Concise Dictionary o...
Concise Dictionary of Philosophy (PB)
by: K. Srinivas , V. Kutumba SastryThis dictionary serves as an immediate reference book to the teachers and the students of philosophy and also to the general readers. It covers as many as seventeen hundred entries that include the most commonly used philosophical terms of the East and the West and the brief biographies of prominent philosophers of the Orient as well as the Occident.
₹500.00 Original price was: ₹500.00.₹450.00Current price is: ₹450.00.
ISBN: 9788124604014
Year Of Publication: 2007
Edition: 1st
Pages : xi, 426
Language : English
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23 cm.
Weight: 750 gm.
This dictionary serves as an immediate reference book to the teachers and the students of philosophy and also to the general readers. It covers as many as seventeen hundred entries that include the most commonly used philosophical terms of the East and the West and the brief biographies of prominent philosophers of the Orient as well as the Occident.

- Sale!Tattvopaplavasimha Carvaka darasana ke katipaya pahalu (???????????????? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ????) by: Richa Arya
₹795.00Original price was: ₹795.00.₹716.00Current price is: ₹716.00.Jayarashibhatta’s Tattvopaplavsimha (ca. 8th cent.) is considered to be an important work of the Caravaka (Charvak) philosophy. The Charvak philosophy rejects evidence other than the direct evidence, to the extent that it does not consider sky as an element in the five fundamental elements (earth, water, fire, air and sky). The manuscript of Tattvopaplavisimha was obtained from Patan (modern-day Patna) in 1926. It was published in the Oriental Series in 1940 and with an introduction in Hindi by Pandit Sukhlal Sanghvi in 1987. The historical work examines the definitions of the evidence as accepted by various arms of Indian philosophy. The present book reviews the refutation of various epistemological principles explained in Tattvopaplavsimha.जयराशिभट्ट कृत तत्त्वोपप्लवसिंह (आठवीं शताब्दी) चार्वाक दर्शन का ग्रन्थ माना जाता है। चार्वाक दर्शन प्रत्यक्ष प्रमाण के अतिरिक्त सभी प्रमाणों को अस्वीकार करता है, इसके साथ ही प्रत्यक्ष को ही एकमात्र प्रमाण मानने के कारण चार्वाक पंचतत्वों (पृथ्वी, जल, अग्नि, वायु एवं आकाश) में आकाश तत्त्व को नकारता है। तत्त्वोपप्लवसिंह ग्रन्थ की पाण्डुलिपि सन 1926 में पाटन से प्राप्त हुई। सन 1940 में ओरियंटल सीरीज में तथा 1987 में पंडित श्री सुखलाल जी सांघवी की हिंदी भूमिका के साथ प्रकाशित हुआ। यह ग्रन्थ वैतण्डिक पद्धति होने के कारण भारतीय दर्शन के विभिन्न सम्प्रदायों द्वारा स्वीकृत प्रमाणों की परिभाषाओँ और प्रमाण की परीक्षा करता है। प्रस्तुत पुस्तक में तत्त्वोपप्लवसिंह में व्याख्यायित विभिन्न ज्ञानमीमांसीय सिद्धांतों के खंडन की समीक्षा की गयी है।
- Sale!Sallekhana by: Shugan Chand Jain, Christopher Key Chapple,
₹1,200.00Original price was: ₹1,200.00.₹1,080.00Current price is: ₹1,080.00.Jainism regards life to be eternal. Recognizing that the soul can never die, but merely takes a new body, a careful tradition welcoming death through intentional fasting developed more than two thousand years ago. A legal challenge Rajasthan was put forward in 2013, suggesting that this practice is harmful and coercive and targets women in particular. For a short while Sallekhanā, which means the “thinning of existence,” was declared illegal. In response to this controversy, three conferences were convened by the International School for Jain Studies to explore the legal, religious, and medical aspects of this practice. Experts discussed the long history of the practice, attested to in epigraphs throughout India; the ways in which fasting to death has become an acceptable practice in the Western world; and contemporary instances of its observance in India. This volume presents an interdisciplinary approach to thinking about the end of life, from biomedical, historical, religious, and legal perspectives.
- Sale!Sapiens and Sthitaprajna by: Ashwini A. Mokashi
₹800.00Original price was: ₹800.00.₹720.00Current price is: ₹720.00.Sapiens and Sthitaprajna studies the concept of a wise person in the Stoic Seneca and in the Bhagavadgita. Although the Gita and Seneca’s writings were composed at least two centuries apart and a continent apart, they have much in common in recommending a well-lived life. This book describes how in both a wise person is endowed with both virtue and wisdom, is moral, makes right judgements and takes responsibility for actions. A wise and virtuous person always enjoys happiness, as happiness consists in knowing that one has done the right thing at the right time.
Both Seneca and the Gita demand intellectual rigour and wisdom for leading a virtuous and effective life. They provide guidelines for how to become and be wise. Both systems demand a sage to be emotionally sound and devoid of passions. This leads to mental peace and balance, and ultimately tranquillity and happiness. While surveying these similarities, this study also finds differences in their ways of application of these ideas. The metaphysics of the Gita obliges the sage to practise meditation, while the Stoics require a sage to be a rational person committed to analysing and intellectualizing any situation.
This comparative study will be of interest to students of both Ancient Western and Ancient Indian Philosophy. Practitioners of Stoicism and followers of the Gita should find the presence of closely-related ideas in a very different tradition of interest while perhaps finding somewhat different prescriptions a spur to action. - Sale!Seven Quartets of Becoming by: Debashish Banerji
₹1,200.00Original price was: ₹1,200.00.₹1,080.00Current price is: ₹1,080.00.Groomed in a modern academic tradition and post-Enlightenment ideals of creative freedom and social critique, Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) turned his attention to yoga and the limits of consciousness in its ability to relate to and transform nature. In the process, he documented scrupulously his experiments and experiences based on a synergistic existential framework of practice.
Debashish Banerji correlates the approach to yoga Sri Aurobindo took in his diaries with his later writings, to derive a description of human subjectivity and its powers. Banerji constellates Sri Aurobindo’s approach with transpersonal psychology and contemporary lineages of phenomenology and ontology, to develop a transformative yoga psychology redefining the boundaries and possibilities of the human and opening up lines of self-practice towards a wholeness of being and becoming.
Both scholar and Yogi, Aurobindo (1872-1950) carefully documented the unfolding of spiritual consciousness starting shortly after his deep revelatory experiences while in prison in 1908. His observations were recently published in a two volume set, The Record of Yoga. Debashish Banerji has analyzed this work and offers a detailed, clear, systematic and inspirational interpretation of how the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo may be understood and practiced.
Þ From the `Foreword’ of
Prof. Christopher Key Chapple
Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, (USA) - Sale!Action, Freedom and Responsibility by: Subasini Barik
₹750.00Original price was: ₹750.00.₹675.00Current price is: ₹675.00.This book, a work on human doing, analyses and applies three central aspects of human life – Action, Freedom and Responsibility – in the wide spectrum of the Philosophy of Mind. Reflections on these issues and their interconnections have a significant effect on the Philosophy of Value and application of ethical theories in practical life. This book even reconstructs the conceptual connection between action and freedom, on the one hand, and that between freedom and responsibility, on the other.
It also puts the concepts of freedom and determinism to critical test and reinterprets them from different angles and perspectives. The conventional doctrine of karma, based on the teachings of the Bhagavadgātā, is relieved from its usual deterministic presentation and a logically reasonable explanation is offered.
Human actions and human agency are central concepts in the philosophy of mind and action. Free will and responsibility constitute the bedrock of the moral life of the human agents and the book pinpoints that freedom is meant to undertake the goal-oriented actions. It is, therefore, focused on the enquiry into the various aspects of philosophy of mind, as well as the philosophy of value.