regardless of one’s disciplinary affinities and affiliations. It is wide-ranging in its concerns, far-reaching in implications, and highly resourceful and relevant for generalists as well as specialists, scholars and scientists, researchers and curriculum developers, educational administrators and policy-makers. - Sale!Marwari Community in Eastern India by: Narayan Chandra Saha
₹550.00Original price was: ₹550.00.₹495.00Current price is: ₹495.00.The migration of a community to a specific region and its prosperous growth there, is dependent on a number of socio-economic factors that require in-depth research to understand the nuances of change and complexities of the communitys interaction with the society, economy and polity of the region. This book attempts a study on these lines with respect to the settlement and growth of the Marwari community in the northern districts of West Bengal, throwing light on different aspects of their development as an important business community in the region. Based on surveys and references to district gazetteers, government records as well as articles in newspapers and magazines, the work covers the early history of the Marwari community including its social, cultural, religious and caste identities. It goes into the nature of the Marwari peoples commercial pursuits in the districts under study: their industrial activities, and cultural and political contributions. It deals with significant changes on their part, like their switchover from money-lending to money-investing business, in order to flourish in the settled region and studies the role of the Marwari merchants and entrepreneurs in trade and commerce activities in the region, particularly in import and export. It also highlights their philanthropic nature, power of adaptability, broad outlook and other aspects that have helped them mingle with the locals and achieve success in their pioneering efforts.
- Sale!Sleeping to Dream and Dreaming to Wake Up by: Vijay Srinath Kanchi
₹1,600.00Original price was: ₹1,600.00.₹1,440.00Current price is: ₹1,440.00.“Dreams play a significant role in our life, meaningfully affecting us in the development of our personality and our spiritual journey. They are an everyday experience for any human being. Dreams have always been of great interest to poets and philosophers alike since ancient times and examples are aplenty in Indian and Western scriptures. However, it is an uphill task for an ordinary person to fully appreciate the intricacies and significance of dreams in the day-to-day life. It is here that this book proves as an invaluable guide providing deep understanding on the nature of dream and sleep.
This book is a repertoire of human wisdom – gathered for centuries and attested by the modern science – offering enormous insights into our dream and deep-sleep states. It asks, from a common man’s point of view, many a question that perturb us and provides answers to them from the scientific and spiritual perspectives in a captivating way. Some such questions include:
• Do we see dreams in black and white or in colour?
• What does a visually-challenged person see in his dreams?
• Why are some of our dreams extraordinarily vivid with electric colours, the clarity and brilliance of which, we may never encounter in our ordinary waking lives?
• Why are we non-reflective, irrational in our dreams?
• Are the dream time and waking time equal?
• How does our memory work in dream state? Why do we forget our dreams and is it possible to improve dream recall and cultivate awareness in dreams?
• Why do we fail to distinguish a dream object from the physical world object while we are dreaming?
• If the dream experience exactly feels like the real world and we fail to distinguish it from the waking world while we are dreaming, how can we be certain that we are not dreaming now?
• How does a dream contain various persons exhibiting opposite emotions at the same time when all the dream characters including the witnessing dreamer are produced out of single mind of the dreaming person?
• Can we intentionally transform the dream scenarios? If so, what would be the philosophical implications of it?
• Can dreams and sleeps be utilized for spiritual elevation?
… and many more questions we always wondered about the daily eight hours of our bed time, but never got the right answers to! We find new meanings and ways in dealing with our dreams in this volume, therefore, it is a must read for every dream enthusiast as well as any serious spiritual seeker.
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