Vartaman Paripreksya mein Eka Nutan Kavya by: Balram Singh₹295.00 Original price was: ₹295.00.₹266.00Current price is: ₹266.00.
ISBN: 9788124611135
Year Of Publication: 2023
Edition: 1st
Pages : 96
Language : Hindi
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Foreword By : Subhash Kak
Size: 22
Weight: 200
इस पुस्तक में हरिवंशराय बच्चन की मूल मधुशाला की प्रेरणा का पुनर्जागरण किया गया है, जिसमें प्रोफेसर बलराम सिंह ने अपनी वैज्ञानिक दृष्टि से सामाजिक बहुरसता को आधार मानकर उसकी गुत्थियों को हाला के माध्यम से सुलझाने का एक अप्रत्याशित प्रयास किया है। प्रो॰ सिंह की दूरदृष्टि में एक ओर भारतीय ग्रामीण अंचल और दूसरी ओर अमेरिका की आधुनिक ज्ञानधानी व सांस्कृतिक गढ़, बोस्टन, रहा है, जिसकी छाप मधुशाला छन्दों पर स्वाभाविक रूप से निखरती दिखती है। आपने कोरोना महामारी से लेकर जीवन-दर्शन तक को शिक्षा-दीक्षा, स्त्री-पुरुष, देश और सत्ता, ज्ञान-विज्ञान, व प्रकृति-दर्शन जैसे विषयों में पिरोते हुए एक आधुनिक छवि प्रस्तुत की है। ऐसे काल में ऐसी रचना की प्रासंगिकता निश्चित सिद्ध होगी।
दो शब्द
1. हाला
2. महामारी
3. शिक्षा-दीक्षा
4. जीवन
5. स्त्री-पुरुष
6. मनःस्थिति
7. ज्ञान-विज्ञान
8. जीवन-दर्शन
9. प्रकृति-दर्शन
10. समाज
11. देश और सत्ता
12. कवि-भाव
13. मधुशाला प्रभावित उद्गार
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- Sale!Volume 2 Morality for the Ailing and Others by: Indrani Sanyal, Ratna Dutta Sharma,
₹1,150.00Original price was: ₹1,150.00.₹1,035.00Current price is: ₹1,035.00.Morality for the Ailing and Others: An Anthology on Applied Ethics, volume 2 is a collection of ten articles written by distinguished scholars who have provided exciting and interesting introduction to some domains of medical ethics, environmental ethics, ethics of politics, exploratory account of moral domains centring female sexuality, women’s position in society and prescribed code of conduct for women and analytic explanation of some hard-core ethical concepts and theories. This publication aims at carrying out the task of emphasizing the link, if any, between hard-core ethical theories and their applications to real life practical situations with special reference to Indian texts and literature. However, any holistic approach to ethics as a branch of philosophy hardly can deny drawing some contrast, comparison and analogy with the Western paradigms. The present anthology is no exception to this custom. Strictly speaking, this is a book on Applied Ethics which aims at exploring concrete suggestions, as far as possible, to meet challenges posed before human beings arising from moral conflicts and dilemmas at different levels of life. Whoever is interested in applied ethics – whether a researcher or a student or a lay reader – will be enormously benefited by the richness of the content of this volume. Authors have sharpened theoretical tools as per their requirements and credibly covered some of the fuzzy areas of practical moral situations. Articles are written in clear language and in very lucid but argumentative style.
- Sale!Rated 5.00 out of 5Madhuravijayam, or Virakamparacarita of Gangadevi by: Dr. Sujatha Reddy
₹520.00Original price was: ₹520.00.₹468.00Current price is: ₹468.00.The Madhuravijayam (Sanskrit: मधुराविजयम्), meaning “The Victory of Madurai”, is a fourteenth-century CE Sanskrit poem written by the poet Gangadevi. It is also named the Vīra Kamparaya Caritam by the poet. Gangadevi, also known as Gangambika, was a poetess in the Vijayanagara Empire during the fourteenth century and chronicled the story of the victory of her husband, Kumara Kampana, son of Bukka Raya I, over the Muslims in Madurai, in the form of a poem. The poem celebrates the victory of the Vijayanagara Empire’s crown prince, Kamparaya, over Madurai. In addition to battle scenes a wash with blood, gore and plenty of poetic fantasy, the poetess describes how her husband Kampa passes the time between wars with his multitude of beautiful wives.
This edition is prepared to highlight that it is composed by a woman and it is the first woman writing in Sanskrit recognized by scholars and comprises of the original Sanskrit text with a new English translation. It forms the 4th volume under the series: Women Writings in Sanskrit Literature. The historical value of this work is discussed along with the introduction of this work. The authoress, instead of drawing the subject matter from the well-known Puranas (as is usual with the generality of Sanskrit poets), has chosen the biography of her royal consort as fit subject to exhibit her remarkable poetical talents.
The work is in the form of a classical kavya conforming to the rules laid down in the treatises on poetics and contains the usual lengthy description of the seasons, the twilight, the rising of the moon and other necessary topics. The authoress writes in the Vaidarbhi style.
- Sale!The Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata by: Walter Eugene Clark
₹300.00Original price was: ₹300.00.₹270.00Current price is: ₹270.00.The Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata is of great work in the annals of the history of Indian mathematics and astronomy. This volume is expected to give a complete translation (with notes) of the Aryabhatiya with references to some of the most important parallel passages. It is a brief descriptive work intended to supplement matters and processes which are generally known and agreed upon to give only the most distinctive features of Aryabhatas own system. Many common places and many simple processes are taken for granted.
The book vividly addresses topics such as dashagitika, ganitapada, kalakriya and gola in much details. Withstanding many a criticism from people like Brahmagupta on the theories of Aryabhata, this volume through the introductory chapter contends that the Aryabhatiya, on the whole, is quite genuine. It presents Aryabhata as an innovator, thus his difference from Smriti or tradition in his approach to many astronomical matters is fully justified. It also discusses a serious internal discrepancy in the Aryabhatiya about the stationary and revolutionary nature of earth.
This book helps in introducing Aryabhata and the quintessential of Aryabhatiya to the mathematicians and astronomers of the new generations, for whom the original language Sanskrit and the old processes might be unknown. - Sale!Cinema Through Rasa by: Prachand Praveer
₹1,500.00Original price was: ₹1,500.00.₹1,350.00Current price is: ₹1,350.00.Cinema Through Rasa discusses the important works of the world cinema in the light of Rasa Siddhānta of the Indian classical aesthetics. Rasa Siddhānta was first mentioned in Bharata Muni’s Nāṭyaśāstra – the ancient treatise on dramaturgy. This book catalogues the major cinematic works in the light of Abhinavabhāratī – a tenth-century commentary on the Nāṭyaśāstra by the great Kashmiri Śaivite philosopher Abhinavagupta. Further, it outlines the links between puruṣārtha, the cultural value system of life pursuits in Indian tradition, and aesthetics while citing examples from the works of major directors such as Orson Welles, Luis Buñuel, Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Andrei Tarkovsky, Alfred Hitchcock, Carl Dreyer, Charlie Chaplin, Sergei Eisenstein, Robert Bresson and Satyajit Ray.
Using contemporary scholars’ interpretation of non-dualistic Kashmir Śaivism tradition, Cinema Through Rasa aims to serve as a tribute to Abhinavagupta’s genius, a commentary on important ideas such as rasa, nature of emotions, cinema and beauty along with a tryst with the masterpieces of the world cinema. The meaning of this book is summarized by this verse – na hi rasād r̥te kaścid arthaḥ pravartate – the medium of cinema, though modern, should be seen as resting in the power of rasa without which nothing makes any sense.
This book is a translation of the original Hindi book Abhinava Cinema, which was first published in 2016. Abhinava Cinema was lauded as innovative, path-breaking and a must-read for students of literature and cinema studies by scholars and critics. - Sale!Vedanta Science and Technology: A Multidimensional Apporoach by: Girish Nath Jha, Bal Ram Singh, Sukalyan Sengupta,
₹3,000.00Original price was: ₹3,000.00.₹2,700.00Current price is: ₹2,700.00.Vedānta texts have been well known for their richness in fundamental scientific and technological principles with strong potential for research and development today. In fact, much of ancient India’s remarkable achievements in science and technology can be credited to Vedantic texts.
This volume – proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Vedanta held during 27-30 December 2015 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – features 53 scholarly articles from a wide variety of areas of study. The 22nd Vedanta was a confluence of scholars from various disciplines and the papers in this volume bear the imprint of an intense discussion that is usually expected from a good Vedanta seminar. Though the majority of the papers are in English, a few are in Sanskrit and Hindi as well. The papers are grouped under Vedānta Studies, Vedānta and Philosophy, Vedānta and Science, Vedānta and Culture, Applied Vedānta, and Digital Access and Search of Sanskrit Texts.
This multidimensional approach extends the core scientific ideas of Vedānta to social, cultural, aesthetic and religious aspects of studies, creating a wide spectrum of intellectual discourse and trying to discover fundamental scientific and technological aspects of Vedānta studies.
Being a worthwhile addition to Vedānta studies, this volume should invoke keen interest among all those who are deeply into it, be a student, a researcher or a common reader.
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