Professor Sudhir Kum...
Professor Sudhir Kumar Saxena Centenary Celebrations
by: Manjula Saxena₹550.00 Original price was: ₹550.00.₹495.00Current price is: ₹495.00.
ISBN: 9788124612330
Year Of Publication: 2023
Edition: 1st
Pages : vi, 60
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23
Weight: 275
1. Uniqueness of the Tradition of Teaching Indian Classical Music Arising out of the Concept of “Kanthasth” Knowledge
2. The Principles and Aesthetic Aspects of Improvising and Creating Compositions in the Field of the Art of Tabla
3. A Journey from Ancient Tripuskar Vaadya to Modern Indian Percussion Instrument Tabla
4. Traditional Tabla Playing with Diverse Compositions
5. Philosophical Aesthetics and Indian Music

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- Sale!Hindustani Music Today by: Deepak S. Raja
₹600.00Original price was: ₹600.00.₹540.00Current price is: ₹540.00.Stating that Hindustani music should be rightly termed Art music and not classical music, the book begins by discussing the features of Art music and presents an approach to appreciating Hindustani music. It provides a detailed understanding of the components of the raga experience in Hindustani music, including their time theory and the role of Gharanas of the musical tradition.
It deals with genres of raga-based vocal music which have been performed over the last five centuries: Dhrupad, which has its moorings in devotional music; Khayal vocalism shaped by Sufi influences; the thumree, which originated as an accompaniment to the Kathak dance; and the tappa, adapted from the songs of camel drivers in the north-west frontier. It takes up the use of instruments in Hindustani music, especially the Rudra Veena, Sitar, Surbahar, Sarod, Santoor, the Shehnai, Pakhawaj, the Hawaiian Guitar and many others, giving an account of their origin, performing styles and lineages relating to them.
Throughout, the emphasis is on contemporary trends in Hindustani music and its prospects in the future. It mentions the significant practitioners of Hindustani music, both vocal and instrumental.
The volume will interest lovers of Indian music and also scholars who want to have a greater understanding of its traditions, its contemporary appeal and trends in practice. - Sale!Rasa in Aesthetics by: Priyadarshi Patnaik
₹990.00Original price was: ₹990.00.₹891.00Current price is: ₹891.00.The Indian tradition of criticism is over two millennia old. And its rasa theory has, from the beginning, essentially influenced authors, connoisseurs and art critics alike. First expounded sometime between the 1st century bc and the fourth century AD in the eminent aesthetician, Bharata’s Natya Shastra, rasa theory deals with the ‘emotive content’ of a work of art — how it is depicted, inferred and transmitted. Dr. Patnaik’s book is a unique effort that demonstrates, with diverse examples, the universality of this ancient theory and its applicability to modern Western classics. Elucidating afresh the concept of rasa and all its nine primary kinds largely on the basis of Natya Shastra of Bharata and the commentaries of the tenth-century aesthetician, Abhinavagupta, the book investigates the validity of rasa theory as an aesthetic, more specifically, a literary theory, and how its canons are applicable to modern Western literature as well as Chinese love lyrics and Japanese haiku poems. Dr. Patnaik’s transcultural exploration, thus, covers all major genres of literature — poetry, drama and fiction; and also major writers — Lawrence, Mayakovsky, Kafka, Camus, Conrad, Hemingway, Faulkner, Marquez, Eliot, Hesse, O’Neill, Ionesco, Beckett, Lorca, Neruda and several others. In emphasizing the universal validity of the rasa theory, the author considers certain modern problems relevant to text, meaning and readers’/audiences’ response as well. Very few are the examples of applied rasa theory even in Sanskrit and other Indian literatures, leave alone its application to Western creative writing. This book, with its bold framework and lucid style, should, therefore, fascinate the scholars of Indology, Indian aesthetics and, above all, comparative literary criticism.
- Sale!Aesthetics by: Manjula Saxena
₹600.00Original price was: ₹600.00.₹540.00Current price is: ₹540.00.After its attainment of Independence, India has witnessed the quickening of a new life in the field of art as well. Cultural exchanges between its various regions have shown a marked upswing, and reflection on cultural matters has also increased beyond expectations. Concurrently, in quite a few of our colleges and universities aesthetics has been included in the syllabi as an optional subject of study. Some books on this subject, mostly written in the traditional way, are surely available; but philosophical aesthetics, which is today regarded as a distinct intellectual achievement of the twentieth century, still remains largely neglected in the field of Indian scholarship. What is worse, a Hindi book on this form of aesthetics has never been attempted before the present work.
It is precisely this need which this book seeks to meet fairly. With an eye to facilitate understanding of the basic concepts and related problems of contemporary aesthetics, the author has taken pains to give appropriate references, as illustration, to Hindi, Urdu, and English poetry, and music. This should make the book useful to students of both philosophy and music.
Its language is simple Hindustani; and the manner of writing is free from needless ambiguities. Readers in general should therefore find it not only easy to follow, but interesting as well. - Sale!Art, Aesthetics and Philosophy by: S.G. Kulkarni, Kavita Chauhan,
₹420.00Original price was: ₹420.00.₹378.00Current price is: ₹378.00.The savants of the twentieth century have excavated the past to discerningly reveal the present. Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi and Ananda Coomaraswamy, among others, interpreted Indian aesthetics, civilization, culture and philosophy unearthing the Indian wisdom against the wrong interpretations and teachings of the Western colonial scholars. This volume, a collection of papers presented at a national seminar on the Philosophy of Ananda Coomaraswamy held in February 2011 at the University of Hyderabad, approaches Coomaraswamys philosophy on Indian aesthetics, life and religion from different perspectives.
The volume brings forth different facets of Coomaraswamy: as a catalyst in spiritualizing Indian arts; his views on modernism and anti-modernism; his efforts in aestheticizing India; his polemics of decolonization through art criticism; his aesthetical philosophy; his perception and understanding on art, culture and Indianness; his metaphysics; and his philosophical approach to visuals and materials from the lens of an art historian. It sketches Coomaraswamys multifaceted persona, enunciating that the crux of modern Indian philosophy is one of vision, rather than building theories.
In a nutshell this book presents the varied reflections on Coomaraswamys personality as a philosopher, art historian, art curator and his strong positioning against the colonial teachings of Western art historians and philosophers on Indias art, civilization and culture, projecting an image of Indianness in every sphere. - Sale!Buddhism as/in Performance by: David E.R. George
₹500.00Original price was: ₹500.00.₹450.00Current price is: ₹450.00.Professor George has ventured into a comparatively unchartered area seeking, as he does, to explore the art and concept of performance in Buddhism more specially in the context of Buddhist meditation and theatre. Spelling out the epistemology of performance in all its different connotations and definitional nuances, his study opens out an astonishingly vast panorama of the Buddhist theatrical practices in Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Nepal, Tibet . . . and goes on to demonstrate how, within this panorama, three kinds of theatrical practice can be identified, each corresponding to one of the three paths open to a Buddhist: the karma path, the Bodhisattva option, and enlightenment, and each representative of one of the three main cultures of Buddhism the Hinayana, Mahayana, Vajrayana. Supported by extensive endnotes and bibliographic references, Dr. Georges book also carries a range of case studies of the art of performance in Buddhism, with definitive examples, among others, of the Sri Lankan Kandy dance and Karma drama, Tibetan Chams and Chod, and Japanese Noh. Buddhism as/in Performance is a commendable piece of painstaking research, presented in a jargonless, compellingly readable style. It is certainly a pre-eminent contribution to drama studies, particularly of Buddhist theatrical practices.
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