Sanskrit Studies Vol...
Sanskrit Studies Vol. 4
Vol. 4, Samvat 2071-72 by: C. Upender RaoThis fourth volume in Sanskrit Studies from JNU encompasses a vast range of Sanskrit disciplines including language, literature, grammar and philosophy of Sanskrit, and related disciplines like Pali, Prakrit and Apabhramsha studies, both traditional and modern subjects, showcasing the profound views of erudite scholars from India and abroad.
ISBN: 9788124608371
Year Of Publication: 2015
Edition: 1st edition
Pages : xvi, 318p.
Bibliographic Details : Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: Speical Centre for Sanskrit Studies
Size: 23
Weight: 600
The fourth volume of Sanskrit studies (2015) is a consecutive publication of the Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. This publication from JNU is intended to throw the light on vast range of Sanskrit studies such as language and literature of Sanskrit, Grammar and linguistics, Vedanta and other ancient Indian Philosophies, Poetics, Dramaturgy, Historiography of Vedic Age, Purana and Dharmashastra, etc.
This anthology presents the profound views of experienced and young scholars from India and abroad. It addresses both traditional and modern systems prevailed in the area of Sanskrit Studies. Sanskrit is the source of great inspiration and treasure house of various knowledge systems. Its literature has spread the universal brotherhood and sustainable human relations in the world. Therefore Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies determined to bring out this publication in the field of Sanskrit Studies on vast range of Sanskrit disciplines which cover not only Language, Literature, Grammar and Philosophy of Sanskrit, but also the related disciplines such as Pali, Prakrit and Apabhramsha studies.
The seventeen articles in this volume fourteen in English and three in Sanskrit cover topics such as Champa in the Global Vision of Classical India; Kashmirs Contribution to Sanskrit Literature; Concept of Nirvikalpaka and Savikalpaka; Reconstructing Abhiramamani; Legend of King Nimi and Uttarakanda of Valmiki Ramayana; A Dense Definition of Rupaka; Abduction and Marriage in Ithihasa and Purana; Problem of Iron in Rigvedic Society; Ancient Indian Methodology of Authoring Textbooks; Bana: A Histographer; Vedantadarshne Brahmasvarupam; among others.
Editorial Committee and Faculty Members
Key to Transliteration
1. Champa in the Global Vision of Classical India
Lokesh Chandra
2. Kashmirs Contribution to Sanskrit Literature
Satya Vrat Shastri
3. The Concept of Nirvikalpaka and Savikalpaka in Indian Epistemology
K.T. Pandurangi
4. Reconstructing Abhiramamani : A Lost Sanskrit Play
Radhavallabh Tripathi
5. Once Again on Vipratishedha
Rama Nath Sharma
6. The Legend of King Nimi and the Uttarakanda of the Valmiki Ramayana
Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
7. A Dense Definition of Rupaka : What Does Rupyate Mean in Bhamahas Kavyalamkara 2.21?
Tiziana Pontillo
8. A Note on Adhishthana
Toru Yagi
9. Carried Away : Abduction and Marriage in Sanskrit Itihasa and Purana
Robert P. Goldman
10. To the Problem of Iron in Rigvedic Society : Ayas/Ayasa/Ayasi
Perzashkevich Aleh
11. Spiritual Unanimity and Ecological Morality of Hinduism and Tengrism
Yelena I. Rudenko
12. Authoring Textbooks : Ancient Indian Methodology A Review
Shrinivasa Varakhedi
13. Bana : A Historiographer of Seventh-century India
Gauri Mahulikar
14. Poet-Philosopher Vasudevananda Saraswati
Kanchan Mande
15. Vedantadarshane Brahmasvarupam
Abhiraj Rajendra Mishra
16. Vangeshu Sanskritaparishilanam
Satkari Mukhopadhyaya
17. Manavata Kalidasabhimata
Ramesh Kumar Pandey
Index of Essays in English
Index of Essays in Sanskrit